35 Year Old
From West Plains, MO·
Joined on August 28, 2014
Relationship status: Single
Born on February 14th
I have a crush on someone and 1 person has a crush on me!
35 Year Old
From West Plains, MO·
Joined on August 28, 2014
Relationship status: Single
Born on February 14th
I have a crush on someone and 1 person has a crush on me!
35 Year Old
From West Plains, MO·
Joined on August 28, 2014
Relationship status: Single
Born on February 14th
I have a crush on someone and 1 person has a crush on me!
Latest Status
chadabas I am happy and content because I think I am.
2Hey came by your page pushed all your buttons can you fan me please :)Rated/Liked/Fanned You :)come chat in Lounge Erotiquecome chat with me!!!just click the pic :) and chat in Lounge Erotique
Hi Stopped by and liked, rated, and fanned you so why not return the favor...Click the pic to chat with me tell them Sara sent youIf you don't like lounges sorry let me know I will come back and delete (h)
I am only inviting my friends, YOU ARE OFFICIALLY INVITED! to come to the FUWedding of the Shenanigator and Meta.Dolphin, this will be for lounge members ONLY..... please"join us" before February 8th and become a member of our lounges.A FUWEDDING! FEBRUARY 10THCOME IN NOW AND JOIN THE PARTY AND MEET THE CAST!CLICK ON EITHER PIC! 2 JOIN US NOW! SHENANIGANS
Stopped by and liked, rated, and fanned you so why not return the favor...Click the pic to chat with me tell them Sara sent youIf you don't like lounges sorry let me know I will come back and delete (h)
2Hey came by your page pushed all your buttons can you fan me please :)Rated/Li ked/Fanned You :)come chat in Lounge Erotique come chat with me!!!jus t click the pic :) and chat in Lounge Erotique