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Sharkfin's blog: "Chaos"

created on 10/03/2006  |  http://fubar.com/chaos/b9661

Yea it’s two more work days until time off. So I get home yesterday after work and decide I need to mow the Clappsadles land next door if I am going to shoot off fireworks on Friday Night with the girls. Manderooski has to do the 4th of July at the Ole’ Navy store and Jaquileen is off work from Friday on so we decided to do drinks and fireworks Friday Night. However now that I have mowed the dang hill I need a hay bailer to scarf up all the hay I have created. But, that is not the story. The story is the Mowing Task itself. So there I was riding the Big Ole Green Tractor…no it’s not a John Deer and hell if I can name what kind of Sears Craftsman tractor I bought from Granny Hogue it’s a something something 1000 a 19 horse power Green Tractor. Oh wait! A 19.5 Horse Power, got to get in that half horse…I wonder how they determine it’s a half horse…is it like a midget horse or a donkey…perhaps a pony they threw in because they ran out of horses…no idea…so I am riding the mower thinking to myself…I am a lucky ass guy not do be doing what Bonnie was doing. Because riding on that mower just adjusting the speed and turning the wheel looked and felt a lot better then the weed pulling she was doing next to the side of the house…oh babe the flower garden looks magnifeek! So I am riding and semi chuckling to myself that this mowing is not at all bad when I heard something wiz by my head. I thought I know I turned up the tractor but holey smokes I can hear bees or flies with the tractor running…can’t be! Then I see swoosh, swoosh one on the left and one on the right faster then a Nolan Ryan fastball two Barn swallows were whipping by me. I think for a second the closest barn is 300 yards away at the Clappsadles place. Why on earth are these Barn swallows zinging by me? Then I think shoot I must be mowing close to their nest. Perhaps they have babies or eggs near by so I slow down the mower to see if they desist running an aerial assault on me, however now they multiplied into 5, 6, 7 sleek dive bombers and their all whipping in and out front and back in unison. I looked like PIG-PEN from the Charlie Brown series. You know how he walked and dirt and bugs were flinging around him and no one else…that is how I felt I had my own squadron of barn swallows just whipping in and out at me. But, they were not hitting me but coming real close. So I turn off the motor and sit for a second…nothing! They widened their approach mission and were doing once overs around the field I just mowed. So I watch close and they get real close to the ground. Ah HA! They were Bug Knapping! I was not the source of their rage. I was not the Barn Swallow Air Craft Carrier but I was the Bug exciter. Apparently the bugs that lay in hiding in the tall weeds either had to jump up and out of the way of the mower blades or be chopped up in an all greens salad mixture. .. They chose fly and perhaps not die. The barn swallows were swift. I took on a new understanding and admiration for their work. So I speeded up the mower now knowing I was not part of the problem but part of the solution however…one thing I did not count on was the barn swallows had a rhythm to their madness which was also part of my pattern in cutting. See when I went north south they flew north south however when I changed up and went east west they could not apply their pattern to meet mine…I could just see the squadron leader, “Barn Swallow Blue leader to Right wing, your out of control pull up man pull up!!!!” and then one time I almost took four right in the face. I did a loop-to-Lou just in front of the grapes and this sent four followers on my tail to pull up very quickly and almost not quick enough but they maneuvered around me and the grapes like a team of Blue Angels. So there I was with my group of barn swallows mower and chopping bugs and there Bonnie was on her hands and knees pulling weeds…ah life is good…until she reads this… I think I might just re-mow the field again tonight! I best learn to like the taste of bugs I am thinking too….

