40 Year Old
From Redding, CA·
Invited by: Archangel·
Joined on July 21, 2007
Born on July 31st
I am me and nothing more. lol no wait theres more....
I am into change and trying new stuff so if there is something new I am willing to try it, I have an adaptive persona so I can fit in anywhere.
I am into Anime, Cars, Computers amd pretty much anything else that strikes my fancy.
I like cosplaying and doing like theme outfits ranging from vampires, pirates, goth, what not, just for fun or whatever.
I am straight but have been told that I do have a lot of famine qualities (eg Metro) which a lot of women find to be a fantastic factor such as I like shopping, I dont mind wearing makeup, I know what looks good on someone else sometimes not on my self lol, I dont mind when people read this and dont take me serious or as some kind of push over as its their face that ends up looking up at me from the mud. Have trained in many forms of marshal arts since I was 6 years of age in both weaponry and hand to hand combat.
I like romantic stuff and everything involved in that and can take care of any other need a girl may have ;)
40 Year Old
From Redding, CA·
Invited by: Archangel·
Joined on July 21, 2007
Born on July 31st
Eh anything and everything, Im always open to something new.
But my primary interest is the typical, Cars, Girls, Music, and my geek side computers.
I like all types of music or at least I will listen to it at least once, main areas of music I listen to most is...
Rock, Goth, Techno, Metal, some Rap, and more...
but anyhow here is a few; (I will keep updating this as I feel like it)
Evanescence InThisMoment Ozzy Lamb of God Lordi Kitty Kryterium Fingers Eleven Linkin Park
Video Games
Right now Im stuck on F.E.A.R such an awesome game, cant wait for F.E.A.R 2 to come out but F.E.A.R Combat will keep me amused for the time being.
Just stopping by to check out your page. Stop by my page if you get a chance and check it out. I have almost 2500 pics to rate. Fan me while you are there. :-) I like having lots of friends. Check out my blogs if you get bored. :-) XOXOIf you feel overwhelmed and lost....On the top menu bar, click on HELP, then on that page in the first paragraph there is a link to the"cherry tap bible". click on that link and read that. It has alot of helpful info in it about navigating and learning the ropes here.