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My LaDy AnGeLFaCe's blog: "RACISM"

created on 11/20/2006  |  http://fubar.com/racism/b26433


Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: "We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal." I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slaveowners will be able to sit down together at a table of brotherhood. I have a dream that one day even the state of Mississippi, a desert state, sweltering with the heat of injustice and oppression, will be transformed into an oasis of freedom and justice. I have a dream that my four children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. I have a dream today. I have a dream that one day the state of Alabama, whose governor's lips are presently dripping with the words of interposition and nullification, will be transformed into a situation where little black boys and black girls will be able to join hands with little white boys and white girls and walk together as sisters and brothers. I have a dream today. I have a dream that one day every valley shall be exalted, every hill and mountain shall be made low, the rough places will be made plain, and the crooked places will be made straight, and the glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together. This is our hope. This is the faith with which I return to the South. With this faith we will be able to hew out of the mountain of despair a stone of hope. With this faith we will be able to transform the jangling discords of our nation into a beautiful symphony of brotherhood. With this faith we will be able to work together, to pray together, to struggle together, to go to jail together, to stand up for freedom together, knowing that we will be free one day. This will be the day when all of God's children will be able to sing with a new meaning, "My country, 'tis of thee, sweet land of liberty, of thee I sing. Land where my fathers died, land of the pilgrim's pride, from every mountainside, let freedom ring." And if America is to be a great nation, this must become true. So let freedom ring from the prodigious hilltops of New Hampshire. Let freedom ring from the mighty mountains of New York. Let freedom ring from the heightening Alleghenies of Pennsylvania! Let freedom ring from the snowcapped Rockies of Colorado! Let freedom ring from the curvaceous peaks of California! But not only that; let freedom ring from Stone Mountain of Georgia! Let freedom ring from Lookout Mountain of Tennessee! Let freedom ring from every hill and every molehill of Mississippi. From every mountainside, let freedom ring. When we let freedom ring, when we let it ring from every village and every hamlet, from every state and every city, we will be able to speed up that day when all of God's children, black men and white men, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics, will be able to join hands and sing in the words of the old Negro spiritual, "Free at last! free at last! thank God Almighty, we are free at last!"
The History of Martin Luther King Day Who originated the idea of a national holiday in honor of MLK? by Shmuel Ross and David Johnson Martin Luther King Day is a federal holiday observed on the third Monday in January. In 2007, it falls on King's birthday, Jan. 15. Glimpses of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. It took 15 years to create the federal Martin Luther King, Jr., holiday. Congressman John Conyers, Democrat from Michigan, first introduced legislation for a commemorative holiday four days after King was assassinated in 1968. After the bill became stalled, petitions endorsing the holiday containing six million names were submitted to Congress. Conyers and Rep. Shirley Chisholm, Democrat of New York, resubmitted King holiday legislation each subsequent legislative session. Public pressure for the holiday mounted during the 1982 and 1983 civil rights marches in Washington. Congress passed the holiday legislation in 1983, which was then signed into law by President Ronald Reagan. A compromise moving the holiday from Jan. 15, King's birthday, which was considered too close to Christmas and New Year's, to the third Monday in January helped overcome opposition to the law. National Consensus on the Holiday A number of states resisted celebrating the holiday. Some opponents said King did not deserve his own holiday—contending that the entire civil rights movement rather than one individual, however instrumental, should be honored. Several southern states include celebrations for various Confederate generals on that day. Arizona voters approved the holiday in 1992 after a tourist boycott. In 1999, New Hampshire changed the name of Civil Rights Day to Martin Luther King, Jr., Day.


