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57 Year Old · Female · Joined on July 22, 2007 · Born on January 31st
57 Year Old · Female · Joined on July 22, 2007 · Born on January 31st

I have 2 great kids Alex & Andrew- thank god for my kids- They wear me out at the same time give me a reason to keep on going. Alex 11 - can be a challange at times, but really is a good kid. Andrew 4 1/2 is my biggest joy, no matter how dark my day is he brightens it. He is truely my best friend- Unconditional Love!!Currently going thru a divorce - Looking forward to a new life. My Friends are very important to me - they are "real friends" not just my space friends- ( no offense)There is only a select group of people that I call "friends" - Friends since high school and some even longer, and as much as I hate to admit it - that's a long time. I think that says something... Friends to the end so to speak. They don't judge or critize me ( at least not to my face) ha, ha- But support me and help me cope when things are unbearable - Dottie most of all, Amber, Michael, Robyn,Tina, David - thank you."Don't walk in front of me, I may not follow. Don't walk behind me, I may not lead. Walk beside me, and just be my friend " True happiness consists in not the multitude of friends but in the worth and choice.Well that's about my friends - about me would be a long story.. I will have to get back to this question.

57 Year Old · Female · Joined on July 22, 2007 · Born on January 31st
Rolling Stones,Led Zepplin, Linkin Park, George Thoroughgood,Aerosmith etc..etc..

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