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1112562398flying-faeries.jpgYou scored as Faerie, Faerie: Aren't you a cute little flying person? Faeries are earth spirits. They live among each element completely hidden. They have cousins called Pixies. Pixies however, are very mischevious. They enjoy tormenting other creatures for fun. Little pranksters.. I hope you never meet one. Pixies have a bad reputation for finding a creature and clinging to them until death. Faeries can be somewhat close to a Pixie, but mostly they are loving, playful, and carry with them a child-like enthusiasm for life. Hide among the pedals of a Daisy, you are a Faerie.













What Mythological Creature are you? (Cool Pics!)
created with QuizFarm.com

Have you ever...!

From T121XY 1. Ate Crocodile? Crikey, no!! 2. Slept in a different bed? of course 3. Made out in a movie theatre? *grin* that is fun!! 4. made out with 2 different people in one night? yup. A whore I tell ya, Im a friggen whore!! 5. Thought your cousin was hot? Not that I can recall. 6. Been in love? Sure 7. Slept? ummm. yeah..... 8. Taken a shower with the opposite sex? Yes, not all its cracked up to be. Though maybe I should try again. Any volunteers? ;) 9. Gone over the speed limit? And have the ticket to prove it 10. Painted your room? In high school I painted my room bright bright pink. (my poor parents) 11. Drove a car? yes 12. Danced in front of your mirror? Rock on!! yes! 13. Gotten a hickey? oh yes... in many places *grin* 14. Been dumped? Yup. Crushed. 15. Stole money from a friend? Never. 16. Gotten in a car with people you just met? In college I think I did this. 17. Been in a fist fight? Well, kind of. The fights I get into tend to last about 15 seconds. Someone jumps me from behind, I pick them up and drop them on their head. They stop moving. The fight is over. But fists are usually not involved... does that count? 18. Snuck out of your house? Nope, but have snuck in.

Random probing questions

More quizzys from BiancaVagina's page. Have you ever gotten into an accident with you parents' car? Yup, a couple of times. Nothing major though, just scratches. Ever thought of just picking up and moving far away? I used to have this fantasy often. Even did when things were really bad a few years ago. But haven't had that impulse in quite some time. What's the wallpaper on your computer? I am at work, so just a purple flower. What is the last thing/person you took a picture of? Why of myself, of course. You can't be a self loathing narcissist without staring at yourself constantly. What was the most difficult decision you've ever had to make? To not institutionalize my father, when I knew he was going to commit suicide. Name a band/artist you like that isn't that popular. Dirty Sanchez What is the first vehicle you recall your parents/guardians owning? An AMC Rambler. Mid 60s model. You only have $5 for the whole week; What do you buy with it? Sounds like this week. Food. What was the worst job you've ever had? Crowd Controller at the Universal Studios Tour in Hollywood. I was made to wear orange polyester and stand in the sun all day. I believe that combination is now forbidden in the Geneva Convention. Have you ever seen counterfeit money? yup Have you ever lost a pet you were attached to? Several. It is heart breaking. You're at an amusement park; What ride do you want to go on first? That thingy that spins around and uses centrifical force to hold you standing up against the cage. and then the whole thing starts to elevate and turn. I guess that is more of a carny ride. You can read minds; Whose mind do you snoop around in first? At this moment, nobody. The voices in my own head are loud