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If you’ve ever wondered what women are or aren’t attracted to, then you’re not alone. All men want to be attractive to women, and though beauty is in the eye of the beholder, there are definite things that all women find unappealing. If you’ve ever wanted to make sure that you identify all behaviors that women find offensive so that you can eradicate them from your life, then stay tuned. These tips will help ensure that you avoid common pitfalls that are sure to send women running in the other direction. The first greatest turn off for women is men who aren’t well groomed. Women spend countless hours throughout their lives grooming, bleaching, waxing, scrubbing, buffing, and polishing. They expect men to at least devote a little time to ensuring that they look presentable as well. From body odor to a few stray hairs growing from nostrils and eyebrows, flaws in appearance are a great turn off. Stay clean, iron your clothes, and make sure that you devote time to your appearance. This not only keeps you looking great, but it also lets her know that you value her opinion of you. Women are emotional creatures. It is simple fact, however whether the emotions are a result of a hormonal upset, a bad day at work, or simply waking up on the wrong side of the bed, women need to talk. One of the biggest turn offs for women is men that won’t or refuse to listen to women vent their feelings. Though it may seem over-dramatic or overbearing to men, who would rather crawl in a cave equipped only with a remote control and cool drink, women need men to listen and validate their feelings. If you want to make sure that your relationship works, and that you keep your woman interested in you, listen to what she has to say. If you really want to ensure that a woman never has anything to do with you again, lie to her. Women are looking for men that are open, honest, and trustworthy. As soon as you prove otherwise, you have caused serious damage. If you want to keep your relationship healthy never lie to her. If you think you want to date other people, then break up and date other people. Don’t do it behind her back. At least if you handle things openly and honestly, there will always be a chance that you can get back together. A man who is caught cheating on a woman is sealing the fate of that relationship. Though they may try to pick up the pieces and move on, most women will never 100% trust a man after he has cheated on her. By treating a woman with respect, care, and listening to her feelings you can ensure that she will not find you offensive. Make sure that you always demonstrate your self-confidence and have a positive attitude. Additionally, though a sense of humor is a great quality, men that act immature are a big turn off. Keep your playfulness under control and don’t mistake humor for childishness. With these tips, you’ll find that not only will you be more appealing to women, but your relationships will be stronger as well.

Tips For Men

When a man goes on a first date with a woman, he may be nervous, anxious, and on edge. There may be many mistakes or awkward moments that he finds himself in the middle of, however there are certain mistakes that should always be avoided, whether on the first date or early in a dating relationship. Realizing these mistakes can help men increase their chances of having long meaningful relationships with the woman that they care about and will help bridge the gap from dating to a serious relationship. The first dating mistake that all men should avoid is trying to have a one-night stand. If a man asks a woman out on the first date, and the only thing he has in mind is a one-night stand or how to take the woman to bed, the relationship will be off to a rocky start. First, men will find that they will be so preoccupied with trying to get his date in bed, that he’ll miss out on building a good foundation that could lead to a long lasting future relationship. When you meet a woman and are going on your first date, you should never act too involved. This means that your first intent should not be about getting her into bed with you, and likewise you shouldn’t treat her as if you were already in a committed relationship. The best way to ensure that your relationship has a great chance of succeeding is to play it safe and let the relationship build gradually. Women do not like to feel pressured into situations, and pushy men tend to be avoided and ignored in the long run. If you really like a woman and want to ensure that you get a second date, then the best course of action is to take things slowly, treat her with respect, and make sure that you never treat her as if she is your property. You may want her to be your girlfriend, but don’t let her know that. If she thinks that you are moving too quickly, you will scare her off. Never call more than once a day, and if you have left a message, or if she has told you she will call you back, then wait for that call. No matter how tempted you may be to give in and call, don’t do it. It is better to let several days go by without a phone call and meet in a casual or public place then to make too many phone calls. Calling a woman too much is a great way to turn her off and ensure that your second date never happens. If you want to ensure that your relationship starts off on the right foot, then make sure that you never let the girl you are interested in know your true intentions. If you have been dreaming about marrying her for years and you are on your first date, you’ll have to find a way to cool off your emotions and not let her know. Women do not want to feel pressured into any decision and they never want to feel that they are the objects of a possessive man. Let her know that you value her friendship and would like a second date, simply because you had a great time and enjoyed her company. This way, she won’t be intimidated and will more than likely take you up on your offer.

