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oral sex

I'm posting Reno's guide to giving woman oral sex... I've been told by many a female that I give the best head they've ever received...This has come from women who are bisexual...as well...which is quite a nice ego stroke...I'm not trying to gloat...I'm just saying I've done my research and have applied many series of trial and error to try and get better and better at my favorite activity: Giving oral sex to a Woman... I've read many books...listened and read interviews on the subject...watched lots of porn...and of course...did my own tests and asked my own questions from several people...I've compiled...I think...a pretty good knowledge base on the subject...and now I want to share it here in the hopes that others may give good head also... I'm going to just start from the beginning and then just walk through how I would give a woman head... Ok...first things first...and some of these tips might sound obvious to some...but maybe not to others...Don't dive right in to her pussy...Work your way there...Be patient! Kiss her...move down to her neck...her chest...lick and nibble on her stomach as well...Actually...before I give a woman head...I like to give her a massage...Have her lie on her stomach and then go to work on her back...mostly rubbing her lightly (you can use a bit more pressure in the lower back...using your thumbs to press down)...Try to stay symmetrical when you rub her back...whatever you do on the left...do on the right at the same time...and avoid pushing down directly on her spine...this can hurt and cause more discomfort than pleasure...if you DON'T know how to give a massage or don't feel comfortable doing it...just trace your fingers up and down her spine gently...touching her skin...rub her arms...her hands...her fingers...Oh!...and lick her back...Start at the very top of her ass and do one long lick from the base of her spine all the way up to the back of her neck...this drives her crazy and gets her all excited "down there" which is what is the purpose of this whole back-rubbing exercise...You're trying to relax her a bit...Once she's relaxed...that's when she can maximize her pleasure... Now...my favorite part of the massage... Start rubbing her ass...This is SO much fun...Just gently trace your fingers over her ass...grab it...squeeze it...kiss it...lick it...more on the cheeks...don't stick your tongue in her ass crack...some woman like it...but some woman definitely don't...Save that for when you get into a more committed or sexually adventurous relationship with a female... For now...just stick to the cheeks...Take your time here with that ass...let her think "God...when is he ever going to get to my pussy?"...Also... spend some time on that crevasse where her ass meets her thigh (Aka..."the sweet spot)....Licking this area drives most women crazy too... You can rub her thighs too...Not too lightly on the back of the knees...because this will tickle her...you want to avoid tickling her at all during this time...because that will make her tense up...and you want to be doing everything in your power to relax her right now...If you have massage oil for all this rubbing...that's a plus...My favorite is lavender/vanilla oil and is really nice and relaxing...Palmer's cocoa butter works really well too and smells awesome... Now some women like having their feet rubbed...Others just don't...If you don't know...you can simply ask..."Do you want me to rub your feet?"...She'll tell you "please" or "no thanks"...and if not...you can skip them... If she says "Yes" however...Sit off to her side so you can bend up one of her legs by the knee so that her leg is bending at a 90 degree angle...here you can rub her feet with not a lot of pressure...but enough to where you're not tickling her...touching too lightly will tickle her...so you have to be careful..Once you have "The touch" down...you can work her feet...Here's a tip: the ankle of a women's foot is linked through nerves to the women's pleasure centers...so rubbing a women's ankles will get her horny...(Don't worry...at this point...she's going to be really fucking horny anyway...If you're doing this whole massage thing correctly)...I'm sure at this point...whoever the girl is...is not going to be used to getting so much attention from her guy and is going to really be enjoying herself...That's good...That's the point of this all...(and if you're one who likes to get his rocks off...if she's a good girl...She's going to show you the same attention and care that you're showing her later on)...Me...I just like to make my woman get off a strongly as possible... Once you finish with one of the feet...lay it down slowly and gently...her toes pointing out...so you don't stub them upwards...which is uncomfortable...and then grab the other foot and repeat.... Now you can move back up her legs and revisit her ass for a little bit...and then back up to her back and her shoulders...then you can gently lie down on her...pushing your body in to her ass a little bit...(But don't squish her or make her loose her breath)...Kiss her on the neck...Play with her hair a little bit...now...now...NOW...NOW...finally...you can turn her over on to her back... She'll probably be pretty eager to oblige at this point... Now you can gently massage her breasts...squeezing them...