1. I'm 75% Irish, 25% British (well, technically, Welsh).
2. I often wish I was full-blooded Irish (or at least full-blooded something).
3. I am a Scorpio and exhibit almost all behavioral tendencies (good & bad) the sign is supposedly known for.
4. I am left handed (in doing most things, anyway), which I believe is still less than 15% the world's population.
5. I was severely underweight for much of my childhood.
6. I'm a frustrated Philly sports fan who's losing more interest in all of it every day. (actually, I barely pay attention to the absurdity of it anymore)
7. I've become more political as I've gotten older.
8. I often use humor as a defense mechanism in serious situations, or sometimes just 'cause it's fun.
9. I'm generally very opinionated but pride myself on listening to others' viewpoints.
10. I have no time for people who don't respect others' beliefs.
11. I believe that a woman's body is her own f**king business, and not beholden to any man's beliefs or ideals.
12. I believe that corruption based on faith is the most reprehensible of all.
13. I believe that corruption based on politics is second.
14. I've been told I almost died at birth.
15. I have never worn braces.
16. I sunburn too easily.
17. I look stupid in hats.
18. I once had a skin-cancer scare, and have a fairly large scar on my lower back and a smaller one on my chest as lovely reminders.
19. I have battled insomnia off and on throughout most of my life (it's been on again of late).
20. I struggle with the reality of getting older.
21. I relocated to Atlanta five years ago, and the first 18 months or so was perhaps the unhappiest time of my life. The next 18 were a whirlwind of highs and lows, all of which made me decide to stay (though I was close to leaving earlier this year).
22. I believe that prejudice (of all kinds) is based on fear, upbringing, excuses and ignorance.
23. I lost a good friend in 2004 who had more of an impact on my life in one year than some have in 10 or more, and not a day goes by in which I don't miss him.
24. I generally despise karaoke, but have been known to do it if sufficiently motivated (I've also recently discovered some sort of karaoke underworld around North Fulton. It's almost surreal).
25. I think that having music videos on a cellphone is absurd.
26. I like that the Internet gives anyone a voice that can be heard.
27. I hate that the Internet gives anyone a voice that can be heard.
28. I sell a lot of miscellaneous stuff on eBay.
29. I love board games, but hardly ever play them anymore.
30. I'm a fairly good bowler, but hardly ever do so anymore.
31. I enjoy tennis, but...well...you get the idea.
32. My weight has usually fluctuated within 10 pounds for the last five years (160-170). I hit my adult-life low of 158 this past February, but it was temporary and mostly from a nasty bout of depression (I'm weighing in at 162 as I type this).
33. I was born with "flat" feet and had to wear orthopedic shoes for much of my childhood.
34. I was born with another minor birth defect (later corrected, to an extent) that I rarely talk about, but learned in my adult life to appreciate.
35. Methinks some people doth protest too much.
36. I can be paranoid at times.
37. I'd say that 80-90% of my friends, throughout my life, have been musicians and/or music enthusiasts.
38. I have a hard time relating to those who aren't.
39. Those Bluetooth earphone things wig me out.
40. I have a hard time corresponding with people who can't spell.
41. My acting career consisted of some local cable appearances, a few radio spots, and one theatrical film, which was a big-budget sci-fi flick that was released in early '96 (if you guess what film it is, I will buy you a beer, coffee, soda, or something equivalent the next time I see you).
42. I don't understand the appeal of auto racing.
43. I'm a recovering childhood/adolescent KISS fan.
44. But I was never in the "KISS Army."
45. I've never been in a fan club of any kind.
46. My first car was a van, and I quickly grew to hate it.
47. My favorite Beatle is (was) George Harrison.
48. I don't understand the catchphrase, "It's all good." It's NOT ALL good. If it was, you'd never know the good from the not-so good or even bad. Everything would feel, look, sound and seem the same. You need to experience the bad to even know what the good is. I wish that people would stop using that insipid, pseudo-optimistic, untrue and trendy saying.
49. I'm sometimes difficult to talk to (especially if someone says mindless things like, "It's all good").
50. I believe in less talk, more rock.
51. I was the youngest boy in my high-school class, and hated every second of it.
52. If I could do college all over again, I would do it much, much differently.
53. I think the digital age of music (mp3s, iPods, etc.) is a cool thing overall, but it's killing the concept of the album as an overall artistic statement.
54. I miss album cover art.
55. I think that the Atkins' diet is a bunch of bullshit.
56. I have never lived with anyone to whom I wasn't related.
57. I don't know if I ever could.
58. As of June 15, 2007, I have never had a broken bone (I have sprained a few things, though).
59. I don't believe that ours is the only civilization in the universe.
60. I love the nightlife.
61. I don't drink coffee.
62. I do drink tea occasionally.
63. I hate olives, onions, mushrooms, and pickles (especially pickles).
64. I know almost nothing about wine, but am fairly educated regarding beer.
65. I don't drink whiskey (well, I at least won't order it for myself).
66. I haven't smoked pot since I was 18 years old.
67. I still enjoy certain "kids'" cereals (hey, shut up! I can still be cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs if I want!).
68. I think you're cool (or just really bored) for reading this far.
69. I hate e-mail/MySpace chain letters. If you send those, could you...um...like...stop?
70. I generally hate television, but often watch it late at night.
71. I think that commercial radio is currently in a state of denial.
72. I want to live near a large, preferably tropical, body of water someday.
73. If this happens, I will need to stock up on sunscreen.
74. I firmly believe that, on November 22, 1963, Lee Harvey Oswald never fired a shot.
75. I've seen all six Rocky movies thus far and, though I think Stallone should've stopped at "III," rank them in this order:
a. Rocky
b. Rocky Balboa
c. Rocky III
d. Rocky II
e. Rocky V
f. Rocky IV
76. I wish the Wayans brothers would stop making movies. Please, please stop.
77. I think that regular Snapple Iced Tea with Lemon = crazy delicious.
78. I don't like winter weather one damn bit.
79. Then again, intense heat kinda bothers me, too.
80. I've never been a smoker.
81. I worry about inheriting my late father's rheumatoid arthritis and get concerned with the slightest twinge in my joints (he was practically crippled with it when he was younger than I am now).
82. Prior to January 2007, there were three significant events in my life that I would give anything to do over again. There are now four.
83. I personally can't play drums worth a damn, but I can tell a good drummer from a not-so-good one within seconds.
84. The second song I ever wrote was a juvenile protest song about...road construction. I was 19 at the time, and I'll never play it again, but there are some who still contend that it's my best song ever. They are either lying or crazy.
85. I'm not a fan, but I went to a Grateful Dead show when I was 17 just to be able to say that I saw the Grateful Dead in concert.
86. I'm a huge proponent of Waffle House, particularly late at night. It kicks the Cracker Barrel's mass-produced, cheap souvenir-selling ass (feel free to argue with me about this).
87. I will never eat a cheesesteak outside of Philadelphia again.
88. Whitesnake's "Here I Go Again" makes me sadly nostalgic.
89. I am a distant relation to Thomas Jefferson (this has been documented).
90. I am an expert player in a dying game: pinball.
91. I am always insecure about my voice.
92. I'm often insecure about my appearance.
93. The Burger King in recent commercials really creeps me out.
94. I love black & white photography.
95. I often have the attention span of a hamster.
96. I love Chinese food, but am picky about where it's from.
97. I believe that big, arena concert tours will soon be extinct (the current Police tour notwithstanding).
98. I'm a good host, and an even better guest.
99. I enjoy traveling by train, as long as I have adequate room, a quiet area and NO ONE sitting next to me.
100. FoxTrot is my favorite comic strip.