L--Live your life to the fullest. Never take anything that was given to you forgranted. Life is very special and we need to appreciate and accept the people and things that are in it. Be honest with yourself and live your life for you. O--Own up to all responsibilities and mistakes in your life. Never try to hide anything from the people who love you. Owning up to all of life' up and downs will make or break your life. Owning up to yourself is the very most important part of your life, you need to be happy with yourself in order to make others happy around you. V--Vow to cherish your life and other people and things in it. Never be afraid to express your feelings and bare your soul to anyone. Take that step forward and set your goals in life. Follow and acheive your goals and never be afraid to step forward and be who you are. E--Enjoy life to the fullest. Don't hold back any feelings or emotions. Be who you are and enjoy yourself in life, as this will help you to enjoy others that enter your life. Life can deal some hard hands for us to bare, but set yourset strong and enjoy it as much as possible, as that hand will ease after awhile and life will continue. Love is a part of all of us, and we all need to take a step back and look at ourself and our lives long and hard. Take the time to let your heart open up and feel the things in life. Let love work its magic and send surprises your way. Just in life never try to be who you are not. Be honest with yourself and others around you and love will lead its way through your life.. Sometimes in life letting your heart lead the way will find you true happiness.

Prejudice verses Racisim!!

Our connection to the Earth, each other, and future generations is central in understanding many of the problems we and the earth are facing. Facing Our Future: from denial to environmental action, Jim Cole Facing Our Future Together: a Trainer's Guide, David McMurray One Illness, Many Symptoms: Prejudices and Environmental Denial Might our difficulty with accepting diversity and our failure to respond to threatening environmental crises be related? The problem seems to be rooted in our definition of who we are in this universe. Are we a generation of people with a common language, here only for ourselves, to compete with each other and all other people and life forms for domination of this space and time? Or are we organisms that are deeply rooted in this ever-growing web of life that has been unfolding from the beginning of time? Do we dominate and exploit all those we find an advantage over, or do we accept and cherish all life forms, knowing that we are inseparable parts of this web of life? It seems to me that to understand our situation we need to spend more time looking at who we are and how we have come to be here. We are each the product of only a few thousand years of cultural development. On North America, most of us have had only a couple hundred years of cultural history. Yet we seem to see ourselves as unrelated to those who brought us to be and gave us all that we have historically, physically and genetically. As I sit here at my computer writing, I am aware that the alphabet I am using was first developed by people in the eastern Mediterranean and that writing on paper was developed first in Northern Africa. In fact, everything that I use was developed by people, and most of the people are unknown to me and spoke languages which are also unknown to me. For their efforts and thoughtfulness, we are deeply indebted. The question now becomes, what will we do with the knowledge and resulting power that all those generations of humans left to us, and what will we leave for those who will follow us? One could take a different direction and not look at the inventions and ideas of other people in other times, but simply look at the things we use or own and realize that we are the most interdependent species the world has ever known. People in almost every part of the world contribute to the quality of my daily life with labor and products. How can I sit here, in North America, drinking my coffee from the tropics, wearing clothes from around the world, and deny our interdependence? We humans are deeply related and mutually supportive. Even with dozens of wars going on today we are working in highly interdependent ways. Many of these interdependent human processes receive little notice until something critical happens, like a nation deciding to withhold the oil under the land they live on. For the most part, we are highly interdependent and our interdependence does not get much attention. It seems that as our cultures have changed and evolved, those very changes have obscured our interdependence. Just as the changes have increased our reliance upon each other, these same changes have encouraged many of us to emotionally retreat to a more simple time. Perhaps the very speed with which life is changing creates anxiety that we reduce by limiting our acceptance and recognition of others. For a moment, let us examine the speed of change that we are all experiencing. My generation is the first generation to see the world population double. The amount of information that was accumulated between biblical days and the Renaissance (about 1500 years), is now being accumulated every five and a half to six years. It is impossible to keep up with the changes, and yet we need to have some sense of security and direction in this rapidly changing world. Humans