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Jens surgery

Jen's surgery is today and we are leaving about 0530-0600. Her surgery is at 1000 but it takes two hours to get to the hospital. I will keep everyone updated through her recovery as well. http://lostcherry.com/lilbit As you can probablly guess I won't be on to much tomorrow. Those who want to talk and have my number can call me. I will answer my phone if I'm in a place that I can have it. Otherwise if I miss you I'm not being pissy I just can't get to the phone. Love Stace
It is finally my weekend. I have the next to days off of work. Today will be a relaxing day and just packing things up for tomorrow. Jen is going in for surgery tomorrow at noon. She is really just glad to be having it done with. I'll update later as I'm sure she won't be able too, she will have to many drugs in her I'm sure. In other news I am in a good mood today. I am coughing less though I'm sure those who talk to me won't agree. To those I just ignore that lil fact and tell them I am getting better lol. OH and work last night went well I was done by lunch time. I had all night to just make my dept. look pretty. Which believe me at this time of year is a major thing. UPDATE UPDATE ON TOYS!!!!!!!!! WE DO NOT HAVE ANY TMX ELMOS! I had this phone call so many times last night. It was so bad that everytime a call came for toys the manager got on the PA and said NO we do not have any elmos. Sigh now if people would just understand that we don't have them and to leave me alone I'd get alot more work done. I mean having to stop every half hour to explain that we don't have them, nor do I know when we will get them keeps me tied up. So please do not call and ask the answer will be no and I may not be pleasant about it lol. Well I am off to rate pics, read blogs and pretend to be awake. Love Stace


Ok so I still have this stupid cough, and to a few certain people I am NOT going to the doc so they can give me cough syrup and codine. I can buy cough syrup and take tylenol and get the same results for less money lol. I am taking lots of cough drops while at work and using cough syrup while at home. Mostly because the stuff for at home is nyquil. That stuff knocks me out. That and lots of chicken noodle soup. I want so much right now to just sleep. For some reason though I can't seem to fall asleep. I woke up feeling like I was going to be sick and now I can't get back to sleep. If I take the Nyquil I won't wake up for work so it's an evil process I have going here. I'm going to eat soup and try it again soon. Maybe the dream faieries will come and visit me with good dreams. Well I'm off to surf the net. Love Stace

my nephew

I love him dearly I do I do but dang it he's being a snot today. I think he woke up on the wrong side of the bed or something. You know that age where they don't want to share or play nice? He is at that age but learning. In the process we have alot of crying though. Well I guess he'll learn in his own way and time. Now on to the holiday that is fast approaching. Anybody know where I can get a small umm Army Uniform for the snot child for Halloween? He wants to be like daddy. Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting see he's already trying. Now if I can just find a real look alike for him. Well I'm off for now. Hope you all have a good day and be safe. Love Stace

this and that

No new fun stories about my nephew but I'm sure before he leaves there will be more lol. Watch for updates here and there. He is just a bundle of laughs, when he isn't being evil and that is pleanty of times. In case I didn't mention it I'm feeling alot better now. I really think that the blues are tied in with Aunt Flow lol. I am still very tired though. I think that is because of the weird shift known as third. Anyone who wants my shift and I'll take yours I accept. Now if you can just tell my boss that they shouldn't work me so hard lol. Or tell customers it's not yet Chirstmas and to NOT shop so much. I have this horrible cough right now and I can't seem to shake it. I've done the cough syrup and cough drops. I'm looking for any other suggestions. I am really hurting because of this cough so please help me out here. I know if I get sick it will clear alot of the problem up. I just really hate throwing up is all. Oh well time will tell how it'll clear up. I hope you all have a good day. Be good and stay safe. Love Stace

