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Krissi's blog: "New To Fubar"

created on 10/11/2007  |  http://fubar.com/new-to-fubar/b140268

What Else Could Go Wrong?

Well, everyone knows now that me and Shawn got married...when we think everything is just perfect...the day after our honeymoon i have to deal with a skin infection near my eye which infects my eye- i end up in the emergency room and on antibiotics now...my computer crashes and i lose ALL my kids pictures, everything and i can't find the backup disc so to make a long story short i'm on the phone forever and finally get back online..i'm in the most horrible mood now...feeling horrible....had one beautiful evening and now this.....i could use some cheering up..


*** As most of you know, I am diabetic..yes, i take medication (type2 diabetes) just one pill a day but I also take alot of herbs which lower my blood sugar along w/ exercise and weight loss- i'm doing much better..I gained over 150 pounds over the times I was pregnant with my four boys and they believe that is what triggered it as noone in my family is diabetic..** Type 2 diabetes In type 2 diabetes, the body produces its own insulin, but the cells are unable to respond to it properly. This form of diabetes is associated with obesity and in some cases pregnancy. It usually affects people aged 40 and over. It is often possible for those with Type 2 to avoid taking drugs and to regulate the condition with changes to their diet. This approach in most cases is more effective and more pleasant. But always consult with your health practitioner. Improve your circulation Diabetes can cause narrowing of the small blood vessels throughout the body. The higher the blood sugar levels, the more the small blood vessels narrow. Resulting in the vessels carrying less blood and circulation is impaired. Poor circulation can lead to a number of complications connected to diabetes: eye, foot and kidney problems. See the circulation article for lots more tips. There are number of foods and herbs that can assist in controlling the blood sugar levels. Some well known herbs to help you: Goldenseal will bring elevated blood sugar levels plunging down and step up the production of insulin in the pancreas. For type 2 diabetics this is great news, but for hypoglycaemics it is something to watch very carefully. Goldenseal should help but not cure diabetes. A tincture extract can be taken approximately 15 drops, two or three times daily. Scientific studies have shown that onions reduce blood sugar levels for longer periods than insulin, but more slowly. Ensure you have plenty in your diet. Onions are best eaten raw as cooking partially destroys its active compounds, which are contained in a highly volatile oil. Like onions, garlic has a significant ability to control blood sugar levels. Garlic has a strong odour so take as a tincture or other supplement. Either way try to ensure your diet is rich in garlic. Fenugreek contains six compounds that help regulate blood sugar levels. Modern research shows that fenugreek seeds not only lower blood glucose but reduce insulin levels, total cholesterol and triglycerides, while increasing HDL (the good cholesterol). Olive leaf acts as a hypotensive (lowers the blood sugar levels) and dilates the walls of blood vessels. Thereby increasing blood flow and circulation through the body and to vital organs. It has no side effects even when taken over a long period, so it is good for diabetics. Cayenne pepper is a wonderful herb to stimulate circulation. When your blood is circulating more efficiently you don't need as much of the chemicals that your body produces. A little will go a long way. A retired plant scientist and a former Smithsonian botanist, James A. Duke and Edward S.Ayensu believe that Korean ginseng is a remedy for a wide variety of disease or ills. In their two-volume reference work Medicinal Plants of China (1:123) they report that among other aliments ginseng is good for diabetes. 1408036djozwb9sgl.gif

Cold Season Arrives..

