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50 Year Old · Male · From Raymore, MO · Joined on July 24, 2007 · Born on February 27th
50 Year Old · Male · From Raymore, MO · Joined on July 24, 2007 · Born on February 27th

i like to have fun.. not so big on the bar scene right now but i never really have been.. i like working at the bars because then im getting paid to party and have a good time pretty much.. but that is just a bonus job to have while im single..i dont NEED the $$ per say. its just for fun..
right now im a student i goto ITT tech for CADD Engineering. i have just over a year or so left to get my degree. I work at a company that makes marble and granite countertops, im a CADD engineer there but dont make the $$ i SHOULD be making since i dont have a degree yet.. but i keep my eyes open for better opportunites. im a father to a 1yr old boy and im in the middle of a seperation/divorce.... im divorcing her because i found out a BUCH of crap that she lied to me about and its like EVERYTHING she has said to me is a lie. and now i cant trust her and i have no respect for her either because she also kissed another man while she was at a party and that is cheating to me.. so no trust or respect.. i gota go.. so i dont know exactly what im looking for right now.. just to have fun and move on i guess?? and NO im not moping around being bummed out all the time..FORGET THAT!! i didnt do anything wrong.. i have been faithfull and honest for 3yrs.. only to get sh*t on by the 1 person that isnt suppose to treat me like crap..ANYWAYZZZ.. lol and FYI..i shave my head.. i like it bald!! :)

50 Year Old · Male · From Raymore, MO · Joined on July 24, 2007 · Born on February 27th
im a speed freak!! i love going 130+ mph and having complete control.. ive had fast cars and fast crotchrockets since i was 19. i had a brand new crotchrocket but it got stolen last week.. bummer.. my next toy will be a 2003 or 2004 mustang cobra making WELL over 500whp.. nothing like the sound of a LOUD turbo or LOUD supercharger lurking under the hood and feeding a healthy v-8.. heeelllloooooooo BOOST!!
hinder, korn, disturbed, daughtry, old metallica, LOTS of metal and rock.. not much for rap though.. i like LOUD!! lol
gone in 60 second, van helsing, underworld, days of thunder, top gun..ANYTHING loud .. cause it sounds and looks GREAT on my 52" bigscreen and 1000watt surround sound
Video Games
sonic the hedgehog, any racing games, mario bros..im not much of a gamer though anymore.. kind of outgrew that YEARS ago...

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