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Creative and coding

Still working on coding skills but getting better an better to be sure. Cant believe I forgot all my coding skills and am having to reteach it to Myself again. Also seems to be way more intricate than it used to be as well. Either way I'm getting it and I'm glad for that.

So many story ideas have floated up I've got names thought webs if a sort an images tucked in several spots that I'm now trying to compile nearer together and get the images into a folder and transpose the names and or ideas into my book for such things.

One story I'll say seems most unusual indeed and only time will tell just how odd an out there it will be. All I know is it's by far the oddest ever and I've been writing since I was just shy of about 14. So to say the oddest of all is saying a great deal.

Two Worlds Joined

Two Worlds Joined



By Lady Lana Kurisake~Phoenix and other Nom De Plumes All rights reserved


The two girls had a weekly date and spent the night together, this day no different. They spent the night pleasing the other, doing all sorts of things. girl one in control and two her willing captive and slave.
Both girls had an itch to get away and drive to sight see so to speak. Girl two said south, one said west. Each way meant both of them meeting two people they both wanted to meet. The west south banter continued until they agreed to go in whichever drive was the shortest.
West won so they grabbed a few things and set off. In no time they drove out of their state of birth and into the next through that one and had to go not far into the second state to their destination.
Once they were in his state lines they called him each of them talking to him and doing their best not to alert him to what they were up to. He had just gotten to his shop when they called that first time.
Half an hour later they sat outside his shop both girls now nervous and both knew that by coming here in this way he could get very angry with them but each girl knew they had to be here no matter what.
Girl two called him again after she told girl one to go stand somewhere outside of the car. Girl one picked a spot where if he looked out he would see her.
When he answered the phone girl two asked do you love me baffled he said yes do you trust me she asked even more confused he answered yes again. Then step outside. What why he then asked her. Once more she asked do you love do you trust me he said of course to which she said then step outside.
About that time he looked up and out the window and saw girl one. he looked away dismissing her at her first glance she watched from her spot and saw he eyes fly back to where she stood he shook his head and looked away and then looked back the look on his face priceless and if he wasn't sure girl two walked into view and his eyes bugged out of his head.
They stood there waiting him peeking out the window every few minutes until he walked out 5 minutes later and with a very mean and pissed off look pointed them down the street.
He guided them to a parking lot and asked them what the hell they thought they were doing.
For a good 5-10 minutes he remained pissed looking at him but they both knew better. Both knew it was all ok even when he grabbed the both of them saying I am going to choke you both and held them both in head locks cutting off air. Both girls remained there looking into his eyes.
He then lifted girl one's head and kissed her soundly then did the same to girl two.
He had to work so they hung around until he could get away them picking him up when he was ready the two having spent the day checking out various things near him.
He took them to a park where girl one climbed into the back with him and before long the two were in a heated exchange kissing touching and groping the other. Their bodies mating together like they were made for each other. The car rocked so hard from the force of the two. Girl two keeping an eye out for them. When both came girl one climbed out needing a smoke after what she could only describe as joining with her other half and it was so strong that it would prove unbreakable what they had done that day. Girl two climbed in and cleaned him up.
He then took the two to his favorite spot one he took few people to and picked shells up from the shore as the park had a river through it and gave them to girl one.
The three hugged on the shore looking at him and unable to keep their hands off him they had done a three way kiss that left all of them weak in the knees as the kiss was so erotic and sensual. The two hated to leave him but it was time, they knew this would be the first of many great times. the bond finished that day would hold for all time even when bad things come in and try to tear it asunder it may weaken but will never break, Unless them themselves so wanted such a thing to occur.

TELL ME!!!!!!!