now possess the power to destroy life as we know it on the earth, and have been threatening to do this to each other for nearly fifty years. Could it be that with so much happening, we simply deny much of what is not familiar and not comfortable? We know that people on a busy city street are less likely to respond to a person in distress than are people on a quiet street in a small community. Could it be that many of us are overloaded and thus turning off our concern for other humans and the environment? Have we lost touch with our connections and our shared roots with other people and life forms on the earth? It seems important now that we ask ourselves who we are and to whom we are related. "Who is like me?" and "Who is different than I am?" are major questions in knowing ourselves. Are those who are different from us a threat if they are too close in proximity or similarity? Are they less of a threat if they are more different and more distant? The questions become, "With whom do we identify? With whom do we feel threatened?" Some of us say that we will accept almost anyone as long as they are clean, yet the standards of cleanliness that we set today were unheard of by those relatively poor, relatively filthy guys who founded this nation. Some of us will accept almost anyone who is an American, yet most people have never had the choice to become Americans and most of us who are Americans did not become Americans by choice. A few blocks from my home there lives a group of individuals who speak a different language from mine. They are similar in many ways to myself, and most of their genetic makeup (98 to 99%) is like mine, but they look different than I do. Some of the people in my culture have the ability to use the language this small group speaks, and they talk with these individuals every day. It seems that the more they talk with these individuals the more they realize our similarities. These individuals are the chimpanzees who live on the campus of Central Washington University, and they all speak American Sign Language. These chimpanzees are never, to my knowledge, seen as a threat to our community by anyone. This could be because they are locked up, and it could be because they look so different from us. It is interesting to know that while they may seem like no threat to us and they seem to accept people pretty well, their differences may be what protects our identity and allows us to be more accepting of them. This lack of similarity in appearance is a very interesting issue. One of the elder chimpanzees of this group once visited a group of chimpanzees in another state, and when she saw them she remarked to the person with her in American Sign Language, "They are black bugs." It seems that there are three subspecies or "races" of chimpanzees and the other "races" were not acceptable to her. It sounds familiar, doesn’t it? To provide another perspective, it seems helpful to examine those who have been judged as being more emotionally stable and more effective in dealing with life than most of us. Four prestigious psychologists independently studied the most healthy personalities and developed descriptions of these highly functioning people. What these psychologists discovered that has importance here is that those who function most effectively within their own lives identify themselves as being connected to and identified with a wide proportion of humanity. They do not identify themselves as separate from others but as connected to others. They see themselves as being with others, not in opposition to others. Perhaps as we learn more about our ecological system, we will also learn that the healthiest people among us also identify with the other life forms that support us all. It seems that as life has been changing more and more rapidly, we have lost sight of all those who have made our lives so extremely comfortable. At the same time, and perhaps more importantly, we seem to have lost sight of those who have provided for us in many ways and those who will follow us. It seems that we draw dividing lines within this family of humans and other life forms and say that we identify with only a portion of life. The lines that we draw to separate ourselves and protect ourselves from other people actually reduce who we are within humanity. We can go on debating what is happening to the environment and our society for a long time, but one serious loss has occurred already. It is the loss of hope for the future by many young people. On October 22, 1992, the local newspaper carried an article entitled "Students’ View of Future Gloomy, Indeed." The article by C. R. Roberts of the McClatchy News Service was an informal report of students’ responses to questions over a ten-year period. Roberts wrote, ". . . I gauge the students of 1992 to be the most pessimistic of any group I’ve sampled." When asked to complete the sentence "America 20 years from now, in the year 2012 will be . . ." the students responded with the following: Destroyed; Overpopulated; Run by computers; No trees; Bad water from pollution; Lots of drugs; Destroyed; Destroyed; Disease and gangs will take over and there won’t be an America; Overthrown by giant lizards from Tahiti; Ruined; Messed-up; In a deep depression caused by the 1980’s; America in the year 2012 will be non-existent; It will have divided into oligarchical states; Dirty; An anarchy; Overpopulated; A land of used-to-bes and have-beens; A mess; A