What can I say, this is where I will talk about who I am and what I am about. I am a man who is trying to achieve my dreams and what I am looking for is cool people to chill with. I have few friends because I have many acquaintances. I play a few instruments (i.e. Sax, guitar, a little bass and piano). I try to write music, however, I have not been in the mood to write anything. I work in IT, working on a lot of different computers daily. I have a passion for reptiles, music, cars, trucks, motorcycles and dirt bikes. I actually hate to write about myself because I can be a lame ass boring guy especially when I have been over worked. I have 7 piercings (eybrow 2x, left ear 2x, right ear, and both nipples) and 2 tattoos. I need more ink though. I try to be positive and sometimes i can be downright depressing because of issues outside of my control and one area that is really frustrating, dealing with some women. I love women in general, however, the luck I have is the moody, jealous, psychotic and pretty much fucked up women of all. What can I say, I wish I could meet some down ass women that don't bring some fucked up issues to the table. Well I will say that I do know that I enjoy them though because a lot of them are pretty fucking awesome eventhough a little scary at times. :)
I can say that I am confident most of the times and I try to look on the brighter side of life most of the time. I am a buddhist and I try to do the best I can. I am working on getting rid of the ' wanting ' of materialistic items, however, this is one of the toughest habits to break. I try to be nice to everyone and I don't want to be known as a dick because that is not who I am. I have respect for everyone unless they do something that I feel is wrong especially when they are not really apologetic for their actions. I work very hard for everything I have in my life and nothing was ever handed to me. Ask any of my true friends and they will say that I am truly a good person who strives to achieve, however, sometimes i am lazy and does not want to do anything. I am not perfect, however, I am a perfectionist and a dreamer. I always try to be who I am with out putting up a facade or try to pretend to be someone that I am not. I know there are times where I feel that I wear my heart on my sleeve, but I am working on that.
I keep rambling on about myself and who I am. There are times where I am very happy because I don't like to be depressive and realize there are a few women that I can honestly name and say that I am/was the best thing in their lives, however, I am sure they have already realized that. One of my favorite bands is Alice In Chains and I have been listening to everything they have released since their first major label album, Facelift. I listen to mostly metal(speed, death, black), grunge, punk, classic rock, jazz, jrock, jmetal, and a little rap. Metal is what I listen to mostly. I am upfront and will speak my mind most of the time. I strive to always tell the truth because I feel that lying is wrong. I don't really care what people think of me because I am better then that.
I guess I can say that I am into the darker side of life especially because one of my other passions is an animal that scares more people and has a bad rap, Snakes. My favorite snakes are the large pythons and boas, Burmese Pythons (own a pair), Reticulated Pythons (my next pair will be ready in a few weeks or so), Anaconda's (will get a pair once i have my own shop), Boa Constrictors (True Red Tails and Colombian), Large lizards (monitor lizards are my favorite) alas they are a lot of work. Did I mention I do like spiders, favorite spider is Mexican Red Knee Tarantula. I personally love to watch horror movies the gorier the better and even better when they are based off of true stories.
I love Japanese culture especially during the edo period. During those times there were ninjas and samurai. Guns were not made, however, swords were the primary weapon of choice. I would love to learn japanese because I enjoy watching anime and reading manga. I love technology (like you could not tell), iPods, iPhone, computers, video games and how technology is used on cars, trucks and motorcycles. What can I say this might bore people, I am sorry for that, just had to write.
Sometimes I feel that i am ugly, then I realize, if I were ugly, why would I get hit on by some gorgeous women. I feel that I am overweight, however, at least I can look on the bright side and I know that I am not huge and I don't have people laughing at me or a brunt of jokes, so I guess all of my negativity about how I look is just in my head and I am working on that honestly. Sometimes I feel like I am a loser which is just another negative self image issue I am working on because I am not a loser and I am in the top tier of society. I guess where i get the negativity is because of my past experiences with relationships. I can honestly state that I have been in love 2 times and I ended up getting hurt. The first one was right around 10 years ago which I made plenty of mistakes in that relationship and it was just overall something that taught me a valuable lesson. The second time was something that I could not control and I wish that I could cut out all emotions, however, then that would make me a loser. I know that one thing I would never do is keep people on a string and treat them like a puppet, which is just wrong.
This is who I am and if anyone does not like me for who I am what can I say. I am who I am because of what I have been through and I know I will be the same until the day I die. In a nutshell what it comes down to is my intelligence is what can give me the negative views that I have about myself, however, I know I am fucking awesome and if no one can see that well that is fine. I just let every negative comment or snickering flow off like water on a ducks back. Well if you want to know me, well just send me a message.
Dattebayo(know what I mean),