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created on 10/29/2006  |  http://fubar.com/spirit/b19014

Detaching with Love

Detaching with Love by Doreen Virtue Did you ever have one of those dreams where you were trying to call someone and the telephone did not work? Well, the current Mercury retrograde energy is creating communication issues along those lines. How ironic that Mercury went retrograde on Valentine’s Day in the emotionally sensitive time of Pisces. Communications within relationships may seem difficult or strained until the end of the month. You may notice people (including yourself) bickering or arguing more than usual. However, as irritating as Mercury retrograde can seem, it always brings blessings in disguise by allowing us to clear away anything that is out of integrity or steeped in lower energy. This is also a wonderful time to practice the spiritual art of detachment with love. Many lightworkers experience stress when people around them are not happy, because the mission of lightworkers is to help bring peace. So you may take it personally if your loved one is not happy, and try to fix the situation for them. Of course we are here to be thoughtful and loving beings. But sometimes, the most loving thing to do is nothing. In the unedited Urtext version of A Course in Miracles, Jesus explains that renowned spiritual healer Edgar Cayce erred by saying yes to everyone’s requests for his help. Jesus said that Cayce should have said No more often, and that Cayce hurt his body through overwork. Jesus explained that he himself didn’t say yes to everyone, because he chose to treat himself with love. Instead of wearing out his body, Jesus went on frequent fasting and meditation retreats alone in nature. Jesus said that Cayce was coming from his ego by never declining anyone’s request for help, because the ego believes that it’s special. Saying Yes without boundaries is an ego device built on the false belief that our help is special, so it is owed to the other person even if we are exhausted or busy. In contrast, saying No is treating yourself with love, and ultimately it has loving benefits for those around you. This fits with Archangel Michael’s message that 2007 is a year for us to practice Lightening Up. Each year, Michael gives us a theme with divine assignments and 2007 is geared toward helping us to learn to detach with love. Joy is your highest level of energy, and when you are happy, you uplift those around you. When we Lighten Up, we are more motivated to work on our priorities and life purpose, because tension can make us procrastinate out of fear of failure or success. Detach from the outcome of projects you are involved in, and don’t even think about the possibility of failure. (Your angels can help you to keep your thoughts uplifted). Instead just enjoy each present moment of engaging in your priorities and purpose. Remember to call upon the angels for help with any stressful situation you encounter. The angels want to help you to feel peaceful, regardless of what is going on around you. Here is the angels’ guidance: Don’t take other people’s angry words or actions personally. Know that they’re reacting to their internal anger, which has nothing to do with you. Detach from all drama. Don’t get hooked into plots involving guilt, shame, or anger. Call upon Archangel Gabriel to guide your communication Call upon Archangel Raguel to maintain or rebuild harmony in relationships Call upon Archangel Michael to protect you from harsh, competitive, or angry energies. Take frequent breaks from work, especially if you are involved in stationary work such as sitting in front of a computer Engage in daily physical exercise to increase feelings of relaxation and well being. Yoga is especially helpful right now. Avoid mood altering chemicals To benefit from the clearing energy of Mercury retrograde, use the affirmation: “I am willing to release that part of me that irritates me when I think of you.” The ego doesn’t own its shadows, so it projects them on to other people. This affirmation helps us to recognize and heal our shadow sides. Bring your sense of humor with you whenever you are with other people. Laughter can rapidly uplift any situation. And most importantly: cut yourself and others a lot of slack right now. Have compassion for everyone, because we are all feeling extra sensitive right now. In loving compassion for all that is
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Vibrational Beings

We are all Vibrational Beings. You're like a receiving mechanism that when you set your tuner to the station, you're going to hear what's playing. Whatever you are focused upon is the way you set your tuner, and when you focus there for as little as 17 seconds, you activate that vibration within you. Once you activate a vibration within you, Law of Attraction begins responding to that vibration, and you're off and running --whether it's something wanted or unwanted www.abraham.com

Your Beautiful!

