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KRISTEN'S KLOSET is for eveyone!!! Put the spark back in your relationship by kicking things up a notch! Kristen's kloset offers a wonderful line of bath and massage aids, books, games, lubricants, spa products, lingerie, adult novelties and bedroom accessories. There is truly something for everyone! Confidential on-line shopping: www.funpartieswithkristen.com Would you like first hand demonstration of our products? You can see, touch, taste, smell our lotions, lubricants, body sprays, body powders, massage lotions and oils. Plus see some of our "bedroom accessories" up close and personal. ( Well, not too personal). It's a great time and I can almost guarantee you'll learn something new! Contact me for your fun party in your home. Parties are for women only or couples (18 and over) BUT anyone over 18 can order. Get together with your girlfriends and have a great night in - send the boys off to watch the game and we'll call them back when the demonstration part is over! Let me know if this sounds good! I can be reached at (513) 289-6007 Kristen's Kloset
TIPS ON USING YOUR VIBRATOR This section is designed to give information for successful vibrator use because they usually don't come with instructions and most people are too embarrassed to discuss it with friends, especially if they are a first-time user or can't get aroused. A very important rule to remember is that there is no absolute right or wrong way to use a vibrator.....Only what feels good and relaxes you or gets you euphoric. If you don't even know where to begin or want new ideas then you have come to the right place. We will touch on solo play as well as couple play and more: Step 1: Do what feels good - This is to be emphasized since everyone's body is different. Step 2: Set aside some relaxing time- Make sure you have some time set aside, especially when learning how to use the vibrator. Don't do this if you have to be somewhere and will have to stop within an hour. One who is experienced will know how long it will take and may be able to pleasure themselves fairly quickly but for first-timers it is important to have at least an hour set aside. Also different moods that you are will affect how fast you may pleasure yourself so try to be aware of how you are feeling at the current time. Step 3: Relax, Relax, Relax: It is important to have a relaxing atmosphere, whether you are in a quiet place or have soothing music playing. Sometimes it is helpful to have a relaxing bubble bath or hot shower before beginning to play. If you are into more naughty play, you can read a sexy novel prior to playing or look at some erotica or watch an adult movie. Just make sure you are relaxed. Step 4: Explore your body - It is helpful to not just start right in at the genitals or turn on the vibe. First use your hands and touch your body lightly all over, passing over your breasts, stomach, legs and vagina/penis. Try to relax more and more as you glide over your body. After a few minutes or when you are ready, turn the vibe on the slowest level (if it has different speeds) and go through the same motions, gliding the massager all over your body and not leaving it in one place. Step 5: Lubrication- It is helpful to have lubrication and to apply a generous amount to your genitals, vibe, hand(s), fingers be inserting or rubbing against your body Step 6: Vibrator to Genitals: For Women: Start by laying in bed or on a couch in a comfortable position with your clothes off. It can be helpful to sit in a "reading position with the pillows behind your head and your legs bent. Begin by touching your clit with the vibrator and apply more as much pressure as feels good. Rub it between your vaginal lips in a back and fourth motion. If you have a vibrator that is penetrative, insert it into your vagina slowly. Wiggle the vibrator around and explore your vagina. Experiment with different depths of penetration. Hold the vibe at the opening of your vagina. Use very shallow motion in dipping just the tip of the vibrator into your vagina and then pulling out slowly. You can also experiment with twisting the vibrator around in your vagina to hit all the different spots. When and if you would like, you can increase the speed but make sure to not overdo it. If you feel dizzy or it begins to hurt in any way, remove the vibrator or reduce the speed. As you play, you can use dipping motions of "in and out" as well as continuing to turn the vibe. Pay attention to the areas the feel more sensitive when the vibe rubs those areas. You can become adventuresome and try different positions. You can straddle the vibrator as well as placing the vibe on your genitals and squeezing your thighs and butt cheeks together followed by a release. This can cause a sensual feeling also known as an erotic buildup. You can lay still just holding it against your clit or you can move your hips sort of riding it like you would a partner. You can also use your hands, fingers or other adult toys while you are using the vibrator to stimulate yourself. For Men: Believe it or not, men also use vibrators effectively too. For you men, follow the steps above and then try lightly massaging the vibrator down the shaft of your penis. You can also lightly press it against and between your testicles. Stroke your penis and lightly squeeze your testicles. You can also masturbate like usual and see if the vibrations enhance your experience. If you're using a vibrating sleeve, make sure you use a good amount of lube so you don't rub yourself raw from the thrusting motion. Step 7: Different Vibes for Different Folks: There are many types of vibrators out there and each one may be more favorable to one person while another may be more favorable to you. Many people own multiple vibrators and depending on their mood will decide which one they use.

