37 Year Old
Joined on July 22, 2007
Born on March 22nd
well wat to say im 20 years old, im male hehe! im 5ft 9, light brown hair, blue eyes and weigh 175Kg. i love keeping fit, like going to the gym and playing sprots dont like runnin though but still do it just cause it helps lol, i love playin poker i play live and online, im mainly into my boxin and football though which i box for the Royal Navy Boxin squad and ive had 7 bouts and still unbeaten and i also play for the Royal Navy Under 21`s Football team which i enjoy too! ive been in the navy 2 years now and love every minuet of it, i mean wats not to love about gettin pissed everyday with 30-40 of your best m8s haha and gettin to see the world is a bouns especialy with the sports i play ive boxed in germany and played football in the US and australia. and thats about me anything else u wana just ask and ill tell u if its approprite hehe oj.
You are suave.
You are attractive both psyically and mentally. You use your abilities to attract anyone you desire.
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Just stopping by to check out your page. Stop by my page if you get a chance and check it out. I have almost 2500 pics to rate. Fan me while you are there. :-) I like having lots of friends. Check out my blogs if you get bored. :-) XOXOIf you feel overwhelmed and lost....On the top menu bar, click on HELP, then on that page in the first paragraph there is a link to the"cherry tap bible". click on that link and read that. It has alot of helpful info in it about navigating and learning the ropes here.Look over on the right hand side of your page..yep that's me in today's FUBAR Spotlight!! I am invading everyone's page today! Come return the love... :-)