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Axetapper's blog: "Tapper's Riffs"

created on 06/18/2007  |  http://fubar.com/tapper-s-riffs/b93026

Health Update

Hey Friends n Family..Bry here with a health update. In February of this year, I was designated by the Province of BC as a person with disabilities. In short, forced retirement. 

Why you ask? Well, bear in mind I"m over 63 with kidneys running at about 45-50% efficiency, lumbar stenosis(narrowing of the spine) which is degenerative brought on by arthritis, an enlarged heart; specifically a thickened Aorta, ongoing nerve damage because of the arthritis which causes periodic attacks of sciatica preventing me from walking with pace and a constant dull aching pain in my left arm that feels much like what a tootache would feel like if located in your arm. You get the picture.

At the time of this decision by the BC Govt. the Dr of Internal Medicine I see quarterly since 2009 after stents were put in my heart, told me that my Aorta has become thickened and I will likely require surgery to fix it meaning I would be facing a 13th lifetime surgery to fix this issue IF I consented to the surgery resulting in getting my chest cut open good etc etc . I asked him how do I make it thin again? He said you don't. He said as it stands, unless something changes, my life expectancy is not that good. It's not defined as in weeks or months but the concern is the amount of years left to live but its a red flag of caution nonetheless. This chat was back in April of 2017

So at age 63 despite being on 2 blood pressure pills and a Crestor for cholestral, my BP was 160+/110 and I felt like shit.

So on July 07/2017, I weighed myself and discovered that my weight was 283 pounds on a 63 yo, 5'9" frame man with an enlarged heart and ugly blood pressure to go with it. Not good at all.

So, by accident, I was required as ordered by this same Dr to do my quarterly 10 hour fast just allowing for water during that time frame. They draw blood and urine and that be that. So I got home and had my first coffee of the day just after 9:00am and for whatever reason, did not eat until after 12:00 noon that day and closed the kitchen at 8:00pm with only water inbetween meals.

The result? Next morning I had lost 2 pounds. I was happy and wondered if what I did the day before was the reason so I repeated the process and sure enough the next day, another pound fell off.It gets better.

I kept repeating this process and began the task of going thru my cupboards and fridge and created a desktop file on how many calories were in what I had on hand here including my idea of what a portion of food was and discovered some very eyepopping numbers that suggested to me that I gotta fix this or else!

So, I saw him on July 12 in the elevator on the way to his office for my appt. and he kept looking at me like he knew I was different but not quite sure what. He discoverd that I had lost 10 pounds in one week and dropped my Blood pressure to 130/90.That's a 30 pt BP drop.

He was happy.I was happy..Now.......................to the good stuff.

So I left his office at 273 pounds. It is now Sept 17/2017 and as of this morning, I weighed in at 231 pounds. That's 42 pounds less of me. I feel great. I eat right. I don't drink anymore as I discovered that booze of any kind bothers my spine as booze dehydrates you and for whatever reason, on me now, if I drink at all, those few hours of feeling good turn into 5 days of back aches and misery as the spine tries to recover the spinal fluid it once had or the water that goes with it; you get the idea

So, here I am 42 pounds lighter with a long term goal of "x" but only setting 5 pound weight loss goals at a time.The mountain is coming down for me, my appearance is improving and my overall fitness level is improving enough allowing me to combing exercise with walking with pace again without immediate sciatic pain. I have a lot of work left to do but..........

I'm here to tell you that I'm here to keep on Fu...ing. until I'm 75 anyways as that's when my Govt Pension called CPP runs out and I'm determined to get all that I'm owed.

Rock on Fu and thanks for reading !




Big Red Bullshit

Dear Fu-sters...


Tired of encountering deceitful rate and like strategies by a few of the Big Red owners on this website who somehow seem to feel that they are entitled to lure, con and manipulate others, including myself, to be lured to their profiles with the hope of rating them; only for you and I to discover that we can't rate the profile due to a famp that ran earlier and negated that for us.


That's not the worst of it. There are two particular owners who KNOW this information ahead of time and diliberately run the BIG RED anyways knowing that you can neither polish the bling, nor rate the profile either with the whole point being to draw you to the profile to leave a comment, rate other pics etc, leave a like...anything to extract points from you for lying to you in the first place using this BIG RED as a bling lure.