By Sarah Ban Breathnach Excerpted from "The Simple Abundance Companion" with permission of Warner Books. Copyright 2000 by Sarah Ban Breathnach. Undoubtedly, we become what we envisage. You are beautiful. Right now. Today. Just as you are, just the way you look as you read those three words: You. Are. Beautiful. Say it slowly aloud, as if the phrase were a foreign language, for it probably is. You are beautiful. Now say it in the first person singular. I am beautiful. Do you know that? If so, remind yourself of this glorious fact every day. If not, it is time to become beautiful in your own eyes. This will require a makeover of sorts, but not the kind you think. Learning to love the way you look has nothing to do with starting a diet or reshaping your eyebrows. Accepting and embracing your authentic beauty means seeing yourself from the inside out. I love me, I love me not--I love me. Beauty may only be skin deep, but there is nothing superficial about the complicated relationship that a woman has with her appearance. How you see yourself and how you think other people see you—your body image—is deeply connected to how you feel about yourself. The effects of a negative body image can be devastating. If you don't like the way you look, you probably don't like the woman you are. And those feelings of worthlessness, self-consciousness, and inadequacy will insinuate their way into nearly every area of your life—into your friendships, your career, your romances, and, most importantly, your relationship with yourself. A positive body image is equally powerful. It is not an instant solution to all of life's problems, but a starting point, a spark that can set off a fabulous chain reaction. Loving how you look when you catch a glimpse of yourself in a mirror or store window paves the path of self-love, and with that acceptance comes self-esteem, confidence, and authentic beauty, a radiance that glows from within. A beauty that is more than skin deep. Sowing the Seeds of Self Self-admiration giveth much consolation. --Gertrude Atherton Looking in the mirror is a startling subjective experience. When facing her reflection, one woman may say to herself, "I wish my hips were smaller," or "My fat hips make me ugly." Or she could say, "My curves make me sexy." In each example, the hips are the same—it's how a woman feels about them that's different. But where do these feelings come from? Whether or not you realize it, you've spent your entire life developing them, honing them, cloning them. Transforming the messages communicated by society, your family, your friends, your rivals, and your enemies into cellular memory. "As preschoolers, boys and girls have already learned the lessons about physical appearance that our society teaches," explains psychologist Thomas Cash, author of "What Do You See When You Look in the Mirror?" "They know that lovely Cinderella gets the prince; her ugly and mean stepsisters do not. From childhood on . . . we judge our self-worth by the physical standards we've absorbed." The world's standards—to be extraordinarily thin, conventionally attractive, and forever young—are uncompromising and unrealistic, yet so pervasive in the media that women who do not conform (and who does?) feel flawed, inferior, unsuccessful, unlovable. Society's ideals are reinforced in children by parents who overemphasize the importance of appearance, consciously or unconsciously. Their messages, be they subtle or painfully obvious, are expressed in dozens of ways: Were you put on a diet as a child or compared unfavorably to a sibling? Or were you praised for your prettiness, made to feel that it was your looks that made you lovable? Did your father disparage your mother for the way she looked? Or did she obsess about her own appearance? Don't discount the influence of friends and classmates: Being teased as a child or ostracized as a teenager can undermine the efforts of the most accepting parents. Do you have memories of experiences that might have contributed to the way you see yourself today? As an adult, you may be able to "understand" them, to understand that your parents' criticisms did not mean they didn't love you, or that the bullies at school were acting purely out of their own insecurities. But this doesn't make the memories any less hurtful or their hold on you any less powerful. However, facing them, before you face yourself in the mirror, is the crucial first step in reshaping your body image. A lifetime pattern of self-denigration is not going to disappear overnight. You're going to have to learn how to replace your automatic criticisms with praise. Self-admiration takes many forms. It can and should include the new compliments you pay to yourself everyday. But the most powerful self-compliment of all is honoring the promises you make to your own soul.