OMG this is funny

Before work yesterday I was going to shave and shower. Doesn't seem like to much of a task as I do it often. Well my nephew is visiting us for a month as I've mentioned before, and he thought he was going to take a bath with me. However I have my bath water way to hot for any child let alone some men. So the little wonderful child that he is says ok I'll watch you then. I tried the whole but buddy I don't want you to see me naked idea. He laughed and said, But I've seen you naked before so I'll just watch. I can't argue with that so he starts talking about his daddy and watching what I'm doing. I start by shaving my legs. Nothing unusual about that, and being the four year old that he is asks, Why do you shave your legs? I answered because I like having nice smooth soft legs buddy. After I get done shaving he feels and says oh that's nice. He starts again talking about how he wants to be daddy for Halloween. Then I start shaving my underarms. Again he asks me why I shave there. I asked him if wanted to see a hairy monster when I waved to him. He said no and went back to talking about Halloween. Then I went to shaving one last part of me so I'd be nice and smooth everywhere. For some reason I was thrown off when he asked why I shaved there. I had to think a lil bit about this one and said because I like my body nice and smooth and couldn't help the blush that creeped up my face. The sweet lil child that he is the asks, so does this mean you're going to shave your head? I had a ready answer for this and I thought it was a good one. I said no buddy because Mr. Hank likes to run his fingers through my hair and play with it. To which my darling lil nephew asked, well why doesn't he like to play with all your hair? That's when I called for Aunt Heather and had her take him to watch cartoons. So that was my joys of shaving last night. What did I learn?? DO NOT let your 4 year old nephew watch you shave. Send him and all his questions to his daddy no matter what. Love Stace

just the day

Well last night was a normal night in the life of a Wal*Mart employee. To much to do and not enough people to do it with. One day they will learn to hire enough people. Until then all use will just have to continue being super beings. David aka the snot child is here. He's very excited. He will have a good month here. He gets to see his daddy, and we get to take him Trick or Treating. He already knows what he wants to be. In his words...I wanna be daddy. Now to shed some light on this I should mention his daddy is a soldier in the Army. Now we need to go out and find something that resembles a soldier and make him think he's like daddy. This isn't a bad thing but hard beacause he knows what his daddy wears and what he doesn't. The joys of having such a smart nephew lol. We'll find him something I'm sure. Well now that I've probablly put you all to sleep I'm off to rate and read. Love Stace


Walking through the forest we come to a small opening in to our right. You tell me to close my eyes and take my hand. I can hear water running and smell the wonderful clean scents of the forest and water mixing together. We come to a stop and you whisper into my ear to open my eyes. I am almost overcome by the beauty. There infront of me was a beautiful waterfall falling gracefully into the lagoon beneath it. You take my hand and guide me to the edge of the water. Realizing I have nothing for the occasion you start to pull my shirt over my head. I blush but then I finish taking the rest of my clothes off as you follow suit. You gentely grab my hand and we head to the water together. You get into the water first and sweetly hold your hand out for mine. I step in along with you and we mold together as we are looking for warmth upon entering the beautiful lagoon. Feeling the spray from the falls mist caressing my nude body. We stand there just kissing for awhile. Then you hold me back and stare, seeminly taking in every inch of my body. I look up to smile at you then dive into the water wanting to enjoy the power of the falls. I stand up just ouside the fall of the water and wait for you to join me. All the while I'm memorising your body with my eyes. How the water and sun make you look more beautiful then anything I've seen in my life. Once you are standing next to me again I take your hand and guide you into the powers of the falls. It is there that we allow our bodys to join as one. With mothernature pouring down around us we make love. You caress me gently as I moan agaisnt your lips. I move my body with the sway of the water right into the rythm you have set. We reach a climax of pure love that only the waterfall can hear. Once again we move to the peacefulness of the lagoon, just holding each other. Basking in the after glow of love. Hand in hand we climb out of the water and let the sun warm our skin. Getting dress almost seems a crime as we seem almost one with our beautiful surrounding. However we do dress and head back into the forest. Leaving with us the memory of a beautiful waterfall and two hearts falling as the water itself does, free and unburdened.

Doing a tad better

Well I am finally starting to feel a lil less blahy. I am starting to think that the blahs are tied in with me being a woman. It happens about once a month and then goes away.Sorry to those that didn't want to know that but that is the only explanation I have. I am not so down now but still feel some effects of being depressed. Like not wanting to wake up in the morning/night as I work midnights. But those are slowly starting to pass too. Now if we can just find a very happy cure for this it'll all be better. I am thinking of writing a story and maybe posting it in here. II'm not sure of the content yet but who knows you guys might enjoy it. I will put one up that I wrote a while ago. It's a lil on the adult side but it's in good taste. Otherwise I wouldn't post it here, I mean sheesh my mama reads this site lol. Ok I'm done rambling and will go find that story to post. Love Stace


It's a new day I'm going to try and be positive and not be so blah. I am going to make it all into a good day. So lets all help and send positive energy this way. I could use it. I have some good news though it comes in the aftermath of sad news. I'll just mention one of my best friends ree_ree is back. I will not go into the sad news as it's hers to tell, but will ask you not to bug her about it. Just please send her some love and be nice. Well I'm off to go enjoy the many photos and profiles around here. Love Stace
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