10 Things You Might NOT Have Known About Martin Luther King
1. He expressed as a young man some "embarrassment" about all the "stomping and shouting" that went on in some churches and said upon entry into Morehouse that his "primary interest is politics."
2. When James Earl Ray went to purchase the rifle that would be the murder weapon he had mentioned that he was going deer hunting. Upon hearing this, the sales clerk talks him out of the 6MM .243 caliber model and hands him the 30-06 caliber Remington Gamemaster that was used. Ballistics experts have argued whether or not the difference in power would have saved King's life.
3. A gifted student he graduated high school at 15 years of age and delivered his first prepared sermon in his father's church, Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta, at age 18 in the Summer of 1947.
4. His birth name Michael Luther King, Jr. was changed to Martin prior to his starting school.
5. There is still an ongoing investigation of charges of plagiarism against King from his days as a doctoral student there in 1953.
6. Not only did Gandhi inspire King's selection of the tactic of passive resistance, but he so admired Gandhi that a picture of him hung above Martin Luther King's seat at the head of the dinner table at his home.
7. At one point in 1967 King was under surveillance to include, moles, wiretaps, stakeouts and his mail being read by no fewer that 7 state and federal agencies with the FBI, CIA, Office of Naval Intelligence, Army intelligence, and IRS amongst the many.
8. If you think you pile up frequent flier miles think about this, between 1957 and 1968, King traveled over six million miles and spoke over twenty-five hundred times.
9. In his time as the leader of the SCLC he was arrested 25 times and 4 serious attempts were made on his life.
10. 1 of those attempts was while he was signing his book, Stride Toward Freedom: The Montgomery Story when Dr. King was almost killed by a deranged black woman, who stabbed him as he was autographing his new book in a department store in Harlem, New York, September 20, 1958.