hell hole; Hell on earth. C. R. Roberts did not believe the results, so he took more samples in a different city when the weather was better, and got the same sort of responses. America will be gone; Overpopulated; Overthrown by a country with equal power; Very little food; Destroyed; Obliterated; In ruins; Run by corrupt and stupid politicians; Taken over by the rich and powerful foreigners; An economic cesspool. Mr. Roberts concluded, "If there’s any truth to what I’ve been reading from these kids, we’re in a lot more trouble than I thought. . . . It’s been a long time since I so deeply hoped I was wrong." The local high school environmental club recently did a survey of student opinions and discovered that the overwhelming majority of students believe that the long term prospects for the economy are very bad, that the environment is being degraded, that the adults are not responding strongly enough, and that people’s respect for law and order is on a long decline. These are powerful and depressing opinions and it seems important to see how these commonly held views among young people fit into their actions and the world around them. As a psychologist I facilitate a group for people who have lost loved ones, usually family members, to suicide. The adjustment to this traumatic event is a challenge to even the most well-adjusted individuals. A fundamental change has happened in the composition of this group and many similar groups across the nation. The majority of the members of this group are no longer people who have lost a parent or a spouse who was elderly and ill. The majority of these people have lost an adolescent child or grandchild to suicide. It has often been said that we are not supposed to bury our children, but it is happening at an increased rate all over this nation, and it is but one symptom of this major problem. Adolescent suicides have gone up 300% and violence among the youth has been climbing for a number of years. Young people reflect who we are so honestly and also seem to reflect what the future will be, so understanding the world as they see it seems critical. In a Louis Harris poll, students were asked if they had "seen or heard racial incidents with overtones of violence" and 21% responded, "Very often," and 36% responded, "Once in a while." In a WICHE poll, students were asked what they might do if they were to discover a racial incident in progress. The survey found that 30% would participate in the racial incident and 17% would silently support the actions. Looking at youth specifically, we find that young people are not able to deny problems as effectively as adults. With their more concrete logic and their feelings of vulnerability, many of today’s youth are self-medicating with avoidance in many forms. Whether it is the overuse of video games, the use of drugs, fantasy games, or the over-involvement in sports, many youth are submersing themselves in distractions to avoid issues that are of real concern. They are avoiding these issues because of feelings of hopelessness, helplessness and frustration. The avoidance of these worrisome issues is not likely the specific cause of any adolescent suicide. However, these issues are an integral part of the background and the context where each of these life-ending decisions has been made . It seems that those with the most fundamental perspective are often the least heard. When the Titanic began to sink, the first people to feel the effects of the impending emergency were those in the third-class section of the ship. Even as the water began to rise, these people were not allowed onto the upper decks. The situation on the Titanic is not unlike what we are facing globally today. Those with the least power have the greatest information, the most immediate risk, and the fewest resources for relief. We seem to have reached a very interesting time in the history of our species. Many of us identify who we are by what we own. We identify with things that are not alive, instead of identifying with each other or the living systems that sustain us. This is a very significant turn of events when we consider that all the major world religions warn against a drive for wealth. If we look at this issue of wealth more closely and how it impacts us, we find that as wealth increases, a concern for other people decreases. As it happens, the poor are more often people of color and so this process supports the racism that most of us have learned as children. Wealthy people tend to give proportionately less money to those in need, and wealthy people tend to be less concerned with the pending environmental problems. Louis Harris and Associates did a survey of attitudes toward environmental issues on four continents and in 16 nations. They found that as wealth increased, people were less concerned with the issues of the environment. So, like the Titanic, those with the most critical information are the least heard. This issue of disproportionate environmental impact was identified in this nation in 1987 by the report entitled "Toxic Wastes and Race in the United States," and the problem has simply grown in the years since that report was published. In 1980, the concentration of people of color living in ZIP codes with commercial hazardous waste facilities was 25 %; by 1993, the percentage of those living in a ZIP code with a hazardous waste facility had risen to almost 31%. People of color are 47% more likely to live near a