They are playing on your stupidity. Hell these guys come to my profile during the day and leave a rate and like HOPING I will respond then and there by returing the favor thereby negating my complaint that would surely follow later on in the evening. No way will I rate them,like them, or anything else them until that BIG RED is running because I know they are addicted to that bling and I will wait them out. I will continue to inform people if they are getting conned again;or playing it straight.


Most of the Big RED owners on here are cool and understand the dilemna and go to pretty good lenghts to ensure that we at least get a rate out of the whole deal but there are two on here who feel that deceitfulness is a good idea no matter what.


Let me say this to all BIG RED owners. Since you paid a ridiculous amount of money for a bling; that comes with a bunch of achievement criteria attachments, then the least you could do is to run the bling fairly whereby EVERYBODY at least has a chance to RATE THE PROFILE WITH IT RUNNING and have that count towards an acheivement..That's Level 1 thru 65..If you can't do that, then you are nothing more than a bunch of lying assholes trying to fuk people around..and NOBODY appreciates being treated like that.


One last thing BIG RED OWNERS :If I can't rate your profile while that bling is running, no damn way will I do anything else on your profile either and I encourage all others to treat you as you are treating them.


Most of you BIG RED owners seem honest enough and go by fair play but there is a few that seem to enjoy deceit and this blog is directed at you.


Be Cool Fu


Fu Beggin-nomics

Oh the rant on this. I have always worked for a living since I was 15 years old. Yes I got around the truant guy in those days. Anyways, my parents, for all the things I could point out they fell short on, did teach me that If I want something, with a little sweat, toil, some quiet cursing too combined with proper money management, I could bring those things I want to fruition and count on having a relatively productive lifestyle that had foundation.


We come to the new millennium and suddenly all the values of sweat, toil and curse have been replaced with pervasive foul language instead; complete with expectation of benefits without ever raising an arm or leg or finger to earn any of it? Lost? Confused?  WTF is this guy saying?  Don’t they know who I am? I know what you are !


Hey, you want something, get off your ass and get a job and earn the money and pay for it yourself just like your Mom and Dad had to. What they don’t work? They must do something to afford you sitting at home playing video games or doing a Peg Bundy while sitting on here all day asking others to buy you Bling for achievements and what not.


I once had a family member at the time tell me that if I didn’t buy them such and such a Bling, then I wasn’t a true friend. I told them friends do because they choose to do; not because they have to do; and anybody who was truly a friend to me, would not be trying to bully me or anybody else into paying for their lifestyle on here either. Ya that shut them up and so it should.


Let’s realize what this place is. Its an online, fantasy, casino style site with bling, achievements, where men and women from all over the world  can chat with one another under one roof FREE OF CHARGE. Free of charge though comes with a price attached.


You can only go so far on here without paying to advance. If you’re only interest on here is to meet people from all over the world and chat only while visiting profiles then accept that you can only advance so far unless you pay to advance forward.


If you want to advance and play the game, STOP BEGGING FOR SHIT. I mean really; doesn’t everybody get enough of that in real life with the people on the corner going “spare change” without having to come on here and see “Spare Credits Anybody”?.. phrased in a multitude of different ways.


You all be cool  :)


Let’s see. We seem to have lost the basic courtesy of thanking one another for using ability points on each other. It’s a gift people, it’s not a right; it’s a privilege to receive; that somebody was thoughtful enough for a brief moment in time to boost your points, pimp you out or even shitface you; but far too often these days, people will not spend the time and take a moment and say “thank you”.


Nope; many of you are too busy doing whatever and seem to take for granted that this “gift” from another is due your way anyways, didn’t cost he/she any money so why should I have to break down and thank them for it” kind of thinking. That’s what your actions suggest that’s how you view it. Actions do speak louder than words.


On the subject of shitfaces, I have a few thoughts on the matter. The women on this website for the most part are perpetually lubed by the guys who seem to believe that if they can virtually soak them in booze day and night, a certain amount of it will somehow leak through into their brains and soften their positions up on revealing their private folders to these guys should they have any. It’s not going to happen guys so give it up. Stop wasting your points on them for that potential. Want porn? Hit the net. Gazillions of sites; pick one and smarten up.