** As most of you know, I will not be online most of Monday---Thursday..I will be getting married on Tuesday and taking some time away with Shawn..much needed, might I add...Of course, as fate would have it..I have a cold now..and I am busting my ass to get it gone as quickly as possible. I already beat the congestion over night..woo hoo...I HIGHLY RECOMMEND "MUCINEX" because it is the best thing out there on the market and it's safe for people with diabetes/ thyroid condition to take...and it's not that expensive, under 10 bucks...here is a list of things I am doing, and have done which DO make the cold go away much quicker...** ************************************************** Cold and Flu Problems The following article gives information about cold and flu problems. It is possible to effectively ease the pain and discomfort of colds and flu, naturally. As part of our regular newsletter there will be examples of successful alternative treatments. Natural cold and flu remedies The time to treat a cold is when you don't have it.! Prevention is always better than cure. However the same herbs that keep colds and flu at bay, will also help you get rid of it faster. The common cold is caused by any one of 200 different viruses. When infection occurs , the walls of the respiratory tract swell and produce excess mucus, giving rise to the typical cold symptoms. Symptoms range from sore throat, running nose, nasal congestion, watery eyes to hacking cough, headache, and fever. Most colds run their course in 7-10 days. Recurrent colds (almost constantly suffering) may indicate a lowered immune capacity and too much stress and often not enough sleep. Colds spread from person to person and are highly contagious. Coughing, sneezing or hand to hand contact will easily pass the virus on. The virus can also live for several hours on everyday surfaces. Herbal remedies and the ever popular echinacea One particular herb has recently had a lot of press coverage and marketing as a 'new' cure for colds. Echinacea has in fact been used by America Indians for hundreds of years. It is native to the North America Plains, but varieties of the species are now found on most continents. Echinacea increases levels of properdin, a chemical which activates the part of the immune system responsible for increasing defence mechanisms against virus and bacteria attacks. Its anti-bacterial effect makes it a good herb for treating many viral and bacterial infections. Echinacea is also an excellent blood cleanser, it helps to sweep dead cells and other debris through the channels of the lymphatic system. And dispatches white blood cells to fight the infection. The best test to determine if you are taking a good, high strength echinacea is the tongue test. After you have taken the tincture, the back of your tongue should feel numb or tingly. This feeling will soon pass, but you know you are using a good quality product. So when you feel the cold coming on - reach for the echinacea tincture. It is important to try to take echinacea before the full onset of a cold or flu to give the best chance of a swift recovery. Garlic No treatment of colds would be complete without Garlic. This pungent herb was highly esteemed by the ancient Egyptians, who ensured that the slaves building the Great Pyramids at Cheops were given a daily supply. The Romans also acknowledged garlic's strengthening powers and fed it to their soldiers before battle. Garlic has anti-bacterial properties that help the immune system to fight infection, it is an excellent boost to the immune system. The reason for this is garlic contains several helpful compounds, including allicin, one of the plant kingdom's most potent antibiotics. Garlic combines well with echinacea and together make a strong fighting force against infections. Onion is a close relative of Garlic and has similar properties, containing similar antiviral chemicals. Use onions and leeks in your cooking when you have a cold or are around people who do. Ginger Ginger is another of natures' antiviral herbs. It contains nearly a dozen antiviral compounds. Ginger is pain relieving, antiseptic and antioxidant. It is valuable for preventing and treating colds, sore throats and inflammation of mucus membranes. Ginger reduces pain and fever and has a mild sedative effect that will encourage rest. And it is tasty! (with no lingering odours!) Drink a tea, or soak fresh ginger in hot water, take as a tincture and include it in your food. Ginger is also delicious in a fruit smoothy (a mix of soft chilled fruits put in a blender). Vitamin C Vitamin C is very good for the relief of cold symptoms and to help the body fight infection. The best source of vitamins is always fresh fruit and vegetables. Citrus fruit is especially high in vitamin C. Combine orange, pineapple, seedless grapes, lots of fresh ginger, banana, pink grapefruit, cantaloupe in a blender. Add orange juice if more liquid is needed. This not only makes a delicious drink, but is healthy and fights that cold. Don't eat junk food when you have a cold or flu When you have a cold or flu your body is under a lot of stress, fighting the viral infection. Big, heavy meals take vital