37 Year Old
From Glasgow City, UK, United Kingdom·
Joined on July 14, 2014
Relationship status: Single
Born on November 4th
Love following:
Cycling Climbing Swimming Running Women Boobs Bumbs Reading Engineering
Hate following
Idiots Bad drivers People that can not accept there mistakes Alcohol Drugs Laziness which is not earned Crap parents that think an Xbox is a suitable replacement for parenting Racism
37 Year Old
From Glasgow City, UK, United Kingdom·
Joined on July 14, 2014
Relationship status: Single
Born on November 4th
Me, I have no asperations left, I am can not be arsed trying any more. I just want a crap job which will let me climb when I can be arsed.
Ideally I would just get hit by a car tomorrow and die very quickly. I am just on here to rant, and be miserable. why not