60 Year Old
Joined on July 23, 2007
Born on October 14th
I have a crush on someone!
In life thngs change . Well I did as you can see after my divorce I let my self go strated drinking and ptting on the pounds. Well I woke up today and looked in the mirror didn't like what I saw so it's time to change . Please look at those old pic's. rate them and keep track of me as I rebuild my life my body and one day my love. A little about me I love to smile and have fun . O by the way thank you guy's for helping me see me much love to you all.
60 Year Old
Joined on July 23, 2007
Born on October 14th
I have a crush on someone!
Just showing some love!♥ I rated you a 10 and if you would plz fan me, I’ll fan you back!♥ Please come by and return the love! I love new friends! Thanks(B)♥
Hello there,thank you for checking my page,I really appreciate it.I'm adding my link so you can stop by to rate my profile and became my fan for me to return the love.۞WÌLÐÇÄŦ۞® õWñÈR õҒ WÌLÐÇÄŦ ŦRÄÌñ ñ LõÚñGÈ۞ @ fubaralso check my skins,blogs,lounge and Train http://fubar.com/bulletins.php?b=2845439930If you like to join my train read the fair on the post and if you like to join my lounge you can click on the banner below to go and subscribe Have an amazing Day!Thank you for all the love.Hugs & kisses. WildCat
Hey babe!! Thanks for adding me!! I fanned you and rated your page a 10! Help me out?!!!!! Im in an online comp!! it doesn't take long...let me know if i can ever return the favour!!! xoxoxoxox ;) please click on the link below and vote heaps of 20s for me!!! Maybe bookmark the page so whenever ur online u can drop some 20s on me??!! *KISSES* Thanks so much for supporting me!! come by and see me anytime id luv to chat with you!! xxxxxxxxxx Mel ;)
Just coming by to check out your page!!!! Gave you a 10. When you come back by my page, please check to see if you rated me too. Also, on my page you can find links to my Yahoo group, Myspace page, and my different websites. Don't forget to check out my pictures when you get a chance. Now that we are friends, you can view my"NSFW" pictures. (If you can't see them, check my blog for instructions on how to fix your settings.CLICK HERE TO LEARN HOW TO FIX YOUR SETTINGS) Would love to know what you think of them! I look forward to getting to know you. I would love it if you became a fan of mine!(If you already have, thank you!) Also, if you are looking for some great ladies to check out on here, check out my blog. Click here --->>> Real Sexy Woman on fubar .
YOU BETTER HUG ME NOW!Pass this hug to all ofyour friends and backto me, see how manyyou get back!1-5 HUGS....Your onsomeones mind!5-10 HUGS...Someonelikes you!10-15 HUGS..Someonewants to be with you!15-20 HUGS..WOW! youare really loved by alot! 18 hr ago