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You may burn incense made of herbs that symbolizing finding lost things, use a Saint Anthony candle and anoint it with Saint Anthony or Helping Hand oil. For added emphasis, invoke Saint Anthony into the spell. "Bound and Binding Binding Bound. See the Sight Hear the Sound. What was lost Now is found. Bound and Binding Binding Bound."
Tools: The only tool you really need is yourself. If you'd like, you can also use one or more of the following as an aid: (The asterisk * denotes recommendations.) Incense: # Sandalwood* - Protection, healing, exorcism, spirituality # Frankincense*: Protection, exorcism, spirituality # Rose: Protection, psychic powers, healing, love, divination # Rosemary: Protection, love, mental powers, exorcism, purification, healing # Sage* - Protection, immortality, longevity, wisdom, wishes, banishing (cleansing) Candles: # Violet - Healing, power, independence, psychic powers, success, protection # Black - Protection, counteraction, banishing evil # White - All colors, purity, peace, truth, strength in spirit, divination, meditation. Anointing the Candle/s: You may wish to anoint the candle/s with any of the plants/herbs/oils listed below, or sprinkle them around the candle/s while saying an incantation, if you feel the need: # Turnip* - Protection, ending relationships # Grass - Psychic powers, protection # Horehound* - Protection, mental powers, exorcism, healing # Alyssum - Protection, Moderating Anger # Echinacea - Strengthening spells # Fennel - Protection, healing, purification # Garlic - Protection, healing, exorcism, lust, anti-theft # Honeysuckle - Protection, psychic powers # Chrysanthemum - Protection # Clover* - Protection, money, love, fidelity, exorcism, success # Sandalwood - Protection, healing, exorcism, spirituality # Frankincense - Protection, exorcism, spirituality # Rosemary- Protection, love, mental powers, exorcism, purification, healing # Sage - Protection, longevity, wisdom, wishes, banishing (cleansing) Ground and center yourself: Whatever works for you. Circle: If you can feel the connection even within a circle, go ahead and cast one (however you normally would). You may need to feel the connection in order to use this spell. If casting a circle causes you to temporarily lose the feeling of the connection, I wouldn't recommend casting one unless you really feel like you have to. Help: If you want your spirit guides/angels to assist you during the visualization spell, then invoke them and ask for assistance.
Here are two ways you can use magick in your search for healing after a loss. You can use either a ritual or a mojo bag. Below are some materials to choose from. Use only what you can find, and put together your ritual however you want. Because this loss is personal to YOU, you must write your own chant and put together the spell as it suits you. If I wrote it for you, it wouldn't work. * Herbs: Allspice, apple, bay, carnation, cedar, cinnamon, gardenia, flax, rowan, pine, rose, rosemary, thyme. * Colors: White, violet, and blue. * Fabrics: Silk or cotton. * Elements: Earth and fire. * Symbols/Amulets: Ankh, billiken, chai, cross, dragon, heart. What I would suggest you use this info for is to create a sort of loss-bearing ritual, or create a mojo bag to carry with you which will help heal and strengthen your heart & soul. For a ritual, burn a candle of one of the colors and incense of an herbal scent (one of those listed), and you should create your own chant while focusing on the healing you seek. For a mojo bag, make a small bag of blue or purple cotton (or satin, or silk) and fill it with herbs and a small bit of earth. Tie it off tightly with a white string or ribbon, and if you would like, attach a small charm or talisman (see suggestions above) to the tie. Carry it with you, then just hold it in your hand and recite your own small affirmation (chant) whenever you feel the need.
You will need the following ingredients: * Strawberry tea (one bag) * Some salt (sea salt if you can get it!) * 2 pink candles * a mirror * one pink drawstring bag * one quartz crystal * a copper penny * a bowl that is somehow special to you * 1 teaspoon dried jasmine, rose, or strawberry leaves * Some rose, strawberry, or cinnamon oil Charge all ingredients first by infusing them with your personal energy. On a Friday morning or evening, when the moon is either new or waxing and close to being new, take a bath with a small handful of salt in it, in the light of a pink candle. As you dry off and dress, sip the strawberry tea. Apply makeup or groom yourself to look your best. Cast a circle around a table with the other ingredients. Light the second pink candle. Mix all oils and herbs in the bowl. While you stir look at yourself in the mirror and say aloud: "Oh, Great Mother Goddess, enclose me in your loving arms and nurture and bring forth the Goddess within me." Gaze deeply into the mirror after you have finished mixing the ingredients and say aloud, "I represent the Great Goddess, Mother of all things. I shine in the light of the Golden Wings of Isis. All that is great and loving only belongs to me." Then put half the mixture in the pink bag and add the penny and crystal. Carry it with you always or until you find another love. Leave the other half of the potion in the bowl, out in a room where you will smell the fragrance.
