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what kind of kisser am i?

Merritt, you're a Romantic Kisser Whew, is it warm in here or is that just you? When it comes to kissing, you get your drive from the lure of romance. For you, it's more than a meeting of the lips. You appreciate kissing for the rush and for what it symbolizes. Long-stemmed roses, candlelight dinners, and weekend retreats to bed and breakfasts. Sound about your speed? You're a kissing partner who can go beyond the sweet surrender of locking lips to discuss the meaning of relationships. To really express yourself, you're probably one who's concerned with setting the proper mood. You might light a fire or take your date to a beautiful lookout before cuddling and kissing. You probably like to make a lot of eye contact, gently hug and touch your date, and talk tenderly about your feelings. While your intentions are pure, your intensity might sometimes be a little overwhelming. Don't forget that being playful can also be a sign of affection, and remember, sometimes a kiss is just a kiss.

my animal magnetism

Merritt, you're an Alligator in the wild world of love. See you later, Alligator. We won't be catching much of you around the singles swamp. You tend to lurk below the surface at some of the most happening and trendy scenes around town. Being the savvy prowler that you are, you give yourself adequate time to observe and calculate before you make your devastating moves. Once you've located your target, your slow, suave approach is enough to hypnotize just about anyone. Sure, you might look tough on the outside, but you know how to woo a potential mate with soft strokes and tender words. To you, romance is a subtle dance and you're willing to take your time with it. You ever so skillfully develop your next cunning move that's always so impossible to resist. You've got the ritual of romance down to a science, don't you?

am i ready to commit?

You don't need us to tell you that you're on the right track. A cool and confident person, you know what you want; now it's just a matter of finding it. Even more important, you know that love is about much more than what kind of clothes they wear or car they drive. And you're ready to make it work. You've gotten to a place where you are happy with your life, and you're ready to share it with someone special. So whether you've found them or are still looking, know that this time, you'll get what you want.

am i evil?

Are You Evil? good evil Nope, not a drop of evil in you. In fact, you're ridiculously good. Reach around the wings and pat yourself on the back. Instead of tripping old ladies, you help them cross the street. You think about others' feelings constantly, and you use your sexual power for good, not evil. Sheesh — we're guessing that every person you've ever met has taken advantage of you in some way. Naw, just kidding! When you get right down to it, it's people like you who make the world a better place. You're just the sort of person we want taking care of our children. In the figurative high school yearbook of life, all your friends sign, "Stay sweet, have a great summer!" Keep reading for more details on your not-so-evil nature. not sexually evil sexually evil In the bedroom, you don't have an evil bone in your body — well maybe one, but ... aw, never mind. The moral lessons you learned as a child really stuck — we have a sneaking suspicion you're still haunted by the ghost of your parents' first sex lecture ("Heavy petting won't make you popular"). In bed, you're as generous as they come — you always put your partner's needs ahead of yours. And your bedroom is a sacred temple. Overall, you're an enlightened sexual wonder. Just remember, it's okay to go nuts on your birthday. not passive aggressive passive aggressive Well, there's nothing passive about you. When you've got a problem, the whole room knows. Chances are your lack of any passive-aggressiveness makes you come off like a real hothead. The good news is that it doesn't make you evil. The bad news? It might make you a bit annoying. Make sure you're not raising your voice too loud, or all the passive-aggressive people around you are going to put sugar in your gas tank. not black hearted black hearted You've got a golden heart, not a black one. Your respect for other people, nature, and the whole darn planet makes you a shining example of what we all could be if we just cared a little more. You're like a walking, talking Disney movie. But remember, sometimes it's healthy to punch a pillow, crush a bug, or turn down a request to drive a friend to the airport. Not only is a little black-heartedness normal, it's also (gasp!) fun.