explaining the G spot

explaining the G spot The g spot was named for the German physician Ernst Grafenberg who first described "an erotic zone located on the anterior wall of the vagina along the course of the urethra that would swell during sexual stimulation." By all non-medical accounts the g spot is just that. It isn't a specific "spot" as much as it is an area that responds to stimulation. There are a variety of different theories as to what the g spot is and why it might feel good. One line of thinking is that the g spot is better described as the female prostate gland, and that like the male prostate it is sensitive to pressure and stimulation. Researchers have also noted that stimulating this area (called the anterior wall, but it is the side nearest your belly button) is likely also stimulating the internal clitoral body and the urethra, both of which are also sensitive to stimulation and can be the sources of great sexual excitement. For some women the g spot is an area that can bring deep and intense orgasms. For other women stimulating the area called the g spot just makes them feel like they have to pee. For some women stimulating the area does little or nothing. Maybe the most important thing about the g spot is just the idea of talking about your body, and exploring your own body and your own sexual response, inch by inch. You may not find anything exciting where x marks the "g spot" but oh the things you can find during the treasure hunt!

Secrets of Sexy Marriages

Secrets of Sexy Marriages In every relationship, levels of sexual desire for both partners fluctuate. Some stages are predictable: when you first marry, after you have a child, when the kids leave home, when job pressures persist. These are all times when sexual moods and patterns of lovemaking may shift. Knowing this, and being confident enough to talk about it, strengthens intimacy. Couples with the sexiest marriages: 1. Remember that sex problems are sometimes red herrings. Understanding that impotence is a common problem at every stage of marriage is the first, and highest, hurdle most couples have to clear. Talking about the problem can be reassuring and often lessens the anxiety for both partners. In fact, the more both partners worry about the problem, the more intractable it becomes. However, wise couples recognize that impotence can also be a wake-up call, a signal of stress somewhere in the relationship. Instead of banishing feelings of frustration, unhappiness, or emotional overload -- at work, at home, with your kids or other family members -- ask yourselves if something is bothering one or both of you. Sit down and talk about issues in a nonconfrontational, nonjudgmental, and unhurried way. Once Cindy and Dan found the courage to talk, the episodes of sexual stage fright disappeared. 2. Don't save affection for the bedroom only. Couples whose sex lives bring them the most happiness eroticize their lives -- that is, they give affection physically and verbally through the day in different ways. They touch. Whether it's reassuring or frantically passionate, touch makes the difference between making love and having sex. Touch is a reflection of what you feel inside: You can convey desire, appreciation, delight, a sense of safety as well as boredom, resentment, or anger. 3. Make time for love. Sexy wives know that lovemaking is a habit: The more you do it, the more you like it, and the more you like it, the more you do it. They make lovemaking a top priority, and if that means scheduling sex, so be it. It won't be any less exciting just because it's planned. Sexual excitement feeds on itself. Just do it. 4. Talk every day. Even if it's just 10 minutes in the morning and 10 at night, voice your love. Call each other pet names, remember to say goodbye and good night. Be sure that you don't fall into the mind-reader trap of assuming your partner knows or should know what you're thinking and feeling simply "because he loves me." Those in a healthy, sexy marriage make a point of expressing their feelings and their attraction to each other on a regular basis. 5. Kiss often. We're not talking a perfunctory peck on the cheek but a deep, sensual, teasing kiss. Many longtime couples rarely kiss at all, going straight to intercourse when they have sex. Don't you remember the backseat? The cool, dark movie theater and the thrill of making out? Steal a kiss! 6. Have adventures. Instead of sex behind a locked bedroom door, these couples make love at the beach, in the car, in the shower, on the living room floor. They keep their eyes open during sex -- and sometimes leave the lights on -- because they know that watching their partner's eroticism makes sex easier. 7. Break the rules. Ask yourself: What ruts have we fallen into and how can we get out of them? Explore changes, even small ones, with which you both feel comfortable. Don't nix ideas automatically; instead, be willing to experiment with videos, sex toys, and magazines. 8. Learn what pleases. Know what you like and don't like in bed -- and make sure your partner knows, too. Excerpted from Seven Secrets of a Happy Marriage: Wisdom from the Annals of "Can This Marriage Be saved