You will need: Goddess candle---White, once at center of the altar, or two at the back. Banishing Candle---Black, placed at the left front of the altar. Invoking Candle---Pink or red, placed at the right of the altar. Incense---Sage, cedar, rosemary or pine at the beginning of the ritual, changed later to rose or amber. Burn loose herbs on charcoal blocks to do this. Oils---Use Goddess or Altar oil on the Goddess candle; sage, pine or other banishing oil on the banishing candle; and rose oil on the invoking candle and for self-blessing. Symbol Objects---Use a black gemstone for banishing, and a piece of rose quartz or a rose quartz pendant for invoking. Place the pendant on the altar and put it on before doing the self-blessing. Matches to light candles and incense, charcoal blocks for loose incense, ritual wand (if used) to cast the circle. Ritual Outline Light candles - "Dress" the candles with the oils, working base to tip, (away from you) for the banishing candle and tip to base (towards you) for the invoking candle and the Goddess candles. Visualize the intent, banishing depression when handling the banishing candle, and invoking joy and self-love while "dressing" the Goddess and invoking candles. Light only the Goddess candles at this time. Purify - Start the charcoal block and give it time to heat up. Sprinkle loose herbs of sage, cedar, rosemary or pine on the hot coal and use the smoke for purifying. Visualize the intent of the ritual, at this point visualize banishing depression and emotional pain, while smudging with the smoke. Then light the black candle from the Goddess candle. Cast circle/invoke a Crone Goddess or Goddesses to help in banishing, and a Goddess of gentleness and peace for the invoking part of the ritual. Try Kali the Destroyer or Hecate for banishing, and Kwan Yin for gentleness and invoking. Use Goddesses for the five elements or these two aspects only, or whatever feels right. do a full casting and invoking to make the circle, or as informal invitation to the aspects and elements. Invocation - Dear mothers of wisdom and grace, I invite you here to ask your help. I refuse my depression and choose to banish it, and ask instead for joy and peace of mind. Help me in my work tonight, Kali and Kwan Yin. Body of ritual - Focus on the flame of the black candle, thinking of all the things that need changing. Remember fully all the reasons for depression and pain, acknowledge all your anger, all your rage, and all your fear. Dwell on every hurt, every feeling, every negativity. When you have focused them all onto the candle, shout "NO!" and blow the candle out in a decisive, quick motion. Watch the smoke rise from the extinguished candle, and feel all the negativity dissolving in the rising air. Breathe the banishing incense for awhile. Now lighting the invoking candle. Do it from the Goddess candle, and sprinkle rose incense on the charcoal block. Let the light of the pink candle and the fragrance of the rose incense fill you as you watch and breathe them. Breathe the energies in deeply, remembering the qualities of Kwan Yin, or other Goddess's of mercy invoked in the ritual. Ask Kwan Yin for her presence and help. Focus on the candle flame and think of all the good things in your life. Refill each banished item and negativity with some positive attribute; where there was pain before, replace it with love. For every wrong remember something to give thanks for; for every pain remember something joyfull. Remember your accomplishments in life, how good a woman you really are. Do a series of affirmations, "I am" or "I have", to list your good qualities and the qualities you choose to become or gain. Continue stating the positives and affirmations untill you feel filled with pink light and the scent of roses. Self-blessing - Put on the rose quartz pendant or hold the rose quartz stone. Do the self-blessing ritual slowly and lovingly, anointing your chakras with the rose oil. Breathe the scent deeply and draw it into your body, emotions, mind and spirit. Thank Kwan Yin for your joy and Kali for her energy of change. Open circle/ground. Allow the pink candle to burn out itself, or extinguish and relight it nightly untill at least the next Full Moon. Do affirmations nightly with the flame. Continue burning pink candles for as long as needed to remind you of new joy and positivity. Repeat the ritual on the next wanning moon if needed; it will be needed less each time you do it. Each time, bury the remains of the black candle in the earth, along with the ashes from the incense; visualize your pain being buried and recycled with them. Repeat the self-blessing at any time, and do it often, at least every New and Full Moon. Continue wearing the rose quartz pendant, or carry a piece of the stone with you at all times. Remember you are Goddess. Do banishing rituals on the waning or dark moons. The day of Saturn (Saturday) is a good day to enter the labyrinth/unknown to change habits.

