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48 Year Old · Male · From Bremen, IN · Invited by: 378677 · Joined on July 10, 2007 · Born on December 6th · 1 person has a crush on me!
48 Year Old · Male · From Bremen, IN · Invited by: 378677 · Joined on July 10, 2007 · Born on December 6th · 1 person has a crush on me!

I live in Indiana where I have my own house on ten acres. I work as a pc tech. I love my job, my house, family, and friends. Life is good. I enjoy photography, taking picture of all kinds of things. I also enjoy Notre Dame Football, NFL football, and NASCAR. You can find me hanging out at the lake most of the time in the summer on the boat. I love the water. Kicked back in the sun, in the water and cooking out is some of the best fun. I also enjoy bon fires at my house. I like to have a lot of fun. I enjoy building things, or helping friends with what I can. I also do lots of PC related things. I build, and repair PC’s out of my house on the side. I also love music. Mostly like rock, 80’s rock, blues, jazz, big band, country. Or anything funny or with a really good beat! If its fun I’ve probably done it or want to do it!

To most I come across as a shy quiet guy that doesn't speak unless I have something relevant to say. But to those who know me well they know i'm very much a talkative assertive person. I'm very much into learning about a great many things. I enjoy teaching what I learn.

I very much enjoy conversation with every type of person in life. I find it fassinating to learn how people have reached this point in there life. So hit me up if you just feel like chatting or talking or learning what i'm all about. If you look around on my page, at my friends and comments it won't take you long to learn what I'm truely into.

48 Year Old · Male · From Bremen, IN · Invited by: 378677 · Joined on July 10, 2007 · Born on December 6th · 1 person has a crush on me!
I'm interested in all sorts of things... Football, Nascar, Technology, Computers, Music, BBQ's, The Lake, Boats, Beaches, Bonfires, Games, People, Fun you name it I'm there...
I like all kinds of music but my 3 favorite bands are: Collective Soul, Chicago, and Sister Hazel...
Video Games
I don't play as much as I used to but I've been converted from a 1st person shooter gamer to the mmo EVE Online. Used to play games like Unreal Tournament, Battlefield Series, COD4 but I almost enjoy Eve more... I'm also a founder of ecsGaming.com. ecsGaming is a community not so much a gaming clan. Its mostly made up of members in there late 20's and 30's who have been gaming together since the invention of the cable modem. We pride our selves on the community part as gaming is not the only thing we have in common. Many of us enjoy sports whether its watching football & basketball on tv or playing paintball in person. If your looking for a family you should look us up.

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