Yes, there are women on here who for “X” amount of credits will apparently open a folder for you revealing images that may or may not be them. Photoshop is a wonderful tool guys. A pretty face on a smokin’ body that belongs to somebody else. Of course you can tell the difference right? As one female friend on here told me recently. “Women on here treat guys like virtual toys and play with them long enough to get all the value they can from them and put them up on a shelf to be hopefully forgotten eventually. She’s married so she’s got no agenda.


It seems that it’s up to us guys to constantly be expected to ask you ladies for shitfaces. Why is that? Why is it that when you arrive at a family/good friend members profile page and they are orange, you don’t lube them by your own volition as an act of kindness? Why must you insist on being asked first? Not true? Well, some of you do it often enough and consistently enough to say there’s a pattern to it.


This leads me, it seems often, to send out a general request in the live feed. Nice way to treat a family member or top friend Fu. Of course none of this problem exists if I run ability bling; always lubed when that’s running; but then my only problem then is that members won’t pimp me out even though those points coming by way of a famp benefits them. ??? Must you be asked??


Not getting enough likes and rates on your profile? I have a solution. Ask the Fu for a shitface trade! Seriously, you’ll will get at least a half dozen likes and rates in a matter of seconds by all kinds of people who are mostly orange, some purple, but not one of these people will trade shitfaces with you.

Nope, that part goes sailing clean over their heads time and time again. I could understand if it’s those under level 28 I think as they don’t have ability points; but I get levels 47-61, mostly orange, and all sitting on their hands like cabbage patch kids in a field wondering how they got there and what to do next.


Then we have the guys and their perpetual cockblocking who make it their sworn duty on a daily basis to shitface over another guys work thinking its going to curry favor with the woman. She doesn’t care while most think you’re a selfish asshole for doing it. But still some women will defend their actions saying he’s too dumb or didn’t mean too or didn’t notice which helps perpetuate the problem. He knows ladies.


Yes I get frustrated about shitfaces as you get a 10% bonus on everything; you get an achievement eventually for dishing enough of them out over time.

I think from now on, I’m not lubing anybody anymore who hasn’t got the courtesy to say thank you either by way of shout or message. You don’t deserve my generosity anymore and from here on in, I treat you as I find you treat me as this will be my new philosophy on Fubar. If it’s good enough for you to treat others like shit, its good enough for me to treat you like shit as well. Good for you? Good for me! Hugs :)

Hi Fu; Here we go...Locked profiles...why did/does this happen?. Well thanks to the numerous individuals who landed upon my profile and yours too,polishing this and that and somehow finding a way to lay low and hoping to scootch on out without being noticed. These same people polished our hard earned self purchased bling and did not bother to leave a rate, like, fan or even a comment..Just a big polish and vanish. In my world, not cool. Don't forget folks, the SEE ALL tells the profile owner what you did. It doesn't lie.


Here we are now..on a social website...and because of this self centered practice by the aforementioned people, many, including myself, has decided to lock down our profiles so that WE..YES WE...who actually paid real $ for our bling, can now manage our profiles as we see fit..That apparently has many of you up in arms. It shouldn't really.


To those of you who feel you are being excluded. Did you buy the bling to begin with? Are you pissed that said Owner of bling has decided that the bling that they bought with real $ is best served to be polished by whomever they choose? In my case, my bling, which I purchased using real $, is available to my family members and MYSELF to polish. If I decide to lock my profile for a day or a week or just a few hours, it is my choice. Also, I do not charge, bully, harass or any other deviant behavior the opportunity for a family member to polish my junk..lol./..if its locked and they come a calling...just ask.. if I'm online to open...all good..!!!! Remember, you are allowed to polish you own LE Bling up to a limit. After that limit is reached, you'll have to open it up for others anyways..that is IF you want others to polish your bling.Again..though..who you decide to open for as it pertains to family or friends or everybody is your choice.


