There are times in life we lose ground
Times are hard when they were once easy
Things we could hand tear us apart
A feeling deep inside that leaves you queasy
It’s a sickness and a sadness bottled up
Until you feel insane, alone and mad
Outlets that used to give you solace
Are now leaving you bitter and sad
You struggle to move on and let it go
Struggle to gain ground or take a stand
You are sinking deep into a depression
That is trying to suck you under like quicksand
Your pain has become unbearable
Your tears no longer bring clarity to your mind
You are drowning in a deep dark abyss
No escape from the hurt or answers to find
Slowly being surrounded by all that hurts you
With no kind of help on the horizon or insight
Oh how dangerously you are sinking in
Deep into the quicksand you go day and night
Awaking from you slumber drenched in sweat
Trying to fight the nightmares haunt you so
Sinking faster as the quicksand consumes you
Grasping for the rope yet once you grab you still let go
You had endured more than most ever will
A life of abandonment and absolute oppression
In which you finally have given up on life
For that quicksand is the very same as depression
By: Prince J Oneal © 6-22-16