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[23:38] liquaius: Hey hate to bug but where do you get your quotes from?
[23:38] Rogue: Doesn't matter.  Good bye
[23:39] liquaius: Well ok then...that's wholly unnecessary. L8r putana
[23:39] Rogue: And who's being unnecessary?
[23:40] Rogue: Certainly not me.  I didn't call you any names, and I sure as hell didn't do anything to you
[23:40] liquaius: You...I asked you a polite question about something that has NOTHING to do with us and you blew me off most rudely. And given the names you've called me without any prompting lately, my quippy use of italian shouldn't really bother you.
[23:43] Rogue: You thought you were going to be cute and laugh snidely at a certain image that was posted online recently.  I owe you nothing.  Certainly not kindness
[23:43] Rogue: You have no reason whatsoever to contact me unless it is in direct regards to our children.
[23:43] Rogue: Good bye

*closed window...figured I was done* 

[00:00] liquaius: LOL I know you didn't see it yourself; I wonder who told you about it. Honestly though...I tried not to laugh and I couldn't. I'm sorry, I know that's callous.
[00:00] liquaius: Anyway...since this is a dead-end conversation, guten abend.
[00:01] Rogue: Right...remember the only reason you weren't there yourself is because someone bailed YOUR ass out.
[00:01] Rogue: Like a moron
[00:01] liquaius: Bailed me out of jail? When?
[00:01] Rogue: Which time?
[00:01] liquaius: Back like 4 years ago?
[00:02] liquaius: lol one of those times, I got arrested driving YOU because you were too drunk.
[00:02] liquaius: Only been arrested twice
[00:02] Rogue: Don't forget the Entergy truck
[00:02] Rogue: horseshit
[00:02] Rogue: Don't lie to me
[00:03] liquaius: Oh, well that I own up to.
[00:03] liquaius: Or are you counting the shoplifting thing when I was like 14 too? Cuz that's totally not on my record anymore
[00:03] liquaius: lol
[00:03] Rogue: You really are dumb.
[00:03] Rogue: Go away
[00:03] liquaius: How am I dumb?
[00:04] Rogue: Let's see....I'm the one that calls you horrible, awful names, but YOU are the one that comes back calling me "cunt rag" and "douche tit"
[00:04] Rogue: And all I said was you're an idiot
[00:04] Rogue: Leave me be.  Seriously
[00:04] Rogue: And leave my life alone
[00:04] liquaius: lol when did I call you a cunt rag or a douche tit?
[00:04] liquaius: I don't remember saying that about you in front of anyone. And besides...you've called me FAR worse IN FRONT of the kids.
[00:05] liquaius: So puttana isn't really that bad
[00:05] Rogue: Let's see.  You left in a very nasty voice mail over your stupid saves from MY Xbox
[00:05] Rogue: Which, by the way, are mine
[00:05] liquaius: Oh yeah!!! That
[00:05] Rogue: After 90 days, they are mine
[00:05] Rogue: tough shit.
[00:05] liquaius: hahaha not true. Digital signatures deary. There are all named by me.
[00:06] Rogue: Regardless.  Statelaw
[00:06] Rogue: in my possesion over 30 days
[00:06] liquaius: Digital property rights are federal law, which supercedes state law in MS still
[00:06] Rogue: Now, if you don't mind, I'm actually doing something you'd know very little about...working
[00:06] Rogue: good by
[00:07] liquaius: LOL Yet another instance of being totally and completely wrong on your part.
[00:08] *** "liquaius (liquaius)" signed off at Wed Dec 02 00:08:10 2009.

Yeah, I blocked his sorry, stupid ass


*person sends friend request*

To IRONROB: yeah, I figured your name was Rob


spygame666: u hoty
To spygame666: uh, okay...thanks
spygame666: r u submisive lol i would love to dom you you so sexy
To spygame666: I'm sure you would, but it's really obvious you didn't bother to read my profile which would have saved you the effort of annoying ME...fuck off

Epic failure...you really DIDN'T read my profile...or my status...dumbass

some people....

...are just stupid.

Daddy McLo...: Fuck baby you are so fucking yummy and sexy as fuck daddy likes!
To Daddy McLo...: Dude...read my profile real quick like...then remand your statement

No reply...hmm...MAYBE he got a clue?