Have a fabulous Wednesday




Mexico or Not

Good Morning, Mexico or not? That is the question. We said not! The reasons for this move. First off it is during the week of April 3rd thru April 10th Spring break in the Coloma School system however that is not a reason for not going with the group. The biggest reason we chose was the money it would cost to attend this trip. $1200.00 per person. Bonnie and I $2400.00 ah that is quite a lot of dollars for this Michigan boy. Secondly or my second reason being is that we have two planning couples in the group. It’s their way or the highway. It is an all-inclusive resort. One price and you eat and drink until your earlobes burst! However these two couples would plan when dinner when lunch when this when that and I would almost expect to have to raise my hand to use the bathroom…Thirdly it is Mexico, drug lord wars and killings daily sure one could stay on the property but then I would be 7 days hostage with couples we like but do not want to hate by the end of the trip. Forth and foremost reason. Sending money to another country to help that economy out just seems un-American. When there are so many places here to spend that kind of money at and still enjoy ones self. I mean a Trip to the Keys would be fabulous, a trip to a mountainside cabin resort, horseback riding you name it. I can’t stay in a place where I am pended up like a sheep and fattened up for the slaughter. I mean think of it that is 342 dollars a day. Naturally the airfare is included in the price so the cost of getting there is nicely tucked in so you have no idea what you are paying daily in food and drink, but this boy could not gorge and drink until my eyelids are yellow and then turn around and do it again the next day, or even two days from now. It’s a wonder that all these resorts are brand new too, makes one think the resort is doing very well…

Anyway I am open for thoughts on this other then mine but for my hard earned money that would be a foolish investment into recreation and memories. I think myself the memory of me spending that much money for a week long stay and the only pictures I would get were of the 5 or 6 other couples we already know…shit we could stay home and take their picture here and get as much out of it as that but far less money spent.

Pros and Cons anyone?




Two Cats in the News...

Ah Yes Florida. Where would I be if it were not for Florida yet once again making the news? The Headline read: Revealing Photo makes high school yearbook.


Tampa, Florida - Page 219 of the brand new school yearbook is all the talk at Sickles High School in Citrus Park.

"There's a picture of a girl in the club pages," said senior Xander Morehouse.

The picture is of a student with, what some are saying, are her private parts showing.

And it is published in the school yearbook.

"When I saw it, I kind of flipped out. I was like, 'Oh my God', but I think that she's probably like really horrified," said sophomore Caitlin Darden.

10 Connects caught up with the 16-year-old in the photo - and her mother Jeanette. The young girl admits she didn't wear underwear that day but says it was because she didn't want her panty lines to show. She says she did not show herself like that on purpose, "Absolutely not. It is ridiculously embarrassing."

The Sickles junior says she found out about the photo when seniors got their yearbooks on Monday. She has not been back to school since. "I started crying, I was freaking out and I didn't know what to do. This is my junior year, it's so important. I didn't think I could go back to school knowing that everyone knew and had seen the picture."

By the end of the day on Monday, more than two-hundred yearbooks had been passed out. Hundreds more went out Wednesday. With more than 2,500 students at Sickles, many more yearbooks are expected to go out over the next week.

"As a mom, I'm not going to make her go [to school]," said Jeanette. Mom wants the school to stop handing out the yearbooks, collect the ones that have gone out and reprint them without the photo.

"I don't want any yearbooks out there that have this photo in it because it is going to follow her," said Jeanette.

The Sickles principal called Jeannette while we were at her home. Jeanette said he suggested she not to talk to us because it would be exploiting the girl. "He [the principal] said he doesn't want to exploit my daughter and here he is passing out yearbooks with her picture still in it and continuing to pass out pictures! It's like don't you get it?" exclaimed Jeanette.

Hillsborough County School District spokesperson Linda Cobbe told 10 Connects the picture is not revealing at all. "We don't believe there is exposure in the yearbook.... It is a shadow."

"Is it a shadow, is it not a shadow? My whole thing is, it doesn't matter, the photo itself is damaging to a 16-year-old and should not have been published," said Jeanette.

"All of the administrators are trying to downplay it and saying I should really laugh it off and come back to school but I've been humiliated," said the junior who will not return to school for the rest of the year.

Hmmm, here is a thought. Lesson Learned! What is worse, VPL or STG? Visual Panty Lines and Showing the Goods for those that do not know Marrtay. I call them as I see them!

