43 Year Old
From Cathlamet, WA·
Invited by: MR COOKMOODY·
Joined on February 15, 2006
Born on September 29th
·20 referrals joined!
I have a crush on someone!
43 Year Old
From Cathlamet, WA·
Invited by: MR COOKMOODY·
Joined on February 15, 2006
Born on September 29th
·20 referrals joined!
I have a crush on someone!
43 Year Old
From Cathlamet, WA·
Invited by: MR COOKMOODY·
Joined on February 15, 2006
Born on September 29th
·20 referrals joined!
I have a crush on someone!
What Up Strager, you forgot about me ? WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA You Don't love me anymore!! Hope alls good with your family been checking updated pixs.xxoxoxoxoxoDan
hello to u too im just checkin stuff out this morning b4 i go to work. so im on here maybe for a couple of hours. Do u have yahoo or msn messenger b/c it will be easier to talk on there?
hey there girlfriend how are u doing? nothin much here. i wish u chould have came wiht me to the butterfly life party yesterday.. u missed stevens mom open a gift she wasnt supposed to get on cause she didnt bring one. ugh.. and oen of the ladys that brought one didnt get one cause of her and the owner of butterfly life kept asking people who didnt bring one so she would put an gift in for them. but karen didnt say anything.. she is a werido if u ask me. im so mad at her cause i opended a gift that i liked and she took it from me i think thats messed up ...but anyways i got a snowman nitelite.. its really cute. people just loved stealing my gifts though..lol like 6 people would take the gift that i wanted.. but thats part of the game.. but i really think that karen didnt have the right to take one. it wasnt fair to the other ladies.. but anyways how are u doing? what have u been up to.. tommmorrow im goign to journey to bethaham..its going to be so much fun.. wish u could come.. what are u doing next week? we should plan on doing something