37 Year Old
Invited by: 912918·
Joined on July 24, 2007
Born on August 13th
I have a crush on someone!
37 Year Old
Invited by: 912918·
Joined on July 24, 2007
Born on August 13th
I have a crush on someone!
.cink{font-size:10px;font-family:tahoma;color:000080;font-weight:normal;text-decoration:none;}Song LyricsSpill Canvas - Staplegunned videoTaking Back Sunday - This Photograph Is Proof (I Kn videoTaking Back Sunday - MakeDamnSure videoThree Days Grace - (I Hate) Everything About You videoThree Days Grace - Animal I Have Become videoKillers - When You Were Young videoAlmost - Say This Sooner (No One Will E videoCold War Kids - Hang Me Up To Dry videoDef Leppard - Promises videoJohn Mayer - Your Body Is A Wonderland videoMusic Video Codes by VideoCure
The song Boston is amazing. I saw them live twice. I went by myself once the day before my birthday because I was determined to see them. I have met all of them except the lead singer. Nice guys.Waking Ashland is ok. I've listened to them a bit. I used to really love Paramore. They are still good but I listened to them too much and kinda got sick of them.I am listening to the new Yellowcard CD a lot and the new The Rocket Summer CD as well.
OMG. I love Augustana. Bright eyes is alright too. A little weird for me. I could never fully get into them but I do love a few of their songs. I really like Damien Rice these days.Silverstein is cool but the fame has gotten to them a bit. Boys Night Out is not like that. They are super cool guys. I will support them til the day I die.
I don't smoke and I drink on occasion. It all depends on what I am doing and who I am with and where I am.My favourite band would have to be Boys Night Out or Silverstein. Mostly because I have hung out with them the most and I am loyal to my hometown boys.I've seen Underoath a few times. They are ok. A little too much for me.
Hmmm, a bit of everything except for horror movies. I can't stand those unless I have someone's chest to bury my head into. I like comedies and dramas and thrillers and action movies. A bit of everything.You?
Mine too. :)I would love to learn the piano. It's my favourite instrument by far. I have two guitars but play them very poorly. I'm not that good at all. I would just love to learn one day. I bought one for myself a couple of years ago and I won another one at a concert last month.
Aww, thanks. You're sweet.Hmmm...what am I into...? Music is a big part of my life. I support music in any way I can. I go to shows, I buy music, I play guitar, I write lyrics. Music is everything. I have my iPod on 24/7, no lie. I also enjoying going to movies and hanging out with my friends. I work full time so I don't have a lot of time to do much these days but I still try to have as much fun as possible.What about you?