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It is Monday and I am putting in 10 hour days so I won't be able to spend that much time tonight. I will tell you that I sometimes write to get comments. I sometimes write to relay a message to someone in the way of a parable. I sometimes write just to air the thoughts in my head. Last night was a little of all of those. As for my subject matter and the comments I got let me say just a few things. 1. Four rules from Christ: A. Love everyone or the doors of heaven won't open for you. B. Forgive everyone or the doors of heaven won't open to for you. C. Obey these two commanements. Love and worship God first. D. and second..... love your neighbor as you love yourself......... the rest will fall in place. IE: Would you steal from yourself? Would you murder yourself? Would you commit adultery against yourself? See what I mean? 2. Don't judge anyone until you have walked in their shoes. I tell this to my kids all the time. 3. Obsession and the emotions it can cause can seem awful real. Thinking you are in love, the feelings are the same, the hurt and pain is the same. Only difference is you get over the feelings of an obsession a lot faster than you get over the real thing. Only difference I can see is that you can replace one obsession with another of the same....... ie: relationship hopping. 4. Life isn't always black and white............. it is many shades of gray. Sometimes the black and white answers aren't the hard ones........... They are the easy way out. 5. Love, true love: A. True love never runs................. it pursues. B. True love never lets you go............. it holds on with it's dying breath. C. True love is there............. long after the relationship is gone..... true love is still there everytime you look into each others eyes. Peace to all
Stay close to those who you feel truly love you. May be a family member or an absolute stranger. There are way too many who act it but can't support it. You will know them when you see them.......... they always stand beside you. ........and when an older person says, "Do as I say, not as I do." Ever think they are trying to warn you that making the same mistakes they made is not the best idea?

Exposed Reality.............

Ya know, I just wish sometimes, just once in a while........ people would understand that somethings are best waited for. Somethings are best held back and left unexposed. Left for the imagination, left for your dreams and thoughts. Left for that time when it is right to unveil them. Somethings are best left in our minds so that the beauty of the moment when it comes........ is that much more special.


Ya know........ I could give this a big set-up. I could talk about alot of things......... but to the surprise of my kids and others. hehehe What a relationship was, is and will be is left to the people in it and what they both want it to be. It's that simple. One person can't carry it, it takes both. It takes a complete commitment to the relationship to make it work. The problem is most of us are more worried about what it is doing for us. What more can I say. Quit worrying so much about what you are getting out of it and start worrying about what you are giving to it. But, one person can't carry it. As for forgiving, it's the simplest thing in the world. "Sometimes you have to embrace the things you hate the most to let them go." That includes things about yourself. As for love, I wouldn't wanna love any other way than the way I love. Once I give it to you, it's yours forever. There aren't too many people I can think of that I don't love in some way. I think it can be uncomfortable to others at time. I think it can make you a bit arrogant at times. I think you realize you have something others don't have. You understand that we are all just human. We screw up, hell, sometimes we screw up alot. Well, let's just stone your azz. It's like people want you to screw up just so they can feel better about themselves. They jump up and down, pointing and shouting. "Look, They just Screwed Up!!!" What? You hope their screw up will over shadow your last one? The night you came home drunk and parked your car in the neighbors front yard? You sang karoke at your sisters wedding, against everyones thoughts on the matter? I think people don't get it for the most part. It's like this. I'ld rather put energy into loving you than put energy into hating you. I might get something good out of the one. The other is only gonna make someone miserable. Besides, I have the best fail safe in the world. God expects it of me........................


"The Beginning of Contentment" As live closes around us and our time on earth grows shorter we look hard upon our past. We look at the decisions we have made along the way and how they have affected us. We look at our affects on others lives and hope we did the best we could. Of a sudden it doesnt seem as important to blame someone else. We learn to accept the consequences of our live choices and make peace with them and ourselves. We find it much easier to worry about today and give up the past. After all, we were youthful and full of dreams and hopes and in most cases a little naive. We can only live our life by experience and only learn not to make mistakes by making them. Does this make us illiterate or blind? Does it mean we suffer a lack of intelligence? I think it means that we just didn't know better and we were trying our best. We find it less important to worry about how people see us physically. Lord knows, it is all passing away and the best we can hope for is to be healthy and live a long life. All we can truly hope for is happiness and maybe a chance to make ourselves and someone else smile. As you look back at your life cling to the good things and let go the bad. The bad probably was a result of your not having the experience or information needed to make a proper choice. Don't blame God for the things gone awry in your life, after all, he has given us free will and knows that somethings just happen. Through suffering, for most of us, we do grow and become better people. The old adage of what doesn't kill you makes you stronger is very true. However, how you handle your suffering is your choice and what you gain from it is your decision. You can only hope to grow more and be stronger. Hope to live to be very old and enjoy your loved ones. Accept that you have made mistakes and that you are a better person for it. Make peace with yourself and those around you and move forward without fear or hesitation. Can you think of any greater joy than to wake with a smile on your face, knowing someone out there loves you. Stop more often to look at the things you took for granted before. Tell your loved ones every day how much you care for them. Listen to music as if you have never heard it before. Spend time in meditation every day and each day learn something new about yourself or the world around you. Do not enter into any kind of relationship with your walls up or with a lie on your lips. Reach out to people and just enjoy them for their own individual selves. Why shouldn't you just believe that everything is going to be ok, after all, you've gotten this far. Once you let the past go and understand your time is limited, life grows more precious. Once you face the consequences of your life and accept you and this old world is not perfect you can accept your own frailties. Once you understand that not always being perfect is quite human then you can become more than just human. You can become yourself and be content with just being you. One last thing... Understand that previous lost loves or mistakes does not mean mistakes or lost love in your future. If someone comes into your life and lights up your whole world, take a chance. After all, you never know where the twist and turns of life will lead you, and if it fails, keep the happy parts and let the bad go. Don't spend your life chasing around trying to please others who don't really care for you or just use you up. Quit trying to save everyone from themselves. Afterall, you can't help those who don't want your help. Spend your life with those who love and appreciate you. Life is way too short to live it in fear of the unknown. Don't let life suck you dry and leave you bitter as you grow old. Don't spend your life with someone you don't love, someone who doesn't love you or someplace you don't want to be. As the old beer commercial said so avidly: "Grab for all the Gusto you can get!" ....and be content knowing you gave it your best shot. F. Wayne Johnson Sept 9, 2000
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