By Lady Lana Kurisaki~Phoenix and other Nom De Plumes All rights reserved

I have him in a sound proof room that I have anything I want, lets think holodeck....and I have to get information out of This guy who is very important anything goes.....
I have him strapped naked to a cold metal table I insert a metal rod inside his penis I only slip it in about an inch down to start wiggles it around pulls it out and dips it into some fire sauce and inserts it 2 inches this time
"ow you stupid Witch? He said ?I?m not talking....get that thing out of my penis!"
Grabs a set of 6 clips that hurt like hell and attach those to your nuts ?you will tell me what I want to know. She said to him
?I?m not telling you jack you can do what you want...but I?m not talking? he replied groaning as the clips were added
?You will? she retorted pulls the rod out and pulls out 200 proof alcohol and pours it over his penis.
?HELL!!!!! STOP THAT? he squealed.
Grabs two more clips and puts them on the nipples and attaches a wire to each clip there. Above his head is a switch which I flip on send a jolt thru the clips, slowly turns up the voltage. My eyes fixed on his the whole time
?OW. What the hell are you doing Witch? I'm not talking.?
Blasts the voltage at your words and grabs a bigger rod dipping it in the alcohol and stick it down the hole she hears his screams. Lowers the voltage slightly and she steps away as he screams some more
Returns with a metal object that is 3 inches wide a narrow point that gets bigger as it gets to the base and 6 inches long
She hears him making pathetic whimpering sounds from the voltage she is sending through him
steps to the foot of the table chuckling at his whimpers and with no warning shoves it up his butt. its ice cold at the same time with my other hand I pull out the rod. Once all of it is inside him I go up to the switch turning it off.
Notices as he breathes a sigh of relief, but still groaning from the giant cold thing in his butt
I unhook the wires and attach them to the clips on his nuts grabs more wires for the other 4 clip and puts them on. Tell me what I want to know
?W-w-w-what are you going to do?? He stammered ?Please tell me you aren't doing what I think you're about to do.....please don't!? he cried out pleading.
?Then tell me what I want to know and I won?t do what you are sure I am about to.?
He starts whimpering, ?I can't tell you.....t-t-t-they'll kill me.......?
Flips on the switch again, turning the volts down before hitting the switch. ?Tell me or I turn it up.?
No, please don't!
Grabs another wire with a protective gloved hand and brings it close to his butt where the metal plug is ?tell me?
?Oh God...please don't, they'll kill me if I tell you what you need to know....please stop!? he pleaded
Touches it to the plug upping the volts just a bit after it is attached.
?Tell me what I want to know now?
?HELL you Witch!? he squealed, spiting on me
Grabs the alcohol and tilts the bottle over the nuts and butt ups the voltage again
Blood curling scream escapes his lips as she watches. ?Tell me or I pour this on you?
Tilts the bottle more the liquid almost ready to pour out
?I?m not telling you jack!? he spat at her
Pours it on his nuts and butt raising the voltage again
He let out a blood curling scream....starts to cry. ?Tell me and this will all stop
?Ok, ok, I?ll tell you......just stop first?
?Tell me and I stop? she replied grabs a sharp blade brings it to your chest lightly slits spots on each side seeing the blood I smile.
?Please stop!? he said pleading with her more
?Tell me or this will really hurt? she said paying no mind to the pleas
Barely whispers ?come closer and I?ll tell you what you need to know.......please stop hurting me?
Lowers my head down slightly, but mindful not to get to close ?tell me? she hears him mumble something inaudible. ?Speak up? She said. ?Or I continue?
she hears him whimpering ?I can't hardly speak....come closer....so weak? I move a little closer he reached up and bit my ear really hard saying ?Go to hell Witch!?
?Ow you dumb jack? I squealed ups the voltage and grabs the alcohol and pours it on the cuts she hears his screams and smiles wickedly. Lowers the volts a bit grabs a bottle of what looks like green ooze. It is a substance like icy hot only 20 times worse, pours that on the cuts too
?Owwwww, Oh my god that green jack......it burns like hell!?
Dips the rod in it and then shoves it down your penis about 3 inches
?Tell me what I want to know.?
Removes the rod and pours a bunch of it all over your penis adds more to the cuts I made
?Not until you tell me what I want to know?
?That?s never going to happen, sorry about your luck. Don?t quit your day job? he said moaning in pain I turned off the voltage, yanks the plug from his butt ?owwwww? he screamed
I walked off put it away grabbing a 3 and half inch one that is 7 inches long also metal pulled from a freezer .he says ?I could take a 2 inch one.....that?s not going to do jack Witch?
?Fine" walks off grabs my 5 inch by 12 inch long metal one and covers it, in the green ooze. She watches his eyes widen as she lowers it to his butt
?You?ll never get that thing in there Witch?
?You were saying?? proceeded to push it in. she watched as he puckered his butt tight so it couldn?t go in. I removed the clips from his nuts one by one as I continue to press forward.
?You aren't gonna get that in, I don't care what you do Witch?
Keeps pushing watching it ?I will even if I rip you to do it? she feels him trying to push it as much as he can to keep it out. Grabs his nuts, in a tight fist as I continue to push it in.
?You aren't gonna win? he said taunting her. ?Everybody knows I?m a tight butt? takes my blade and runs it around his puckered hole ?w-w-what are you doing?? he stammered again
Continues to push the plug forward ?I will do whatever I need to get what I want.?
starts to feel the heat from the green ooze ?get that knife away from me WITCH? presses the point against his puckered hole, grinning wickedly ?stop it!? he cried out.
?Tell me what I want to know?
She watched his struggles against his bonds chuckling saying ?you will not get loose until I release you.? runs the knife over the nuts and along the penis he tries desperately to get away....to no avail, presses the point to the nuts pressing the plug forward ?tell me and I stop this?
?Get that knife away from me!?
Presses it down to his nuts ?TELL ME?
?Owwwwww do whatever you want Witch....I?m not talking?
Takes the blade and runs a 3 inch cut length wise down his penis, she watches his eyes widen with fear. She just grinned evilly down at him. ?Tell me? I say picking up the ooze ready to pour it on his newest cut
?Dear God no....please don't? He begs on the verge of tears streaming down his eyes.
?Then tell me what I want to know.?
?NO? was his firm reply.? do whatever you want i'm not telling?
I then pour it on the cut listens to him howl in pain from this torment, pbuttes out from the pain of it
I step back hit a button and ice cold water and ice fall down from the ceiling over you the table having a lip holds some of the water on it now and the ice
he remain pbutted out and in this state she shoved the plug in and rips him as I do it He groans a little....but remains out cold still picks up a high powered smelling salt and puts it to your nose and breaks it open
He suddenly comes to ?Owwww, my butt.......it hurts so bad......moans and groans. She grins and says nothing, wiggles the plug around a bit