Dating tips for guys

So there are two pieces to this puzzle: 1) How to get a girlfriend. 2) How to not screw it up when you get one. HOW TO GET A GIRLFRIEND Here are some ideas for how to GET a great girlfriend: 1) Realize that attractive, intelligent, amazing women are IN DEMAND. They are RARE (I believe that a man who has his life together and understands women and attraction is FAR RARER, but that's a different conversation). 2) Because these women are rare and in demand, they usually have a lot of EXPERIENCE with men. And guess what? MEN ARE VERY PREDICTABLE. Men usually ask women out in one of a few PREDICTABLE ways... and they usually act one of a few PREDICTABLE ways on dates... and they usually respond in one of a few PREDICTABLE ways after the date... etc. 3) When it comes to the unusually attractive, desirable women, they have usually had a LOT of men who have "fallen" for them "too quickly". In other words, when they meet a guy who falls for them quickly, they RECOGNIZE it instantly, and RESPOND to it by RUNNING away. 4) If you want to get one of these desirable women to consider a RELATIONSHIP with you, you need to NOT act like one of the other 100 boring guys she's gone out with. 5) It is VITALLY important that you learn everything you can about women and dating before you go looking for a long-term relationship with a fantastic woman. The point is that you have to KEEP WORKING on it. Don't just learn a few things and think "OK, I've got it". 6) You must give an unusually attractive woman SPACE. You can't call her every day, tell her that you're in love with her two days after you've met her, chase her around, always ask what she's doing, etc. You must give this special woman THE GIFT OF MISSING YOU. 7) When you're in her presence, you must not treat her like you desperately want and need her approval. There's a way to do ANYTHING and have it mean ANYTHING. Whatever you do, don't try to "impress" her, act apologetic for anything about yourself, or otherwise give away your personal POWER. EVER. 8) If you have a life, stay with it. If you don't have a life, get one. Don't sit around wondering what she's doing, calling her, telling her how you "feel", etc. If she wanted another "girlfriend", she'd get one. So don't act like one. Desirable women want men who are INDEPENDENT, and who give them SPACE. In fact, if anything, you need to give a woman like this TOO MUCH space. You want HER to be the one who is calling YOU to figure out what you're up to. 9) If you sense that this woman is "testing" you by being difficult, trying to change plans with you on short notice all the time, etc. then RELAX. Lean back. Never let her "get away" with anything just because she's beautiful, or let her have any "special privileges" because you like her. NEVER. 10) If you want a long-term relationship, let it DEVELOP over time. I personally don't think it's a good idea to even CONSIDER having a relationship with a woman until you have known her for a MINIMUM of 90 days. MINIMUM! If you take this mindset, it will FORCE you to chill out and let things develop over time, instead of trying to "force" them. You'll be VERY different from the other guys she's dated, and you'll find that SHE starts letting the "I have special feelings for you" talk slip out. I'm suggesting a way of thinking, behaving, and communicating that is VERY different from the way most men think, behave, and communicate. It is "counter intuitive"... it doesn't really seem to make sense at first. And it is NOT what your FEELINGS will tell you to do if you're not experienced with women. HOW TO NOT SCREW IT UP WITH THE GIRL YOU HAVE Now I'm REALLY getting into territory that I don't usually talk about, but I'll take a few minutes and comment on a few things... I personally think one of the biggest mistakes men make with women comes down to GIVING AWAY PERSONAL POWER. This usually means acting apologetic, allowing a woman to "get away" with things that subtly put her "in control" of you, and behaving like a WUSSY. Women don't feel that magical emotion called ATTRACTION for men who give away their power. Women aren't attracted to WUSSIES. And what do most men do once they get into a long-term relationship? Of course...They start acting like Wussies. Go figure, huh? And another of the biggest mistakes that men make with women is acting BORING AND PREDICTABLE. These are two sides to the same coin. Most guys do this right from the beginning, and kill any chances of having ANY kind of success with a woman. But the REAL challenge comes when you get into a longer relationship with a person... because they get a chance to LEARN what to expect. In other words, it's harder to not act boring and predictable with someone who has known you for a long time. But you MUST do it if you want to keep the magic alive! What I'm trying to say is that it's not enough to get a woman to say "Yes, I want to be in a relationship with you" or "Yes, I want to marry you". You're going to wake up in five years, and still have to MAKE your relationship great. Just because it's great now doesn't mean that you can "let it slide".
