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Sinwldkat's blog: ""

created on 09/22/2006  |  http://fubar.com/-/b5398
REASONS I LOVE BEING A GUY: Phone Conversations are over in 30 seconds flat. You know stuff about tanks. A five-day vacation requires only one suitcase. You can open all your own jars. Dry cleaners and hair cutters don't rob you blind. You can go to the bathroom without a support group. You can leave the motel bed unmade. You can kill your own food. You get extra credit for the slightest act of thoughtfulness. Wedding plans take care of themselves. If someone forgets to invite you to something, he or she can still be your friend. Your underwear is $10 for a three-pack. If you are 40 and single, nobody notices. Everything on your face stays its original color. You can quietly enjoy a car ride from the passenger's seat. Three pairs of shoes are more than enough. You don't have to clean if the meter reader is coming. Car mechanics tell you the truth. You can quietly watch a game with your buddy for hours without ever thinking: "He must be mad at me." Gray hair and wrinkles only add character. Wedding dress - $2,000. Tuxedo rental - 75 bucks. You can drop by to see a friend without bringing a little gift. If another guy shows up at the party in the same outfit, you just might become lifelong friends. Your pals will never trap you with: "So, notice anything different?" You are not expected to know the names of more than five colors. You know which way to turn a nut on a bolt. You almost never have strap problems in public. You are unable to see wrinkles in your clothes. The same hairstyle lasts for years, maybe decades. You don't have to shave below your neck. Gas (at either end) is cool. Your belly usually hides your big hips. One wallet and one pair of shoes, one color, all seasons.
Have you ever stopped to think whether the inanimate things around us also have genders? Believe it or not, they do! Check out these things we use in our daily lives, who would have though!?! Ziploc bags are male, because they hold everything in, but you can see right through them. Copiers are female, because once turned off; it takes a while to warm them up again. It's an effective reproductive device if the right buttons Are pushed, but can wreak havoc if the wrong buttons are pushed. A tire is male, because it goes bald and it's often over-inflated. A hot air balloon is male, because, to get it to go anywhere, you have to light a fire under it, and of course, there's the hot air part. Sponges are female, because they're soft, squeezable and retain water. A subway is male, because it uses the same old lines to pick people up. An hourglass is female, because over time, the weight shifts to the bottom. A hammer is male, because it hasn't changed much over the last 5,000 years, but it's handy to have around. A remote control is female. Ha! You thought it'd be male, didn't you? But consider this - it gives a man pleasure, he'd be lost without it, and while he doesn't always know the right buttons to push, he keeps! trying!

Men are such pussys!

Men are such pussys... you know I am so sick of hearing from men that they want a real woman. Before you claim you want a real woman. Read the definition of one. A woman that’s real is down for whatever. A woman that’s not all about money and being pampered. A woman that can take care of her own business and not have to rely on a man. A woman that is honest and don’t play games. A woman that loves sex and knows how to do more than one position. A woman that is not afraid to get dirty. A woman that’s not afraid to break a nail. A woman that looks good without makeup. A woman that is not a crackhead looking skinny one but has big tits and ass, thick not fat that is AND ESP NOT FAKE. A woman that can prolly drink you under the table. A woman that doesn’t wine about everything. A woman that lets you have boys night out. A woman that don’t cheat on her man and loves to pamper him. A woman that can chill and be one of the guys. Heh. A woman that lets you have the remote and will watch what you are into and not complain about it. and she likes to watching sports..She will even out scream ya during the game A woman that is not afraid to speak her mind but also respects you. A woman that has goals. A woman that is open minded about everything and will try anything once. A woman with a good sense of humor. A woman that’s grown!!! Ya, this describes me!!! I am sick of guys saying they want this shit then being with the complete opposite and then sitting around wishing they had a down girl!!! I believe guys are afraid of us real woman!!!
I need to find the man who thinks like this! Category: Romance and Relationships I found this in a mans blog and was awww struck, I want to be this for my true love as much as they can be that for me......... I want someone that I can't resist no matter how hard I try. I want her to be my gravity - that unseen force that draws me in no matter how hard I try to fight it. I want her to be able to level me with her eyes and leave me breathless and speechless. I want to feel helpless lying in her arms and I want her to want me to lay there just as much as I want her to lay in mine. I want someone that can above all else make me laugh no matter what the situation, no matter how serious. I wanna see that passion in her just as much as I see it in myself. I want to get lost in visions of her when she's not around. I want her voice to be my calming factor, when I hear it no matter how angry or aggressive I get - it will find a way to take everything out of me. I want to become so familiar with her features, every inch of her that I could draw her with my eyes closed. I want to feel that awkwardly incredible moment shared between us before the first kiss - every time. The look in each others eyes, the sound around us going absolutely mute, our hearts freezing and breath stopping in anticipation of lips touching for the first time. I want to stare into her eyes and have that feeling of total euphoria take over everytime I do, I will get totally lost in them. I want to learn all of her idiosynchracies, even the trivial things like the morning get ready for the day process, the silly unique laugh, the faces she makes when she doesnt like something, and her ability to let go and become a total child around me I cant do without these things and they're the things I appreciate the most. I want to find the other half of my soul. I want her to pull me from this darkness and keep me in the light. I want her to realize that I understand what we have is a gift and I'm going to make it first priority to show her every day how thankful I am for that gift. Is this too much to ask