"What do I do when I'm down there?" Everyone knows guys are obsessed with oral sex. That's probably why sex therapists and advice columnists receive more questions about it than any other sex act. I've collected the 11 most common oral sex concerns women face so you and your man can both love every minute. Have you ever seen a grown man beg? You will. Where do I start? The basic technique: Cover your teeth with your lips, with your mouth in an "O" shape. Don't stretch your lips, though, keep them loose and soft. With one hand gripping the base of the shaft, make one smooth movement by sliding your (very wet) mouth over his erection, taking him as far into your mouth as is comfortable. Stay there for one to two seconds, then slowly slide back up to the top, making eye contact with him as you reluctantly remove your mouth. (If his eyes are rolling back into his head, you're off to a good start.) Then, to his delight, start again. Slide your mouth repeatedly up and down. Use your tongue to keep everything nice and wet by swirling it around the shaft. Once you've mastered this, start using all of your tongue - the top, the tip, the sides, the underside. Try what I call a twist-and-swirl: Make a twisting motion with one hand as you slide it up and down, and swirl your tongue around the rim of the head, paying particular attention to the frenulum (the bit of skin on the underside). Am I really supposed to suck? No. In fact suction can sometimes feel uncomfortable for him. Instead, simply slide his penis in and out of your mouth while staying as close to it as possible. The keys are confidence (pretend you know exactly what you're doing even if you don't have a clue) and enjoyment (lots of mmmms, groans and enthusiastic explorative licks). How do I stop gagging? (GOOD HEAD) Check your position. Forget lying beside him, and instead get him to stand while you sit facing him on the side of the bed (or an appropriate-height piece of furniture). Not only will it be more comfortable for both of you, but it also gives you control over how deeply he thrusts into your mouth. Alternatively, try kneeling in front of him while he stands. It's the classic "submissive" pose, but don't forget that you're still the boss of the proceedings. What do I do with my hands? Even if he doesn't mean to, it's far too easy for him to get caught up in the excitement of the moment and put his hands on the back of your head, pushing you up and down. Give him a lecture, if not a swift kick in the bottom. It's hands off for him but hands on for you. Attempting to give great oral by only using your mouth is overly ambitious and robs him of pleasure. One hand should go around the base of the shaft to stop him from bobbing all over the place. The other hand should be used as an extension of your mouth. Slide it up and down, closing it when you reach the head, opening it slightly as you slide back down. As your tongue swirls, your hands should also work on the places your mouth can't reach, such as to cup his testicles or pinch his nipples. Do I have to "deep throat"? As Em and Lo put it, Deep Throat was merely a porn film with a catchy name, that's all. Yet women ever since have suffered from a complex that unless you take all of him in your mouth, you're somehow failing as a dutiful girlfriend. Let me put it this way: The average throat is two to three inches deep, while the average penis is five to six inches long. You do the math. It won't fit! Besides, most of the nerves are concentrated in the head of the penis, not the shaft. While it feels good psychologically to see his entire penis disappear, it's not crucial to his enjoyment. If you would like to take him deeper, stop and relax your throat muscles every half inch or so before letting him go deeper. If you gag easily, try positioning him slightly to the side of your throat instead. It will be shallower on your end and he won't notice the difference. What if his penis smells? Suggest that you shower together before hitting the sheets, and run soapy hands between his legs and around his scrotum. Pull back his foreskin and wash underneath. What do I do if my mouth's too dry? Put the underside of your tongue on the roof of your mouth and hold it there for a few minutes. This will cause saliva to pool in your