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This is the year

This is the year of forgiveness. And the primary person you are to forgive is yourself. This is the year of celebrating small victories. Every little thing that you achieve, every step you take in the right direction is to be celebrated and respected. This is the year of little steps that add up to a giant leap. This is the year of little victories that add up to a magnificent battle won. This is the year of little achievements that add up to a lifting yourself up an entire level. This is the year that you save small amounts slowly and steadily, rather than wasting your money on someone's get-rich-quick scheme. This is the year that you put yourself on a good solid exercise and eating plan, rather than wasting your energy and money on someone's program for quick weight loss. This is the year that you look at your little habits and ways of being and restructure your life from that level first, knowing that when you change your thinking patterns at this level, so that every thought heads the right direction, then all the rest automatically follows. This is the year to end that pattern of great expectation followed by great disappointment. Instead, just do a little bit better than you did the day before. Break that pattern by just adjusting one little thing, living with that result for a while, and then adjusting another. Small baby steps, holding on to the furniture, until you are ready to launch yourself across the room and then begin to run free. And so, I would ask you to begin the year in this way, by forgiving yourself for all the mistakes you have made as well as the things left undone. Forgive yourself for being where you are today, in all respects: financial, physical, emotional, spiritual. Just let it go. Forgive. That is all in the past. Begin each day in 2007 in this way. Forgive yourself for the mistakes of the previous day, for the ways in which you fell back into old patterns. Clear yourself of shame and frustration; clear yourself of blame. Open the crown of your head and invite a column of golden light to enter you and clear you of blame, criticism and regret for the previous day. Let it all be lifted from you. Then center yourself in now and fill yourself with love. Open yourself to the joy of being alive. Invite fun to become a part of your life. Feel laughter bubbling up within you. Your life is not just a grim determination to do better. You are a human being with a precious gift, the gift of this day, a day in which to be filled with joy, a day in which life sparkles around you brightly, waiting for you to be a part of it. And as you do this, as you open doors and windows and let life blow freshly through, choose one or two good things you will do for yourself along the way, little improvements, little steps in the right direction, little gifts you are to give yourself. One less cup of coffee, a few yoga stretches, saving ten dollars. Do this every morning and your life will blossom wide during the year, as you gradually and slowly free yourself from old habits, but without punishing yourself in the process. This precious life is meant to be enjoyed. These people around you are meant to be treasured and loved. You are enough. You are all that you need to be. Love yourself now and always, no matter what, every day. Here is a new year's mantra for today I release myself from the past and move fully into the love and light that is here for me now, in this precious moment. I open my heart to all the love that is here for me. My heart relaxes and grows soft and warm, filling with love, love for myself, love for life itself. I open my mind to the golden flowing light and move completely into now, my mind calm and quiet. I open my center to loving energies as I fill with my truth, deep in my core, in an endless pool of peace. And now, as I stand within this column of love and light, I ask that I may act on my own behalf today, that I may make all of my choices out of a deep love and respect for myself, taking a step in the direction I truly wish to walk. And now, I open my heart wider and wider, allowing myself to fill with joy. I am my heart. I am love and joy and laughter. I enjoy this precious life completely. I am love. I am power. I am peace and joy. **** Carrie Hart


HEAVEN #2226 Ever-Rising December 29, 2006 (Written back in Iowa ) God said: Life is being offered to you on a sliver platter with a golden spoon. Take delight in life. It is My offering to you. Stay tuned to life. Wherever you are, whatever is going on, you are on an adventure in life. You are exploring and discovering. When you climb Mt. Everest, there is snow and cold winds and ice to slip on. Know this; there will be warm fires again. Warm fires are the substance of life. Welcome the forerunners to warmth, for they are signs for you. In the relative world, before and after will repeat themselves. Before and after exist only in the relative world, beloveds. Deeper than experience is the awareness of that which is not relative. Bring awareness to your experience. Whatever occurs, you are hitting a home run. The ball you hit flies over the playing field and alights in your heart, alights in Heaven, and alights everywhere. Everyone in the world experiences. They perceive. They perceive their lives. They have a choice of their perception. And it is from this perception that their lives appear before them. Perceive the love, and the more love you will perceive. You will multiply it. What you predict is like the yeast you put in bread. It will make the dough of your experience rise. Life bubbles up for you. Yes, you are on a merry-go-round. Yes, you go around the same place often. Every time you go around, be sure to reach out for the brass ring. It is waiting for you to grasp it. You are the one who must reach out for it. Even when you can’t see it, reach out for it just the same. You just might catch it in the dark. You do not even have to see an inch before you. The rainbow is waiting for you just the same. The brass ring, the rainbow, all your desires are waiting for you just a handclasp away. And when you receive the brass ring, fling it high the way a bride flings her bouquet to her bridesmaids. When you reach the rainbow, reveal it. Show it to everyone. The story of how and where you discovered the rainbow is secondary to the rainbow itself. If you can find the rainbow, what is to prevent everyone from finding it as well? Rainbows exist for everyone. They are bridges cast across the universe. Climb them. You climb a rope hand over fist. You walk up a hill one step at a time. Even when you pause, there is still the momentum of climbing. Once you have lit the stove, the fire continues to cook your rice. In order to cook rice, first you light the stove. Just so, keep the momentum in your heart lit. You are cooking rice. Soon it will be ready to eat, and you will devour it. Cook your life the same, beloveds. Light a fire under it, and in the case of your heart, never let the flame dwindle. Within your heart lie embers of a perpetual fire that never goes out, yet it is good for you to throw more kindling on it. You are on a continuum of momentum. Stir the continuum with joy in life. That is how you fuel it. There is nothing like this fuel. It takes no energy. It gives energy. You are your own joy and therefore your own energy. You are self-sustaining. You are a fountain of love energy. Your love rises to Heaven, and it takes all in its wake. Love rises. It encompasses. There is nothing else for it to do. It reaches beyond Heaven. The richness of your love circles everywhere, and it rises upward like smoke from the fire of your heart, ever-rising. Copyright © 1999-2006 Heavenletters™ Heavenletters™ -- Helping Human Beings Come Closer to God and Their Own Hearts Gloria Wendroff, Overseer

