35 Year Old
Joined on July 22, 2007
Born on July 5th
·7 referrals joined!
You scored as Demoness, You are evil. (insert duh!) You are angry with the world, and you have no guilt in paying them back in spades. Stupidity is what's truly wrong; not concepts popularily considered "evil."
You scored as vampire, You are a vampire! You hate the light and love the nightlife. You hate the weak and have nothing but contempt for them. You care about nothing but yourself, and often entertain yourself at the cost of others. You feel no guilt or remorse and belong to the eternity of the night.
You scored as King/Queen of Crazy, You rule the world of crazyness. to you normalness is insanity of the worst form. be proud of your high crazyness level
You scored as Lasombra, Lasomra, these vampire belive they are better than any over, they are sick twisted fu*ks who would love to rip out your heart and feed it to you. The shadows are their friends, and their most power full weapons, they can force an entire city to the edge.
You scored as Demon, Demon: Darkness is your sanctuary. Demons are many and are all different in appearence and rank. The most common are the ones that feed off of human souls. They love to make someone fall into their inner darkness. Blood, wrath, murder... You name it they love it. These beings don't care who you are, if they set their sights on you, let's just hope you know a good excorist. They kill any love within you and pull you toward their side. By any means possible. You wish for chaos and hate, you are the Demon.
You belong to the Gangrel bloodline. Gangrel are very in touch with nature and for this reason are often loners and hermits. They have a very keen sense of the beast inside them and can let it out with devastating results. They do, however, have a bit less control over their impulsive, animalistic nature and are easy to drive into an uncontrollable frenzy.
KISSES SEXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXYSNOWBALL-O-LUV!!!______$$____$s_______$_____$______________$________$$$___$$______$$___$$____$________$$____s_$$_____$$$$___$$$___$$$__$$$____$_______$$$___$$__$$$____$$$$$__$$$_$$$$_$$$$$__$$__$___$$$___$$_____$�___$$$$___$$$$$_$$$$$$$$xoxo$$$$$$$$$__$$$$_$$$____$$$____$$$$$__$$$$$$$$______________$$$$$$$$$_$$$___$$$$ss$$$$xoxo$$$________________________$$$xoxo$$$$$$$_s$$$$$$$$$______________________________$$$$$$$$sss_____�$$$$________________________________$$$$$$,ss$$$$$$$____________SPLAT!!!!_____________$$$$$$$$$ss,____$$$$$_________________________________$$$$$$$$$$$$$s__ss$$$$$$_____________XOXO______________$$$$$ssss$__$$$$$$______________________________$$$$$__$ss___s$$$$$$$$___________________________$$$$$$$____ss__$$$$__$$$$$$$$____________________$$$$$__$$$___$$_$$$___$$$__$$$$$$$$___________$$$$$$$$$$$___$$$$$___$$$___$$$$_$$$xoxo$$$$$$$$xoxo$$___$$$$___$$s___$$_____$$$�__$$$_$$$$_$$$$$�__$$_$$$___$$$$___$s_s$______$$�____$$___$$___$$$$___�$__�$$_____$$s_________$______$____$____�$$_________$�______�SEE HOW MANY TIMES YOUR FRIENDS CAN HIT YOU BACK-WITH LOTS OF LUV!!1-4 TIMES...YOU'RE A SNOWFLAKE5-10 TIMES...YOU'RE A SEXY SNOWSTORM10-20 TIMES...YOU'RE A BAD_AZZ BLIZZARD20 TIMES...YOU'RE A HOTTIE STORM OF THE CENTURY
Have A Kinky Humpday !!! RELEASE YOUR MID-WEEK DESIRES !!!