The proliferation of online dating sites makes the process of qualifying potential mates fast and efficient. This can be both a good and a bad thing. As one begins using online dating sites they can quickly find themselves deluged with emails and interested parties. To avoid moving to quickly or becoming overloaded with conversations with people who are not your "match" use a good model for screening and qualifying dates. This will help save you time, money and spare you drawn out long dates with individuals you know are not a fit in the first 5 minutes. Things You'll Need: One or more reputable online dating sites Patience Charm Discipline Good qualification skills Steps: Step One: Don't lie on your profile (tall claims, pictures from 10 lbs ago, etc.) The online dating process works best if you are honest. Pretend you are something you are not and you will soon find yourself juggling a maze lies. Put the real you out there and trust the process. Step Two: Always exchange at least 3 emails before speaking on the phone. Ask questions that reveal more details as the conversation progresses. Offer some insight in to yourself also. Don't hide potential deal killers- I am married, I have kids, I live abroad, I am in prison. Be suspicious of vague and short responses. Step Three: After 3 preferably detailed emails are exchanged, and no sooner than two emails into a discourse, ask for pictures. The more the better. Anyone can take ONE good picture. Step Four: If you are still interested you are now ready to move to a phone conversation. Ask for their number. Many things can be revealed over the phone. The lack of time available to craft an email is eliminated. You now see how the person responds to questions and conversations on the fly. If voice is important to you, you now have another piece of the puzzle. Step Five: Once you have exchanged emails, photos, and spoken on the phone you can now consider a face to face date. I suggest meeting for drinks in an intimate, but not overly romantic or dark setting, at a venue where drinks can easily be extended to dinner. This provides the invaluable options of having one drink and ending the date without appearing rude or extending a date to multiple drinks or dinner if things go well. Furthermore, you can manage cost and time spent until such time as you confirm that you really want to spend more time with the person. Many an active dater finds themselves spending hundreds of dollars a month on dates with people they have no interest in seeing second time.