What is Intimacy?

What is Intimacy? Today, the word intimacy has taken on sexual connotations. But it is much more than that. It includes all the different dimensions of our lives -- yes, the physical, but also the social, emotional, mental and spiritual aspects as well. Intimacy really means total life sharing. And haven't we all had the desire at one time or another for closeness, for oneness, for sharing our life with someone totally? Marshall Hodge wrote a book called "Your Fear of Love." In it he says, "We long for moments of expressions of love, closeness and tenderness, but frequently, at the critical point, we often draw back. We are afraid of closeness. We are afraid of love." Later in the same book Hodge states, "The closer you come to somebody, the greater potential there is for pain." It is the fear of pain that often drives us away from finding true intimacy. I was giving a series of lectures at a university in southern Illinois. After one of the meetings, a woman came up to me and said, "I have to talk to you about my boyfriend problems." We sat down, and she began telling me her troubles. After a few moments, she made this statement: "I am now taking steps never to get hurt again." I said to her, "In other words, you are taking steps never to love again." She had thought I misunderstood, so she continued. "No, that's not what I am saying. I just don't want to get hurt anymore. I don't want pain in my life." I said, "That's right, you don't want love in your life." You see, there is no such thing as "painless love." The closer we come to somebody, the greater potential there is for pain. I would estimate that you (and around 100 percent of the population) would say you have been hurt in a relationship before. The question is, how do you handle that hurt? In order to camouflage the pain, a lot of us give people what I call the "double-sign." We say to a person, "Look, I want you to come closer to me. I want to love and be loved . . . but wait a minute, I've been hurt before. No, I don't want to talk about these subjects. I don't want to hear those things." We build walls around our hearts to protect us from anyone on the outside getting in to hurt us. But that same wall which keeps people out, keeps us stuck inside. The result? Loneliness sets in and true intimacy and love become impossible. ~~by Dick Purnell


