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51 Year Old · Female · From Oregon · Invited by: 814545 · Joined on April 27, 2007 · Relationship status: Married · Born on June 15th · 21 referrals joined! · 11 different people have a crush on me!
51 Year Old · Female · From Oregon · Invited by: 814545 · Joined on April 27, 2007 · Relationship status: Married · Born on June 15th · 21 referrals joined! · 11 different people have a crush on me!

I'm just me, take it or leave it. I draw, write, do graphics & spend time with my ♥ brats & my Alex ♥ as often as possible. Any other information you may feel the urge to try to suck out of me, make the attempt at your own risk, and if you should happen to stumble onto anything confidential... well... *eyeballs my 270* (kidding :P ) I'm not bad... I was just drawn that way.


I do happen to have a life, and I live it without letting internet drama poison it. It's pretty simple really, some of you should give it a try :P Quite simply, what I'm saying is... don't bother trying to suck me in, it won't happen. I do what I do on here because I enjoy it, NOT because it's my life.

Nothing personal, but I don't do chain comments. I don't mind getting them, just be aware that you will NOT get one back from me. I prefer to comment with my own original words rather than copy and pasting repetitively all over the place :P To each their own, eh?


Just a few of my writings, they're in my blogs if you care to rate them.


For Kailey

I'll watch as you wander down your path,unknowingly. I'll watch as you trip and fall. I'll watch as you pick yourself back up and start back down your chosen path, only to trip and fall again. I'll watch as you cry, get angry, and throw things at nothing. I'll watch as you try to understand why things won't go how you want them to go. I'll watch as you slowly begin your endeavor again as many times as you choose to do so. I'll watch as your tears create rivers, wash away bridges, and flood all potential havens. I'll also watch, with just as much love and faith in you as I had when you first wandered from me, as you realize that through all of your trials I've been here, arms open, hand held out... waiting for you to accept it and let me guide you. I love you.



The Walk

If you take the time to walk the path of my soul, swim the raging ocean of my heart, and climb the looming walls of my mind, you may get a glimpse of me. Standing way out there in the distance with a puzzled look on my face, wondering how you managed to get so far, when so few have even bothered trying. Long, slow, agonizing strides will bring you to me.
Look into my eyes. See what I have seen. Life...Love...Death. Listen to my voice and note that it's not just me you hear, but everyone who has touched me in my life. Don't judge me, just listen. Hear the sorrow, but don't dismiss the love. Touch my flesh, and feel how warm, soft and giving I can be, despite the cold gust you may have experienced when you first approached me. Look into my eyes again. Do you see me now?
If you so choose, you may turn around, and take those long, slow, agonizing steps back down the path you previously traveled. You will have touched me, as I will have touched you.



Haunting tendencies, my soul eludes, yet never completely escapes. Gray visions of past loves, death, and all that may come to be are preluded by the dimmest of flashes...imagined in my blind eye to be what was supposed to have been my life. Reveling in the idea of something that doesn't exist has been my existences baine, no sense to be made of anything. State of fantasy with no happy ending; Nor, reasoning as to why? Trudging through the nearly empty halls of my mind, the simplest of thoughts become soiled and unworthy of speach or any recognition whatsoever. Grief stricken and beaten, my heart slows to match the hollow breath my chest forces through parched, expressionless lips...





To accept love without returning it, the false happiness it can bring, and the emptiness that is sure to ensue and consume every aching moment of the rest of your life. To settle for something you can handle, something that will keep you sane, yet not let you go crazy when you feel the need.



51 Year Old · Female · From Oregon · Invited by: 814545 · Joined on April 27, 2007 · Relationship status: Married · Born on June 15th · 21 referrals joined! · 11 different people have a crush on me!

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