66 Year Old
From Stockton, CA·
Invited by: 953726·
Joined on July 24, 2007
Born on August 12th
·3 referrals joined!
Am Sensitive,caring, nonjudgmental I try to be fair to everyone No sugar-coatin from me - To me it's just either Black or White.
I am ME ~ nothing different than anyone else other than perhaps little stranger.
Am that girl down the street that every Mom warns about.. Still am Playful and am silly, jus a dorky smart-ass girl.
My playground is drama free zone-- no fakes or kaniving people allowed. Stupid is not a handicap nor can you fix it.
Some people I will never understand. Nor some of me. So treat me like you like to be treated as I will do the same of you.
Life is too short ~ take the time to stop and enjoy the simple things around you.
Am not perfect ~ we all make choices just some aren't thought out very well
If you can't love me at my worst .... Then how could you love me at my best.... Acceptance is the first step to have peace among all.
66 Year Old
From Stockton, CA·
Invited by: 953726·
Joined on July 24, 2007
Born on August 12th
·3 referrals joined!
love all shades of purple and pink, the smell after a summers day rain, puppies breath, grey fluffy kittens, Harleys, Wishing on Shooting Stars, Sand between my toes and Huckleberry muffins, Kisses and Hugs, Delta's Sunsets. Mean People "GO" play in the middle of the street, Says no to Drama and all the queens that stars in them, No Pity Potters!!, yuck to Icky snails, & Hey all Preverts leave our children alone!!! Isn't High maintenance just one of the crew, Itchy sunburns got to go but tans does the bodies good.. camping is a must... Oh am know to fib a tad but heck am just like you - "human"!
♥ leaving you some love and rated your profile an 11 if you could rate mine too that would be really nice of you i hope you are having a great weekend :D ♥