One Final Note: I've been here since Cherry Tap. This crap about charging members to polish your junk is nonsense..complete  nonsense. Yes you may have purchased said bling and Yes it your bling to manage but to CHARGE people to polish it is wrong. 

Fubar Changes

Well..what can be said here. I love Fubar for what it was; but not entirely sure I like what it has become.


Hear me out Fu. I'm from the Cherry Tap days. Once upon a time Rate,Fan, Like were all commonplace occurences upon all our profiles whereby we gladly accepted friend requests from those who followed those unspoken, apparently understood basics that Cherry Tap expected of its members towards one another & those basic occurrences were commonplace. Now, we often have to send/post reminders to fan please.


As time has passed, the evolution from Lost Cherry to Cherry Tap to what we now know as Fubar, seems to have created a dynamics change whereby the basics previously mentioned, have evolved into a bit of a hit and miss proposition. Often I(we) have visitors to our profiles who merely polish our bling for achievements that yes help us both; but often these visitors seem too focused on points and not the underlying value that is our profiles. In short, rate, fan,add has become a dinosaur concept to many.


The game itself: The more you pay to play and more correct families you land in influences your overall standings whereby the right families, and your ability to play and pay can make you a star on Fubar; but I have to ask; at what price does one have to pay to achieve this and is this price worth it to you.?

I mean Fu, and this is no disrespect to Fubar, its staff or its clients but this is an online FANTASY, gaming, dating?, social website that is addictive in its own right but lets be real here for a moment.

Is it not better to be a Jaycee, a little league coach to the underprivleged, a volunteer firefighter, a soup kitchen helper or merely a friend to those who clearly don't have the stuff God gave you than it is to be badly in debt maxing out multiple credits cards just to be popular on Fubar?


In truth,and I don't know about the rest of you, but at the moment, I can't afford this online fantasy. At the moment, its more important to reduce debt and increase wealth and I do suspect as time passes, there will be others here forced to sit down with themselves and their credit cards and have the same heart to heart talk.


To those of you that are wealthy enough whereby this place and all its vices means nothing to you in terms of hardship, enjoy and maximize your potential as it applies here; Have fun and play the game to its maximus as they say; but to the rest of you..me, you..us...get your shit together and take a long hard look at what it costs to be a somebody in a virtual world called Fubar whereby your street cred does not exist outside of here; and while I'm one of the last people in the world to be yipping and yapping about street cred, I think I do make a basic point out of all this...Yes?


Healing Time

Hey Fu,

Recently I've taken time out from here and will resume my time out here shortly again; but in fairness to friends and family I have made here who are likely wondering what's up, here's the deal.

As many of you know, I was a professional musician in my youth who was often considered the best session player my musical peers had played with not working as a studio musician. That said, my musical youth was filled with a lot of, shall we say, party and adventure; and I didn't have to go far to find it either. In an odd way,finding an online bar seemed somehow appropot..yes? Here I am.

Anyways, years of "fun" started to catch up in the last few years and recently, I found myself having to undergo lifestyle changes requiring focus and commitment to a more stable, less self destructive lifestyle. In short, finding my musical roots again has been just as paramount as regaining my health has for me.

Blood pressure of 180/100, combined with Stage 3b of Kidney disease, combined with a hormone imbalance due to diet and beer, changed my insides around so badly, it had become a serious health issue whereby doctors were concerned my time was coming near. I was losing sensation in my hands and feet which scared me badly.

My ability to function, think, perceive, rationalize and carry forward a normal existence filled with promise was being threatend; and combine all that with discovering about loss of my parents, it all became a bit too much for me which created a huge stresser to fall back on old ways that don't work

So, I've made some lifestyle changes, my blood pressure is now 130/90. Not ideal but getting there. My touch is coming back..my playing level is coming back quickly while my committment to daily playing is returning to its former self and I know that will take me where I need to go.

I'm not out of the woods yet but I'm winning. I really do appreciate the people who have visited my profile in my absence and tried to keep me current and in the popularity loop. I really do thank you wonderful people for that and I will be here from time to time going forward, but I do need to get my health and person back together again. The loss of my parents, both of them, is still a work in progress; but its all good


Thank you my friends and family for your love and support and remember Bry loves ya (h):)


Online Casino

Hello Fubar Friends, Family and All,


I look around here at us all trying to get ahead here on the never ending game that is Fubar; which, as we all know, will never have a top level this is considered Done and Final; but merely a top level at the time for whatever time it lasts only to be subject to futures and revisions.