enough as it is. Dont need other people's crazy mucking around mine. Tomorrow I might answer different though... What was the most rebellious thing you've ever done? Might be wearing black pantyhose under my ripped jean shorts, along with combat boots, and going to class in graduate school. I called the Vice Cancellor a liar over a loud speaker in front of a crowd of 150 once. Do you ever talk to inanimate objects? sometimes Pick one: Laundry, Dishes, or Vacuuming? Vacuuming. Have you ever moved and had to change schools growing up? three times while growing up You are forced to move out-of-state. Where do you go? Maybe New Mexico. Though I am finding the South interesting lately. Name the most meaningful thing a non-relative has done for you. In college one of my professors told me to stop trying to take care of my parents so much, and let my dad try to help me, that it was important for him (my dad) to feel like he could do something for me. That simple thing made such a difference in my life. The highway and back roads take you to the same place; Choose your route. Back roads. You see so much more that way. Drives my wife nuts sometimes. You're going to be a mom/dad; What do you think/do? Clean the apartment and make it babyproof. Have you ever tried to fold a piece of paper more than 7 times? no Are you more likely to give up or persist when you're having trouble? depends on the day. Most likely persist though. Do you resemble one parent more than the other? I look like my dad. Except for the beard of course, that was from my mom! What's the most challenging thing you've ever overcome? Panic disorder Your best friend needs a kidney to survive; Do you give them one of your's? Has she paid me back my $5 yet? fucking bitch owes me money!!! Yeah, I probably would and my wife would be furious at me for it. Your brother breaks into your house; Do you press charges? In a heartbeat. Name a big life event that has taken place for you within the last 2 years. I got married 6 months ago. Do you end up regretting things you say often? Not what I say too often. Sometimes what I do though. Would you rather have a huge cat or a tiny dog? I am all about the ..... kitty. Pringles or Lay's Stax? pringles. never had the other Name one difficult lesson you've learned. The majority of my isolation and loneliness in my life was self-imposed. Name one thing you look forward to as you get older. Weekends become more important every day. That and vacations. I used to not care about them. Do you use your hands when you talk to emphasize what you are saying? all the time. You own a huge business; What is it? open up a charter school with an alternative curriculum. Bring the arts back into class, but also give strong teaching in basic skills of math, English, history and science. Are you afraid to ask for help when you know that you need it? Terrified Should adopted kids be allowed to find their birth parents if they want to? Yes. We will probably adopt, and want the kids to know where they came from. Name somebody you think died before their time. El-Hajj Malik al-Shabazz (Malcolm X) A friend is (rightly) suspected in a crime; Do you provide an alibi? No. Name the possession you've had the longest. probably my Winnie the Pooh Bear, I have had since I was a baby. You're writing a novel; Is it horror, mystery, romance, etc.? Probably psychological thriller with some mystery and BDSM erotica. You have an embarassing secret; Do you tell anyone? Only my ex gf knows this. Will you usually admit it when you've made a mistake? Yes A friend of your's has a dangerous drug addiction; Do you tell someone? Tell who? Only if it would be helpful to the situation.
You are 26% Fat at Heart