mouth. Always keep a glass of room-temperature water close by or add artificial moisture by slathering him with flavored lube, honey, champagne, whipped cream or ice cream. What do I do with the foreskin? Using lube or saliva, moisten the area around the foreskin, then gently edge the hood down with your tongue or fingertips. You can then either hold it down at the base of the shaft or pump it up and down the shaft. Just get the hand motion under control before you add your mouth, avoid tugging and yanking, and keep things nice and slippery if you want to slide it up and over the head. What if he's taking too long? The quicker he comes, the happier you're likely to be not because you don't enjoy it, but rather because it's hard work if it lasts longer than 10 or 15 minutes. Lock-jaw, hand cramps, a sore mouth, even the most comfortable position can become uncomfortable after a while. To push him over the edge, unashamedly try one (or more) of the following tricks: Leave the lights on (so he can see what you're doing), tie your hair back, hold eye contact and let him watch your tongue Stimulate other areas while you go down on him Firmly massage the perineum (the area between his anus and testicles) by pressing two fingers firmly and making small circles Make noises of enjoyment Wrap your thumb and index finger around the shaft, about an inch above the base, and pull down Insert a well-lubricated finger into his anus What do I do as he's about to climax? As with women, it's important to maintain a steady rhythm to build excitement, so don't suddenly change techniques. As he approaches orgasm, however, step up the speed and pressure. Many men say women don't go hard or fast enough at the end (watch him masturbate and you'll see for yourself how durable that thing is!). Once he's had his orgasm, stop everything. No stimulation whatsoever. Post-orgasm sensitivity doesn't just affect females. What if I don't want to swallow? It's perfectly acceptable to switch to intercourse just before the crucial moment. Or use your hands to masturbate him, letting him orgasm over your breasts. This, for many men, is even better than you swallowing because they can see exactly what's going on. If you've never swallowed, it's worth trying once. Swallow it quickly, as if it were medicine, and it will be over before you can say, "That wasn't so bad!" (It's not fattening by the way - a mere five calories per orgasm.) Are you okay with him ejaculating in your mouth, but don't want to swallow? Simply hold it in there, then spit into a tissue or sink as soon as it's politely possible. If it tastes funny, his diet is usually to blame. Get him to cut back on salty foods, asparagus, potato chips, beer, curry, garlic, cigarettes, red meat and coffee. Try these products when giving oral sex: Good Head in cinnamon and mint or the sample pack with 5 diff; flavors, Happy Penis Massage Cream in cherry, vanilla, pina colada, banana and mint or you can get the sampler pack as well!
The search for the male G-spot can be daunting, especially because there are actually three. *First is the frenulum, the sensitive area just on the underside of the penis, where the folds of his glans, the penis head, come together. This hot spot, when touched, can produce ecstatic sensations in a man. It is a bundle of nerve endings and is especially sensitive when he is highly aroused and the glans is swollen. *The second spot is the perineum, the area of skin between the testicles and the anus. This area is often a centre of great pleasure when touched by a lover during sexual play. It is also reported to assist men in keeping erect longer and holding off ejaculation. It is often regarded as a sacred sexual spot and can produce intensely pleasurable sensations when rubbed gently or hard during high states of arousal. *The third male 'G-spot' is the prostate. The prostate, an internal gland behind and under the bladder which produces fluid for semen, may be fondled and rubbed by inserting a well-lubricated finger into the anus. By moving the finger around you will eventually feel this spongy object, which can be manipulated to produce intense feelings and delight.Whether you want to touch inside his body is up to you. Touching his anus may make you feel squeamish. Some people love doing it and feel a significant intimate connection with their long-term partners when probing their intimate parts in that way. There's only one way to know how to propel your man into sexual ecstasy — ask him. Perhaps handling his testes is the way to do it, but some men prefer a light touch while some prefer heavy pawing and yet others tell their lovers to stay away from their jewels altogether. Learn what works for you both, then experiment.