Ok, there are about 206 things wrong with this whole story. First off, Mom and Daughter STFU!  Mom, you let her out of the house going commando and did not say a word of protecting the Sergeant of Arms, shame on you! Daughter was the real issue you did not want visual panty lines or were you trying to fill your date book thru the year 2011? Take a note, the girls on the right and left have their legs crossed…

I site more items of interest. Who proof reads this book? I mean isn’t there a yearbook staff? More notably don’t all issues have supervision of some sort on articles, photos and content? Here is also a thought Pantyhose!

So she showed the mayor of her emerald city story closed, I mean it’s not like Playboy is going to be knocking at her door. Let’s draw the line on stupidity and leave it at that.

In other news…

A couple from England travels 4000 miles to adopt a new member in their family. Oh, the new member of their family already has a name. Sparky the Cat. Yes folks England does not have the likes of a Michigan born and Raised Cat. Harrison, Michigan’s animal shelter had a mascot on their internet page of that cat. Sparky the report says destroyed two Christmas trees in his nine month stay at the shelter. Hmmm looks like Sparky might want to learn to eat Kippers and Biscuits and acquire a taste for 4:00 Tea Time…

The moral of our story children is this. Advertising the goods sometimes takes you places while other times, its best just to stay home.


Have a fabulous Monday.




Fans !! Ease up will ya!!

An Orlando Magic fan wants Glen "Big Baby" Davis to apologize. Not for beating his team with a game-winning shot Sunday, but for running into his son afterward.

Ernest Provetti was standing courtside beside his 12-year-old son Nicholas when Davis' jumper beat the buzzer and gave the Boston Celtics a 95-94 Game 2 win at Amway Arena in Orlando. In his excitement, Davis came into contact with Nicholas as he celebrated.

Provetti wrote an e-mail to the NBA league office Monday calling Davis a "raging animal with no regard for fans' personal safety," according to the Orlando Sentinel. Apparently Glen may want to heed Provetti’s words because in a different sport “Soccer” the fans seem to police matters on their own, like this fan below did in an Iraqi Soccer Match.

A soccer fan in Iraq was given a red card in a recent game in Hilla, Iraq The Iraqi soccer fan shot dead a player of the opposing team as he tried to score an equalizing goal in the final minutes of a match, police said on Monday.

The shooting on Saturday in Hilla, 100 km (60 miles) south of Baghdad, during a match between local teams, underscored the country's propensity to lawlessness even as violence by militant groups falls to lows not seen since mid-2003.

"As soon as Haider Kadhim (the player) was alone in front of the goalkeeper and close to equalizing, a fan in the crowd fired a pistol at him," a senior police officer in Hilla, who declined to be named, told Reuters.

"We arrested this fan immediately but unfortunately the player died."

Iraqis love soccer and have often expressed hope the game would help reconcile warring ethnic groups and sects. Wow, fans of this sport seem to police the game themselves perhaps no refs needed. Well I guess those of us that hoop and holler at Football and Baseball games are in the clear. Meanwhile A 22-year-old tipsy soccer fan celebrating on a chartered bus after a match in West Bromwich, England, in January, was run over by a motorist after he fell out the back door of the bus, believing it led to the restroom. It sort of did. He should be resting for quite some time now…

Fans you can’t live with them and the sports world can’t live without them.

You know, I am myself have favorite sports teams but to go to some of the lengths some of these fans do is just…well looking for attention I guess. The dude with the problem of the NBA star running into his kid…DUDE! These NBA athletes are bigger then one can imagine I seen Michael Jordan up close at the Point of Woods one year and that dude in his prime was wall to wall thick. He only stood a few inches taller then me however he had muscles upon muscles upon muscles. As for having your kid trampled by an overzealous athlete after he won an important game…I say you had the kid to close and at 12 you need to watch out for him. Athletes can not turn on and off the adrenalin force that runs thru their veins. Judgment NBA player! On the part of the Fan shooting the Soccer Player…Dude no guns allowed at sporting events, you want to be like the American Sports fans, then don’t carry a pistol to a game period! Oh shit…I forgot most of them do! Oh well, don’t shoot the players, judgment Soccer Player hang the dirty bastard!

Lastly, drunkard soccer fan, dude…Know your limitations…and also where the true facilities are located next time…oh wait you ran out of times well damn then!