You are a little chuncky watch out or you just might grow a little fatter so I'd be carefull if I were you

How Fat do You Act

According to the results of this quiz, you LOVE you a 41%!!!

Well, still not there! Come on! Why be so negative and pesimist?, I bet you're a great person, fun, unique and have great qualities which many people already do enjoy! So why not take a good look in the mirror into your soul, do an honest inner self evaluation and start to LOVE LOVE LOVE who you are!!!

How much do you LOVE YOU?

Fucking weirdo

You are 64% an Odd person!!!

You're an Odd-ish person. Bordering on the eccentric you're known as a quirky and interesting person. You have some traits that some people see as very odd, but then who doesn't?

How Odd Are You?

Your life is 63% crappy!

Your life is fairly crappy. There are parts that aren't complete crap, but life could use some serious rotto router.

How crappy is your life?
Quizzes for MySpace

hybrid listyquiz

1. Look out the window. what's the most interesting thing you see? A eucalyptus tree 2. Last beverage you consumed? Diet 7-Up 4. Three words to explain why you last threw up? bad trail mix 5. What is the equation for the Pythagorean theorem? a2 x b2 = c2 (where the 2 means squared, and c is the hypotenous of a triangle) 6. Do you think Barbie is a negative role model for young girls? Yeah, I do think she is, but I think it could also be at least somewhat mitigated with good parenting. Our culture is 98% negative images of women. 8. Do you like to play scrabble? I havent really played believe it or not. 9. Where did you attend high school? Bell Gardens, a barrio suburb of south-east Los Angeles 10. Cats or Dogs? Cats 11. Can you cook? yup. do it all the time 12. Last television program you watched? Meet the Press 13. Spell your name without vowels: Nthn nd smtms y 14. What is the last hair product you used? Some way too pricey hair gel 15. Does your family own any boats: nope 16. Favorite part of the body of the opposite sex? Hips 17. Do you wear flip flops constantly: I despise flip-flops 18. What do you think of Adam Brody? Dont care 19. Do you have air conditioning in your room? nope, all about the fans baby 20. Have you ever kissed your dog: ewwwwwwwwwww! no 21. What part of your body are you most proud of? my hair 22. How often do you read books? I only get through maybe 3 books a year. I know. pretty sad. 23. Do you like James Blunt? eh, dont care. 24. Describe the computer you are currently using? A compaq from 2 years ago, getting slow already. *sigh* and found out recently it is not upgradeable which is very annoying 25. In general, do you go with form or function? I would say I am generally more concerned with how well something works than how it looks. Though aesthetics do matter to me. 26. Can you sing? oh hellls no! 27. Have you been outside of the USA?: Mexico 28. Would you ever get your nipples pierced? only if I lost A LOT more weight. 29. What are you looking forward to? nothing really comes to mind... 31. What is the last bill you payed? Car insurance 32. What song are you listening to? Listening to Patton Oswalt comedy album 33. Last movie you watched? My Super Ex Girlfriend 34. Which of your friends lives farthest from you? Roguey in the UK. 35. what cd is in your stereo? A Jackie Beat CD 37. What did you do last night? dealing with naughty cats!! 38. do you make a wish at 11:11? no, but I do notice it. 39. Do you wear contacts or glasses? nope 40. Last meal you ate? Veggie corn dogs with black bean chili 41. Do you find yourself attractive: fugly 42. Who called you last? Cindy from where I used to work. 43. When was the last time you wrote a hand written letter? I cant even remember. A full on letter, probably not since the early 90s. 44. Are you forgetful? sometimes, but not usually. 45. What's the next car you want to buy? A hybrid of some sort. Probably a prius if we can afford it. 46. Do you play any instruments? not really. 47. Last thing that made you really laugh? cant recall. been a bit down lately 48. Any ink? Only three. Two I did myself and one professional. 49. Can you roll your r's? surely. 50. Did you ever go to prom? Nope. and I am fine with that. why? what have you heard???


1. Honestly, what is your worst habbit? Procrastination 2. Honestly, whats on your mind? baby steps towards a more honest life 3. Honestly, what are you doing right now? IMing 5. Honestly, who are your best friends? C, R, B, M, K, A, T 6. Honestly, have you done something bad today? Not today, no. 8. Honestly, who is the last person you talked to on the phone? My sister. We hadnt talked for over a month cuz we had a spat over money. I hate business with family. I missed her and am glad we are talking again. 9. Honestly, are you jealous of someone right now? not really. 10. Honestly, what makes you mad most of the time? Me and my cowardice. 11. Honestly, do you bite your nails? no 12. Honestly, have you had an eating disorder? all my life. Emotional eater, binge eating. 13. Honestly, do you want to see someone this very moment? not really, cuz I look like shit 14. Honestly are you keeping a big secret now? Always. There are always big secrets in my life. 15. Honestly, do you have a friend you don't actually like? no 17. Honestly, are you in denial? yeah, but I think I know about most of the denial I am in. 18. Honestly, do you get up in the middle of the night and eat? no 19.Honestly, do you like anyone? Like crushes?? mmm yeah... 20. Honestly, does anyone like you? Not really. Anger Section 1. What do you do when you're mad? I go utterly silent 2. What's the worst thing you've done when you were mad? Cut someone entirely out of my life unfairly. 3. Ever made anyone cry when you were mad? yeah. I have. 4. Do you swear when you're mad? yes, but I dont yell. Crying Section 1. When was the last time you actually cried? Last week watching a documentary about Catholic Priests molesting kids. I cried when this old man talked about loosing his faith in god after his daughter was raped. His rage and pain reminded me so much of my dad right before he died. 2. Ever cried yourself to sleep? several times 3. Do certain songs make you cry? Yes. 4. What usually makes you cry? Being deeply dissapointed in myself. Lost love. Deep anger. Happy Section 1. Are you usually a happy person? I dont know. I think I am becoming happier. Does that count? 2. What makes you the happiest? Seeing the people I care about happy. Loosing weight. Getting healthier. 3. Do you believe in yourself? Depends on the day. Some days I believe I can do just about anything, other days I am a disgusting monster and it is near impossible to get out of bed. 4. When people say they think you are good looking/pretty, do you get happy? It very rarely happens. When it does, it feels good, but I can't help feeling like inside my head a voice says "you are so sweet for telling me that lie"
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