"Wiccaning" Ritual

On the first night after a baby is born, or the same night that the birth takes place, the mother or father (or midwife, if she is a close friend or relative) should take the infant out under the stars. The child should first be held up to the sky, saying: "O Lady of the Starry Heavens, Wise All-Father, Behold this lovely child ________. Conceived and brought forth In love." Place the child on the ground, hands under the head, briefly, saying: "Hail Earth, Mother of All. This is my infant, my love, And my jewel. Bless and protect him/her, Granting your enduring and eternal Strength, and steadfastness. May he/she ever have a spirit That seeks the stars, And roots deep within Thy loving breast." One should then clasp the child close and look about for a few minutes, for those who are gifted with second sight are often able at this time to see prophesies for the child or the mother.

Simple Celtic Handfasting

Should you choose to use this handfasting, remember, handfastings are very personal! You should add, modify, and change it to suit you and your mate best. Bride and Groom repeat the following together: # You cannot possess me for I belong to myself. But while we both wish it, I give you that which is mine to give. # You cannot command me for I am a free person. But I shall serve you in those ways you require and the honeycomb will taste sweeter coming from my hand. # I pledge to you that yours will be the name I cry aloud in the night, and the eyes into which I smile in the morning. # I pledge to you the first bite from my meat and the first drink from my cup. # I pledge to you my living and my dying, each equally in your care. I shall be a shield for your back, and you for mine. I shall not slander you, nor you me. I shall honor you above all others, and when we quarrel, we shall do so in private and tell no strangers our grievances. # This is my wedding vow to you. # This is the marriage of equals. The Priest or Priestess says: These promises you make by the sun and the moon, by fire and water, by day and night, by land and sea. With these vows you swear, by the God and Goddess, to be full partners, each to the other. If one drops the load, the other will pick it up. If one is a discredit to the other, his own honor will be forfeit, generation upon generation, until he repairs that which was damaged and finds that which was lost. Should you fail to keep the oath you pledge today, the elements themselves will reach out and destroy you.

Ritual for AIDS

This ritual focuses on destroying barriers and increasing the positive elements that will help us overcome AIDS. The ritual space is purified according to personal practice. Invocations to Athena, Hermes, and/or Brigid may be done. Those gathered will be divided into five groups. One will be assigned to each of the elements with one group in the center. Each group may be led by a particular coven or group of coven leaders. The center (altar) group will present each elemental group with the obstacle to overcome and later accept the positive "goal". We have divided the elements this way: Air - Knowledge/Ignorance Fire - Commitment/Indifference Earth - Funding/Red Tape Water - Empathy/Hostility When confronted with the obstacles the small groups will be wrapped with crepe paper by the center group. Some suggest the spectral colors, we suggest the following: Air - White Fire - Red Earth - Brown Water - Blue The groups break their bonds, overcoming the obstacle. When all four are done, each quarter group presents the center group with a candle symbolizing the positive quality. They are all placed on the altar and tied with silver thread. As they burn, the group can dance to raise energy. Afterwards, all are given candles charged during the ritual that were on or under the altar to take home and spread the light. Cakes and Wine/Libations can follow. All present will be divided into five groups. * In the east - air * In the south - fire * In the west - water * In the north - earth In the center are the drama facilitators. Each group is "lead" by an experienced person. Water, salt are consecrated. Circle is drawn with wand. Circle is blessed with water and incense. Invocation to Athena, Hermes and Brigid as to purpose of rite. Air group speaks INTELLIGENTLY on AIDS. Statements like "The HIV virus is very fragile and is only passed through intimate contact." They are all bound with PURPLE crepe paper. They begin to make IGNORANT statements like '"you can catch AIDS from shaking hands". They are temporarily defeated by the IGNORANCE of the crepe paper. Then they rally and tear apart their bonds. Fire group speaks about dedication to finding a cure for AIDS, expressing COMMITMENT. They are bound with GREEN crepe paper. They speak with INDIFFERENCE. They slowly overcome and break free of their bonds. The Water group talks about EMPATHY. They are bound with ORANGE crepe paper. They speak of HOSTILITY. They break free. The Earth group talks about adequate FUNDING. They are bound with RED crepe paper. They become tangled in RED TAPE. They overcome the challenge. Each group charges a taper with their positive element. The tapers are placed on the altar and bound with silver thread. They are lit and all dance around in a single or double circle and send energy out to spread our will. Extra candles on the altar are also charged. Juice and cookies are blessed and shared. All are given candles to take home to spread the light. The deities are thanked, and the circle is closed.


