There I was 4 Years Old laying in my bed looking at the wall.
Crying because I just realized My Mother and my
Grandmother were going to die.
I had just watched the news on the Television and realized after
asking my Grandmother what the lady meant when
she said that two people had died in a house fire
the night before .. With a sad look in her
face she told me my fate.
When I asked what that meant my Grandmother told
Me about Death and what it would mean.
She told me that we all die and that someday I would.
I asked her how long people live and with a
Hearty smile she said that some people live to be
I remember thinking how long that seemed, and at
the same time I was still Disappointed in her answer.
I went to bed that night with my pink crayon clutched
in my hand, as I Lay there thinking of death
I made 100 pink lines with my crayon, next to my bed just under
the mattress so my Mother and Grams would not
find them while making the beds.
As I finished my 100th line, I was Horrified to see
that the lines took up only a tiny bit of space on my
I had no Idea at the time how long a year lasted or
How Time worked for that matter, but I knew that
100 pink Lines on my wall was not nearly enough life
For anyone.
I laid back and looked at the ceiling and tried to
Fathom dying and what that meant and even though
I was afraid to die , I Felt a loss that I cannot even
to this day describe.
I had Realized that someday I would More then likely
Live to see My Mother and My Grandmother Die.
I cried Myself to sleep that night and never spoke
of it again.
18 Years Later
There I was in the Hospital Sitting next to my cousin
Talking about old memories , Our children and
just life. I remember I was to watch my Sister while
Our Mother stayed in the room with Her Mother.
I remember my Mother Coming toward me , Her words
were like heavy Thunder on my heart.
"She is fading Leena, Come and say goodbye"
I saw the pain in her eyes as she held my hand.
I remember lying in bed that night thinking of the 73
Years my Grams Had and hating God for Cheating
Her, Cheating her out of her 100.
I cried myself to sleep that night and many more
to follow.
5 Years Later There I was at her doorstep
Looking out into my car seeing my 17 year old
sister sitting in tow with my 6 month old son.
He said the words
"She is Gone she has passed"
As my Sister ran to me, I saw the Pain in her eyes as
She realized our Mother was gone.
I remember the world stopping for a moment, I can
Recall everything standing perfectly still.
Every breath, Heartbeat, Smile, Glance ,Memory
Frozen in time, At last when they
resumed They were different.
As if A color had disappeared, or A Musical Note or
a Laugh from a child, Gone forever.
I went to bed 2 nights later And Cried Myself to sleep
Our Mother had 45, Not Nearly Enough.
7 years later
Here I am, Remembering My Touch Stones
Remembering a time when Life was pure, When it was
Full of Love, When Being around my Women was
Assumed as if Taking for granted, was a Gift, A gift
I had to use at my will.
And I did with Relish Take them for granted.
100 pink Lines , Today I have lived 35 of them,
I have seen many things since that night when I
was 4 and I have tried to live every year to the fullest.
I hope I get to live my 100, But if it is not in the
cards I will Remember the little girl writing on the
Bedroom wall in fear of loosing, and I will fly even
the faster to my Women in the Clouds who watch me
and laugh with me and cry with me when I need them to.
And we will all be together again floating above the
Pain.. Dancing laughing and Coloring Pink Lines in the sky one by one