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61 Year Old · Female · From Parkes NSW, Australia · Joined on January 1, 2010 · Relationship status: Single · Born on December 6th · 3 different people have a crush on me!
61 Year Old · Female · From Parkes NSW, Australia · Joined on January 1, 2010 · Relationship status: Single · Born on December 6th · 3 different people have a crush on me!


"G'Day My sweet sexy fu's!
My name is Wendy im (48-years old) n hell yes im proud to be
my age and be auzzie, i love my country and the beauty that
it holds...I am extremly spiritual so don't try and piss in
my pocket! I might hmmm maybe listen for a bit- but most
probably wont to most but sure enouth i will let you know that
your pissing in my pocket... My dislike are very simple! I
will not deal with bullshit nor will i put up with being told
what to do, i don't and will not put up with guilt trips it's

*To you my sweet friend you will always stay in my heart*
Make these tears go away, wipe them from my checkss. take me with
you, where i can find your peace. To accept your beautiful soul
when we 1st met, to let you go is something that i just don't know
how to do... You touched me in ways i can never explain, it was
like standing next to you in the moonlight glaze.. I will always
love and miss you, i shall never forget you untill we meet again...
*My (4) beautiful sons! MY SOUL REASONS FOR THE BREATH THAT I BREATH* *********************************************************************

*My first son-(Rodney-30 years old) is married to
(Rebecca-30 years old) and they have two beautiful
gorgeous children my grandchildren a boy called
(Riley -2 years old) and a girl called (Grace-1 year old)


*This section is dedicated to you my B.J.*
*My second son-(Bradley James Fernando) my son was
born on the (1st-March-1983) he passed away on the
(26th-april-1983)of cot death (sids) i buried my son
on the (29th-april-1983) was the saddist day of my life!
May you never experience the pain of loseing a child
whome ever you may be... My B.J. "You will always stay
in your mummy's heart" Your life was short my sweet
son but the memories you gave me are locked away, untill
we meet one sweet day when mummy returns home to you...
Hugsss n kisss my gorgeous B.J.

*My third son-(Mark-27 years old) is married to
(Laura-23 years old) and they have one beautiful gorgeous
child my granddaughter called (Chelsea-3 years old)and a
beautiful little boy called (Samuel 2 months old)


*My forth son-(Andrew-25 years old) is engaged to
(Shayna-22 years old) Awwww sssstill waiting for there
gorgeous children to be created LOL


*I hope if you read this- that you took your time to
read this, not just glance through it because to know
my "breath" in which my children and yes my grandchildren
are is to know me very well... To a certain deegree!
There is only a few things that id lose my mind with
and hurt another human being i might not even stop id
probably go to jail for murder, if any one harmed my
children-grandchildren or my two nephews... I know id
lose control if i had to bury another child! Its different
if one of your own die and it was naturally taken or from a
sickness, as i only know too well what that feels like
and what it does to a mother to bury one of your own so
thats why im extra prtective of what makes me breath...

61 Year Old · Female · From Parkes NSW, Australia · Joined on January 1, 2010 · Relationship status: Single · Born on December 6th · 3 different people have a crush on me!
*********MY B.J.SONG*********

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