energy to digest, resources which your body could be using to fight the infections. An old saying states "Feed a cold and starve a fever". A better saying is "Starve a cold and starve a fever". The best thing to do is drink plenty of liquids - water, fruit juices and if needed soups, but stay away from heavy and highly processed food. High liquid intake is important as the body uses water to carry waste products and toxins to your elimination systems. Goldenseal Goldenseal is both antiseptic and immune stimulating, increasing blood supply to the spleen. The spleen is the bodies staging area for the fighting cells in your immune system. Berberine is present in goldenseal, and activates macrophages (special white blood cells), which are responsible for destruction of bacteria, fungi, viruses and tumour cells. Boost your immune system When you are rundown it is a very good idea to boost your immune system so that your body can fight back. An excellent supplement to use in these circumstance is our Goldenseal, Astragalus and Echinacea combination. We also recommend that you take this with the circulation formula which consists of Garlic, Ginger, Cayenne and Ginkgo Biloba. Taken together you get the individual benefits of each and they compliment each other. The immune formula is assisted by better circulation. And your circulation improvement will be maximised if your immune system is in good shape. You can find further details of these products here --> The Immune and circulation boosting kit. There is also a discount available there if you choose to buy both of them together. Other suggestions Herbalists have been using liquorice to soothe chest and throat complaints since the third century BC. It is used in the treatment of asthma, bronchitis, throat problems, colds and coughs. Liquorice contains anti-viral compounds that induce the release of interferon, the bodies own anti-viral constituents. It is an expectorant* and anti-inflammatory making it excellent for stubborn coughs and lung infections. As well as being a soothing herb, liquorice tastes nice! Large doses can act as a laxative. *expectorant: promoting the secretion, liquefaction or expulsion of sputum (mass or salivary matter ejected from the mouth) from the respiratory passages. Sage is a traditional remedy of long standing for soothing sore throats as it has antiseptic and anti-bacterial properties. For an inflamed throat and hoarseness use a hot sage infusion or gargle with a sage, apple cider vinegar and honey mix. In feverish conditions, sage is very cooling. Take as a tea or tincture. Peppermint is a valuable expectorant* in the treatment of bronchitis, colds and flu. It reduces fevers by inducing sweating and cooling the body. It is also a painkiller for headaches and some migraines. It is a soothing decongestant and makes an effective inhalation for clearing blocked sinuses. Other herbs which will assist in combating and relieving colds are: Lemon Balm: Lemon Balm tea promotes sweating. This is good for feverish colds as it helps to eliminate the toxins from the body. Blackberry: More commonly know as Bramble. The fruit is rich in vitamin C. The leaves can be used to make a cleansing tea, or make a poultice from fresh, lightly boiled leaves. Borage: A versatile herb, borage promotes sweating and has expectorant* properties, both of which are beneficial for feverish, chesty colds. Catnip: Catnip or Catmint, promotes perspiration and a hot infusion is good for feverish colds and flu's. Catnip is also a muscle relaxant and mild sedative so will help to induce sleep. Cinnamon: Will stop vomiting and relieve feelings of nausea. Take as a tea. Cinnamon oil also had anti-bacterial properties. Fenugreek: Has expectorant qualities. It is anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and soothing. It can ease coughs and sore throats. Juniper: Steam inhalations of Juniper is beneficial for relieving congestion in coughs and colds. Add a few drops of the oil to hot boiled water, place your face over the bowl, cover with a towel, and inhale the steam. Lemon: Lemons are a rich source of vitamin c, and taken hot in a hot lemon and honey drink, is a traditional remedy for colds and sore throats. Yarrow: Yarrow has anti-inflammatory properties, and a hot yarrow tea will promote sweating. Many herbalists consider yarrow to be one of the principle herbal remedies for fever, feverish colds and flu. It is often taken in combination with elderflower and peppermint. Or try adding a strong infusion of yarrow and camomile to a warm bath---- 623600c5fp6g5jnv.gif
On Tuesday, December 16-2008 me and Shawn will be getting married..We have been together a year and he has been wonderful to me..he has been emotionally and financially supporting me and my children...he's a wonderful father to my boys and I love him so very much!! We are getting married at the city hall because we are saving all the money we have for a Christmas my boys will never forget..I would much rather put my money into my children than on a fancy wedding that most people only come to for free food and booze lol....this is the beginning of a long and happy life together.. 838403oja480qe33.gif