April and May are a great time to host a Fun Party April and May are a great time to host a Kristen's Kloset Fun Party!! Help me fill my calendar with party bookings and you'll receive an extra gift! Receive a FREE* 4oz bottle of coochy! along with my regular hostess incentives when you host your party! Call or email me TODAY to book your party!! Place an order! Host a party! Phone:513.289-6007 Email: davisk575@fuse.net Website: www.funpartieswithkristen.com

Cunnilingus Techniques

Cunnilingus Techniques Cunnilingus Techniques Performing cunnilingus can be one of the most wonderful things you can do for a woman. It makes her feel loved, admired, sexy, and has the potential to give her an exceptional orgasm. Many women prefer it to intercourse, and for those who require a large amount of clitoral stimulation, it is the easiest way to orgasm. Besides, lots of women expect it these days and men who perform great cunnilingus are always appreciated and considered fabulous lovers. There is little more exciting to a woman than to know that her partner finds her delicious; meaning that you enjoy the taste, smell and feeling of her vaginal juices. At the same time, there is little less exciting to a woman than to think that you don't like the taste and smell of her most intimate region. If your partner has a smell that is more than you can handle, or she doesn't feel comfortable with you down there (thinking you won't like the smell), suggest taking a nice hot shower or bath together. Remember, there is almost nothing you can do that will feel bad (so long as you are gentle), so relax! Any licking and sucking of the labia, vaginal entrance, clitoris, or anal area should feel great to your partner. Also, once you find something that works, don't stray too far away from it unless you are moving to something that works better, or if you are teasing. Oral Techniques The Lick Leaving your tongue soft and jaw relaxed, try licking her from vaginal entrance up to her clit and following the outer edges of her vagina along both sides. Repeating this technique going up and down and vice versa can be a great opener. Labial Hold While holding the two parts together with your lips, run your tongue between the inner and outer labia one side at a time. Tongue Intercourse The majority of a woman's nerve endings in her vagina are around the opening and within the first couple of inches inside. Target them with your tongue by inserting it into her vaginal opening. Techniques are pretty limited due to the length of your tongue, but try moving your tongue in and out, as well as in circles around the inside of her opening. The Flick Spread her outer vaginal lips with your fingers. With your tongue pointed, gently flick your tongue around her clitoris. Feel free to roam, but keep coming back to her clitoris, as it is the most sensitive. This drives some women wild, and others find it to too intense. When stimulating her clit make sure to start out gently if you aren't sure how she likes it. When you try this, pay attention to whether those moans are ecstasy or pain. The following techniques should not be introduced until your partner is really hot (i.e., very wet). These are more intense techniques, and may be too intense for some women, even when nearing orgasm. The Clitoris Suck Expose her clitoris by spreading her lips and lightly pull back her hood. With her clitoris exposed, give it a quick little suck; pulling it into your mouth briefly and letting it go. This is a lot like licking a bit of cake batter off of your pinky. This feels incredible, and is a fine thing to do if you feel like tormenting her - but don't overdo it! We recommend not using your teeth nor using heavy suction when starting out. The Clitoris Hold Take her exposed clit into your mouth and gently suck on it, simultaneously flicking your tongue over and around it. This can be done very lightly or very aggressively, and combined with fingering, will usually rapidly produce an intense orgasm. The Tongue Tube Roll your tongue into a tube (if you cannot do this, forget about it because it is genetic and you can't learn it). This technique works best in an inverted or 69 position. Roll your tongue into a tube around her clitoris. Slide it back-and-forth; in effect, your tongue is doing something similar to a woman's vagina around a man's penis. This is likely to bring any woman over the edge to an explosive orgasm. ABC's Try using your tongue to spell the alphabet on her genitals. This works surprisingly well as your tongue is always moving in different directions. Learn her favorite letters and the orders that work the best! Other Tips A good lover's hands never stop moving, so keep exploring, insert a finger, or massage her thighs while you perform. You can also try using a wide variety of flavored gels, oils, and lubricants. Some of these products heat up when rubbed or blown to add extra stimulation. (Try Pure Romance's Sensations Lubricant in Hot Butter Rum, Hot Apple Pie, Strawberries and Whipped Cream or Cinnamon.) Having a mint in your mouth while you are performing cunnilingus can also improve your results. The mint, as long as it is not too weak or strong, can create a very intense tingling sensation to enhance your performance. (Better, yet, if you really want to bring her to a whole new level of sexual arousal and gratification consider using a heightener! We carry these products: Just ask me! Exercises To be able to perform for extended periods of time, there are a number of exercises that can be used to strengthen the muscles in your mouth. Here are a few tongue exercises and positions for performing cunnilingus: Exercise 1: Stick your tongue as far out of your mouth as possible, and then try to touch your nose. Once you are in this position, hold the same muscle groups still and begin moving your tongue around. Practice in sets, moving the tongue clockwise, counterclockwise, and up and down. Exercise 2: With a loose jaw, point your tongue while simultaneously trying to keep your tongue in constant contact with the top and bottom your mouth. Once you are in this position, practice moving your tongue in and out of your mouth. For the more advanced student, try keeping your mouth closed and circling your tongue around inside of it, while of course, maintaining position. An extension to the advanced exercise is trying to dissolve a lifesaver held in your teeth from the inside out. Exercise 3: Stick your tongue straight out of your mouth, trying to keep your tongue flat and relaxed. Slowly, while holding the position, practice curling the wide tip of the tongue upward, downward and side-to-side. Practice in five sets of ten, holding each move for 2 seconds. Exercise 4: Keep your tongue relaxed and open your mouth. Move your tongue in and out of your mouth forwards and in both directions. Practice in five sets of twenty.