Things You'll Need CONFIDENCE Time Patience Steps Step One* Always look good while going out of the house, but don't seem like you try too hard.(you never know who you will meet) -->smell good (no guy wants to be too close to a stinky girl) -->dress to your body shape (show off great features >butt, legs, etc.) -->pick out a great facial feature and work on that (this will help you not to overload on makeup) Step Two* When you see a guy that you think is cute, or maybe you have a crush on: -->Look at him (when he looks at you, smirk and look away) (this will give him an impression that you are interested, and he will keep staring and waiting to see if you look again) -->LOOK AGAIN (this will spark his interest, because he will know that the first look was NOT an accident) Step Three* Talk to his friends, or people around him (this will give him a closer look at you and he will know that you are a cool person because you are hanging out//talking with the same people as him.)(this will also make him want to talk with you) *Let HIM start the conversation (give short answers and ALOT of eye contact!)(eye contact=CONFIDENCE!) (don't let him know too much about yourself yet) (when he talks to you or asks you a question...dont answer right when he is done talking...give yourself a moment...but don't wait too long otherwise he will think that you are just plain stupid in the head.) *If he asks for you number, don't give it too him right away! He will think you are too willing and he won the game too easily. (say something like: "Well, I've been a little too busy to answer my phone lately...it might be kind of hard to get a hold of me." IF HE SAYS SOMETHING LIKE: "oh... alright" >as if he has been rejected< THEN SAY SOMETHING LIKE: "but you might be able to get a hole of me in a week" and then give it to him) IF HE SAYS SOMETHING LIKE: "well I'm sure I'll be able to get a hold of you sometime">as if he still is interested< THEN YOU SAY SOMETHING LIKE: "okay...if you really want it" and then give it to him)
» Mistake #1: Leading A Man To Think You Are "Needy" And "Insecure" Did you know that there are 6 ways you can set off a man's "Insecurity Alert" and make him think twice about pursuing a relationship with you? Sadly, even confident women often "accidentally" give off one of these signs... and just one can kill the chance of a man asking you on a second date. As you read through these signals men pick up on as "needy" and unattractive, ask yourself if YOU have ever been guilty of committing one of these deadly mistakes: Talking or saying nasty things about your past boyfriends. Saying bad things about men you have been involved with actually reflects the negatively back on YOU. It makes a man worry you are carrying around "baggage" that HE will have to deal with should he become involved with you. Speaking negatively about other women. When women call other women names like "slut", "bitch", and "crazy", it is anything but impressive to a man you are attracted you. Women will often do this when they see a good looking, desirable woman, especially if they feel their man might be attracted to her. This just makes a man think you are trying to cover up your own insecurities, and looking for validation and attention. Not good. Too much physical contact, especially in public. If you are constantly hanging on a man or touching him too much he'll start to see it as clingy behavior... but you'll never hear about this from him. It's far better to save your touches for short and infrequent moments that will surprise and enchant him. » Mistake #2: Appealing To His "Sexual" Side Instead Of His Emotional Side Many women make the mistake of thinking that men are primarily driven by sex alone... and think if they can attract a man SEXUALLY they will be able to attract him EMOTIONALLY as well. Women too often give up sex to a man in the hopes that it will translate into a relationship and get them what they want. In reality, a man has the capacity to view a sexual connection and an emotional connection as two entirely different things, and it requires a special set of skills to mold these two things together in a man's mind and keep them connected. Men are out for far more than just sex... and a woman who knows how to fulfill a man EMOTIONALLY and SEXUALLY will be the woman who captures a man's heart... and gets that same fulfillment for HERSELF. In a moment, I'll show you how you can learn to do just that... » Mistake #3: Not Knowing How To Size Up A Man's "Relationship Potential" A lot of women will decide whether or not they should put energy into building a relationship with a man based on ATTRACTION. Yes, attraction is important. But it can also be DANGEROUS. When we feel a strong sense of attraction for someone, it can cause us to override our logic and ignore our instincts leading us to overlook potential partner's deadly faults that could spell trouble down the road. If you've ever found yourself stuck in a relationship that is dragging you down, this is probably why. It's important to be able to size a guy up and spot any "warning signs" of a future bad relationship FAST... so you don't waste any of your time or emotional energy on someone who isn't right for you... or who will leave you heartbroken.
Be fun to be with! When two people know each other well, what keeps the passion alive is challenges, change, renewal in the relationship. You have to take risks and move beyond the limits of your comfort zone. Deep care is great but when harmony is granted and you want to turn on your man, you must be excited about your life and your future. Falling in love is about excitement! Find the roots, the sources of your life's pleasure, the nectar of your senses, wake them up in you and show him that! wake up your sensuality, connect with your desires! they are your emotional fuel! Flirt outrageously. Be fun to be with!!! Don't mean frivolous all the time but simply enjoy life. Inner freedom is extremely attractive for a guy. Show him you enjoy life deep inside and that your pleasure can't be challenged or destroyed. Be sexy and take care deep care of yourself. Don't worship him like a god, tease him instead. Be confident and take risks (I don't mean putting your life, health or future in danger). Try simple steps like talking to people more ins social situations. Be active in social situations. Fun! Don't be exclusive with him or clingy. Stay active, open and excited about life beyond the limits of what you share with him. Enjoy!
