So often we talk about RAISING THE BAR and what you should do to avoid the haters, losers, jerks and such. But what should you avoid when you DO find a Good Man?
Here are just a few things to keep in mind...from a guy's perspective.
BE JEALOUS - A sure fire way to make a man lose interest faster than Jeff Gordon on an Indy track. Nothing turns a man off quite so well as
a jealous woman. Granted, if he's doing stupid stuff to make you jealous, then be wary. But if you are carrying baggage from a previous relationship and beating the new guy down with it, he'll eventually dump you if for no other THAN HIS OWN PEACE OF MIND.
SMOTHER HIM - the old adage is true here, too much of anything is never good. If you consume every waking moment of a man's life, when does he
have time to miss you, to crave you, to desire you? Put a lil space in between dates and such to make the heart grow fonder. No I didnt say
have zero contact, but give him time to simmer from the last time you were together, let him linger in those thoughts and yearn to come back
to you.
EAT LIKE A MAN - Follow me close on this one... A guy takes you out to dinner..DONT EAT LIKE YOU'RE ONE OF THE BOYS AT HOOTERS ON A TUESDAY NIGHT!!! Respect the rules of fine dining, no belching or other noises at the table.
BEING LOUD - It's not just for Black Women anymore...If you really really need to be heard that bad, take a public speaking class. But
otherwise keep it to a lady-like tone...and when you laugh, unless he's down on his knees grabbing his ribs, dont laugh so loud the neighbors dentures are moonwalking. And please no ghetto-nese.
BEING OVERLY PICKY/NEGATIVE/OPINIONATED - This one is sometimes hard to call because we all have our quirks. Temper these momenst carefully and
try not to over indulge in commenting with disdain at everything,
rather make a more encouraging suggestion or two that will smooth the waters. A constant negative attitude will have any good man looking for
another woman in a heartbeat, even if you think it's part of your charm, its part of his excuse to find someone new and fast!!!!
WHINNING - This one is easy, and you dont like it anymore than we do.If its not in a glass, dont do it.
DAMSEL IN DISTRESS SYNDROME - Oooooh boy. Let me clarify. If everytime a man calls you there is some sort of CRISIS going on that you need him
to solve or resolve, you have DIDS, and DIDS is fatal to a relationship. No GOOD MAN wants a DRAMA QUEEN, seriously, we get enough of that going to work everyday, we dont need any more. DRAMA WILL MAKE A MAN AVOID YOU BIG TIME
CLEAN HIS ROOM - I know some of you can be anal retentive when it comes to cleaning and I applaud you for it. BUT....if he TELLS you never to
clean his room, dont ever do it...its worse than kicking his dog and even if he forgives you for it, he will never forget it....EVER.
CALL HIM PORTLY - Unless he is carrying two bottles of wine, this is
the Kiss of Death.
Stay strong, stay positive and keep RAISING THE DAMN BAR!!!!!
One Love!