what turns me on

Merritt, a Big Brain turns you on A new independent film? CNN? The Economist? Sexy, huh? Chances are, with your smarts, and love of a challenge, something along these lines probably gets you going. Whatever your passion, you're looking for that same love of learning and curiosity about the world from your romantic partner. For you, the hottest thing around can be dressed as a math whiz, a tech geek, or a college professor, just as long as they have the brain power — and, um, stamina — to go the distance with you. Mental connections and sparring matches give you the challenges you need to get turned on. Love poems, pumped-up abs, moonlit walks on the beach — take 'em or leave 'em, you've got your eyes on the IQ prize. After all, the sexiest thing going are smarts.

colours of love

Merritt, when you reveal your true colors in love, you're a Connected Partner You are the kind of jovial people-person who can brighten almost anyone's day. You take great enjoyment in having deep emotional attachments; that's true both in love, as well as with your friends and family. As a result, when it comes to romance, you're likely to seek out a partner you can feel completely bonded to and share your innermost thoughts with. Once you've found this special someone, you'll likely keep them happy with your caring nature and sometimes-goofy sense of humor.

mood swings test

Merritt, your mood swings between Calm & Happy At any given moment during the day, you're likely to feel contented, calm and peaceful. Given your positive outlook on life and your steady demeanor, you don't allow all of life's difficulties to rile you up. You experience about 8 times as many positive moods as you do negative moods. Your energy level reflects a fairly even split between your equal desires to expend energy and be still, holding your energy back. Your moods are infinitely varied and complex. They can range from happy to sad to energetic to passive with just about everything in between. In the following section of the test, we'll break down your moods into eight states. Understanding these eight states is the first step to monitoring and managing your mood swings. Your Mood Swings Mood Highs & Lows The Big Picture Your Mood Swings: Causes and Culprits History Further Reading Mood Highs & Lows In addition to your top moods, and your predominant mood swings, you are likely to feel as many as eight different mood states throughout the day. They are: Calm Happy Energetic Enthusiastic Exhausted Uneasy Sad Passive Your mood swings are what you are most likely to notice, but it is the frequency of each of these eight mood states that will have the greatest impact on how you handle and perceive situations every day.. In fact, your moods set the tone for all of your day-to-day experiences—they are the filter through which you experience the good, the bad, the highs and the lows of your day. Let's see how your moods measure up on each of the eight individual mood scales. Calm You scored 10 out of 10. When a person feels calm, he or she feels positive about life but generally has a lower level of energy. This lower level of energy can be beneficial insofar as it offers the individual time to think, reflect on and enjoy their feelings of optimism. Happy You scored 10 out of 10. Happy individuals are generally filled with satisfaction and contentment. Happiness is a purely emotional state—it is not attached to a particular level of energy. It is quite possible for happy individuals to feel extremely satisfied and content with life, but to lack the desire to expend energy on making the situation even better. Energetic You scored 10 out of 10. When a person feels energetic, it is usually experienced as a flurry of activity. Feeling energetic is neither positive nor negative. It's a neutral emotion that simply denotes a highly active state-most likely the result of channeling all feelings, both positive and negative, into actions. Enthusiastic You scored 8 out of 10. A highly enthusiastic individual will experience positive feelings and high energy levels since enthusiasm is both a heightened emotional and heightened physical state. Exhausted You scored 2 out of 10. When a person feels exhausted, he or she experiences negative feelings about life and exceptionally low levels of energy. An exhausted individual might feel depressed, yet be unable to muster the energy to make changes that would take their life in a new or positive direction. This is a particularly difficult mood to navigate since low levels of energy and sadness serve up a double whammy. Uneasy You scored 2 out of 10. When a person feels uneasy, he or she feels negative about life and invests high energy in their negative emotions. They often appear actively upset about the events in their life. Uneasiness is a complicated state because the two components—sadness and obsession over that sadness—feed off one another making situations seem worse than they really are. Sad You scored 2 out of 10. As you know, when a person feels sad, he or she is filled with a sense of dissatisfaction and has a negative outlook on life. Sadness is not attached to a level of energy. In fact, it simply denotes a highly charged negative emotion. A person can feel sad without experiencing fatigue or heightened states of nervous energy. Passive You scored 2 out of 10. Passivity is usually experienced as a stillness in mind and body. In fact, feeling passive is not indicative of happiness or sadness, rather it is a neutral state. The primary emphasis is on quietude, with little attention paid to a positive or negative mood. Your Mood