What follows are twelve useful rules for couples that are known to be of primary importance to happy, intimate, passionate, and committed relationships. They are derived from research on the 10-15% of couples who have been together for over five years, ...and, who are living the "happily-ever-after" we all hope for. If you can utilize these suggestions in your own relationship, you may be taking a large step toward joining this elite group of loving couples. Sit down soon with your partner (waiting for a time when you both are feeling good about each other) and look over this blog. If you find these tips genuinely helpful, I suggest you save this for future reference during those inevitable times when things are not going well in your relationship. It is easy for most people to be cynical about relationships given the current high rates of divorce and obvious unhappiness that we observe and/or experience. At a minimum, most people probably believe that, in long-term relationships, monogamy ultimately leads to monotony. Although this may be true for a very large proportion of couples, we know that it is not inevitable. Marriage and long-term relationships provide a wonderful potential combination of maximum temptation (for closeness, affection, and passion), maximum opportunities, and the greatest possibility for maximum gratification. While many in long-term relationships may envy their single and uncommitted friends, recent research tells us that those in long-term committed relationships, on the average, have more frequent, more satisfying, and more varied intimate experiences than the single and uncommitted... and even more than those engaged in extramarital affairs. For example, in general, men and women report greater satisfaction with marital sex vs. premarital or extramarital sex. The following is a list of a dozen factors that are now known to be the things that separate the happy from the unhappy couples. 1. PRIORITIES: The happy and satisfied couples make a very clear commitment to each other to make their relationship (including their sexual relationship) good. They give their relationship the time and attention it deserves. They place quality time together at the top of their list of priorities. Other things that demand their time are sometimes cancelled or delayed. Dinners are sometimes put on hold while they talk or make love. They may be late for a party or work or a visit to relatives. They are careful to arrange weekends or vacations alone... without the children, or friends, or mother-in-law. They sometimes turn down invitations and they carefully examine events or tasks called "obligations." 2. TIMING: A good and satisfying relationship can happen only when there is time for it. The current structure of families and the American work ethic conspire to lead us into a predictable trap. Couples put off intimacy and conversation while they "get things done." Cleaning the house, washing the car, talking to relatives on the phone, watching TV, etc. replace the loving behaviors they used to engage in at the outset of their relationship. If anything good happens, it comes late at the end of a fatiguing day, or put off until the weekend or vacation. Happy couples don't stop making "dates" with each other and seize upon expected and unexpected times and opportunities. They make time, take time, and pay a lot of attention to each other. 3. RECOVERY: The happy couples are unique in that they quickly recover from arguments and hurt feelings. They have been found to use a method not often recommended by counselors and therapists of the past. They are often able to temporarily put aside relationship problems to experience something enjoyable together. They put off further arguments while they go to a concert, out to dinner, a party, or even to make love. Then, after having a good time, they use these good feelings to quickly resolve issues that unhappy couples spend a lifetime fighting about. The gratified couples try to work on important disagreements ONLY when they are both at their best. 4. TOUCH: The happily satisfied couples touch each other a lot. Most of their touching is sensual, but non-sexual and non-genital. They hold hands, snuggle on the couch while they watch TV, hug, kiss, take baths together, give massages, etc. Couples who go days or longer without any prolonged affectionate touch are starting from scratch when they decide to be intimate. Unlike the affectionate couples, they have a lot of work to do to make something interesting happen. Sex is not that much different than daily behaviors for the fulfilled couples, but it is a major shift for the less affectionate pairs. 5. ROMANCING: Content couples know the importance of surprise, tenderness, compliments, and special little gifts. (Big, expensive gifts don't predict happiness in relationships, but regular little ones do.) They continue "until death do we part" to behave in a romantic, sexy, and seductive manner toward each other. Touches, unexpected phone calls to each other, candle-lit dinners, naked weekends together, extravagant compliments, flowers and little "thingy" gifts from the drug store, are common events. The gifts and phone calls are especially important since they communicate clearly that, "I am often thinking of you when we aren't together." These couples avoid the deadly danger of taking each other for granted. If they have gone too long being busy with other things, they apologize and do something about it. 6. ANTICIPATION: A major feature of actually feeling "in love" is that wonderful sense of anticipation when thinking about our partner. One day a busy executive received an envelope from a messenger. Inside was a note from his wife to whom he'd been married for 19 years. It said, "Wanted... handsome man for a grand night of passion! See you at 7:00 PM!" Also inside the envelope was a room key to a nice local hotel. The man said he got very little work done that day! Happy couples plan ahead and make invitations to their lover. They know the importance of keeping passion alive. They regularly create anticipation by, for instance, phoning their partner at work and making a "hot date" for that evening. They describe their passion and may even offer a "menu" for the anticipated loving event. Contrast this to the typical couple, where the only anticipation comes after he or she says, "Wanna do it tonight?" This category requires regular thought and creativity, but the outcome will usually be more than worth the effort. 