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Children are the ultimate gift to two people who love each other and the ultimate inconvenience to parents that don't. There is no bigger responsibility, and yet a relationship with a child can bear the greatest rewards. Children intuitively know when they are wanted and when they are not. The way that they raised from the cradle will affect the people they will become. There is a famous saying that children spell love T I M E. There may be many compelling reasons why you cannot be with your children but none of them can replace time. It is gone forever.

bonnie Erickson winter 2003

social networks: the value of variety, 2003



I found that people with more

diversified general networks were less depressed, and peo-

ple with more diverse contacts in the group more often felt

that participation had improved their health


Acquaintances make more subtle contributions in small,

invisible increments over the long run



Nielsen Wire, "Social Media Report 2012: Social Media Comes of Age," www.blog.nielsen.com, Dec. 3, 2012

In July 2012 Americans spent 74.0 billion minutes on social media via a home computer, 40.8 billion minutes via apps, and 5.7 billion minutes via mobile web browsers, a total of 121.1 billion minutes on social networking sites.


 Keith Hampton, Lauren Sessions Goulet, Lee Rainie, and Kristen Purcell, "Social Networking Sites and Our Lives," www.pewinternet.org, June 16, 2011

47% of American adults used social networking sites like Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Classmates.com in 2011, up from 26% in 2008.

Pissed... Rambling

Ok so WTH....



First of all there is Billy, the boy is freaking bipolar... when he is sober it's "there will never be a woman like you mama" then when he is drunk which is more often than not he just wants to run the roads and get with what ever chick will take him... and im nothing... lmao he still says he loves me but doesnt want to be with me again all when he is drunk!!! sober im the best thing to him and he knows he messed up.....

Well he tells me last weekend that he wanted to take me to dinner and a movie.... wow a real date after back and forth for two yrs... normally we bbq at the house and drink or go to the bar.... but a real date HE said he wanted.... so all week we talked about this date... i did not let my self get excited untill the morning of when we were still talking about going that night.... well 530 came i got off work came home and got dolled up.... 630 he tells me he is working on a friends truck... so i txt asking how much longer did he think it would be....after no response for an hour.... I knew what was going on....

So, did i sit around the house after taking all that time to look good....HELL NO! I went out had a pretty good night till I came home... at this point I need to mention that Billy lives across the street from me...which is very hard on me to see my Ex everyday! with that being said... when I came home I saw him all over this girl against his truck... now mind you i am not an aggresive person normally but everyone has a breaking point and I found mine that night.... I went the fuck off on him!!!

so yeah im pissed but over him for sure after all this time finally!


Now there is EJ who is my ex husband... tells me he misses me and still loves me now even though I wasnt as hung up over him like i am with billy I still care about him of course... after weeks of begging for me to have lunch with him i finally agreed to do so today and guess what... he cancelled.... WTF and he doesnt want me to be pissed.... are you freaking kidding me!!!

What is it that attracts these losers to me? im a loser magnet i swear!

Things to Ponder



1. Why do you park in a driveway and drive in a parkway?

2. Why do you have a hot-water heater when you dont need to heat hot water?

3. Why is an orange an orange and an apple not a red?

4. Why is a pear called a pear when there is only one?

5. What do they pack styrofoam in?

6. Why did God give men nipples?

7. If buttered toast always lands butter-side down, and a cat always lands
on its feet, what would happen if you tied a piece of buttered toast on
the back of a cat?

8. Is grass really greener on the other side?

9. Do boxer shorts box?

10. Why do you wear a pair of panties and only one bra?

 If Corn Oil comes from Corn, what does Baby Oil come from? 12. If nothing sticks to Teflon, how do you get Teflon to stick to a pan? 13. Why do you need a driver's license to buy liquor when you can't drink and drive? 14. Why isn't phonetic spelled the way it sounds? 15. Why are there interstate highways in Hawaii? 16. Why are there floatation devices under plane seats instead of parachutes? 17. Why are cigarettes sold in gas stations when smoking is prohibited there? 18. Do you need a silencer if you are going to shoot a mime? 19. Have you ever imagined a world with no hypothetical situations? 20. How does the guy who drives the snow plow get to work? 21. If 7-11 is open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, why are there locks on the doors? 22. If a cow laughs, does milk come out it's nose? 23. If you are driving at the speed of light and you turn on you headlights, what happens? 24. You know how most packages say "Open here." What is the protocol if the package says, "Open somewhere else?" 25. Why do they put Braille dots on the keypad of the drive-up ATM? 26. Why is it that when you transport something by car, it's called a shipment, but when you transport something by ship it's called cargo? 27. You know that little indestructible black box that is used on planes, why can't they make the whole plane out of the same substance? 28. Why is it that when you are driving and looking for an address, you turn the radio down? 29. Why don't sheep shrink when it rains? 30. Why are they called apartments when they are all stuck together?

Just Saying 1

what's wrong with playing with guns, driving a 4x4 Chevy, getting dirty, still looking as killer in jeans & boots as that girl in a dress & heels :)

True love is waking up next to your partner and thinking " Well, I could smother them with a pillow or make breakfast. Sigh. Pancakes it is."

One might say the glass is half empty.  One might say the glass is half full.  I just wonder who the hell has been drinking from my glass.

says the leading cause of divorce is marriage

Apple have put on hold plans to release a new iPod designed for children to use... Apparently "itouch Kids" wasn't an ideal product name.

if people could read minds i would be screwed .

is wondering what color does a Smurf turn when it holds its breath too long??

So someone asked me today "Are you going crazy?" and I said "Yeah, I've been there, follow me, it's this way!"

thinks that thinking about the thoughts of thinking are too thinkable for thoughts to be thought about thinking, i think

Trust me, you couldn't handle being in my bubble!

I may be loud, weird and annoying sometimes; I may not have the perfect figure or look the hottest, but I'm ME and that's more than I can say for SOME people!

renamed their iPod "The Titanic" so that whenever I plug it in to iTunes it tells me, "The Titanic is syncing."

I talk to other drivers as if they can hear me from inside my vehicle.. "go dummy! i'm letting you go!ummm hello?? i had the right of way!!blinker!!"

says please describe me in two words. What you think of me. Only using two words. Can you do it?

Tonight... I'm drinking until I'm someone Else's problem!

That's right, I'm different, its called being an original. You should try it some time. :)

ok.... more to come.... laterzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

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