commercial hazardous waste facility than are white people. If we look elsewhere for the effects of prejudice on health we find more factors than one can list. The intensive advertising of alcoholic beverages in communities of color has been well publicized. The exposure to lead and levels of lead in the blood are nearly twice as high for children of color than for white children across all income levels. When we look at the high rate of hypertension among blacks in the United States we find some interesting facts. They are unlike the blacks in Africa, who have a very low rate of hypertension. This leads one to the same conclusion that James Sheeve reaches when he suggests, "The difference in life expectancy is more likely the function of racism than race." Our youth and the poor people of this world are concerned and far more involved in these issues than are those with wealth and more age. At the same time, the leaders of our nations seem to be the least concerned. This was reported both by the Harris study in 16 nations and by a local survey of high school students, where a full 95% of the students think that our nation’s leaders are motivated by profit, not by doing the right thing for those they govern. This is especially disturbing because these are young people who live in a small, mostly middle-class, rural agricultural community in the Northwest. These are not children of an inner city with major crime problems or significant industrial pollution. We have reached a time when the youth and the poor of the world are the most concerned and also feel the least empowered. This state of events leads many to act out of feelings of frustration, helplessness and hopelessness. What the youth and the poor do out of feelings of frustration and powerlessness seems to confirm the prejudices of the wealthy and the more mature. Thus, we become more divided. With this great division of opinion about what is happening to our societies and our home planet it might be helpful to hear some expert opinions. On November 18, 1992, the world leaders and the media were presented with an unprecedented warning. Over 1,500 of the world’s leading scientists, including the majority of the living Nobel laureates and prominent scientists from 71 countries, issued the "World Scientists’ Warning to Humanity." They warned among other things that . . . ". . . Human activities inflict harsh and often irreversible damage on the environment and on critical resources. If not checked, many of our current practices put at serious risk the future that we wish for human society and the plant and animal kingdoms, and may so alter the living world that it will be unable to sustain life in the manner that we know. Fundamental changes are urgent if we are to avoid the collision our present course will bring about." This warning by the majority of those with Nobel prizes in science was largely denied by both the public and the media. Time Magazine, along with Newsweek and many other news sources, totally ignored this warning. Newsweek even published a cover story three days later as a distracter. The story entitled "Doomsday Science" discussed the possibility of a comet hitting the earth. It then gave attention to one unnamed astronomer who calculated that we have a 1 in 10,000 chance of being hit by the comet Swift Tuttle in the year 2126. It is an amazing news process that ignores the direct warning of 104 Nobel laureates and instead publishes a cover story on an unnamed astronomer who calculates that we have a small risk of being hit in 134 years by a comet. (The story appeared to be much less urgent in more scientific publications.) In the "World Scientists’ Warning to Humanity" the scientists agreed upon five major things that we, the people of the world, need to do in order to avoid "vast human misery." 1) We must bring environmentally damaging activities under control to restore and protect the integrity of the earth’s systems we depend on. 2) We must manage resources crucial to human welfare more effectively. 3) We must stabilize population. This will be possible only if all nations recognize that it requires improved social and economic conditions, and the adoption of effective, voluntary family planning. 4) We must reduce and eventually eliminate poverty. 5) We must ensure sexual equality, and guarantee women control over their own reproductive decisions. As I understand it, number three, four and five are all highly related to reducing prejudice in the world and these comprise the majority of those things which "we must do. . ." according to the leading scientists in the world. These issues also seem to be the same issues which concern the poor and the youth of this world. During the same time that the "World Scientists’ Warning to Humanity" was being published the American Medical Association was publishing an international study on depression. The study showed that major depression is increasing globally. While the frequency of depression varies between different sites, all locations in this international study showed dramatic increases in the diagnosis of major depression. Conclusion To deny other people seems to change who we are and we become less humane. It seems that the more we convinced other nations that we could bomb them into the stone age, the more we convinced ourselves that we are disconnected from others and we became less humane. The more we seem to devalue other people, the more we lose respect