Have a Fabulisant Tuesday


Fans! Ease up will ya!

An Orlando Magic fan wants Glen "Big Baby" Davis to apologize. Not for beating his team with a game-winning shot Sunday, but for running into his son afterward.

Ernest Provetti was standing courtside beside his 12-year-old son Nicholas when Davis' jumper beat the buzzer and gave the Boston Celtics a 95-94 Game 2 win at Amway Arena in Orlando. In his excitement, Davis came into contact with Nicholas as he celebrated.

Provetti wrote an e-mail to the NBA league office Monday calling Davis a "raging animal with no regard for fans' personal safety," according to the Orlando Sentinel. Apparently Glen may want to heed Provetti’s words because in a different sport “Soccer” the fans seem to police matters on their own, like this fan below did in an Iraqi Soccer Match.

A soccer fan in Iraq was given a red card in a recent game in Hilla, Iraq The Iraqi soccer fan shot dead a player of the opposing team as he tried to score an equalizing goal in the final minutes of a match, police said on Monday.

The shooting on Saturday in Hilla, 100 km (60 miles) south of Baghdad, during a match between local teams, underscored the country's propensity to lawlessness even as violence by militant groups falls to lows not seen since mid-2003.

"As soon as Haider Kadhim (the player) was alone in front of the goalkeeper and close to equalizing, a fan in the crowd fired a pistol at him," a senior police officer in Hilla, who declined to be named, told Reuters.

"We arrested this fan immediately but unfortunately the player died."

Iraqis love soccer and have often expressed hope the game would help reconcile warring ethnic groups and sects. Wow, fans of this sport seem to police the game themselves perhaps no refs needed. Well I guess those of us that hoop and holler at Football and Baseball games are in the clear. Meanwhile A 22-year-old tipsy soccer fan celebrating on a chartered bus after a match in West Bromwich, England, in January, was run over by a motorist after he fell out the back door of the bus, believing it led to the restroom. It sort of did. He should be resting for quite some time now…

Fans you can’t live with them and the sports world can’t live without them.

You know, I am myself have favorite sports teams but to go to some of the lengths some of these fans do is just…well looking for attention I guess. The dude with the problem of the NBA star running into his kid…DUDE! These NBA athletes are bigger then one can imagine I seen Michael Jordan up close at the Point of Woods one year and that dude in his prime was wall to wall thick. He only stood a few inches taller then me however he had muscles upon muscles upon muscles. As for having your kid trampled by an overzealous athlete after he won an important game…I say you had the kid to close and at 12 you need to watch out for him. Athletes can not turn on and off the adrenalin force that runs thru their veins. Judgment NBA player! On the part of the Fan shooting the Soccer Player…Dude no guns allowed at sporting events, you want to be like the American Sports fans, then don’t carry a pistol to a game period! Oh shit…I forgot most of them do! Oh well, don’t shoot the players, judgment Soccer Player hang the dirty bastard!

Lastly, drunkard soccer fan, dude…Know your limitations…and also where the true facilities are located next time…oh wait you ran out of times well damn then!

Have a Fabulisant Tuesday


Garbage and More Garbage

Ok what in the world! Police in Minnesota blasted the crap out of a Garbage truck trying to commandeer it as it swerved and weaved and bobbed in a drunkard fashion.

LITTLE FALLS, Minn. - A 40-year-old man is behind bars after leading deputies on a 57-mile chase — in a garbage truck.

At one point, a Morrison County sheriff's deputy tried to stop the truck by firing a shotgun into its engine.

Police said the pursuit started when authorities received a report Tuesday about an intoxicated man trying to get into a home. The man left, driving the truck, before deputies arrived

Authorities said the driver swerved at squad cars and accelerated in reverse.

Deputies tried stopping the truck with stop sticks, but it kept going with several flat tires.

The driver eventually pulled over and was caught by a police dog as he ran into the woods.

The suspect was treated for dog bites, and then jailed, pending charges. I can see this playing out…the pore drunk bastard flailing at the police dog yelling Stopppp hick up! Iiiiittiit  daa daa dammit  doo daa doggie.

