60 Year Old
Joined on July 6, 2014
Born on January 4th
60 Year Old
Joined on July 6, 2014
Born on January 4th
Latest Status
CaptVideo CANCER: Cancer is really very simple, to wit: Cancer cannot live in an ALKALINE body...and, Cancer cannot live in an Oxygen rich body...so, if you have Cancer - your body is ACID [and] Oxygen starved....Also, once one tests positive for Cancer... they must start killing the Cancer, or the Cancer will kill them.... We have [or can get] the best Cancer killer in the world....
It is a Wet and Wild Sunday here at the fuBar and Grandpa Dave has just hit your like and rate buttons. Today is a day of Rest and Relaxation! G-pa has a lovely friend who will help you relax... Not! $"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." --- Robert A. Heinlein
It is the first Tuesday in September here at the fuBar and G-pa Dave just tickled your like and rate buttons. Now who is this Irma that's coming to raise hell in my State of Florida this weekend? Irma, Irma go away! Come back another day... hurricane graphics @ crystalcomments.com$$$Houston! We have a Problem... Irma might be in the Gulf by Sunday next!
It is the first Monday in September and Labor Day in the United States of America. Here at the fuBar Grandpa Dave is scootering around to tap your like and rate buttons. Magickal Graphics
T.G.I.F. here at the fuBar and Grandpa Dave has just pushed your like and rate buttons. It is almost time to start the Weekend... More Images @ MyNiceProfile.com