*gently* for God's sake...With a soft tongue...play with each of her nipples...Gently at first...then maybe nibbling a little bit...move your tongue in circles around her nipples...look up at her and smile...It's important that the chick know you're enjoying the hell out of this...When she knows you're getting off on getting her off...then she'll enjoy this even more... Once you've given the proper attention to her breasts...you can move down her stomach and down between her thighs...Lie on your stomach between her thighs so you're comfortable... Ideally...you're going to be there for awhile...now...don't get too excited...this is an art form... Remember...start on one of her thighs...just licking a bit...Lick lightly...tracing your tongue towards her pussy...then to the other side... Take some long licks on each side of her pussy...let her feel you exhale against her pussy...gently kiss it with your (wet) lips...Kiss it a couple times...(I should mention...you should shave your face against the grain before you go down on her...Stubble hurts her)...Kiss it again...rubbing your lips back and forth across her pussy... And the fun begins... Close your mouth on top of her pussy...You haven't stuck your tongue in there yet...have you?...Good...You shouldn't have done that yet...The point is to tease her to the point of bursting...and you're not going to get to her clit just yet...she's really going to be wanting you to...However...perhaps even moving her hips around...trying to get you too...but you must resist!...first things first... Put your mouth on her pussy and slowly...gently...use your tongue to part her pussy...and just slide it slowly inside of her...Pull it back out slowly and then in again...In essence...you're going to be tongue-fucking her pussy...But don't pound your face into her cunt...just slowly move it in and out...The "opening" of the vagina is one of the most sensitive areas...so even if your tongue is not going in super-far...It's getting the job done...at least for what you're wanting to accomplish right now...No...doing this isn't going to make her cum...but that's not the point...You're just warming her up... You should be able to tell by her breathing whether or not she's digging this so far...I can't stress how important it is to listen to the sounds that your partner is making...Breathing...Moans are all indicators as to how she's enjoying this...and...after awhile...when you're with the same person for a few times...you can really pick up on what these different noises mean...That's when it gets really fun...But for now...just use her sounds to the best of your ability...Just hope she's not completely quiet and not moving at all...Some women are like this...Even if they're enjoying it...All woman are different...Some woman actually don't like getting head...They think it's "kinda icky" or something...These are "sexual hang-ups"...that are usually stemmed from an insecurity or a displeasing experience from the past...In these cases...it gets much trickier...but for the purpose of this exercise...we'll work under the assumption that the woman in this case likes getting head... So...back to the action...You're tongue fucking her...She's lovin' it...She's wondering when you're going to massage her clit...(or if you're even going to)...If this is a first-time experience...she might even think..."Uhh...does he even know?"...Boy...is she going to be in for a nice surprise... Ok...After you've massaged her hole with your pleasant in/out tongue action...you can start moving your tongue up slightly...floating closer towards her clit...If you don't know where the clitoris is...you can feel it with your tongue...It's that little pearly-feeling mound of flesh near the top of her pussy...If you know where it is...then DON'T go for it right away...you're working up to it...Floating towards it... Now ease around it a little bit...Touch it lightly with your (WET!!) tongue...Teasing it...though...Make contact and then float back down.. .Maybe even tongue fuck her a little bit more...and then go back up...massage it with your tongue a little...then float back away... At this point...she's wet...she's excited...she's relaxed...She's YOURS... Make sure your tongue is wet and not tensed...but soft...Move your tongue along her clit...everything you do...do it slowly and with little pressure... Why do people always put so much pressure on the clit?...It's her most sensitive spot on her body...Just lightly stimulate it...Rub your tongue on it gently... A good thing to do starting off...is to just run your tongue in small circles around her clit...keep your tongue somewhat flat so that there's plenty of surface area from the tongue coming in contact with the clit at all times...Her breathing will change at this point...and you'll know what you're doing is working...Keep this motion going for awhile...Listen to her breathe...Every now and then she'll probably let out a moan...Let this happen a few times...After she's settled down a bit...change your tongue pattern...Another favorite of mine is to tilt my head a little bit and lick up and down with my tongue...lightly flicking her pussy...You can do this a bit faster...When you change your tonguing pattern...you'll probably hear some new moans or breathing...you should be able to tell if she's digging it or not... Suck her clit lightly...Don't suck too hard...That's not going to feel good...And don't suck for too long...Just every now and then...and then get back to tonguing in circles around her clit with a soft...wet tongue...Be sure to keep your tongue wet...so that you don't go 'Cat Tongue' on her... No one likes that... Another fun technique to do is to close your lips over her clit and then make the head motion like you're saying "No" back and forth...your lips and tongue brushing her clit...You can do this as fast or as slow as you want to do it... Now...you're going to kick things up a notch...You're going to work in some G-Spot stimulation into the equation...And this is what is going to send your woman over the stop...eventually... Now...you should've taken your time to get to this