Ok isn’t it bad enough they blasted his engine, shot out his tires and then sicked the dang saber tooth dog on him. Ok I get it he is a felon, he broke the law drunkard driving in a garbage truck and I know he could have done some serious damage or kilt someone. (Kilt isn’t that the fagot skirt type thingy wore by free balling Scotsmen?) However…Mr. Minnesota Police man isn’t there enough higher up on the food chain felons, like robbers, rapist’s and killers that need shot gun blast to their vehicles or perhaps sicking fido teeth and all clamping down on their asses? Oh and get this, also in the news today’s definition of “WHITE-TRASH”

POLICE have arrested a young naked couple after they were discovered having sex in the back of a garbage truck.

The police officer's surprise discovery came after reports of people walking suspiciously behind a business in an area of British Columbia last week.
"When the officer was out of his car having a look around, checking doors he could hear noises coming from the dumpster," said Sgt. John Price.  
The officer called out and got no response, so he pulled out his flashlight and took a look inside.  
"He peeked over the edge and in the bottom of the dumpster, a man and a woman (were) full-on nude, intertwined, oblivious to his presence," Price said, confirming the pair were in the act.
The couple complied when ordered to put on their clothes and get out of the dumpster. A 26-year-old man was taken into custody on an unrelated outstanding warrant. A 30-year-old woman was simply told to go home. Perhaps the dog had no plans for the evening…I don’t know…that is just sick, slap me with a garbage can lid and call me goofy.

So there ya have it, do not drunkard drive in a 10 ton Garbage Truck if so be prepared to whip out a steak for Fido and no fornicating in the back of a Garbage truck…come on now that is just to dirty…

Have a FanTabulous Day I am off tomorrow yeah me, yeah me Va-Kay Day

Working though if the rain even stops I can build that friggen ark, you can damn sure bet I am not allowing a Garbage truck on it…No telling what turns people on…

Swine Flu Update. Pigs seen buying land in Mexico




Taco Bell Dog Airborne

Wind gusts were slightly elevated yesterday here in Michigan as warnings were issued to tie down all Yokiro Taco Bell Dogs down. However some sought to ride the storm out…

WATERFORD TOWNSHIP, Mich. - A six-pound Chihuahua has been reunited with her owners after a 70-mph gust of wind picked the puppy up and tossed her out of sight.

Dorothy and Lavern Utley credit a pet psychic for guiding them on Monday to a wooded area nearly a mile from where 8-month-old Tinker Bell had been last seen. The brown long-haired dog was dirty and hungry but otherwise OK.

The Utleys, of Rochester, had set up an outdoor display Saturday at a flea market in Waterford Township, 25 miles northwest of Detroit. Tinker Bell was standing on their platform trailer when she was swept away.

Dorothy Utley tells The Detroit News that her cherished pet "just went wild" upon seeing her. Yeah I bet Tinker Bell would like to buy Dorothy a one way seat on the next space shuttle too.

Wind that strong to rip a wiener dog away can’t be good. I am trying to imagine Tink’s (short for Tinker Bell) is not ready to go airborne again for sometime. I wonder what the dog thought while being blown half way to Bum Fudge Egypt. See I can be subtle Dammit!

Is anyone else tired of the Burger King Square butt commercial as I am? My gosh what kind of Idiots thought that damned thing up? That surely is going to boost McDonald’s sales up. Who wants to eat a Burger from Burger King if it gives you a BOX-Car Tail end… I am mean come on.

Lastly I seen pictures on the Wall-Street Journal showing people walking to and from work on a crowded street some had Surgical Masks on and some didn’t…which makes me think oh there are going to be smart asses that will strike up a conversation with one who is wearing a mask and the one the isn’t is going to act like they can’t hear them or something like the mask is muffling their voice and when they lift it up they yell…APRIL FOOLS you are infected!

Have a fabulous day and if your Weiner dog is scheduled for flight please make sure they have all their papers in order.


Good Day





Swine Flu

Swine Flu…I know how to stop it…Stop Sleeping with PIGS dammit!