Customer:  i saw from the product info, it says it's a second hand one
Me:  No, that means that the watch has a hand that shows the seconds too.
Customer:  do u hv any brand new one?
Customer:  oh...
Customer:  hahahhaha
Customer:  thanks a lot



Customer:  hey
Customer:  just wondering
Customer:  for this item here 0408117054655
Customer:  what does it means by second hand?
Me:  It is the hand on the watch that points out how many seconds of the minute.
Customer:  oh
Customer:  it doesnt mean someone has used the watch before
Me:  No, it doesn't.
Customer:  oh i see i see
Customer:  no probs

So what's REALLY fucked up is that they both came to me with that problem at the exact same time....I hate people

Another SB convo

Danny-Bob ...: you pregnant!
->Danny-Bob ...: what?
Danny-Bob ...: huh?
->Danny-Bob ...: who the fuck said I was pregnant?
Danny-Bob ...: I did damn it!! muhahah!
->Danny-Bob ...: then you're an idiot
Danny-Bob ...: well thats funny shit there..fucking dumb bitch
->Danny-Bob ...: Bye
*insert block here*


AM2003: Hey
->AM2003: hello
AM2003: How are you?
->AM2003: I'm okay, you?
AM2003: So so! Can I ask you a question?
->AM2003: I believe you just did
AM2003: Ok well how bout this...Are you sexual person?
->AM2003: only with my fiance
(wait about 10 minutes)
->AM2003: So the only reason you even added me was to be a perv in my shoutbox? Are you that sad of a person?
AM2003: Guess so!
->AM2003: awesome...better luck with the next poor soul

I hate exes

[20:53] ASSHAT: Yeh sorta sup?
[20:53] *** Auto-response sent to ASSHAT: Self-truth is the essence of heroism.  -  Ralph Waldo Emerson
[20:54] ME: About kids
[20:54] ME: they are both grounded because they've been lying to me about their school stuff
[20:54] ME: but, they really want to go to that thing with the church tomorrow
[20:54] ME: I was thinking it'd be up to you (since you'll have them) whether or not they get to go
[20:55] ASSHAT: What thing at the church?
[20:55] ME: *blinks*
[20:55] ME: Do you really not keep in communication with them or your grandmother that I know more about what they wanna do than you do?
[20:56] ME: it's not AT the church
[20:56] ASSHAT: Nobody is used to me yet. No one tells me shit.
[20:56] ME: Hun...I'm not yelling
[20:57] ME: I'm just curious why you don't ask?
[20:57] ME: And if you're not there on the weekends, why am I still sending them over there?
[20:58] ASSHAT: I do ask. But info is not usually forthcoming. I hang out there on the weekends.
[20:58] ME: *scratches head* damn kids
[21:00] ASSHAT: Drivin. Gimme a bit or call me next break?
[21:01] ME: k
[21:21] ASSHAT: Can chat for a min
[21:24] ASSHAT: Ya kno the biggest problem wif ghetto diving is you always feel dirty after.
[21:25] ME: o.0
[21:25] ME: and people wonder why I'd rather be sober than do that
[21:26] ASSHAT: Yeh. Least I didn't have any money ridin on it. I just charged gas bucks.
[21:27] ME: right
[21:28] ASSHAT: Semi free kushions. Neat.
[21:32] ASSHAT: Anyway, I dun think A is add. I just think he is like me at that age: he don't give a shit and is gonna do what he wants.
[21:32] ME: well, I can't deal with that
[21:32] ME: And I refuse to
[21:32] ASSHAT: If he thinks he can pull it off.
[21:32] ME: so instead of beating my child to death, I'm taking him to a dr
[21:33] ASSHAT: I don't want him on ritalin.
[21:33] ME: fine...come up with an alternative
[21:33] ME: and no one says that's what they'll do
[21:33] ASSHAT: Counseling
[21:33] ME: You paying?
[21:34] ASSHAT: I can't right now but its an alternative. One better than meds and both cost money.
[21:35] ME: And who's going to take him?
[21:35] ME: I do have to sleep at some point you know
[21:35] ASSHAT: Why hide the problem with meds when you can fix it with counseling.
[21:36] ASSHAT: I understand. See if the school couselor is worth a shit.
[21:36] ASSHAT: I'll talk to him tomorrow.
[21:36] ASSHAT: A I mea
[21:38] ASSHAT: I'm movin to state st next week.
[21:40] ME: I never said hide the damn problem
[21:40] ME: I'll talk to you later when you quit assuming and start asking
[21:41] ASSHAT: Ok but that's what meds do. If the dr doesn't wanna do meds, ok then. I'm down.
[21:42] ME: You're not listening or asking why
[21:42] ME: It's just enough to calm him until he can get a hold of his "over enthusiastic self"
[21:43] ASSHAT: I'm not tryin to be an ass. I'm sorry. I got a lotta shit on my plate. But there was the inferred question: what will the dr do?
[21:43] ME: I don't know yet....that's why I want to take him and see what they recommend
[21:44] ASSHAT: I know that. He's a handful. But he hasn't learned how to focus that energy appropriately yet.
[21:44] ME: I know this....and with C antagonizing him all the damn time, I can't do shit
[21:45] ME: Mamaw pretty much undoes everything when she gets them, and I'm tired of being told I need to teach my child how to behave by his teachers
[21:45] ASSHAT: And I just implied that I am ok with you takin him to see what we see. I just disagree with meds.
[21:46] ME: Well of course you do.  You don"t have to put up with it half as much as I do
[21:46] ASSHAT: Would you like me to talk with his teachers? I understand Alex.
[21:47] ASSHAT: Its got nothing to do with that: I know what meds do and its wrong. Its a crutch.
[21:47] ME: oh yeah, you tell his teachers WHY it is that he threw his almost perfect progress report into a crumpled up ball on the buss
[21:48] ASSHAT: Because he doesn't care about school.
[21:48] ME: whatever
[21:48] ASSHAT: Meds can't d
[21:48] ME: just get your shit taken care of, let me know when you have insurance
[21:49] ASSHAT: Fix that*
[21:49] ME: bye
[21:49] ASSHAT: I will.
[21:50] ASSHAT: This conversation needs to be finished. But not right now because I seem to have pissed you off?
[21:53] ASSHAT: Latrz
[21:56] ME: yes, you pissed me off by not reading that I said this wasn't to FIX him...I said it was for temporary help
[21:56] ME: stop that stupid selective-reading bullshit
[21:58] ASSHAT: Ok that hasn't been said up til now. The temp thing.
[21:58] ME: [21:42] ME: It's just enough to calm him until he can get a hold of his "over enthusiastic self"
[21:58] ME: WRONG
[21:59] ASSHAT: Oh! My bad. I misunderstood the context of that statement.
[21:59] ASSHAT: Sorry.
[21:59] ME: I know medication can't fix him
[21:59] ME: just like my anti-whatever shit wasn't supposed to be permanent
[21:59] ME: and ISN'T
[22:00] ASSHAT: I'm bout to start drivin again. I will buzz you when I get home or you can ring me at break.
[22:00] ASSHAT: Ok. Then we agree.
[22:02] ASSHAT: Just inform me when you hear from the dr