?Owwwwwww, stop it you stupid Witch?
?Tell me what I want to know?
?I was sleeping nice and peaceful....can't a guy get any sleep around here??
?Hell no? I replied ?not until I get what I want?
?So if I tell you what you want to know, you'll leave me alone and let me pbutt back out??
?Yes I will?
?Okay, why don't you suck my dick, then I?ll tell you what you want to know. You look like you've sucked a few dicks in your day, Witch.? wiggles the dildo around hard at his words ?Owwww
?Try again? She taunted
?What? You know you want to suck my dick and I?ll tell you what you want to know.
I take a hose down and turn on hot water spraying him down which make the green ooze sting even more with very hot water. Hears his screams of agony and continues using the water everywhere on him
?STOP IT.......HELL?
?Then tell me DAMNIT? she says turning the water up hotter grins wickedly as I continue to spray you down
?I CAN'T TELL YOU........THEY'LL KILL ME!? he says as he starts to cry again
?I will kill you if you don?t tell me? grabs the plug pulls it back slightly and sprays there.
?OWWWWWWW HELL, HELL, HELL, and HELL? he cried out and she shoved it in again
?Tell me what I want to know?
?You can't kill me.....what would your boss do?? He asked trying to taunt her. ?He needs that info?
?If you won?t talk what good are you? lowers my mouth to your penis teeth bared
?Surely we can make a deal.....please don't kill me.? He says and starts whimpering again
?Then tell me what I want to know?
?They will kill me if I tell you......you will kill me if I don't.......help me out here......?
?Well then you need to figure out which one of us would be the lesser of the two evils I can make his death very slow and painful?
?Please don't do this......can't we make some sort of deal??
?What sort of deal? Best is a good one? I say my mouth just inches from your penis I make a chomping motion with them.
?I?ll do anything.......I just don't want to die and don?t want you to bite off my penis?
?Tell me what I want to know and I will keep you safe?
?How can you keep me safe??
?If I want to keep a prisoner I like I can and once I do nothing or no one will touch you with out my ok?
?So I?ll live.....but you'll keep me a prisoner??
?You would be my property? drops my mouth to your penis and sucks it in deep
?Omg.........mmmmmmm? he groans ?would you torture me all the time though? I don't want to be miserable the rest of my life
Sucks him for a bit then stops, looked into his eyes ?No I wouldn?t. As mine pleasure will be involved?
?I like to HELL and as mine I will HELL you as I see fit you will pleasure me in any way I ask?
?Hmmmm that sounds like fun actually?
?I will HELL your butt when I want as well you would be mine to do with as I want when I want how I want. You will answer to me in all things?
?Hmmmm, I guess it would be better then dying a slow painful death.......I?ll tell you what you need to know then?
? then tell me? whispers what you need to know in your ear ?very good unties his hands from the table and places a rope around them unties his legs you are now mine kneel before me watches him fall to his knees before her and smiles down at him. Reaches down and strokes his face. Before turning on my heel I say ?follow me on your hands and knees.? The rope between your hands giving just enough to allow it
He crawls behind me as I walk out the room and down a short hall to another door opening it I tell you to enter in front of me
crawls into the room ?kneel before my boss and tell him what you told me and what you have chosen?
kneels before him *tells him my secret and what I have chosen he then starts to cry
?Why are you crying I ask??
?I?m scared?
?Your safe and protected no harm will come to you other than what I do to you will be well taken care of. Sees as he puts my head at my feet my boss nods to me and looking down I say come it is time to take you home
?Yes M'lady. Lead me and I will follow where ever you go? Walk out the door down the hall and out to a courtyard and across it to a bungalow
Opens the door enters it and holds it open for him telling him to crawl to the center of the room.
?This is your home your new job will be tending to my every need and whim do as I ask and all is well forget my rules or not do as I ask and expect you will get more of the same treatment from that room am I clear?
?Yes M'lady?