So we have that to worry about now. Europe warns Europeans about non-essential visits to Mexico and U.S.A. May be life threatening.  Wow how many times have I been to Florida and wished that warning was given…

Oh well and wonderful week is wished to all. However if you are a Flu Carrying Pig nice knowing ya.

Good Morning



I saw an article that made me think for a second. Hmmm I do that sometimes but do not think of it as rude perhaps I should take a step back.

“Are you rude?”

1. You know what's rude? When someone --
Interruptions are offensive on many levels. When you interrupt someone, you suggest that your time and ideas are more important than everyone else's and that you have no interest in listening to what they have to say.

A rare offense is forgivable, but habitual interruption is problematic, says professional coach Susan B. Wilson. "Some folks interrupt incessantly, whether you are on the phone, in a meeting, deep in thought or in another conversation."

Thank the maker I don’t fall into every category!

2. No thanks
Aside from the phrases "Because I said so!" and "No," perhaps the most common thing you'll hear parents say to a child is, "And what do we say?" The prompt is, of course, for the child to thank someone for a kind gesture -- a practice lost on many adults.

"The following statistic bears repeating," Wilson says. "In a 2002 Public Agenda survey, 48 percent of adults expressed only 'sometimes' encountering people who made an effort to say 'please' and 'thank you'; 16 percent said they saw such behavior 'practically never.'"  A few words to show gratitude can put someone in a good mood -- or at the very least can keep someone out of a foul mood. Why not do it?

This one I agree with and do say thank you however…I realize sometimes at the diner table I will ask for something to be passed and inadvertently not thank them for passing it. Now that is rude. Shame on me…Two hot forks in the left eye!

3. Table manners
Kara C.* has her share of venting to do about workplace rudeness, and at the top of the list is the lack of housekeeping manners she witnesses. In her company's communal kitchen, you won't have to look hard to see evidence that someone has recently enjoyed a snack in one of the cups or bowls littering the counter. She wants to remind her colleagues that maids don't work in the office, so they should clean up after themselves.

Good Point. I see this all the time now from me. However on the Table manners subject I just hate it when someone belch’s and doesn’t say excuse me or ask to be excused. I often sill look at Mandy is she delivers a belch and doesn’t excuse herself. However…She only belches out loud due to a lovely niece of mine that often had contests with my girls on belches…thank god that was the only noises they choose to compete with each other…

4. That's just #@*%ing rude!
Language is very subjective, and everybody has his or her own unique way of speaking. One person's "Howdy" is another person's "What's up?" When it comes to R-rated language, one person's "hell" is another person's "H-E-double hockey sticks." And that's something you should remember when interacting with others at work. It's less about the profanity itself and more about the fact that you don't care if it bothers the people around you.

This one is funny because as guys we tend to out do one another. I mean once the F-Bombers take off it’s a long flight back to the safe landing. Guilty as charged. That goes without saying. WTF! Is wrong with us?

5. Yes, all of us can hear you now
Teenagers are very private about phone conversations. They might be young, but they will give you a scowl that makes you feel like you're the child and they're the adult if you eavesdrop. Strange, then, how a dozen years later, many people do a 180 on this practice and seem to want everyone to hear their conversations.

Cubicles are the norm in many workplaces, so one person's speakerphone conversation becomes an entire floor's business. Never mind how annoying it is to hear a conversation you're not a part of; think how bothersome it is to try to concentrate on work when someone's blathering in your ears. Rather than force your call on the whole department, invest in a headset or just hold the receiver in your hand.