I love it here. I do.It is fun...but it is expensive if you get caught up in the game and believe that you, the individual, have nothing left in your personal life that means shit; other  than to dump your resources into here. Now this does not mean that any or all of us cannot have fun or even extend ourselves financially here at times via our credit cards all in the name of fantasy etc. But Fantasy it is.


What is does mean people is that you should put yourself on a budget...a Fubar budget.  Your rent, mortgage, food, your children and their needs should come first over whether or not you have the last LE Bling Acheivement, the latest 25 credit Bling in the shop, or a stash of Power Ups ready for use when the bonus best suits their launching.


In short, this place is fun....but this place is expensive...your identity; as individual people and all you have accomplished; or will accomplish; as people, has no bearing on whether you are a Yellow Color here, A RED color here,or just among the countless many who just try to fit in.


Werd is enjoy the Fu..play the game...spend if you can afford..but please remember that you, the person, and you're self worth as it applies to the real world, has nothing to do with here..In short, if you believe that Fubar here has given you the idea that you are more special and more important than any of the rest of us, then maybe you should take a moment to consider just who you really are in real life; as it pertains to the Grand Scheme in life.


Me, I'm just another small flame that is running thru the fire hoping not to get burned and just trying to make a bit of difference in the real world. Maybe I will...Maybe I won't...but the RESULTS of that hard work, will be shared on FUBAR...NOT BECAUSE OF FUBAR







My Fubar Family

Ya know...all of my Family Members are very special people to me..Ya most of them don't play the Fubar game very much but they enjoy leveling etc.. Most seem to blaze their own trail.

But since I don't get to thank any and all of them as much as I would like to for so many things, I thought I would say here and now that my family members are so much loved and respected...Babes.....Bry  loves you guys....and I think they love him back too :)...

Ya short litlle blog blip but hey...these people are alright in my books and I'm fortunate that they care about me too...on here, to find people who like you and have you in their corner, is like winning a lottery...in some ways, my family members are the lottery of wonderful friends to have on Fubar...opinions may vary but to this man, I love them all.




Seems some of my family members have taken it upon themselves to believe that they, right or wrong,like

to try and impose their will upon other family members as it pertains to me.Let me be clear...

This is Fubar and Fubar is A social networking online website. It encourages making new friends..it

encourages lust in some cases and it encourages other things that promotes friendship and maybe more.

As I see it, I live in Canada..I love my country and I'm likely never to permantely reside elsewhere. My

family members live in their countries and likely feel as I do about their homeland countries. That

leaves us all with a dilemna. How do we, as individuals, who might happen to find somebody we might

consider babe material, access meeting them in person. The US and Canadian Govt's have made international

travel a fuckng nightmare; thanks to 9/11

First off, long distance romance can truly not come to fruition unless both parties find a way to meet in

person. I have, to date, not met ONE family member in person. While I totally adore my family members, I

truly cannot say that I am " in love" with any of them; if for any other reason than the mere fact we

have never touched nor seen each other in person. So any of you who think I"m going to cave into some

arbitary lifestyle you have cooked up inside your heads, well it aint going to happen.

Next, some of my family members are far too concerned about which order of importance any one of you stand within my heart. Fact is, I hate decisions where I must choose this or that. I'm here to relax and enjoy the company around me..Not listen to this that or the other about what person said or did this or that.

Finally, If I have to..and the bitchery won't stop about one another in either my shout, my email here or

private email, I will deprioritize my family member status and let Fubar decide the order of importance.

I love all of you for a variety of reasons and cherish all of you wonderful women for reasons that I cant

really put into words...but if you girls truly understood a fucking thing about me, you would let me love

all of you without conditions or expectati0ns: and if all of you. who claim to love me so much, would

just let me love you all without a bunch of drama, your BRY would be a very happy guy.

Be cool and enjoy the Fu

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