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36 Year Old · Female · From Cashmere, WA · Joined on July 16, 2007 · Born on January 1st
36 Year Old · Female · From Cashmere, WA · Joined on July 16, 2007 · Born on January 1st

Well t some me up in one paragraph i wuld have to say, that im very wierd and i smoke alot of bud. My nickname islower class brat. And i love Music If i could pick song that would fit me it would be thisone "A Streetkid Named Desire"well, it was punk-fifteen in the morningand it was timeto stand my groundand as the gawks and stares bombarded meyou know, I didn't evenhear a soundno one gave a damnif I was there or awayif I died and went to hell,they'd throw a party on my graveand they'd all say,"this kid is just a fool, he'll never be cool,they might as well just ship him offto some other school"plain destitutejust a little too guilty, just a little too soonthat day was just like any other dayno work, and no payI knew that paradise was some other placeand I'd get there another dayI will find it before I expirecuz I've got the desirewell, it was punk-fifteen in the eveningand it was time to set the town on fireI saw my boots and my hair,as reflected in the mirror,reveal a streetkid named desireI didn't give a damnbecause I was just dying to beand as the hollywood street sceneleft its mark on meI changed from a boy into a manI said "never again!"I stuck out my chin when I should have ranshit in the fanI was driven so hardby the sound of my heartwhen the walls surroundin deeper shades of blueand there's no voice of reason inside youand you search for meaningon an empty shelfthen you're always dreamingof somewhere elsetoday is just like any other dayno fear, no restraintI know that paradise is some other placeand I will get there another dayyou can come with me,no conditions or faressomehow, somewhere,I will find it before I expire,cuz I've got the desire

36 Year Old · Female · From Cashmere, WA · Joined on July 16, 2007 · Born on January 1st
Anti-Nazi Punk music is my life, I lie alot, Freinds, family, music and books are my life A best freind a person could ever have
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Fifi , Generation X , The Offspring , The exploited, The Distillers , some of the clash , The CasualtiesThe Adicts, The suicide Machines , Sublime, Sub Humans, Siouxie And The Banshees , The Voids , Sham 69 Some of Sids vic. solo music , Rise Against , Rancid, Penny Wise, Nirvana , Motorhead , Misfits, LoWer Class Brats, Kill Radio, Hot Cop Action , GBH , Dropkick Murphys, Pale FAce And the poorboys , Wayward youth Discharge, Refused, CHEAP SEX , Blanks 77 , Black Flag , Bad Religion , Anti-flag, Against me, The unseen , The Vibrators, The Vandals,Custom, Unwritten Law, Vice Squad The ImmiGrants 4 non blondes, 311,Blind melon,Aqua,Faith no more,Smash mouth, nirvana,tonic,everclear,Lenny kravitz, Red hot chili peppers, Sheryl Crow,Cumbawamba,Ace of base,Lou bega,afro-man,Bare naked ladies,No doubt,New radicals,foo fighters,Sublime Rap Insane clown posse twiztid, blaze ya dead homie , Axe murder boys, Boondocks, Afroman,Cirara, Crazytown,Dzk,Immortal technique, Eminem , Fat joe, Gym class heroes,Kottonmouth kings, Limp bizkit, Mike jones, Tech Nine , T.I. ,Andrea Nickatina Metal/Alternative/Screamo Avenged Sevenfold, A while scream,Alien ant farm, Atreyu, Audio slave, Bayside, Billy talent, bio-chemical , Blood hound gang,Buck cherry , burning bridges, Chevelle, Civlian,Days of worth , demon hunter , disturebed , doa , Dokken , Dr. know, Drowning pool,Duke , ecp , Evanesence, Everlast , Gorillaz,Gotthard, Killradio , Killswtich engage, Kittie, Korn , Linkin park, Maryln Manson, Megadeath, Mettalica, Guns n roses , led zepplin, Moterhead, Nickelback , Nine inch nails, Oasis , orgy, Pantera, Blondie, pat bentar, OPink floyd, Quiet riot, Rage against the machibne,rammstien, Ram jam,Styx, Sum 41,System of a down Techno/Grunge/Other Dj shadow, Prodigy, Benny Bannasi, Kmfdm, Infected Mushrooms, Dj mysticks,Basement Jaxx, The Black dahlia murder, The school yard heroes , Nirvana , Hole , Foo fighters, Sound garden ,Rage agaisnt the machine,Sonic youth ,The white stripes,Weezer wolf mother, , Flipper , Fly leaf , Foghat, Cky,Agustana, Unlce Cracker, Tool,The wallflowers, three days grace, The postal service, The fray , Mest, Igy pop, Foreiner Bob dyan , Bob marley , frank Sinatra, The beach boys joan beaz,Eric Clapton,Frank sinatra, Greatful Dead,JImi Hendrix , Johnny Cash ,lynard skynard,RAY CHARLES,Steve miller band,Tom petty , tom waits ,The kinks Sledgeback , Exact your revendg, Knights of the apocalypse, Poorsport, Pistol for a paycheck,The drags, Super ultra demensional fight fight robots, Audiometry, The Immigrants, Bad Habit, Rumor Has It, Bomb Threat Wednesday, Their Beauty Fades, Nuvuya, Identity Unknown, Nuclear APOCALYPSE, KOA .hov{background-color:#efeffa}:hover{background-color:#e1e1f4}ANTI-FLAG - TurncoatVideo Code provided by PlaceVideo.comSee Lyrics @ OldieLyrics.com
Movies Bride, CryBaby, The devils rejects, Jay and silnt bob strike back , Dark side of the moon snycronized with the wizard of oz, Clerks, Clerks 2, Clerks the Cartoons,Detriot rock city, Donnie Darko, EuroTrip, Fight club, Half baked, Mallrats,The 40 year old virgin, Telladega Nights: the strory of ricky bobby, Natural born killers, Ride the bullet, Saw1,Saw2,saw3, Sid And Nancy, Sin city,Slc punk , The wall, The pick of destiny,

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  • Someone ⇒ LoWerclassbrat

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  • Someone ⇒ LoWerclassbrat
    aloha! welcome to ct!Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

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  • WolfspiritLoWerclassbrat
    Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketWELCOME!!!Basics of Cherry tap to get you startedShoutbox : this is like a onsite instant messenger to use left click on a persons name and it will bring up a small drop down box where you can type in a shout or reply-in this drop down box you can click on thier name to go to thier profile.Gaining points: you can leave a comment on a persons profile and rate thier profile and picture(s)at level one you can become someones FAN and they recieve points if they become a fan of yours you get points:. the rest will come with time and using the site hope this helps .If im online feel free to contact me and ask any questions if I am able i will answer them. if im not on click on any RED question"?" mark on yours or any other profil and it will take you to the CherryTap"bible" it is very thourough but very long. Again Welcome and have fun on cherry tap!!Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

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    Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketWelcome to ct. I 10’nd and fanned your profile to get you started. Feel free to stop by my page.

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  • Someone ⇒ LoWerclassbrat
    Free Image Hosting at allyoucanupload.com

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  • Someone ⇒ LoWerclassbrat
    Welcome to CT!

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