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Jul 29th [[allsituated]]

Well, I'm happy to say that the move from Bettendorf to Maquoketa went well.  The first day we completed all of the painting/priming/etc.  The second day I was all moved in and completely unpacked! Awesomeness!

Today I made pork roast with my mother and went to the parade with my little sister.  I almost passed out there, it was weird but it feels good to be home :) I took a lot of pictures of Haley (my 2 year old sister) and I'm eager to upload/edit them :) She's addorable.  There are a few pictures of her in my 'photography' album.

Other then that lately I've been trying to focus my energy into practicing guitar. =] It's coming along. Gives me and my fifteen year old sister some bonding time.

I can't wait to get a job and start going to school again.  I miss being busy. It gives me something to look forward too. :) :)

So my moms thinking about getting the wii fit for her and her boyfriend? Is it actually good exercise and worth the buy? Tell me, tell me. =]

Always Flexible,


Feel free to chat with me. [[While im actually on the computer, lol]]

Today wasn't bad. If you've been paying attention you know that I moved from my fathers back into my mothers house today. Yes, the begining of the end! -strange pause- Today we riped up the carpet, primed the walls, painted the walls, packed everything and brought it to my mothers, and unpacked it into the living room.  Tomorrow I get to unpack my bedroom. I've decided I'll wake up at nine, hop in the shower and proceed to accompany my now empty box and give it some life. Then I've got to run to UScellular and take full responsibility for the 3 lines that are in my dads name since he's moving to Florida.  Then I'll go to sadona, and job hunting in general.  Then I'll do some random choor that needs done around the house, pratice guitar and read some of my book.  Oh and call and check up on regeristing for fall classes. What an interesting day tomorrow will be. SIGH. I'll probably take a half an hour nap in the middle of the day somewhere.

Otherwise today I played with my 2 year old sister out on the swingset for about an hour (while primer was drying; etc) and practiced guitar for maybe a total of fifteen minutes while I was waiting for dinner to be finished. (All besides moving/preparing my room/etc)

It was hard not to cry today.  My dad was pretty much a jerk all day.  Not sure why but today is the last day I'll see him for a long time and he hardly said to words for me.  I was an emotional rollarcoaster which is complete opposite of my usual state of being.  I'd like to think im pretty logical a majority of the time.  I guess that was the stereotypical woman coming out in me. Or something along those lines.

I miss you all. I won't be on near as often anymore.  It makes me sad all day.

P.s. After I get a job Im going and getting a desktop computer RIGHT AWAY; no worries.....I hope. LOL

Feel free to chat with me.

Always Flexible,


My Mother is a psycho liar. It's frustrating.

She screamed "FUCK YOU" in my ear (over the phone) while my dad flipped me off and called me a bitch.

Yay me.  All i did to my dad was ask him if I can borrow the phone to call my mom.  All I did to my mom was, well, call her and express my concern for her lying to me.

And then I got screamed at online by a good friend. What a good day. NOT. Though my sister is here and we were talking to my other sister online; and that helped. :)

-I want to sleep for ten years- Who's with me?

Otherwise today, I practice guitar with my sis, and finished packing for my move a half an hour away tomorrow. 

Sometimes I wonder if I'll regret my decision about not moving to Florida with my father but apparently it doesn't matter to him anyways. He is my hero and showed me happiness and gave the word 'love' an actual meaning. My mother and I can't stand living together but if this is the only way to  continue my education so be it.

Sigh, I don't know what im blogging about anymore.  I'm extremely stressed out right now.

Today, my parents went psycho. FML. :)

Check out fmylife.com

It gives me giggles.

Always Flexible,


Fri Jul 24 (to no names)

I'm so stressed out right now.


These rants are at people in my real life, not fu goers.

Person one: I pretty much really disklike you. Your a liar, and you annoy me.  Go do something horrible with your life. Or just admit your fault. whatever. You disgust me.  Your a malicous, vindictive jerk! And to think I thought you were perfect.

Person two: Your decision is obviously because of your one track mind lately. It's annoying. *Wonders if you'll regret it later*

Person Three: Move on. Please.

Person Four: Your annoying. And not perfect.  Your judgemental and I find it funny when you speak of 'how above you are then others and how certain envirenments annoy you because they arn't up to your standards'. Can't you just be happy with the beauty in life?  And stop taking over my stuff. :/

Sorry for ranting; but I like blogging on this site. Don't mind me being irritated today. Frustrated.

i feel like im going to pass out. Sigh

My apologies for my rude behaviors today.

