Joined on July 25, 2007
Born on January 1st
·1 referrals joined!
I'm a 32 yr old black man that loves to sing, dance, play basketball, mentor kids and have a good time. There is more but don't feel like typin everything. Interested in making new friends and possibly meeting offline
Joined on July 25, 2007
Born on January 1st
·1 referrals joined!
Video Games
I play when i get time. Usually racing, sports and games like Halo on Xbox
I love music mostly gospel, R&B, some hip/hop, rap. Pretty much everything but really heavy metal and real twangy country
I LUV U""BABi Y0U dRiVE ME iNSANE... i LUV Y0U S0 MUcH, MY HEART iS iN PAiN... Y0UR SEXxY V0icE dRiVES ME WiLD... 0H Snap!!...i G0T THE WR0NG PR0FiLE !!!...L0L SENd THiS T0 ALL THE SEXxY PPLZ Y0U KN0E iF Y0U GET AT LEAST 7 BAcK ...THATS MEANS UR SEXxY1-ur not sexy2-a lil bite3-ur ok4-ur sexy5-ur Real sexy6-ur So fuckin sexy7- Daaaaam every1 thnks ur sexy"
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