Ok I agree I hate speaker phone conversations. Why… because I am loud. I know it I laugh loud I talk loud and I am just loud…I get it…I know! Dammit…

And my Jax is just like me…sorry Jax… we are friggen loud, ya hear me now! Phil mentioned to me last night at golf. A new comer to our golf league a lady that teaches at Coloma Schools and was Mandy’s Basketball Coach in like 7th Grade or 8th hell if I know lets face it as far as Coloma Coaches go, Kelly Noel and Bird were the only two coaches I gave a rats ass about. Perhaps Coach Weber too before he got the boot. But the rest can take a flying leap. But anyway I digress Phil said that new gal sounds just like Jackie when she laughs…I said I know Jax has a distinctive laugh, just like her father…LOUD, hey when we laugh you know we have either had our funny bone tickled or we just farted! Sorry Jax perhaps that is just me…

Gosh I havn’t written in so long I am going off the deep end on this Ms Manners Rude chart… I continue…

6. I'm sorry, do I know you?
When you're walking down the hall and a co-worker is walking toward you, give a smile, a nod or some other greeting. No one's asking you to engage in a bear hug or to pretend you two are best friends. All anyone wants is an acknowledgement that you see them and that you're not going out of your way to avoid having any contact with them.

Why is this important? Well, think about the alternative: You walk down the hall and pretend not to see them by averting your eyes. You'd rather do anything but give a quick acknowledgement to this person. What kind of message does that send?

*Name has been withheld at the request of the source.

This one was funny as I can’t tell you the times I recall seeing someone for the first time in years, old school chums, long lost friends, or old co-workers and I will sometimes introduce Bonnie to them or a friend or whom ever and sometimes I don’t… I recall one time Bonnie and I were either at dinner or out with friends and we ran into an old school friend of mine…or perhaps a old client Hell I am old I can remember who but I do remember this. I shook their hand and said a few words and we were off…back doing what ever we were doing Bonnie and I and I get this look… oh you know the look, It’s the one where you have the Whole Kingdom looking down at you awaiting an answer…” Just who was that?” I remember laughing and saying Fuck if I could Remember their name to introduce you. I hate scrambling for names of old friends and I hate it even more they remember mine like they had been talking with me forever! Dammit I am bad…Guilty as charged! And shit I used Fuck again… Oh shoot I said it again…oh hell with it… I am done writing for one week… Honestly work has been a blitzkrieg on me…it seems to be a good thing though we are getting busier and business is picking up…It pays to have my ass back on the road again…Oh well enjoy your weekend here in Michigan it is supposed to be fabulous.

Have a fabulous weekend. And thank you for Listening or Reading which ever you prefer. Ms. Manners is rubbing off on me.. WTF!



I saw an article that made me think for a second. Hmmm I do that sometimes but do not think of it as rude perhaps I should take a step back.

“Are you rude?”

1. You know what's rude? When someone --
Interruptions are offensive on many levels. When you interrupt someone, you suggest that your time and ideas are more important than everyone else's and that you have no interest in listening to what they have to say.

A rare offense is forgivable, but habitual interruption is problematic, says professional coach Susan B. Wilson. "Some folks interrupt incessantly, whether you are on the phone, in a meeting, deep in thought or in another conversation."

Thank the maker I don’t fall into every category!

2. No thanks
Aside from the phrases "Because I said so!" and "No," perhaps the most common thing you'll hear parents say to a child is, "And what do we say?" The prompt is, of course, for the child to thank someone for a kind gesture -- a practice lost on many adults.

"The following statistic bears repeating," Wilson says. "In a 2002 Public Agenda survey, 48 percent of adults expressed only 'sometimes' encountering people who made an effort to say 'please' and 'thank you'; 16 percent said they saw such behavior 'practically never.'"  A few words to show gratitude can put someone in a good mood -- or at the very least can keep someone out of a foul mood. Why not do it?

This one I agree with and do say thank you however…I realize sometimes at the diner table I will ask for something to be passed and inadvertently not thank them for passing it. Now that is rude. Shame on me…Two hot forks in the left eye!

3. Table manners
Kara C.* has her share of venting to do about workplace rudeness, and at the top of the list is the lack of housekeeping manners she witnesses. In her company's communal kitchen, you won't have to look hard to see evidence that someone has recently enjoyed a snack in one of the cups or bowls littering the counter. She wants to remind her colleagues that maids don't work in the office, so they should clean up after themselves.

