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luvbug's blog: "1 am a woman"

created on 09/14/2006  |  http://fubar.com/1-am-a-woman/b777

groundhog day

The second month, the second day, We know is Groundhog's Holiday. The keeper of the local zoo, Photographers, reporters, too, Anxiously await together Woodchuck's forecast of the weather. Each year this time he leaves his hearth, His home beneath good Mother Earth. He wiggles out to see the sun And sure enough - ask anyone- Should he perchance his shadow see, Back to his home again he'll flee. And that sign's still the surest thing Six weeks must pass before it's spring!

stop puppy mills

div align="center"a href="https://community.hsus.org/campaign/stoppuppymills_web?source=gaba5y"img src="http://www.stoppuppymills.org/images/downloadable-web-ads/180x150_PM_ichose.gif" alt="Stop Puppy Mills" border="0"/abra href="http://www.myspace.com/thehumanesociety" target="_blank"HSUS MySpace Page/a | a href="http://www.humanesociety.org/stoppuppymills" target="_blank"Stop Puppy Mills Website/a/divbrbr


We need to be more aware of what our kids are doing... online and offline... here's a link to a very touching story that made me cry... its sad.. what kids will do now a days... please read it and post it, make parents, children, everyone more aware. The Link herehttp://www.jeffreypeak.com/thedayjeffreydied.htm A little piece of the story: "We found out a few days later, after looking on my computer, that you had been to a website that explained, step by step, how to achieve this unbelievable “high†by cutting off the blood supply for just a little while to your head and then you stand up and it feels so euphoric! " Please be aware.http://www.stop-the-choking-game.com/en/home.asp Click Here for More Info On the Choking Game.

how far

There's a boat, I could sail away There's the sky, I could catch a plane There's a train, there's the tracks I could leave and I could choose to not come back Oh, never come back There you are, giving up the fight Here I am begging you to try Talk to me, let me in But you just put your wall back up again Oh, when's it gonna end How far do I have to go to make you understand I wanna make this work so much it hurts, but I just can't Keep on giving, go on living with the way things are So I'm gonna walk away And it's up to you to say how far There's a chance I could change my mind But I won't, not till you decide What you want, what you need Do you even care if I stay or leave Oh, what's it gonna be How far do I have to go to make you understand I wanna make this work so much it hurts, but I just can't Keep on giving, go on living with the way things are So I'm gonna walk away And it's up to you to say how far Out of this chair, or just across the room Halfway down the block or halfway to the moon How far do I have to go to make you understand I wanna make this work so much it hurts, but I just can't Keep on giving, go on living with the way things are So I'm gonna walk away And it's up to you to say Yeah I'm gonna walk away And it's up to you to say how far How far Ooohhhh


Winter Sprinkle souls with faerie dust, and gaze from twilights edge... Who crawls beyond the rocky shore? Who stands upon the ledge? Winter, watches in silence... In death of summer silence stands, As winter takes its place... Summer, silence watches... As death of winter silence stands, in summer changing face... Melting heart of ice and snow and bringing it to grace...
Welcome to Lost Cherry I rated your profile a 10 so please stop by and rate mine .. if u have time And add me if ya want-linda

Different Types of Sex

Different types of sex SOCIAL SECURITY SEX: Two men were talking. "So, how's your sex life?" "Oh, nothing special.I'm having Social Security sex." "Social Security sex?" "Yeah, you know:I get a little each month, but not enough to live on!" LOUD SEX: A wife went in to see a therapist and said, "I've got a big problem,doctor. Every time we're in bed and my husband climaxes, he lets outthis ear splitting yell." "My dear," the shrink said, "that's completelynatural. I don't see what the problem is." "The problem is," shecomplained, "It wakes me up!" QUIET SEX: Tired of a listless sex life, the man came right out and asked his wife during a recent lovemaking session, "How come you never tell me when youhave an orgasm?" She glanced at him casually and replied, "You're neverhome!" CONFOUNDED SEX: A man was in a terrible accident, and his "manhood" was mangled and tornfrom his body. His doctor assured him that modern medicine could givehim back his manhood, but that his insurance wouldn't cover the surgery,since it was considered cosmetic. The doctor said the cost would be$3,500 for "small, $6,500 for "medium, $14,000 for "large." The man wassure he would want a medium or large, but the doctor urged him to talkit over with his wife before he made any decision. The man called hiswife on the phone and explained their options. The doctor came back intothe room, and found the man looking dejected. "Well, what have the twoof you decided?" asked the doctor. The man answered, "She'd ratherremodel the kitchen". WEDDING ANNIVERSARY SEX: A husband and his wife had a bitter quarrel onthe day of their 40th wedding anniversary. The husband yells, "When youdie, I'm getting you a headstone that reads: 'Here Lies My Wife - ColdAs Ever'." "Yeah," she replies, "When you die, I'm getting you aheadstone reads: 'Here Lies My Husband - Stiff At Last.'" WOMEN'S HUMOR: My husband came home with a tube of K Y jelly and said,"This will make you happy tonight." He was right. When he went out ofthe bedroom, I squirted it all over the doorknobs. He couldn't get backin.A couple is lying in bed. The man says, "I am going to make you thehappiest woman in the world." The woman says..... "I'll miss you

rose people life

We are all like a Rose. Sometimes we think we should just bloom right away. There is a few things we just seem to forget. That as a Rose bud we need sun,water &lots of love. We just want to by pass everything.As humans we need alot but, we settle for very little in your live's. We need Hope.Love,Truth,Respect,TLC & much from other's. The one person we need to please is yourself within. We expect more from others.To yourself we give not much. We all have standards but we don't practice them. We are a ROSE bud just not ready to bloom yet
Friends are God's way of taking care of us. - Author Unknown - Friendship doubles your joys, and divides your sorrows. - Author Unknown - Friends are like credit cards, we need them forever... - Dorothy Taylor - A friend is like a four leaf clover, hard to find but lucky to have. - Samantha Rosales - Friends are quiet angels who lift us to our feet when our wings have trouble remembering how to fly. - Author Unknown - A friend is someone who walks in when the whole world has walked out. - Author Unknown - Parents start you off on life but friends get you through it. - Dee Chou - Side by side or miles apart, good friends are always close to the heart. - Author Unknown - There’s a miracle of friendship that dwells within the heart And you don’t know how it happens or where it gets its start But the happiness it brings you always gives a special lift Any you realize that friendship Is God’s most perfect gift.

today i saw a eagle

Today I saw an eagle, With a teardrop in his eye. It literally took my breath away, To see an eagle cry. I asked him,What's the matter?, And he told me what he saw. A cowardly attack was made, On the towers that once stood tall. He said everything he stood for, Had taken a shocking blow. So he had to take a moment, To let his own emotions show. Then he proudly told me, That our Nation would survive. That our Liberty and Freedom, He'd be sure to keep alive. He said for us not to be afraid, To stand together, not apart. For a terrorist has succeeded, If he puts fear within our hearts.
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