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I wish I'df told him

IT'S 7TH GRADE... I stared at the girl next to me...She was my so called "best friend"... I stared at her... Long, silky hair... And I wished she was mine... But she didn't notice me like that... I knew it... After class she walked up to me and asked me for the notes she had missed the day before... And I handed them to her... She said "thanks"... And gave me a kiss on the cheek... I wanted to tell her... I want her to know that I don't want to be "just friends"... I love her but I'm too shy to tell her... And I don't know why... IT'S JUNIOR YEAR... My phone rang... On the other end it was her... She was in tears... Mumbling on and on about how her love had broken her heart... She asked me to come over because she didn't want to be alone... So I did... As I sat next to her on the sofa... I stared at her soft eyes... Wishing she was mine... After 2 hours... A Drew Barrymore movie... And 3 bags of chips... She decided to go to sleep... She looked at me.. Said "thanks" and gave me a kiss on the cheek... I wanted to tell her... I want her to know... That I don't want to be "just friends"... I love her but I'm too shy to tell her... And I don't know why... IT'S SENIOR YEAR... The day before prom... She walked to my locker... "My date is sick" she said... He's not going to go... Well... I didn't have a date and in 7th grade... We made a promise that if neiter of us had dates... We'd go together just as "best friends"... And so we did... IT'S PROM NIGHT... After everything was over with... I was standing at her front door step... I stared at her ... She smiled at me... I wanted her to be mine... But she doesn't think of me like that... And I know it... Then she said "I had the best time... Thanks!"... And she gave me a kiss on the cheek... I wanted to telll her... I wanted her to know that I don't want to be "just friends"... I love her but I'm just too shy... And I don't know why... IT'S GRADUATION DAY... A day passed... And then a week... And then a month... Before I could blink... It was graduation day... I watched her... Perfect body... Floated like an angel up on stage to get her diploma... I wanted her to be mine... But she doesn't think of me that way... And I know it... Before everyone went home... She came to me in her smock and hat... And cried as I hugged her... Then she lifted her head from my shoulders and said "you're my best friend"... "Thanks!"... And gave me a kiss on the cheek... I wanted to tell her.. I wanted to know that I wanted to be more than "just friends"... I love her but I'm too shy... And I don't know why... IT'S A FEW YEARS LATER... Now I sit in the pews of the church... A church that she is getting married in now... I watched her say "I do" an drive off to her new life... Married to another man... I wanted her to be mine... But she didn't see me like that... And I knew it... But before she drove away... She came to me and said "You came!... Thanks!"... And she kissed me on the cheek... I wanted to tell her... I wantd her to know that I didn't want to be "just friends"... I love her but I'm just too shy... And I don't know why... YEARS PASSED... I looked down at the coffin of a girl who used to be my "best friend"... At the service they read a diary entry she had wrote in her high school years... This is what it said... "I stare at him... Wishing he was mine... But he doesn't notice me like that... And I know it... I wanted to tell him... I wanted him to know... That I don't want to be "just friends"... I love him but I'm just too shy... And I don't know why... I wish he would tell me he loved me"... I wish I did too... I thought to myself and I cried... REPOST THIS IN THE NEXT 20 MINUTES AND SOMEONE WILL TELL YOU THEY LOVE YOU AND WOULD DO ANYTHING FOR YOU... BUT IF YOU BREAK THIS CHAIN YOU WILL HAVE RELATIONSHIP PROBLEMS FOR THE NEXT 13 YEARS!! SINCE U OPENED THIS SOMETHING GOOD WILL HAPPEN TO U AT 11:52 PM IF YOU'RE A GIRL POST THIS AS "I WANNA TELL HIM SOOO BAD" IF YOU'RE A BOY POST THIS AS "I WANNA TELL HER SOOO BAD"

Would he do this for you?