for ourselves. It seems that we continue to discover lines which will let us divide humanity and with each division we suffer a loss. Sometimes we act as if color defines us, and we are each so much more than skin pigmentation. Sometimes we act as if wealth defines us and we forget that each of us has what we have because others have provided for us. Sometimes we define ourselves as educated, and we lose sight of how many other people have supported us, and taught us, and of how very little each of us has discovered on our own that is new or original. Sometimes we define ourselves by the sex of those we find sexually attractive, yet sex is actually something that most of us spend relatively little time doing. Sometimes we define ourselves by our cultures, and we forget that we did not create nor even select our own culture. If we are truly committed to fairness, then we will never be able to fairly judge our own culture in relationship to another culture because we will never have equal experience with another culture. It would seem that equal experiences would be required within each culture if we were going to fairly judge another culture. It would also be important that we not learn one culture at an earlier time in life than the other, if we were to judge them fairly. The interconnection of environmental issues and the issues of prejudice seems to be overwhelming. The evidence seems to be showing that these issues are really one issue, and that issue is one of defining ourselves. We seem to know that we each came from a common beginning in Northern Africa, and yet we overlook that beginning, even as that common beginning is supported by science and many religions. When we cut ourselves off from others and define ourselves by our differences, we lose some valuable perspective. When we see ourselves as being apart from other living things, we discover that they are part of what supports us and keeps this life system functioning. We cannot define who we are without being part of a system. We could no more do this than we could define a tree and forget to include the tree’s roots and the soil that holds the tree and provides the nutrition for the tree. We cannot truly define who we are without the roots that support us. Yes, we can move about and survive without being constantly and directly nurtured by other life forms, but if we leave this web of life and go into space, we must take with us what other life forms have produced to nurture us. Our survival outside this web of life is similar to how human tissue can survive outside our bodies; we are no more dependent upon the life forms around us than human tissue is dependent upon the total body. It seems easy for us to lose the knowledge of who we really are in this system. Yet, the definition of who we are defines what we each do and how we see those around us. This definition of how we see ourselves will determine what will happen to humanity and this earth that supports our life. References Berry, Thomas, The Dream of the Earth, Sierra Club, 1988 Cole, Jim, Facing Our Future: From Denial to Environmental Action, Growing Images, 1992 Combs, Arthur W., Editor, Perceiving, Behaving, Becoming, Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development Combs, Arthur W., and Snygg, Donald, Individual Behavior, Harper & Row, 1959 Cross-National Collaborative Group, "The Changing Rate of Major Depression: Cross-National Comparisons," Journal of American Medical Association, JAMA, December 2, 1992, Vol 268, No. 21, Pages 3098 to 3105 Greenwald, David S. & Zeitlin, Steven J., No Reason to Talk About It: Families Confront the Nuclear Taboo, Norton, 1987 Keen, Sam, Faces of The Enemy: Reflections of The Hostile Imagination, Harper & Row Macy, Joanna, Despair and Personal Power in the Nuclear Age, New Society, 1983 Maslow, Abraham H., Toward A Psychology of Being, Van Nostrand, Rev. ed. 1968 McMurray, David, Facing Our Future Together: A Trainer’s Guide, Growing Images, 1993 Doctor, R. M., Doctor, C. B., Dorsey, D., Torchis, M. and Jenkins, C., "Freeing College Students From Hoplessness: Preliminary Results," The Peace Psychology Bulletin, October 1992, page 23-25 Roberts, C. R. "Students’ View of Future Gloomy, Indeed." The Daily Record and McClatchy News Service, October 22, 1992 Rogers, Carl R., On Becoming a Person, Hughton Mifflin, 1961 Shreeve, James, "Terms of Estrangement," Discover: The World of Science, November, 1994, Vol. 15, No. 11, 57-63 United State Environmental Protection Agency, "Environmental Equity: Reducing Risk For All Communities," Vol.2 Supporting Document, Policy, Planning, and Evaluation (PM-221) EPA230-R-92-008A, June 1992 Walsh, Roger, Staying Alive: The Psychology of Human Survival, New Science Library, 1984 World Scientist Warning To Humanity, available from the Union of Concerned Scientists, 1616 P Street NW Suite 310, Washington DC 20036, (202) 332-0900 This document is not copyrighted. One copy of this document is included with these training materials. Additional copies may be ordered from the Union of Concerned Scientists for approximately six cents each when ordered in quantities. Public and Leadership Attitudes to The Environment in Four Continents: A Report of a Survey in 16 Countries, Conducted for: The United Nations Environment Programme, Developed by and Available from Louis Harris and Associates, Inc., 630 Fifth Ave. New York, N.Y. 10111, (212) 698-9600

The road to Tyranny