Always Flexible,


Well, the move to Fort Pierce Florida is no more.  I'm staying in Iowa, with the corn :) [[Which corn does not SERIOUSLY take over Iowa like some believe]] Anyway, I based my choice by my sincere desire to continue my education and get a degree in Health Information Technology.  After two years I will have my associates degree.  I graduated highschool a semester early because I had enough credits and I went straight to college.  My first term I was enrolled in Psychology, Composition 1, Medical Terminology and Chemistry.  I have an appointment to enroll for my Fall courses soon so I'll be sure to give ya'll a nice update :)

Enough about school.  I just got back home from my hometown (where I'm moving back to) And I came home and packed everything up right away.  I'll be making the move on Sunday.  -YIKES- I will have little computer time so I'll probably be on fubar about 10-20 minutes a day IF THAT.  Yes, it really sucks but after I get a job I'm going to American (An electronics store) and buying a desktop and making monthly payments so that I can build my credit.  I have absolutely no credit right now so it's something that does need started.  After I get the desktop I'll probably save up money and go buy a laptop or a big screen TV.  Which ever comes first. (HOW DID I GET ON THIS SUBJECT!?)

Yah, you'll learn that about me.  I'm pretty random when I blog.

I need to find inspiration to write my poetry again.  A friend on here of mine posts his work and I miss being able to post mine.  Maybe I'll try to write tonight. :)  Anyhow, I've got some photograhy to upload, edit and possibly delete.  Catch you all around. =] 

Feel free to ask questions/comment :)

Always Flexible,


The only way I feel today is in the title of this blog.

segundo mejor

Every single time. It blows.

[[Don't ask me what it means, look it up :P ]]

I've been feeling better today! Last night a great friend from the Fu called me and talked things over with me.  I realized that though I am going through some hard things right now, i'm not the only one plastered with the word 'worry' written over my entire face.

I want to thank you so much because you truely helped me to realize that having problems is no reason to not go out and enjoy the things I love the most! :) HUGS!

:) Hmmm, what else?  Well, my mothers been blowing my phone up insisting that I'm depressed because I won't answer her phone for ONE DAY! Oh boy, that lady gets on my nerves sometimes! She actually called me on speakerphone today with a close friend (to both of us) with concern for why I wasn't talking to my EX BOYFRIEND lately!? REALLY? We dated 2 years ago for a 2 year period and he wants to get back with me but I don't feel the same and apparently, everyone needs to know whats up with me not talking to him. [[Needless drama]] He tells me that 'he wanted to see what else was out there, but now that he has all he wants is me ' but I feel like I've realized what else is out there. Sorry, but I can't be played like a puppet on strings! Okay, enough of venting about my mothers insecurities!

IM MOVING TO Fort Pierce, FLORDIA! I should be there somewhere between the 1st and 15th of next month! East Coast here I come! I KNOW the economy sucks and the job market is TERRIBLE there! BUT what is life without an adventure eh!?


THE journal, of Always Flexible, Kayla :-) ♥

Hey everyone,


I decided to start writing a blog about my real life.  I do have another blogging site which I also like, but I talk to a lot of people on here so I thought I might get more honest/helpful feedback.


Well today has been alright.  I feel better then yesterday.  Uplifted a little bit I suppose you could say, though certainly not up to my usual happy bubbly self. A lot has been going on lately....all at once...since about four days ago maybe.  Where's the rewind button, eh?


I may be moving to Florida by the 1st of next month.  I found this out two days ago, which is part of the reason I'm so down lately.  I'm just frustrated with life in general. And, my best friend Josh is in the navy, well he had his seperation bored this past wed. and found out that he has to stay in the navy for four more years.  We were going to room together while we went to school and we haven't seen eachother in over a year, so there goes that too. The worst thing I'm going through right now,well, it isn't even something I could talk about here. :( it's pretty troublesome.  Hopefully that'll settle down soon.


So I do apologize to people for being down lately, not very talkative, and depressing song lyrics for statuses.  Guess I couldn't think of what else to say.


On the flipside, I did just get back from Kansas city Missouri where I went to Oceans and Worlds of fun. (See pictures if you'd like) And that was a nice 3 day getaway with the family.  I am soooo burnt you guys! EVEN MY EARS ARE PEELING! Dang. :( LOL, and my forhead. Ouchie.


Well, I guess thats all for now. OH and everyone seems to ask me what I did today...well today I moped around and cleaned up a little bit.  I'm a clean freak, you'll learn that eventually if we keep talking.


Thanks for reading, feel free to comment.




Always Flexible AKA (Kayla)

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