Getting My Divorce Today

I got married to my kids' father back in 1993 and we have not been "together" in the sense of husband/ wife since...well, back in 2000...I have wondered why I stayed married legally to him but I guess for financial reasons, alot of medical issues in my life, and so on..it feels good to finally get a divorce so that me and Shawn can have a life together that we both deserve..We plan on getting married asap and to those who think it's wrong to get married shortly after a divorce...not all circumstances are the same...this is a man to whom I have not had any feelings for many years and someone who has neglected his children been physically, mentally abusive to me and the boys...so...a new start..a new chapter in my life begins..I leave for court in about an hour..wish me luck..we have all the papers signed so I'm only in court to receive my maiden name back and make it official....

The Great Mousehunter

We adopted a cat from the animal shelter less than a year ago, his name is Newton..I never met a more stupid cat in my life lol..I love him dearly, don't get me wrong but he chases moths and lets mice go by...what's up with that? I have to award him though on catching his second mouse..I stepped on it this morning! It wasn't all the way dead til I stepped on it I think lol...I can assure you, it's dead now..I hate mice! They totally freak me out ..I'd rather have snakes running through my house then mice, go figure....of course, the kids KNEW he had a mouse, just didn't tell me...guess they didn't wanna freak me out...ahhh...
Keeping your primary relationship healthy, positive, supportive and together isn’t easy. But it can be done. “We expect a lot from our relationships, and the fact is, long-term marriages or relationships are difficult to sustain, given the pressures most of us live with,” says Sue Maisch, L.S.W., a family and child counselor in Glenwood Springs, Colo. “To make it work, couples need the maturity to realize a long-lasting relationship will entail sacrifice, commitment and hard work, but that the payoff of a deeper love and stable, loving home life is well worth the effort.” Here are suggestions on how to strengthen the connection with your partner. Practice forgiveness Resentment, anger and blame are normal reactions when your loved one does something hurtful. Without forgiveness, however, little hurts as well as betrayals can tear a relationship apart. “People who don’t forgive often have problems maintaining positive feelings toward their partners,” says Ms. Maisch. “But partners who move toward forgiveness are better able to maintain their connection because they make a conscious decision not to dwell on the mistakes their partner has made.” Be realistic Every long-term relationship will have its share of disappointments. But learning to look beyond a particular bad patch to see your partner objectively and lovingly can pull you through. “Remembering and nourishing memories of happy times you’ve had together can help you get past irritation and those times when you’re wondering if you want to stay in the relationship,” says Ms. Maisch. Develop rituals The way you and your partner say good-bye or hello, or how you celebrate birthdays or anniversaries year after year can help build a strong connection that can keep you emotionally committed during times of conflict. For example, taking time to kiss your partner good-bye every morning when you leave for work -- no matter how late or distracted you are -- tells him or her that in the grand scheme of things your relationship is a high priority. Listen actively “Jumping in and interrupting when your partner is trying to tell you something can make him or her frustrated or discouraged,” says Ms. Maisch. “It’s crucial to listen more than you speak when you’re having a serious discussion.” Be honest Secrets and lies weaken the foundation of any relationship. Ignoring problems (another form of keeping secrets) doesn’t make them go away. What is important is respectful, open communication regarding your feelings and dreams. Fight fair Even the truest of friends and most compatible partners argue. To keep your disagreements from damaging your relationship, set up some respectful ground rules during a calm moment. These might include no name-calling or criticizing, making sure each person gets to have a say, really listening to each other and taking a break from the discussion if it gets too heated, as long as you promise to revisit the issues within a day or two. Get help if you’re stuck If you and your partner keep having the same arguments with no progress in sight, seek help from a therapist or marriage counselor. “Above all don’t wait until your connection has been seriously damaged before you get help,” says Ms. Maisch. “Get counseling before one or both of you become entrenched in negative emotions.” Author Info: Floria, Barbara Reviewer Name: Godsey, Cynthia M.S., M.S.N., APRN;Lambert, J.G. M.D. Date Last Reviewed: 06-10-2006 Published Date: 07-06-2006
In the month of September my children's grandparents(paternal) passed away..It was said that their grandfather shot his wife twice in the back then took his own life over financial issues...Well, my ex calls me that morning when he discovered his parents dead in their bedroom..When I told him that I called the police he got very angry..well...wouldn't one ASSUME to call the police when you find your parents dead not knowing what happened??? He wasn't crying or even upset, just kept saying they killed themselves because of the stress I put them through (our home was in my ex's name and his father) so I put alot of pressure on him to do much needed home repairs...Well, that is so unfair to say it is MY fault...and how did he know they killed themselves without the police doing an investigation??? He claims he went into the bedroom and threw the shotgun across the room then said "i shouldn't have touched the evidence"..hmmmm....I still find it hard to believe a man who was 5'4, very short man, shot himself in the stomach with a 12 gauge shotgun...or killed his wife that he loved very much for that matter...So many things don't add up..all my ex talks about is the "money he will be getting"...In all honesty, I hope he rots in hell with that money..I find out today from his lawyer that because he worked pretty much under the table with his father only receiving a small amount of money in the form of a check HE ONLY HAS TO PAY A LITTLE OVER 100 BUCKS A WEEK IN CHILDSUPPORT FOR FOUR CHILDREN, ONE OF WHICH IS AUTISTIC!!! He hasn't spoken to his children since September 19th and his son's 12th birthday was on the 21st..My children HATE their father for the many years of abuse they went through at his hands..(alot of abuse I am just now coming to learn from them from times when I was not in the home)..I have alot of guilt because of the pain they went through because of him even though I know it's not my fault ...at one time he was a semi-decent man...I don't know where things went wrong, most men would be honored to have four sons...but not him...He chooses his pornography, cheap women and alcohol...I know my children are better off without him and I have a wonderful man in my life now, Shawn(everdreamer) who they call Daddy now...He has been financially supporting the children for the past six months now and helping the children with homework, playing football with them and being there for them which they need so much right now...My ex is coming into alot of money which is his according to NJ law the kids have no rights to any money inherited to their father which is not right, they should have rights...
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