Body: : every girl dreams that one day she will find a boy that does these things for her. even the smallest action can have the BIGGEST impact in someones life. • give her one of your tshirts to sleep in.*** • leave her cute text notes.** • kiss her in front of your friends***. • trust her over everyone else.*** • tell her she looks beautiful.****** • look into her eyes when you talk to her.**** • let her mess with your hair.**** • touch her hair.** • just walk around with her.*** • forgive her for her mistakes.******** • look at her like she`s the only girl you see.********* • tickle her even when she says stop.** • hold her hand when you`re around your friends.***** • when she starts swearing at you, tell her you love her (and mean it) .*********** • let her fall asleep in your arms.******* • get her mad, then kiss her. ******* • tease her and let her tease you back.**** • stay up all night with her when she`s sick.*** • watch her favorite movie with her.*** • kiss her forehead.*** • give her the world.*********** • write her letters.****** • let her wear your clothes.*** • when she`s sad, hang out with her.**** • let her no she`s important.**** • let her take all the photos she wants of you.******* • kiss her in the pouring rain. *************************************************************** (this is an infinate number of stars) • when you fall in love with her, tell her.****** • and when you tell her, love her like you`ve never loved someone before.*********** -*-*-*-*-*-*- guys repost as : i`d do this for my girl. girls repost as : what most guys won`t do. if you don`t repost this in four minutes you will lose the one you love. if you do repost this in four minutes the one you love will : call you; kiss you; love you back; forever

Good old George

George Carlin's Views on Aging Do you realize that the only time in our lives when we like to get old is when we're kids? If you're less than 10 years old, you're so excited about aging that you think in fractions. "How old are you?" "I'm four and a half!" You're never thirty-six and a half. You're four and a half, going on five! That's the key You get into your teens, now they can't hold you back. You jump to the next number, or even a few ahead. "How old are you?" "I'm gonna be 16!" You could be 13, but hey, you're gonna be 16! And then the greatest day of your life . . . you become 21. Even the words sound like a ceremony . YOU BECOME 21. YESSSS!!! But then you turn 30. Oooohh, what happened there? Makes you sound like bad milk! He TURNED; we had to throw him out. There's no fun now, you're Just a sour-dumpling. What's wrong? What's changed? You BECOME 21, you TURN 30, then you're PUSHING 40. Whoa! Put on the brakes, it's all slipping away. Before you know it, you REACH 50 an! d your dreams are gone. But wait!!! You MAKE it to 60. You didn't think you would! So you BECOME 21, TURN 30, PUSH 40, REACH 50 and MAKE it to 60. You've built up so much speed that you HIT 70! After that it's a day-by-day thing; you HIT Wednesday! You get into your 80s and every day is a complete cycle; you HIT lunch; you TURN 4:30; you REACH bedtime And it doesn't end there. Into the 90s, you start going backwards; "I Was JUST 92." Then a strange thing happens. If you make it over 100, you become a little kid again. "I'm 100 and a half!" May you all make it to a healthy 100 and a half!! HOW TO STAY YOUNG 1. Throw out nonessential numbers. This includes age, weight and height. Let the doctors worry about them. That is why you pay "them." 2. Keep only cheerful friends. The grouches pull you down. 3. Keep learning. Learn more about the computer, crafts , gardening, whatever. Never let the brain idle. "An idle mind is the devil's workshop." And the devil's name is Alzheimer's. 4. Enjoy the simple things. 5. Laugh often, long and loud. Laugh until you gasp for breath. 6. The tears happen. Endure, grieve, and move on. The only person, who is with us our entire life, is ourselves. Be ALIVE while you are alive. 7.. Surround yourself with what you love, whether it's family, pets,keepsakes, music, plants, hobbies, whatever. Your home is your refuge. 8. Cherish your health: If it is good, preserve it. If it is unstable,improve it. If it is beyond what you can improve, get help. 9 Don't take guilt trips. Take a trip to the mall, even to the next county; to a foreign country but NOT to where the guilt is. 10.Tell the people you love that you love them, at every opportunity.