point...It's not unreasonable to just use your mouth for 10-15 minutes before adding your hand to the equation....But once you're ready to use your finger to stimulate her G-spot...here's how you do it... Just lubricate your middle finger with your mouth...You might be best off to get on your knees now...so that you can better work your fingers in her pussy...It's best to start with just one finger...though many women like two...Also...if you DO use two fingers...use your middle finger and your ring finger...These provide the best depth and width for most woman...I'm not sure how big a pussy you're working with down there...For your sake...though...I hope it's not bigger than two fingers... You should still be working her clit with your tongue as you gently move your finger down to her pussy opening....Just rub your finger on the outside...not pushing it in just yet...and when you do start pushing it in...just push in a little bit at a time...Don't just shove your finger in there...Just massage your finger inside as slow as you can...until it's about half-way in...Now...once it's inside...move it up...as if you're doing a "Come Here" motion with your finger...Do it gently...Feel around with the fleshy part of your finger...Can you feel that "marshmallow" type area on the inside of her pussy?...It's a little fleshy?...That's her G-spot..it does exist... Two things... 1) Woman need to get used to what it feels like to have their G-spot stimulated...(Lots of times they feel like they have to go to the bathroom at first...but this is normal...They need to learn that it's a normal sensation and to relax...and once that "urge to pee" feeling goes away...they can start to enjoy the pleasure from her G-spot)... 2) You need to learn how to find it and stimulate it...Once you DO find it..just pulse your finger in and out of her pussy...When you push it in...Push it in...But when you pull it out...try to bend it in such a way...that you hit her G-spot when you pull out....This takes practice...But it's well worth it....So start a rhythm with your finger while at the same time...you're continuing to work her clit...Circles work well (faster circles now)...Flicking her clit with your tongue (quickly) at this point is also nice... So you're finger-fucking her...working her G-spot...You've got a good consistent pattern going on her clit with your tongue...You still have a free hand...So try to rub your hand up and down her leg...her stomach...rub her foot...or reach up and tease and pinch her nipples while you're doing all this...Stimulating all these different parts of her body at once will send shivers up and down her body...If you want...with the hand you're using to stimulate her G-spot...you can use your pinky finger to slide down in to her ass-crack...Don't stick your finger in her asshole (unless she has told you she's in to anal)...but just keep your finger on her ass...AGAINST the opening of her asshole...because there are lots of nerve endings right there...Even if she's not in to anal...she'll still like this....Your finger is NOT inside her asshole...and she'll be happy.... So...you're working her G-spot...her clit...playing with her nipples...thighs...feet...You have your pinky down near her ass hole as well...You're doing a great job....If she hasn't come (several times) already...she has to be getting close...If she gets really quiet...don't take that as a sign that she's not enjoying it...lots of woman get really quiet right before they orgasm...They stop breathing...They stop moving...and this is exactly the time that you should keep doing what you're doing...Don't stop... If you want...start moving your finger in and out of her pussy faster...Move your tongue around her clit faster...Just keep at it...If you want her to come...pick an effective pattern and stick to it...Changing it around too often will eventually frustrate her when she's trying to come...because changing it around will make her lose her momentum... So is she going to cum?...Is she having an orgasm?...What to do now?...Well...for heaven's sake...whatever you do...don't take your mouth off her clit...no matter how much they thrash around...Keep doing what you're doing on her clit...keep doing what you're doing with your hand...Just move with them throughout her orgasm...and calm down your movements to match her sounds...If her moans start to decline...just slow down with them...Good oral is about synchronization between the people involved...You should be reading their signs and matching them accordingly... Sometimes giving head can get to be a real test of your physical endurance...Your tongue can get tired...Your jaw can get sore...Your arm can get tired too...Try to stop tonguing her every 20 to 30 minutes and bite down with your mouth...Open your mouth wide and then close and clench...Just to stretch...I've had women who take 1.5 to 2 hours to really cum *hard* from receiving oral sex...Not because they can't get off...but because they will get close and I will intentionally slow down so they can't come just yet...If you get good at timing when they are going to have an orgasm... you can prolong their experience...and when they finally DO come it will be really...really hard...and they will feel like they are levitating...and they will rave about you...make you give their friends head...and will beg for you to give them head on a steady basis *;0)~ Well...this really concludes my little guide to giving a woman head...I hope it helps...Be sure to try it out and drop me a line if it does *;0)~ If it doesn't...that's Ok...Just keep reading...researching...absorbing all you can about giving good head...Make it important to you...I know I have...
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