Good Point. I see this all the time now from me. However on the Table manners subject I just hate it when someone belch’s and doesn’t say excuse me or ask to be excused. I often sill look at Mandy is she delivers a belch and doesn’t excuse herself. However…She only belches out loud due to a lovely niece of mine that often had contests with my girls on belches…thank god that was the only noises they choose to compete with each other…

4. That's just #@*%ing rude!
Language is very subjective, and everybody has his or her own unique way of speaking. One person's "Howdy" is another person's "What's up?" When it comes to R-rated language, one person's "hell" is another person's "H-E-double hockey sticks." And that's something you should remember when interacting with others at work. It's less about the profanity itself and more about the fact that you don't care if it bothers the people around you.

This one is funny because as guys we tend to out do one another. I mean once the F-Bombers take off it’s a long flight back to the safe landing. Guilty as charged. That goes without saying. WTF! Is wrong with us?

5. Yes, all of us can hear you now
Teenagers are very private about phone conversations. They might be young, but they will give you a scowl that makes you feel like you're the child and they're the adult if you eavesdrop. Strange, then, how a dozen years later, many people do a 180 on this practice and seem to want everyone to hear their conversations.

Cubicles are the norm in many workplaces, so one person's speakerphone conversation becomes an entire floor's business. Never mind how annoying it is to hear a conversation you're not a part of; think how bothersome it is to try to concentrate on work when someone's blathering in your ears. Rather than force your call on the whole department, invest in a headset or just hold the receiver in your hand.

Ok I agree I hate speaker phone conversations. Why… because I am loud. I know it I laugh loud I talk loud and I am just loud…I get it…I know! Dammit…

And my Jax is just like me…sorry Jax… we are friggen loud, ya hear me now! Phil mentioned to me last night at golf. A new comer to our golf league a lady that teaches at Coloma Schools and was Mandy’s Basketball Coach in like 7th Grade or 8th hell if I know lets face it as far as Coloma Coaches go, Kelly Noel and Bird were the only two coaches I gave a rats ass about. Perhaps Coach Weber too before he got the boot. But the rest can take a flying leap. But anyway I digress Phil said that new gal sounds just like Jackie when she laughs…I said I know Jax has a distinctive laugh, just like her father…LOUD, hey when we laugh you know we have either had our funny bone tickled or we just farted! Sorry Jax perhaps that is just me…

Gosh I havn’t written in so long I am going off the deep end on this Ms Manners Rude chart… I continue…

6. I'm sorry, do I know you?
When you're walking down the hall and a co-worker is walking toward you, give a smile, a nod or some other greeting. No one's asking you to engage in a bear hug or to pretend you two are best friends. All anyone wants is an acknowledgement that you see them and that you're not going out of your way to avoid having any contact with them.

Why is this important? Well, think about the alternative: You walk down the hall and pretend not to see them by averting your eyes. You'd rather do anything but give a quick acknowledgement to this person. What kind of message does that send?

*Name has been withheld at the request of the source.

This one was funny as I can’t tell you the times I recall seeing someone for the first time in years, old school chums, long lost friends, or old co-workers and I will sometimes introduce Bonnie to them or a friend or whom ever and sometimes I don’t… I recall one time Bonnie and I were either at dinner or out with friends and we ran into an old school friend of mine…or perhaps a old client Hell I am old I can remember who but I do remember this. I shook their hand and said a few words and we were off…back doing what ever we were doing Bonnie and I and I get this look… oh you know the look, It’s the one where you have the Whole Kingdom looking down at you awaiting an answer…” Just who was that?” I remember laughing and saying Fuck if I could Remember their name to introduce you. I hate scrambling for names of old friends and I hate it even more they remember mine like they had been talking with me forever! Dammit I am bad…Guilty as charged! And shit I used Fuck again… Oh shoot I said it again…oh hell with it… I am done writing for one week… Honestly work has been a blitzkrieg on me…it seems to be a good thing though we are getting busier and business is picking up…It pays to have my ass back on the road again…Oh well enjoy your weekend here in Michigan it is supposed to be fabulous.

Have a fabulous weekend. And thank you for Listening or Reading which ever you prefer. Ms. Manners is rubbing off on me.. WTF!



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