Dear Wife, During the past year I have tried to make love to you 365 times. I have succeeded 36 times, which is an average of once every ten days. The following is a list of why I did not succeed more often: 54 times the sheets were clean 17 times it was too late 49 times you were too tired 20 times it was too hot 15 times you pretended to be sleep 22 times you had a headache 17 times you were afraid of waking the baby 16 times you said you were too sore 12 times it was the wrong time of the month 19 times you had to get up early 9 times you said weren't in the mood 7 times you were sunburned 6 times you were watching the late show 5 times you didn't want to mess up your new hairdo 3 times you said the neighbors would hear us 9 times you said your mother would hear us Of the 36 times I did succeed, the activity was not satisfactory because: 6 times you just laid there 8 times you reminded me there's a crack in the ceiling 4 times you told me to hurry up and get it over with 7 times I had to wake you and tell you I finished 1 time I was afraid I had hurt you because I felt you move KEEP READING....... ===================================================== TO MY DEAR HUSBAND: I think you have things a little confused. Here are the reasons you didn't get more than you did: 5 times you came home drunk and tried to screw the cat 36 times you did not come home at all 21 times you didn't come with energy 33 times you came too soon 19 times you went soft before you got in 38 times you worked too late 10 times you got cramps in your toes 29 times you had to get up early to play golf 2 times you were in a fight and someone kicked you in the balls 4 times you got it stuck in your zipper 3 times you had a cold and your nose was running 2 times you had a splinter in your finger 20 times you lost the motion after thinking about it all day 6 times you came in your pajamas while reading a dirty book 98 times you were too busy watching TV Of the times we did get together: The reason I laid still was because you missed and were screwing the sheets. I wasn't talking about the crack in the ceiling, what I said was, "Would you prefer me on my back or kneeling?" The time you felt me move was because you farted and I was trying to breathe. Once you read this letter you have to keep it going.
1. Hugs from behind. 2. Grab her hand when you walk next to each other(don't make her grab yours). 3. When standing, wrap your arms around her. 4. Cuddle with her. 5. DON'T FORCE HER TO DO ANYTHING. 6. Write little notes. 7. Compliment her Honestly. 8. When you hug her, hold her in your arms as long as possible. 9. Be super sweet to her. 10. Call her at night to wish her sweet dreams. 11. Comfort her when she cries. 12.Wipe away her tears 13. Love her with all your heart. 14. Pick her up and flirt with her (she'll scream and say put me down but really she loves it). 15. Be a gentleman (hold the door for her). 16. Don't let your friends talk trash about her, it'll get back 2 her! & DONT ever act diff in front of ur friends than u r when its just u and her!!!! 17. Take her for a long walk at night! 18. Always bring a blanket where ever you go outside when its cold to comfort her and hold her close 19. NEVER LIE TO HER!!!!!! because then she will think everything you ever said to her was a lie, even "i love you" Girls - repost this if you think it's sweet guys repost if you would do any of it

Real man

1.) A REAL MAN respects his mother and places his family first. 2.) A REAL MAN raises his kids, not JUST out of pocket either. 3.) A REAL MAN supports his woman to develop herself. 4.) A REAL MAN doesn't worry about what others depict as a real man. Walk in his shoes first and then tell him what makes him A REAL MAN. 5.) A REAL MAN doesn't Break Promises 6.) A REAL MAN calls you beautiful, not fine as fuck. 8.) A REAL MAN CALLS U on a daily basis - NO MATTER HOW BUSY OR TIRED HE IS. 9.) A REAL MAN looks past what he's heard about you or what his friends think of you..... 10.) A REAL MAN wants to spend as much time as he can with you & won't get sick of you. 11.) A REAL MAN comes over just to watch movies with you. 12.) A REAL MAN kisses you on the forehead just because. 13.) A REAL MAN doesn't tell you what he thinks you want to hear. He tells you what's real. 14.) A REAL MAN should be treated like one. 15.) A REAL MAN doesn't ask questions when you say you need something... him, sex, or money, a bed to sleep in. 16.) A REAL MAN lets others know How He Feels About his Girl. 17.) A REAL MAN doesn't play games!!!!!!!!!!! 18.) A REAL MAN doesn't go hang out with the guys and pick up chicks when he has one at home that loves him. 19.) A REAL MAN doesn't deny you. 20.) A REAL MAN doesn't just think about sex. 21.) A REAL MAN Doesn't Judge book by the cover. 22.) A REAL MAN wouldn't use his friendship card to get what he wants. 23.) A REAL MAN knows the difference between a REAL WOMAN and a random girl. 24.)A REAL MAN wont degrade a woman with words nor will he ever put his hand on her in anger. 25.) A REAL MAN Sends you flowers Just Because.