7. PLAYFULNESS: Happy couples work at their relationships and take them seriously,... but not somberly. They play at making their partnership fun and healthy. They understand the extremely high value of humor and laughter. What other couples react to as tragedies, these couples are sometimes able find humor in. When bed slats break, diaphragms fly across the room, your children interrupt your love-making, it rains on your picnic, etc., these couples respond with "Wasn't it funny", not with hysterics, anger and anxiety. They just do the best they can and understand that they are merely human. They take loving and fun-filled care of "the child within" themselves and their partner. 8. COMMUNICATION: All studies show a direct association between the quality of a couple's communication skills and the quality of their relationship. They certainly don't always sit around talking about their relationship, but their is an open agreement between them that when something needs to be said, it will. They don't just talk about the problems in their relationship. They spend even more time talking about the things they love about their partner and partnership. 9. SHARING: As an important part of their communication, these content couples share the big, important issues such as dreams and fears. They often tell each other the stories of their lives, sharing their understanding of how their past influences the present. Sometimes the more courageous even share their fantasies with each other. 10. PARENTING: Every study on the topic has clearly shown that there is a reduction in several important areas of marital satisfaction from the birth of the first child until the last child leaves home. Ironically, children are an ever-present danger to the health of your relationship. This is more true today than ever before due to the high number of single parents and blended families, which add other potential problems to an already present difficulty. The happiest couples maintain a commitment that their children are not going to have a large negative impact on their love and romance. They do all they can to ensure that their partner doesn't often feel second to the children (or anything or anyone else). These parents make sure that their children respect their privacy, which happens best when the parent also has respect for the child's privacy. It is almost easy for some of these parents to minimize the negative impact of children on the relationship, because the children are comfortably aware that they are loved, and that mom and dad (or parent and partner) are very much in love with each other. With very rare exception, it is extremely helpful to the child's development to observe regular genuine affection between parents (or parent and partner). 11. EQUALITY: Finally, modern studies have universally demonstrated that the only healthy long-term relationships are between people who feel and are equal. Couples who are attempting to have a 1950's type of relationship in which the man makes most of the big decisions and the woman gets to pick the color of the kitchen towels, are not working in the long term. Regardless of one's opinion of the women's movement, the revolution has already occurred. Those who are attempting to stop or turn back the clock are ultimately meeting with dismal failure. The extremes of relationship power imbalances in which physical and mental abuse occurs are the least successful today. 12. CONFLICT RESOLUTION: Recent research tells us that couples who deal with disagreements by withdrawing, ignoring their partner's feelings, and escalating the intensity of the arguments are heading toward a failed relationship unless healthier styles of conflict resolution are developed. It is vital that the woman send clear (mostly non-verbal) signals about her desires for distance or closeness; and, it is equally important that the man pay close attention to her signals, interpret them correctly, and respond as quickly as possible if the relationship is run smoothly. As you look over these twelve tips for relationships, you may note that the big secret to a happy long-term relationship is no big secret at all. These things are generally common sense. But the research in this field indicates that, once again, common sense is not always so common. As mentioned at the outset, it is obvious that only 10-15% of couples are able to keep doing most of the things that seemed to come so easily when they first fell in love. For reasons that researchers don't completely understand, this small proportion of couples pay attention to these essentials and keep doing the things which result in fulfilling relationships. These people are exceptional in no other way that we can tell. They are not smarter, richer, better looking, "sexier", or more educated than you. This is encouraging. It says that anyone who is knowledgeable and attentive can have a happy intimate relationship.