Swings Mood Highs & Lows The Big Picture Your Mood Swings: Causes and Culprits History Further Reading The Big Picture You have now learned about the frequency of your eight mood states; but how do these moods affect one another? And more importantly, how do they affect you? Are your moods taking you on an emotional rollercoaster ride or is it pretty smooth-sailing? The chart below shows your two most common moods Calm & Happy. It is the "distance" between these two moods that determines the type and intensity of your mood swings. As you can see, your predominant daily moods are located near one another on the diagram. This indicates that you experience only the very slightest of mood swings and points to a regularity of mood causing you to be emotionally even-keeled. Of course, every now and again even your mood will swing which might surprise you! Your Mood Swings Mood Highs & Lows The Big Picture Your Mood Swings: Causes and Culprits History Further Reading Your Mood Swings: Causes and Culprits Although you have a dominant mood, you are liable to experience any of eight mood states at some point. Depending on what's going on in your life, your moods can shift on a daily, monthly or even yearly basis. So what's the decisive factor? Well, it could be just about anything: Life events, both good and bad, your perception of those events, your physiological makeup, even your coping methods. External Triggers There's plenty of truth to the old saying: the only thing certain in life is change. Relationships fluctuate, world events—both tragic and joyful—take place without warning. Plain and simple: things happen, and these external influences trigger various mood states. Naturally, people have different responses these triggers. For you, your mood tends to be most affected when you have a positive experience. You are particularly sensitive to the positive things that happen in everyday life and you have the ability to savor and celebrate even the smallest events. For you, finding a five-dollar bill on the ground would sooner raise your spirits than losing a five-dollar bill would lower your spirits. Internal Perceptions The way you perceive the events of your life can also play into the type and severity of the moods that you experience. Each of us has different internal beliefs about how life tends to unfold—whether you believe that it is dependent on your own actions or whether you think it is outside of your personal control. These internal perceptions can have a persistent and powerful affect on your mood state. For you, your internal beliefs tend to emphasize your own behavior over external forces. You tend to blame yourself when things go poorly and take all the credit when things go well. Your particular thought pattern—which focuses on your own actions rather than on external events—has the tendency to stick you with a lot of responsibility for how situations in your life turn out. If you believe your own accountability to the extreme, you will probably end up feeling a lot of self-inflicted pressure when it comes to your own success, with your mood suffering when you feel unaccomplished. Taking on too much personal blame when things go wrong can leave you feeling depressed, discouraged, and it can negatively affect your health. Conversely, affording yourself too much credit when things go well can leave you with an over-inflated sense of security, possibly setting you up for a big fall should anything outside of your control go wrong such as a natural disaster. Most life events unfold as a result of both your actions and situational factors. By placing too much emphasis on either your own behavior or external forces, your worldview may become skewed in a way that is unhelpful in fostering your general well-being and happiness. Mood Generalization In many situations, people generalize their current mood to the rest of their life. They might feel that if one thing has gone wrong, everything has gone wrong or if something good happens, all of life is great. While this can sometimes take a positive form, by producing extensive feelings of optimism, it can also be an agent of gloom when carried into other areas of your life. The extent to which you consistently believe that you can generalize from your current experience to predict your future success will either negatively or positively affect your mood. In fact, the power of positive thought can often result in positive life events while the power of negative thoughts can result in negative life events. For you, when things go wrong in your life, you tend to make sense of it by remembering that things haven't always been bad and that your situation will doubtless improve, especially if you are proactive in fixing the problem at hand. Instead of making negative generalizations about your life, you remain optimistic and try to change things for the better, if only by thinking positively. This kind of thinking keeps your mood upbeat even in adverse situations. Physiological Factors In addition to external forces and internal perceptions, physiological factors are often the culprits behind your mood swings. These might include hormone fluctuations, brain chemistry or diet. Women who are in the premenstrual phase of their fertility cycle can have large hormone shifts that may affect their mood. For those women who don't menstruate, the onset of menopause, pregnancy or an insufficient body weight are all mood-altering factors and may entail hormonal changes of their own. Men are also prone to hormonal shifts, often experiencing a hormonal rollercoaster in adolescence, or later in life as