2O HELPFUL HINTS FOR WOMEN : A Sex Therapy Information Guide 20 Helpful Hints for Women To Reach Orgasm by Cynthia Lief Ruberg, MS Ed, LPCC, FAACS PSYCHOLOGICAL HINTS: 1) Anticipate the Sexual Encounter--Many women find that if they spend some time fantasizing about an upcoming sexual encounter, they can use their minds (imagination) to "turn themselves on" physically, as well as emotionally. It also helps for women to learn to identify what turns them on in their environment (i.e., romantic or erotic stories, love songs, videos, etc.) and use this material in anticipation of a sexual encounter. This process of "starting on warm" can help to make reaching "the end" easier. 2) Get Relaxed--Most women require a transition or "down time" in order to be opened-up to receiving sexual pleasure. This is because emotional tension negatively interferes with sexual response. So, listen to music, take a hot bath, read a book, do "whatever works" to get relaxed. Being in a relaxed mode is very helpful to achieving orgasm. 3) Eliminate Distractions--Women frequently find that their minds are cluttered with distractions such as "to do" lists, worries about privacy, too much light in the room, too much noise, pets in the room, etc. Identifying one's distractions and then eliminating them before sex can help a woman to focus on her body and her good feelings so that orgasm is easier to achieve. Distractions of any kind usually sabotage the sexual focus needed for most women to reach orgasm. 4) Eliminate Anger--It is hard to make love to a porcupine---and that is how many women feel when they are angry at their partner. Anger distances people. It is necessary for most women to work on eliminating angry and hurt feelings so that they can feel intimately connected with their partner. Most women require connection at the heart before they can truly connect with their genitals. 5) Get Comfortable with Your Body and Its Imperfections--Learning to appreciate and accept one's body is key to good sexual responsiveness. Obsessing over body imperfections--how it looks, feels, smells, or tastes, etc., may sabotage sexual response and certainly can interfere with orgasm. Such obsessing interferes with sexual arousal. In other words, the mind gets in the way of the body's response. It is good to remember that most men get more turned on by an interested and interesting partner rather than by a perfect body. 6) Get Into an Erotic Focus During Sex--This requires putting the mind in an erotic mode so that the mind can boost physical arousal. This can be done by following in "the mind's eye" what one's partner is doing (to you) physically. It may require imagery of an erotic or romantic scene or fantasy that is a turn on. Perhaps, best of all is being turned on by watching one's partner and/or looking into each other's eyes. But this might not be possible because many women need closed eyes to focus in order to reach orgasm. 7) Concentrate--As arousal builds, most women need to concentrate on their pleasurable feelings (especially those in the clitoris and/or vagina), and on their growing excitement. Concentration, which usually excludes verbal responses, is part of the erotic focus necessary for many women to reach orgasm. 8) Get Out of The "Real Way" Trap--Many people of both genders mistakenly believe that "the real way" to orgasm is only through vaginal intercourse. Other ways of achieving orgasm, such as by clitoral stimulation (manually or orally), do not count to these people because these orgasms are deemed inferior to a "vaginal orgasms." This false belief (which originated with Sigmund Freud) still causes many modern women to think they are broken, abnormal or inferior because they can not orgasm "the real way." Please remember: The majority of women orgasm most effectively with clitoral stimulation or vaginal stimulation assisted by clitoral stimulation, not by vaginal stimulation alone, and that is okay and fine! Many women will never orgasm just by vaginal stimulation alone. All orgasms are valid no matter how they happen to occur. Trying to orgasm the "real way" can trap people into worrying about sexual performance and can certainly inhibit orgasm. 