George does it again

New Rule: Stop giving me that pop-up ad for classmates.com! There's a reason you don't talk to people for 25 years. Because you don't particularly like them! Besides, I already know what the captain of the football team is doing these days -- mowing my lawn. New Rule: Don't eat anything that's served to you out a window unless you're a seagull. People are acting all shocked that a human finger was found in a bowl of Wendy's chili. Hey, it cost less than a dollar. What did you expect it to contain? Lobster? New Rule: Stop saying that teenage boys who have sex with their hot , blonde teachers are permanently damaged. I have a better description for these kids: "Lucky" New Rule: Ladies, leave your eyebrows alone. Here's how much men care about your eyebrows: Do you have two of them? Okay, we're done. New Rule: There's no such thing as flavored water. There's a whole aisle of this crap at the supermarket, water, but without that watery taste. Sorry, but flavored water is called a soft drink. You want flavored water? Pour some scotch over ice and let it melt. That's your flavored water. New Rule: Stop screwing with old people. Target is introducing a redesigned pill bottle that's square, with a bigger label. And the top is now the bottom. And by the time grandpa figures out how to open it, his ass will be in the morgue. Congratulations, Target, you just solved the Social Security crisis New Rule: No more gift registries. You know, it used to be just for weddings. Now it's for babies and new homes and graduations from rehab. Picking out the stuff you want and having other people buy it for you isn't gift giving, it's the white people version of looting. New Rule: And this one is long overdue: No more bathroom attendants. After I zip up, some guy is offering me a towel and a mint like I just had sex with George Michael. I can't even tell if he's supposed to be there, or just some freak with a fetish. I don't want to be on your web cam, dude. I just want to wash my hands. New Rule: When I ask how old your toddler is, I don't need to hear "27 months." "He's two" will do just fine. He's not a cheese. And I didn't really care in the first place.

Words of wisdom

This came with a great picture of an old farmer, but it wouldn’t copy! Words of Wisdom.... An Old Farmer's Advice : * Your fences need to be horse-high, pig-tight and bull-strong. * Keep skunks and bankers and lawyers at a distance. * Life is simpler when you plow around the stump. * A bumble bee is considerably faster than a John Deere tractor. * Words that soak into your ears are whispered...not yelled. * Me anness don't jes' happen overnight. * Forgive your enemies. It messes up their heads. * Do not corner something that you know is meaner than you. * It don't take a very big person to carry a grudge. * You cannot unsay a cruel word. * Every path has a few puddles. * When you wallow with pigs, expect to get dirty. * The best sermons are lived, not preached. * Most of the stuff people worry about ain't never gonna happen anyway. * Don't judge folks by their relatives. * Remember that silence is sometimes the best answer. * Live a good, honorable life. Then when you get ol der and think back, you'll enjoy it a second time. * Don't interfere with somethin' that ain't botherin' you none. * Timing has a lot to do with the outcome of a rain dance. * If you find yourself in a hole, the first thing to do is stop diggin'. * Sometimes you get, and sometimes you get got. * The biggest troublemaker you'll probably ever have to deal with, watches you from the mirror every mornin'. * Always drink upstream from the herd. * Good judgment comes from experience, and a lotta that comes from bad judgment. * Lettin' the cat outta the bag is a whole lot easier than puttin' it back in. * If you get to thinkin' you're a person of some influence, try orderin' somebody else's dog around. * Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply. Speak kindly. Leave the rest to God.

It's all relative

Subject: Fw: Gas prices are only relative > > >Just a little humor to help ease the pain of your next trip to the pump... > > Compare with Gasoline...... > > >Think a gallon of gas is expensive? > > > >This makes one think, and also puts things in perspective. > > >Diet Snapple 16 oz $1.29 ....... $10.32 per gallon > > >Lipton Ice Tea 16 oz $1.19 ........$9.52 per gallon > > >Gatorade 20 oz $1.59 ... $10.17 per gallon > > >Ocean Spray 16 oz $1.25 .......... $10.00 per gallon > > > > >Brake Fluid 12 oz $3.15 ..... $33.60 per gallon > > > >Vick's Nyquil 6 oz $8.35 .... $178.13 per gallon > > > >Pepto Bismol 4 oz $3.85 .. $123.20 per gallon > > > >Whiteout 7 oz $1.39 .... . $25.42 per gallon > > >Scope 1.5 oz $0.99 .$84.48 per gallon > > > > And this is the REAL KICKER... > > >Evian water 9 oz $1.49...$21.19 per gallon?! $21.19 for WATER - and the >buyers don't even know the source. (Evian spelled backwards is Naive.) > > > > >So, the next time you're at the pump, be glad your car doesn't run on >water, Scope, or Whiteout, or God forbid, Pepto Bismol or Nyquil. > > > > >And - If you don't pass this along to at least one person, your >muffler will fall off!
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