The State Thrives On Hate, Genocide and Racism Steve Watson | November 02 2005 Dr. Kamau Kambon. a Raleigh, N.C., activist, book store owner, and former professor at North Carolina State University recently advocated the "extermination of white people" while speaking at a Pro-black Media Forum at Howard Law School, in an event that was covered in its entirety by C-SPAN. The so called Doctor commented that whites have an "international plantation" for blacks, making "every white person on earth a plantation master." He continued, "You're either supporting white people in their process of death, or you're for African liberation." Brit Hume reported for Fox that Kambon stated to the audience that white people "’have retina scans, they have what they call racial profiling, DNA banks and they're monitoring our people to try to prevent the one person from coming up with the one idea. "’And the one idea is, how we are going to exterminate white people because that, in my estimation, is the only conclusion I have come to. We have to exterminate white people off the face of the planet to solve this problem. White people want to kill us... they want to kill you because that is part of their plan.’" How is it that such racist hate can be broadcast in its entirety on a national television channel and no one batters an eyelid? This is one example of how a so called "hate crimes" bill will be of no use to anyone other than the government overlords who choose when and where and who to use it against. You cannot selectively enforce a hate law, nor can you take down everyone who says something that someone somewhere may consider offensive. Either way any sort of legislation would be a hammer blow to the First Amendment and to free speech as a whole. The federal government argues that there is a need for such extreme legislation because there is currently an "epidemic of hate" against people of "differing" race, religion. Gender, sexual orientation, etc. Yet they do not seem to care when Dr Kambon goes on live television and broadcasts an entire diatribe about exterminating every white person on the face of the planet. Yet one might argue that Dr Kambon may not be under threat from the hate crimes bill. Should an overarching definition of "hate crime" be determined by an ADL/federal definition that 'hate' equals bias against federally-protected groups, then such groups that claim to be defending their heritage may fall into that category. The bill states that a "hate crime" would be defined by actual or perceived religion, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, or disability. It's hard to imagine but Dr Kambon could very well argue that he is speaking in defence of his heritage. We have highlighted recently that the MECHA, motto is, “Everything for the race, for those outside the race nothing,” and La Raza, means “The Race” in Spanish. These Mexican groups have overtly racist ideologies, yet they claim they are defending their national origin and the media does nothing to expose them for what they are. These groups that openly promote hatred but seem to get away with it because they "hate" those in the majority. At the root of this lies the fact that the cabal in control of government in the US profits from keeping us at each others throats. Whether it be over race, gender or sexual orientation, the powers that be have a long history of influencing the opinion of the country towards division and seclusion. If they were to introduce a hate crimes bill they would undoubtedly use it not to encourage diversity and tolerance of other cultures, but to highlight and heighten social degradation, racial tension and cultural division. That is how they perform best in controlling the people, divide and conquer. So who is the real villain here? Is it Dr Kambon with his avocation of race based genocide? Is it the federal Government, lying to us about "hate epidemics" and pushing a bill directly in violation of the US constitution? Or is it the mainstream media for selectively choosing what does and does not constitute hate, falling firmly on the side of whatever is politically correct no matter how mindless it may be? The answer may be all three but one thing above all is clear, we are the ones talking common sense here, not the academics, not the government, not the mainstream media. We are the ones having to fight tooth and nail to protect our freedoms and our hard earned rights. That has always been the case and we have to make sure it always will be.


Racism is commonly defined as a belief or doctrine where inherent biological differences among the various human races determine cultural or individual achievement, with a corollary that one's own race is superior and has the right to rule others.[1] The term racism is sometimes used to refer to preference for one's own ethnic group (ethnocentrism),[2] fear of foreigners (xenophobia), views or preferences against interbreeding of the races (miscegenation),[3] and nationalism,[4] regardless of any explicit belief in superiority or inferiority embedded within such views or preferences. Racism has been used in attempts to justify social discrimination, racial segregation and violence, including genocide. The term racist, when used to describe someone who supports racism, has been a pejorative term since at least the 1940s, and the identification of a group or person as racist is nearly always controversial.
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