Sex with your eyes open

When we have sex, our physical bodies function as conduits for our emotions and thoughts. In other words, we can express and deepen what we feel through doing the deed. And while it may seem like pleasure is the main objective of getting down and dirty, more vital than those fleeting moments of ecstasy - in the course of an intimate relationship, anyway - is that sex is the glue that holds partners together. For that reason, like most things in life, it's important that we enter into it (and participate in it) with our eyes wide open. Literally and figuratively speaking. Let's start with the figurative... Oftentimes we're so focused on finding intimacy… having a relationship… connecting with that ever elusive "one," that we ignore the signs of unavailability in a partner or potential paramour. We think that by virtue of having a physical relationship with someone, we're forging an emotional bond with them as well. This is not always the case. Sheer physical pleasure can be the aim of an encounter, and that's fine, provided we're conscious of our intentions! To that end (and to keep your "eyes open"), honest communication is required before situations turn sexual. Whatever it is you're looking for between the sheets, you have to make sure you and your bedmate are on the same page. You can find this out by addressing it openly, but you can also see clearly if you pay attention to the signs they're sending about their emotional availability. That said, sometimes we're aware of what we're dealing with, but for some reason think we can change a person's intentions. Rarely is that possible. Worse even than confusing physical connection with an emotional one, is the belief that by sleeping with someone we can hold onto them or force them into giving us what we want. In other words, manipulation via copulation. Remember, that using sex to get love is an ill-fated mission. Sex as a weapon Universal law of love numero uno is: you cannot make someone love you. And the person you are meant to be with will not need to be forced. Trying to do so via any sexual means is only going to lead to increased hurt and confusion (not to mention decreased self-confidence). Using sex as a weapon to get what you want will most likely only blow up in your face. But, see sex for what it is, and you - and your partner can make the most of it. And whatever the deal is, be sure it's a reciprocal exchange. Now, more literally speaking… During sex, we're at our most vulnerable. This can be scary - after all, allowing another person to witness you so raw opens you up to a whole new level of hurt - but it's also an opportunity for genuine connection. This is where true intimacy between lovers can be found. Yet, recent studies suggest that only 30% of couples have sex with their eyes open. And among those, less than half actually orgasm with eye contact. What's that all about? Open your eyes Well, it's pretty simple (and common). Our desire for intimacy is impeded by fear of it - and also embarrassment. But in actuality, we're all human, and thereby, sexual beings who crave true connection. In order to get that connection, to reach a place where two become one not just physically, but spiritually, it's time that we let those insecurities go. By experiencing sex with our eyes literally open, we are able not only to truly see what our partners are feeling - physically and emotionally - but to share with each other our deepest selves. The result is one that translates far beyond the bedroom and into the bond we share in our every day lives. As a pair, you now know each other in a way that no one else does - and what could be more empowering than that? Historically, practices such as Tantra and texts like the Kama Sutra have been aimed at allowing individuals to come together and experience the sacred nature of sex. Meeting each other's eyes during climax is a simple step that allows us to access that divine space. After all, if the old adage is true, and the eyes are the mirror to the soul, wouldn't it make sense for us all to open them?
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