postulated by the theory of "male menopause." In addition, a person's brain chemistry can have an enormous effect on the moods they experience. In the most extreme case, "imbalanced" brain chemistry can lead to serious problems associated with mood such as depression, anxiety, and mania. The good news is that these imbalances can usually be treated with prescribed medications. If you feel that your mood swings sometimes get out of hand, you might want to seek professional advice. Your diet and your intake of controlled substances can also have a significant effect on your mood. For example, eating sugary foods boosts your energy in the short term but ultimately results in a "crash" to a lower-level mood. Alcohol can have a similar effect, producing a brief "high" followed by a depressing "low." As you can see, there are a variety of physiological factors that can affect your mood. While some are more manageable than others, it is important to take all of the above factors into account when figuring out the reasons behind your mood swings. Coping Strategies All of us have different ways of coping with the ups and downs of life. We develop these coping strategies through trial and error, determining what works best to improve a given situation. Effective coping skills can have a huge impact on mood management, allowing an individual to redirect their focus and turn a melancholy mood upside down. When bad moods strike, you usually The more tools and methods you have at your disposal, the more likely that you'll be able to solve any problem that comes your way. The Take Action! section below provides several alternative strategies for combating your negative moods. Take Action! There's no denying that when a bad mood hits, it's not fun. Still, not all negative moods are harmful—sometimes a negative mood can be a good indicator that things aren't going the way you'd like. A negative mood can be a call to action, even a blessing in disguise. However, when a negative mood spins out of control it can change from a helpful warning sign to a potentially harmful thought pattern that's extremely difficult to break. Most of the time, a negative mood is caused by a loss or perceived failure. Major areas in our lives that are susceptible to these negative feelings include family life, romantic partnerships, work, career, and friendships. Sometimes a bad mood may seem to come from out of the blue, but more often than not, it can be related back to a very specific frustration whether in the past or present. The next time you experience a negative mood, try the following steps: Step 1: Focus on the event that is triggering your mood and... change your behavior: Simply stop doing anything that may be contributing to the problem Make a list of things you could do to fix the problem Make a plan to do things differently next time the problem arises Remove yourself from harmful relationships or situations which are contributing to the negative mood Seek advice from friends, family members, or other people that you trust—sometimes, another perspective is all you need to lift your mood change the way you think about the event: Have faith that things will turn out for the best. Hope, in and of itself, can be restorative Make a list of the positive aspects of the situation—sometimes an important life lesson can come out of a seemingly bad event Make a list of the things that are going well in your life and try to focus on those elements Set aside a limited time to think about the negative aspects of the triggering event, then forbid yourself from thinking about it at other times of the day. For example, allow yourself 15 minutes each day to worry about the situation, and then stop Step 2: Focus on the mood you are experiencing and... actually do something to combat the mood: Express your emotions through a creative outlet such as painting or singing. Creative activities can be extremely cathartic Get some exercise—many studies have proven the benefit of exercise in alleviating depression or anxiety Give yourself a little gift to lift your spirits Keep yourself busy with things that are interesting or enjoyable to you— the more you busy yourself, the less time you will have to dwell on your negative thoughts Offer your help to someone else—not only will this keep you busy, but it will also give you a feeling of accomplishment and self-worth Spend some time with friends and family. Avoid isolating yourself, as loneliness may only feed your negative mood Use relaxation techniques—from simple deep breathing to meditation change the negative thought patterns that are produced by your mood or are contributing to your mood: Allow yourself to imagine positive, seemingly unrealistic outcomes—this may trigger a fresh perspective or a new solution Assess your feelings in an intellectual and rational manner—try to separate the actual facts from the emotion Try to determine whether you are employing all-or-nothing or catastrophic thinking. If so, reframe your thinking in a more positive and realistic light Gather strength and learning from your negative experience and then allow yourself to move on Sometimes, denial is healthy and useful. Every now and again, force yourself to stop thinking about the situation actively try to forget or deny your negative emotions Our list of strategies above demonstrates that, for the most part, behaviors, thoughts, and mood are highly interconnected. By adjusting one, you can affect the others. Accordingly, if you can find the power to assert control over one element in the equation, it can have a profound affect on improving your overall mood!