Erotic Thought

An Erotic Thought

By Lady Lana Kurisake~Phoenix and other Nom De Plumues All rights reserved



She walks into the bedroom and there she waits at the foot of the bed she is already blindfolded for me waiting on her knees her hands behind her back in my hand two pairs of handcuffs rest.
"Onto the bed slave" I command. I watch as she quickly complies to my order. "Lay on your back spread eagle."
Once on the bed she quickly assumes the position she is ordered into. She moves quickly for she knows what may happen to her if she is too slow.
From the door I watch her, she is slightly tense as she is unsure of what I want.
I had called her on my way home telling her to be in my room with no clothes on and blindfolded. I listened to her breathing. I stepped further into the room and as I did so she tensed further.
stepping to the side of the bed I pick up her wrist attached the cuff to it then to the bed. once that side was done I walk around to the other side of the bed and did the same to the other wrist.
I then step to the end of the bed and look at her shaking my head I pull the restraints for her legs up and quickly have her spread across my bed just the way I want her.
I pick up a gag from the bed side table and place it snuggly into her mouth. I look down on her and my handiwork and with no warning I grab one of her nipples and tweak it roughly. I hear her gasp thru the gag and smile. I pinch the nipple harder twisting slightly. She moans now and pulls against her restraints she pushes her head back into the bed. I smile further at her display and pull it away from her body now still with the twisting motion and the firm grip between my fingers.
I now hear her cries of pleasure even from behind the gag as I know she loves what I am doing to her. I pick up my crop and as I continue to tease and torment her nipples with my fingers I take the crop and use it on her clit and slit. I watch as her hips move like she is trying to escape the smacks of the crop but I know her and if I were to stop she would moan her disappointment.
my finger pinch her nipple hard as I continue the smack smack of the crop. seeing her grow more and more aroused. I stop with the crop and run my fingers over her slit feeling how wet she is for me. knowing that I am the only one who makes her feel quite like this. I slip my fingers into her feeling how hot she is knowing she hasn't cum in sometime and wants to badly but she waits, waits for my command.
I climb onto the bed between her legs and just watch her looking down on her knowing that I have full control of her she is my complete and utter captive. she cant not see me only feel me and hear me and as I watch I do not touch her or speak.
with no warning I slip three fingers into her watching as she takes them into her body. I hear her moan louder as I fill her. slowly I slip the rest of my hand into her until she has my fist in her.
her hips moving wildly wanting the release only I can provide her. she is so hot and wet riding my fist as I move it in and out of her body.
"Don't you dare cum yet slave." I say to which she whimpers a response to. a chuckle escapes my lips as I continue to plunder her hole.
I remove my hand from her and just look down on her from my spot between her legs. her body flush I can see she desperately wants release and still I just watch her lay spread out unable to move or anything else.
I move closer and suddenly enter her with my strap on filling her, plunging in and out hard and fast. I pick up more speed plundering her hole now with the big cock I chose. I plunge in deep and say "cum now slave" I continue to pound in and out not letting up on what I am doing to her. feels her shudder and shake at my words hearing her cries knowing how much she enjoys our time together. when she finishes cumming I slowly pull out and give her a sound kiss on the lips before slipping out into the night.

Love is


Love Is

BY Lady Lana Kurisake~Phoenix and other Nom De Plumes All rights reserved

Love is a feeling of your heart bursting.
Love is waking up and looking forward to the day.
Love is that safe warm feeling you can't get enough of.
Love feels like you are boucing off the walls
Love is knowing who your heart beats for.
Love makes you feel scared happy sad frustrated joyful all at the same time.
Love is the best feeling in the world.
With love anything is possible, no dream is out of reach no goal unattainable.
Love is feeling like you are floating along on a cloud.
Love is fighting for the one you love with every fiber of your being.
Love is worth any and every risk there is.
Love keeps you on your toes.
Love is the reason we strive to be better people.
Love is all around us.

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