9) Make Time For Play--People frequently leave lovemaking for very late hours, when bodies just need sleep. If people would "make time for play" (not necessarily foreplay), protect that time and not wait for spontaneous encounters, they would be more assured of good sex. This is especially meaningful for women because it is easier to reach orgasm when feeling energized rather than tired and weary. PHYSICAL HINTS: 1) Become an Expert On Your Own Body--Learning about your body and its responses is essential for most women to reach orgasm reliably. The idea is to take control of your body and personally get in touch with your responses, then teach your partner what kind of touch is most pleasurable. Remember, he is not the expert only on his body! Your are! Women who haven't learned about their bodies are not able to know what they like sexually. These women are often not orgasmic because they haven't learned what works for them. 2) Communicate Openly--Open communication is essential for sexual satisfaction because people are not mind readers. Spoken communication is clearest, but guiding your partner's hand or prearranged cues may work as well. Open communication about sex takes honesty, trust, respect and the ability to take risks. 3) Be Sure Your Partner is "On the Mark"-- If your partner is off target when stimulating your body, you won't ever reach orgasm. So, make sure you convey where you need to be touched as well as what you like best. 4) Exaggerate Sexual Tension--With physical arousal it is natural for one's muscles to tense up as orgasm approaches. This happens in both sexes, but is more noticeable in women. Exaggerating this muscle tension may help to trigger an orgasm. 5) Squeeze those Muscles--Contracting the muscles around the vagina (called PC muscles) helps to bring blood to the genitals and thus builds arousal. These are also the muscles that contract with orgasm. Squeezing the PC muscles (called Kegel Exercises) may help to trigger orgasm and may make orgasm more intense. 6) Hang Your Head--Hanging your head over the side of the bed may trigger orgasm. In some women this may heighten arousal and sexual tension. If nothing else, this position will be a distraction from "trying too hard" and hence may lead to orgasm. 7) Breathe Differently--Varying breathing patterns may also add to sexual arousal and can trigger orgasm. 8) Be a Tease--Teasing yourself or allowing your partner to tease you by touching your "pleasure spots," then withdrawing the touch over and over again, is a very effective way to build arousal and heighten orgasm. 9) Practice Letting Go--Orgasm rehearsal (in private) is often helpful for women who have trouble relinquishing control. Practicing orgasms, including making noises and "funny" faces, may help to gain comfort and reduce anxiety about having orgasms. This may help in the process of learning to orgasm. 10) Be superior--For women who want to "work on" their orgasms with intercourse, the female superior position (on top) generally works best. This position allows a woman to take control of intercourse, thus allowing maximum stimulation. In this way, she can control the tempo of intercourse, the depth of penile thrusting (or sliding movements), and the clitoral stimulation. The female superior position is especially good for women who have personal issues that require the need to feel in total control sexually. 11) Use Toys If You Like--If you are comfortable with the use of sex toys


??? WHAT ARE PHEROMONES ??? Pheromones, or our sexual scent, can be defined as chemicals that have a biological or behavioral effect in their own right, as opposed to scents that trigger responses because of a learned association, like when you salivate after smelling your favorite food. There are specific compounds within our body odors that can potentially affect the physiology and behavior of others. Pheromones contain information about gender and the relatedness of individuals. There are a complex numbers of factors that are involved in human sexual attraction, but it is obvious that our "sexual scent," or our pheromones, play an important role. We as humans have a highly developed intellect and a rich compliment of emotions, ambitions,..:NAMESPACE PREFIX = O /> motivations and desires. Pheromones may affect our attitudes and nudge us towards a type of sexual behavior in concert with our higher intellect. So, how do you use pheromones in your daily routine? I offer an extensive collection of products containing pheromones, which is the key to unlocking our "sexual scent." These products react to your very own body chemistry and can enhance your mood – helping you feel more confident, sexy and daring. Pheromones can be used on a man or a woman and the smell varies just as much as our own sexual preference varies – meaning that no two person's "sexual scents" are identical. You can use pheromones alone or with other perfumes, colognes, lotions or scented soaps to heighten your "scent." By using pheromones you are getting down to our humanistic impulses – pure, natural attraction!
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