my colour report

Merritt, the first color you chose was This insightful color personality test, developed by color psychologist Max Luscher, reveals detailed information about your unconscious mind based on the order of your color selections. Luscher's research revealed that the order in which you selected a series of colors is significant. In fact, not only was he able to determine that the order was relevant, but he revealed that particular aspects of your life could be represented by specific color choices. This goes beyond what colors you like the most. Luscher made a connection between color preferences and how they related to your subconscious mind. There is a meaning behind your single color choices, as well as your color pairs. This report will provide detailed info on both. We'll begin with the first color you chose. Your Leading Color The color you choose first symbolizes the methods you use to achieve your hopes, dreams and greatest goals. This is the color you're most drawn to, which indicates that you're turning toward the qualities this color evokes. It may be you want to incorporate more of what the color symbolizes into your life, or that it's a reflection of your current mental state. Blue. This reveals that overall, you're Calm. Like other people who choose Blue first, you likely tend to take things in stride, without getting too worked up over situations. Others probably see you as mild-mannered and centered in your approach to life. According to Luscher, Blue in the first position also reveals that you have a desire for either emotional tranquility or physiological rest. You may long to escape emotional conflict or a situation that has been demanding, or you may crave a restful period that doesn't require a lot of physical activity. Overall, you long for a calm environment that is free from stressors, even though you do have the capacity to handle stress with grace. You need for your relationships to be free of conflict, as it's essential for you to be able to trust those who are close to you and be trusted by them in return. You have a quiet spirit, a peaceful manner and impeccable integrity. 33% test takers also chose Blue first. Your Color Test Report Your Unique Color Spectrum The Eight Colors Explained The Meaning of Your Color Pairings The Luscher Method This is the color of your personality. Of all test takers, only less than 0.10% have the same exact combination as you. According to Luscher, each of your selections reveals something particular to your personality. The following section will reveal what Luscher believes each color selection reveals about your true self. Your Color Test Report Your Unique Color Spectrum The Eight Colors Explained The Meaning of Your Color Pairings The Luscher Method Luscher believed that each color has a particular psychological meaning and physiological impact. Unlike words, he believed that colors have universal meaning. This means that no matter your age, race, gender, national identity, educational or socioeconomic level, or personality quirks, colors carry the same natural associations. Following is some more detailed information about each of the eight colors. Below are Luscher's findings on which positions are most common for that color. You can apply all of this to the information in order to enhance your understanding of your unique color spectrum. Blue The dark blue color in this test symbolizes the calm of an untroubled sea. It represents fulfillment, as well as truth, love and devotion. It relates to tender emotions and sensitivity. Studies have found that when people look at this color, their respiration and blood pressure are reduced. Dark blue corresponds with the basic biological need for tranquility and contentment. According to Tickle's research, Blue is most commonly chosen in positions one through four, especially in the first two positions. It is the most popular choice for the first position. Violet As a combination of both blue and red, violet manages to be its own distinct color, though it does lose the clarity and purpose that both red and blue have on their own. Violet is the magical union of red's need to conquer and blue's need to surrender. It is intuition and sensitivity. Violet is also about wish fulfillment and fantasy, a state in which the world is a magical place. Violet, due to its fantastical nature, can sometimes lead to irresponsibility. Tickle found that Violet is the second most commonly chosen color for the first position, second only to blue. Red The red on this test, which contains enough yellow to give it an orange hue, is the expression of vital force. Red speeds up one's pulse, respiration, and blood pressure. It represents desire, appetites and cravings. It symbolizes the desire to achieve and a need to "do." Red is the present, and it represents all forms of power, from sexuality to innovative change. It is the blood of conquest and the flame igniting the human spirit. According to Tickle's studies, it is somewhat uncommon for Red to be chosen in the last three positions. Yellow