[22:39] Asshat: Home. Fuck me backwards runnin up a hill. Got my hopes up again. You'd think I'd have learned by now.
[22:42] ME: k
[22:42] Asshat: *sigh* anyway
[22:57] ME: okay...and just so you understand WHY exactly I think he has ADD....it's not just school.  He won't listen to me at all.  I tell him something, 5 seconds later it's like I didn't even look at him, much less talk to him.  It's not just school...that is a HUGE reason I want him to see a dr
[22:58] Asshat: Ok
[22:59] Asshat: I wanna meet the dr who does the assessment
[22:59] ME: First, I need insurance before I can give you ANYTHING
[22:59] ME: so, there ya go
[23:00] Asshat: Ok


sheepselmatts: Hi sexy  :)
->sheepselmatts: hey hey ltns...how goes?
sheepselmatts: goes good how bout you?
->sheepselmatts: eehhh...I'm alive n kickn
sheepselmatts: behaving yourself are you lol
->sheepselmatts: Yes, I am
sheepselmatts: well whats the fun in that ?? LOL
->sheepselmatts: um....I'm engaged to a man who's in jail right now...Where's the fun in THAT?!
sheepselmatts: thats no fun at all
sheepselmatts: what do you do for fun then??
->sheepselmatts: nope
->sheepselmatts: I don't....I'm a loyal woman
sheepselmatts: thats cool
sheepselmatts: still crazy sexy though  :P
->sheepselmatts: thanks
sheepselmatts: just too bad you are so well behaved  :P
->sheepselmatts: too bad for you, yeah
sheepselmatts: right

Yet another

WhiteWolf ...: i am not in ur family!!
->WhiteWolf ...: umm...were you supposed to be?
WhiteWolf ...: you are my queen...where should i be then?
->WhiteWolf ...: your queen???
WhiteWolf ...: of course
->WhiteWolf ...: o.0 I don't even know you
WhiteWolf ...: but i adore u...actually i worship u
->WhiteWolf ...: right....
WhiteWolf ...: you are so great
WhiteWolf ...: u r in my family long time a go
->WhiteWolf ...: And I probably deleted you because you never talk to me
WhiteWolf ...: dont threaten me, ilove to talk to u, but our time zone looks different....
->WhiteWolf ...: okay, I didn't threaten you. I simply told you WHY you were removed. If you want me to threaten you, that can be arranged
WhiteWolf ...: i love to talk to u
->WhiteWolf ...: alright...what do you want to talk about?
WhiteWolf ...: everything that please u
->WhiteWolf ...: Well....it would please me if my fiancee wasn't in jail
WhiteWolf ...: poor goddess....u r alone now?
->WhiteWolf ...: temporarily, yes
WhiteWolf ...: i do encourge u to find fwb
->WhiteWolf ...: To hell with that. I do not cheat on my heart
WhiteWolf ...: love is different
->WhiteWolf ...: Well, I wouldn't marry someone if I didn't love him
WhiteWolf ...: they are only for bed company
->WhiteWolf ...: okay, well I only want him... I dont' WANT anyone else
WhiteWolf ...: i do understand ur passion, but ur body needs....trust me
->WhiteWolf ...: *growls at you* say it again and see what happens
WhiteWolf ...: lol....are you alway so sharp in real life...lol
->WhiteWolf ...: When it comes to my love, yes
WhiteWolf ...: i do respect your love...i am talking about ur sex need....you are a sex diva
->WhiteWolf ...: You're an idiot

*instert block here*

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