63 Year Old
From Wisconsin·
Joined on May 25, 2014
Born on July 29th
I tend to be shy at first but in time i am such a laugh you will be thinking and smiling all day no i am not her for stupid stuff nor will i send pics nor will i text nor will i hook up petes sakes be grown ....
63 Year Old
From Wisconsin·
Joined on May 25, 2014
Born on July 29th
liked rated fanned n friended have a very warm welcome around these parts everyone calls me Sven but only a few have called me Alex! have a nice stay and if you need anything at all please feel free to drop me a line
Welcome! One of the biggest achievements is getting 5,000 fans! You also HAVE to fan BACK that many people. Check out my profile, click"Fan me" and start your adventure! Thanks! Good luck!
Well, Hello There! Nice to see your face, all up in the place.. You are about to enter the*GREATEST ONLINE PARTY* In the world Take your shoes off and enjoy. Again, WELCOME TO THE PARTY! Wishing a splendid day to ya!!!! *WARNING*: BE CAREFUL FEEDING THE ANIMALS HERE, SOME DO BITE BACK OR OOPS IT MITE B UR KINDA THANG LOL! From your Friendly Neighborhood RedByrd