Yellow, the brightest color on the test, represents lightness and good cheer. Yellow is radiance, expansiveness, and a release from burdens. Symbolically, yellow is the warm sunlight. Yellow is more uncertain than red; while it indicates flurried diligence, this focus comes in fits and starts. Yellow is progressive, always going toward the new and the developing. Tickle's findings revealed that it is somewhat uncommon for Yellow to be chosen in the first or second position. Black Black is the dark negation of color. It expresses the idea of nothingness, endings and extinction. Black is about surrender and relinquishing. It has great impact on the color with which it's paired, emphasizing the impact of that color. Choosing black in the early positions is an act of extremeness and rebellion, a sign of revolt. When black is chosen last, Luscher believed it is a sign of not wanting to relinquish anything, and instead be in control of your own fate. Tickle found that, more than any other color, Black is chosen equally for each of the eight positions, with a slight tendency to be chosen in the last four positions. Green The blue-green color on this test represents perseverance, constancy and firmness. Green symbolizes the most resistant to change, the most self-awareness, the most self-possession. Emotionally, green is a sign of pride. Symbolically, it corresponds with the towering and austere sequoia, deep-rooted, unchanging, and monumental. Green is the color of precise memory, accuracy and logic. Tickle found that it's somewhat uncommon for Green to be chosen first or last, and that Green tends to be chosen toward the middle of the selection process. Brown This brown is a darkened yellow-red. Yellow dampens Red's vitality and thus makes it more peaceful. Brown's vitality is less active, and is instead more receptive than Red's. Brown is sensuous, relating to the physical body. It is also about the importance of roots, home and family. Tickle's research found that Brown is the most common color choice for the last position. Gray The shade of gray used on this test is neither dark nor light, and thus it is free of any specific psychological tendency. Gray symbolizes neutrality, the halfway point between white and black. This is the color of noninvolvement. It also represents the desire to hide or conceal. Tickle found that Gray is most commonly chosen in positions five through eight, especially in the last two positions. Your Color Test Report Your Unique Color Spectrum The Eight Colors Explained The Meaning of Your Color Pairings The Luscher Method While the first color you select reveals your unique approach to life, your second color indicates what you're actually trying to achieve with that approach. In the next section Your First Pairing, you'll learn how your first and second colors combine to reveal information about your current life direction. In following sections in this report, you'll learn about the significance of Your Second, Third and Fourth Pairings as well. Your First Pairing: What You Want and How You Get It The first two colors you selected make up your first pairing. According to Luscher, these are the colors that you're most drawn to. The order of your selections here are particularly significant. The first color you choose represents the method you rely on to achieve your goals. The second color represents what your actual goal is. As a pair, these first two colors signify your dreams and the methods you employ to make them a reality. You chose Blue first and Violet second. This means that you long for a tenderness that is compatible with your sensitive nature. You have great taste, and you respond strongly to aesthetics. Out of all test-takers, 10.33% select these two colors in the first and second positions.

am i an open book?

Are You an Open Book? less open more open Stop the presses -- you're a Bestseller! Cover to cover, you're definitely an open book. And your emotions are in wide circulation. No matter what the situation, it's no secret what you've got written on the inside. When you feel a certain way, you've got no hesitations about expressing it immediately. Because there's so little to hide within your emotional pages, you're easy to read. Your closest friends know you quite well and can tell how you feel. People with similar scores tend to be sociable, kind, dependable, and well-adjusted.

what colour am i?

Merritt, your true color is Yellow! You're yellow, the color of joy and energy — two things you definitely bring to everyone around you. It's hard for anyone to be sad or lonely in your presence; your sunny disposition and cheery outlook just won't allow it. The warmth of your personality shines through in the kindness you show friends and family (and strangers, too). Always ready with a lighthearted joke or heartfelt compliment, you know how to make people feel good about themselves, so they can't get enough of you. Yellow is a warm and inviting color for a warm and inviting person — you!
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