Toen heart

torn heart Tears land on a heart broken heart tearing it in to two, God holds my soul safe till I know what to do, procrastination is all on my mind, a forgetful head is easier to lie to, the heart shows the scar, it isnt the past , it isnt the the future, god sitts and waits for me to decide, is this the time she wants to die? .....................................................
A Man's Rebuttal to blow jobs Current mood: amused ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~A Man's Rebuttal~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. First of all, yes you are obligated to do it. If you don't we will find someone (younger, prettier, and dirtier) who will. 2. Second, swallowing a teaspoon of cream is a hell of a lot easier than licking a dead fish. 3. You want to talk about farting? does the word "queef" mean anything to you? 4. I will use your ears as I see fit. Don't worry about it and be thankful I'm not pulling your hair. 5. When you're on period, stuffing something in your mouth is the only way to stop your bitching and moaning. Suck it up. 6. Speaking of which, if are bleeding for five straight days, you need all the fluids you can get, trust me. 7. You bitch about the taste , but trust me when I tell you that we get the shit end of the stick in flavor country. 8. At least there is no danger of a dick bleeding in your mouth. 9. Play with the balls. 10. No matter how good you think you are at it, we've had better. 11. Caress the ass, too. WE like that. 12. Make hay when the sun shines. It's "wide awake" in the morning now, but when you get old and fat and looking for some action, I gah-ron-tee it'll be "sound asleep". 13. I If you swallow, then you don't have to worry about getting any on your face, now will you?
Blow job Etiquette (By a woman) Current mood: amused ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Blow job Etiquette (By a woman)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. First and foremost, we are not obligated to do it. 2. Extension to rule 1- So if you get one, be grateful. 3. I don't care WHAT they did in the porn video you saw; it is not standard practice to cum on someone's face. 4. Extension to rule 3- No I DON'T have to swallow. 5. My ears are NOT handles. 6. Extension to rule 5- do not push on the top of my head. Last I heard, deep throat had been done. And additionally, do you really WANT puke on your dick? 7. I don't care HOW relaxed you get' it is NEVER OK to fart. 8. Having my period does not mean that it's "hummer week" -get it through your head- I'm bloated and I feel like shit so no, I don't feel particularly obligated to blow you just because YOU can't have sex right now. 9. Extension to 8- "Blue balls" might have worked on high school girls- if your that desperate, go jerk off and leave me alone with my Midol. 10. If I have to pause to remove a pubic hair from my teeth, don't tell me I've just "wrecked it" for you. 11. Leaving me in bed while you go play video games immediately afterwards is highly inadvisable if you would like my behavior to be repeated in the future. 12. If you like how we do it, it's probably best not to speculate about the origins of our talent. Just enjoy the moment and be happy that we're good at it. See also rule 2 about gratitude. 13. No, it doesn't particularly taste good. And I don't care about the protein content. 14. No, I will NOT do it while you watch TV. 15. When you hear your friends complain about how they don't get blow jobs often enough, keep your mouth shut. It is inappropriate to either sympathize or brag. 16. Just because "it's awake" when you get up does not mean I have to "kiss it good morning". 9:46 PM - 1 Comments - 2 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove

all about me

Did you know this about me? Like your really gonna read them all (55) Current mood: geeky ..1. What attracts me to a man first is his hands and arms ..2 I like to laugh and will bust out laughing even when Im alone ..3 My fav color is purple then black ..4 I love butter flys and lady bugs ..5 I suck at spelling ..6 I suck at math ..7 I love the food and bev bussiness ..8 Im dislexic ..9 I hate drama and drama like ppl ..10 I hate it when ppl ask for my advice and then dont listen to it.... ..11 I hate it when ppl stay some where were their unhappy and bitch about it ..12 I get alone better with men than women ..13 I dont get along with my parents and we dont talk any more ..14 My cat hates men and will bite you ..15 My daughter is my best friend ..16 I would rather take a bath than a shower ..17 Im a wine drinker ..18 Im not a clean freak but im not a slob ..19 I sleep naked ..20 I need a cuddle pillow to sleep and my corner of my bed ..21 like to sleep in a cold bedroom ..22 Ppl come to my house for food and an exscape from the world ..23 I hate cenapides but can kill a spider ..24 A hoares stepped on my foot but didnt break it ..25 I have broken my nose and some toes .. 26 I bruise easy ..27 I listen to my head more than my heart ..28 Im a movie buff ..29 I use to be a stripper when I was younger ..30 I use to be a model and run way model when I was younger ..31 I use to do sexy nighty commercials ..32 I love all kind of music..but not country too much ..33 My chest size is 44c ..34 I dont like to tan ..35 I love sea food ..36 Ive been married once but proposed to 4 times ..37 I have double standards ..38 I like to live alone ..39 I have a younger sister but we dont talk ..40 I dont like to date any one shorter than me ( Im 5/11) .. 41 Im picky about the mans size of his dick ..42 Im a freak in the bedroom but hate to have to be one all the time ..43 I like to read about the holicost ..44 I did drugs when I was younger ..45 I almost went to jail because of an over due library book ..46 Ive never been to jail ..47 Ive never busted for DWI ..48 I like younger men ..49 Im very opinionated ..50 I hate rude kids and unrully kids ..51 Foot fetish men some how find me ..52 I can drive a car that is stick ..53 I want to learn how to drive a motor bike ..54 When I "grow" up I want to open my own bed and breakfast ..55 My eyes are green my hair is alburn Im 5/11 and 230lb H/W proportionate


"People say that Love is giving someone the ability to destroy you, but trusting them not to. If you really love me tell me what I want to hear, but those other words are what I fear. If you really love me, would you stand by my side? Would you care for me? Be there for me? Be there when I cry? Don't tell me you love me when you have someone else on your mind. Don't tell me you want me when you have someone else by your side. I really don't wanna hear it, because you'll break my heart. Don't try to fix what is broken. Don't even start. If you didn't notice...I'm In love with you." Meeting you was fate, becoming your friend was a choice, but falling in love with you was beyond my control.
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