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41 Year Old · Female · Joined on July 18, 2007 · Relationship status: In a relationship · Born on October 25th
41 Year Old · Female · Joined on July 18, 2007 · Relationship status: In a relationship · Born on October 25th

Hmmmmmm. lol that is the sound of me thinking what to say. LolWell for starters I am a born and raised mainah and proud of it the blood that runs through my veins is Irish Dutch Scottish French and Portuguese or however you spell it so like a mixed breed im a mutt.Damn proud of it to. Im a red head I love tatoos, sunsets ,sunrises and thunderstorms, riding horses in the rain and hiking through the woods, flirting and just plain having fun im a very outdoorsy person id survive in the country and die in a city. I have a freaky sense of humor, well okay maybe I am just plain freaky but hey that’s why my friends love me. If I were asked what I loved about me my first answer would have to be the fact that im a mom (as my mom would have said a damn good one too) of three children two girls and one boy. My second answer to what I love about me is well to be honest my boy friend Jay,a father of two a boy and a girl ( we prove that blended familys can work) he is the kindest sweetest man I have ever met. (Ladies I met him in a bar) lol that had to be said. But anyway Jay is the best thing to have happened to me in a long time he brings out the best in me he makes me happy he makes me laugh and he makes me feel like im the most beautiful person in the whole world inside and out. My third answer would be my family (as spread out as they may be) (and those who read this no who I mean by spread out) mom dad bros and sisters I come from a large family so im not going to list them all however they all play a part in who I am (come one come all) well that just about sums it up if you have any questions feel free to ask. I promise I won’t bite (well maybe just a lil) you and learn more about me by going to this link http:www.myspace.com/bratt8314

41 Year Old · Female · Joined on July 18, 2007 · Relationship status: In a relationship · Born on October 25th
I would like to meet people who don’t think the world revolves around them. I also think a lot of sane minded people who know how to have a good time. Love laugh and have fun life is what you make it. I don’t like people who blame other people for there own problems, even if it was not there problem in the first place. I am a drinker and a smoker but pill heads aren’t for me. I have found that pill heads are of the worst kind of people.
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