The following are various forms of aphrodisiacs, herbs and foods that have natural romantic effects. Some increase sexual forces, attraction, potency/fertility. Make sure you check with your physician if you are pregnant or may be. Africa Evergreen Tree: A tree native to Cameroon has a powerful aphrodisiac in its bark. Cinnamon: Sticks can be chewed like tobacco, or grated cinnamon can be put in eggs as an aphrodisiac that arouses women. Cloves: Edible or aromatic aphrodisiac. Cockroach: Many cultures say this is an edible aphrodisiac, grind one common cockroach and mix with cinnamon, add to coffee for a powerful love potion. Yuck. Damiana: A plant from Mexico which is used to stimulate sex drives. The leaves and heads of the plant are mixed with minor amounts of plantain or pennywort and mixed with food three to four times a day. Deer Antler: Chinese herbal remedy for male impotence. Eggplant: A common edible aphrodisiac. Eggs: Chicken eggs are said to be a good aphrodisiac if eaten raw before sex. Fo-ti-tieng: Chinese herb for sustaining sexual stamina. Frankincense: Another popular aromatic aphrodisiac. Not for ingestion. Garlic: Edible aphrodisiac, cook or use in salad. Ginseng: A well-known Chinese herb for sexual stamina, can be used through traditional methods or by ginseng vitamin pills. Goto Kolo: Chinese herbal aphrodisiac. Gypsyweed: An aphrodisiac for creating romantic thoughts, best taken heavily distilled (diluted at least three times) thrice a day, ten drops each time. Jasmine: An aromatic aphrodisiac. Women can place jasmine essential oil on the back of the neck or behind the ears to stimulate their partner. Jasmine incense can be burned in the bedroom as well. Licorice: Edible and aromatic, excellent aphrodisiac. Mushrooms: Considered a powerful aphrodisiac, cook mushrooms bought raw into food or serve them raw in a salad to stimulate and arouse. Milk: Some say it is "does the body good" in more ways than one. Edible aphrodisiac. Oysters: Often considered a great addition to a romantic meal, this shellfish is a popular edible aphrodisiac. Okra: Prepare and serve with lemon juice as an effective aphrodisiac. Onions: Vadalia onions are known for their aphrodisiac properties, can be served fried or preferably raw, very sweet unlike other types of onions. Rosemary: An easy to find kitchen herb that can be used in a meal for a lover, or in the form of an essential oil can be rubbed along the back of the neck or stomach as an aromatic aphrodisiac. Sage: Aphrodisiacal kitchen herb, edible or effective as a topical aphrodisiac (placed on the skin or used in bath water). Sandalwood: Aromatic aphrodisiac. Sandalwood essential oil is a popular aphrodisiac that women often use around men. Truffles: The fruit of a fungus that is found at the base of Oak and Beech groves in France, Italy and throughout Europe. If you are fortunate enough to obtain a supply of fresh Truffles, choose them firm, undamaged and medium sized. Eat them with a lover as an edible aphrodisiac. Wild Asparagus Root - A difficult to obtain aphrodisiac. The raw root is soft and has a jelly bean consistency that is sweet tasting. Ylang Ylang: The essential oil of ylang ylang is considered a good aromatic aphrodisiac.

To Change Eye Color

For the magick practitioner wishing to test their skill, there is a way to do this. It is more difficult and takes much practice. It's also completely natural. You must be relatively advanced as a witch to use the magical method, but once you learn it's fun and entertaining. This type of magic is commonly called a glamor. It is really just a matter of taking a desire and making it surface so that it is visible to other people. Close your eyes. You must have complete focus and be concentrating only on changing the eye color, any other distractions must be cleared from the mind. Now fill your mind with the color your eyes are, right now, naturally. Now see that color slowly change to the color you wish your eyes to become. See it overpower your natural color. Imagine that the color shines like a ray of light from inside your mind out through your eyes. Visualize your eyes becoming that color as the light passes through them. (This process should take at least 15 minutes the first few times, and you will have to repeat it after awhile. Glamors fade as you "forget" them.) Upon opening your eyes, you may or may not be able to see the change in the mirror. For a more accurate check of whether it worked, ask someone what color your eyes are. If they know you really well they may see past the glamor. (Your parents may see past it, and often spouses or very close friends, because they know you too well.) The stronger you develop the talent to throw a glamor, the more people it can trick. It will take you practice. Good luck!
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