By Deepak Chopra Most of us go through life a little afraid, a little nervous, a little excited. We are like children playing hide and seek, wanting to be found, yet hoping we won't be, biting our nails with anticipation. We worry when opportunity approaches a little too closely, and hide deeper in the shadows when fear overcomes us. This is no way to go through life. People who understand the true nature of reality, those whom some traditions call enlightened, lose all sense of fear or concern. All worry disappears. Once you understand the way life really works ? the flow of energy, information, and intelligence that directs every moment ? then you begin to see the amazing potential in that moment. Mundane things just don't bother you anymore. You become lighthearted and full of joy. You also begin to encounter more and more coincidences in your life. The field of possibilities When you live your life with an appreciation of coincidences and their meanings, you connect with the underlying field of infinite possibilities. This is when the magic begins. This is a state I call synchrodestiny, in which it becomes possible to achieve the spontaneous fulfilment of our every desire. Synchrodestiny requires gaining access to a place deep within yourself, while at the same time awakening to the intricate dance of coincidences out in the physical world. It requires understanding the profound nature of things, recognizing the wellspring of intelligence that endlessly creates our universe, and yet having the intention to pursue specific opportunities for change as they appear. An experiment to try In my book Synchrodestiny, this theme is explored in greater depth, but for now let's try a small experiment. Close your eyes and think about what you've been doing over the past twenty-four hours. Then move backward through your memory from where you are right now to where you were exactly one day ago. In your mind's eye, conjure up as much detail as you can about the things you did, the thoughts that passed through your mind, and the feelings that affected your heart. As you do this, pick one theme or subject from the past twenty-four hours and focus on that particular thought. It doesn't have to be anything especially important or spectacular ? just something that you remember dealing with during the day. If you went to the bank, you might choose money or finances. If you had a doctor's appointment, you could choose health. If you played golf or tennis, you could focus on athletics. Consider this theme for a few seconds. Now, think back five years. Concentrate on today's date, and then work back, year by year, until you reach the same date five years ago. See if you can recall more or less where you were and what you were doing at that time. Try to picture your life at that moment as clearly as you can. Once you've created a clear mental image of your life as it was five years ago, introduce the theme or subject that you chose to focus on from the past twenty-four hours ? finances, health, religion, whatever it was. Now, track your involvement with that subject over the past five years and right up to the present. Try to remember as many incidents as you can in that particular area of your life. If you've chosen health as your topic, for example, you might remember any illnesses you've had, how they might have led you from one doctor to another, how you may have decided to stop smoking and how that may have affected various areas of your life, or the diet you chose, or any of a thousand other possibilities. Go ahead and begin this exercise now. A web of 'coincidence' As you were thinking about your chosen subject, how it evolved in your life and how it affects the way you live now, I'm certain you discovered many 'coincidences'. So much of life depends on chance meetings, twists of fate, or pathways that suddenly branch out in a new direction. And it is likely that your one topic very quickly connected with many other areas of your life, even if the subject seemed totally insignificant at first. By tracing your personal history in this way you can gain enormous insight into the role that coincidence has played in your life. You can see how, if even one tiny detail had turned out differently, you might have ended up somewhere else, with different people, engaged in different work, moving on an entirely different life trajectory. Even when you think you have your life all mapped out, things happen that shape your destiny in ways you might never even have imagined. The coincidences or little miracles that happen every day of your life are hints that the universe has much bigger plans for you than you ever dreamed of for yourself. Seeing coincidences while they are happening Seeing the web of coincidence in our lives, however, is just the first stage in understanding and living synchrodestiny. The next stage is to develop an awareness of coincidences while they are happening. It is easy to see them in hindsight, but if you catch coincidences at the moment they occur, you are better positioned to take advantage of the opportunities they may be presenting. Also, awareness translates into energy. The more attention you give to coincidences, the more likely they are to appear, which means you begin to gain greater and greater access to the messages being sent to you about the path and direction of your life. The final stage The final stage of living synchrodestiny occurs when you become fully aware of the interrelatedness of all things, how each affects the next, how they all are 'in sync' with one another. 'In sync' is a colloquial way of saying 'in synchrony', which means operating in unison, as one. Picture a school of fish swimming in one direction, and then in a flash, all the fish change direction. There is no leader giving directions. The fish don't think, 'The fish in front of me turned left, so I should turn left.' It all happens simultaneously. This synchrony is choreographed by a great, pervasive intelligence that lies at the heart of nature, and is manifest in each of us through what we call the soul. When we learn to live from the level of the soul, many things happen. We become aware of the exquisite patterns and synchronous rhythms that govern all life. We understand the lifetimes of memory and experience that have moulded us into the people we are today. Fearfulness and anxiety fall away as we stand in wonder observing the world as it unfolds. We notice the web of coincidence that surrounds us, and we realize that there is meaning in even the smallest events. We discover that by applying attention and intention to these coincidences, we can create specific outcomes in our lives. We connect with everyone and everything in the universe, and recognize the spirit that unites us all. We unveil the wondrousness that is hidden deep inside us and revel in our newfound glory. We consciously shape our destinies into the limitlessly creative expressions they were meant to be, and by doing so we live out our most profound dreams, moving closer to enlightenment. This is the miracle of synchrodestiny. From Synchrodestiny, copyright 2003 by Deepak Chopra, published in the UK by Rider.
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