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My Coke Rewards

Ok I know it's long as hell but damn is it funny! ->Mrs. Robinson: then why do you still reply My Coke Re...: maybe if I gave to shits on what you really had to say I would actually listen ->Mrs. Robinson: maybe we need to just agree to disagree and find you a new psychologist My Coke Re...: no, if YOU hadn't said anything, we wouldnt be in this situation. ->Mrs. Robinson: well if you didn't get so angry and defensive in the first place we would be in this situation now would we My Coke Re...: I would have if you did make that rude comment, but again, that's your ammo, getting people pissed off & then trying to see what truly is wrong with them, when in most cases it absolutely nothing. ->Mrs. Robinson: you could have moved on yourself as well but you chose to be an angry fucker My Coke Re...: well if you didnt want my shoutout, you should have blocked them.......not my problem if you left it open.....again, all you had to say was nothing & I would have moved on, but if you want to get off being confrontational. be my guest.......your other "patients" will have to wait....rofl ->Mrs. Robinson: ok well if I wanted the link to your blog I WOULD HAVE ASKED FOR IT.... do you get the point of this yet My Coke Re...: and 3) if I wanted your opinion, I will ASK for it. My Coke Re...: 1) i didnt come to you to get my head examined 2) if you have done anything, you only made the situation worse. ->Mrs. Robinson: i think you came to me for a reason... you knew i could help you My Coke Re...: why would you treat someone that has nothing wrong with them? Must be a reverse psychology sort of thing... ->Mrs. Robinson: I have an open door policy and you came in so i have to treat you My Coke Re...: who says I was your patient anyways? ->Mrs. Robinson: yeah well i cater to my patients My Coke Re...: boy that totally sucks for you, working on Sunday ->Mrs. Robinson: i read perfectly fine My Coke Re...: why capitalize ASSUME? cause you dont read very well & well cause I can! ->Mrs. Robinson: we need to speed this up cuz I have another patient that will be here shortly ->Mrs. Robinson: why must you capitalize ass? do you have an ass fetish My Coke Re...: again, you shouldnt ASS-U-ME! ->Mrs. Robinson: well if you won't cooperate then I can't help you through this rough time in your life My Coke Re...: lets not & say we did. ->Mrs. Robinson: we've both been wronged today and that's ok.... but lets work thru it together My Coke Re...: again, go back & reread what I typed. im sure you can figure that out on your own.... ->Mrs. Robinson: what is your REAL problem then ->Mrs. Robinson: you're anger because i'm trying to help and you didn't ask for it My Coke Re...: i already told you why i was angry......but if your to fucked up to read.....well I guess that not really my problem then, is it. ->Mrs. Robinson: well it could be you're angry becuase maybe you're secretly gay and really need to come out of the closet and stop hiding the real you My Coke Re...: i bet you love to suck his big fat cock after he fucked you in the ass with it. My Coke Re...: lol what does htat have to do with anger......lol ->Mrs. Robinson: see you're obsessing over male genitalia My Coke Re...: does your husband like a blow a thick load all over your face? My Coke Re...: why do you think I want help....let alone need it? ->Mrs. Robinson: i can't help you if you won't open up about your past My Coke Re...: again, lets not & say we did. My Coke Re...: do you give him a handjob to get him nice & hard or does he he to do that on his own? ->Mrs. Robinson: i'm not assuming anything... i'm trying to get to the root of your anger My Coke Re...: you know you shouldnt ASS-U-ME! lol ->Mrs. Robinson: did that happen to you... are sexually frustrated becuase of bad childhood memories My Coke Re...: do you like it when your husband gives you a golden shower? My Coke Re...: well im sure you can tell me anyways..... ->Mrs. Robinson: i need you to concentrate... tell me about your childhood ->Mrs. Robinson: that's not the subject of our session My Coke Re...: so do you spit or swallow? My Coke Re...: I dont have a problem with my anger & I dont need some headshrinker wannabe to tell me otherwise....... ->Mrs. Robinson: yes you did see.... My Coke Re...: well im not here to type about my anger. My Coke Re...: i didnt admit to shit lady.....do you like to ride his thick hard cock fast or slow? ->Mrs. Robinson: let's try to keep this as a working relationship... I can't help you w/ your anger if all you ask about is sex ->Mrs. Robinson: so you admit you have anger issues then My Coke Re...: spit or swallow* ->Mrs. Robinson: i've never heard of sipt... is that new slang My Coke Re...: well im not here to type about my anger. I want to type about whether or not you sipt or swallow. ->Mrs. Robinson: i'm not here to help you fantasize i'm here to help with your anger My Coke Re...: lets not & say we did......you like riding his thick hard shaft? ->Mrs. Robinson: that's a bit personal... lets get back to the real subject... your anger My Coke Re...: whats your favorite postion? ->Mrs. Robinson: yeah... he's great in bed.. why you ask My Coke Re...: is he a good fuck? ->Mrs. Robinson: he's doing great...thanks for asking My Coke Re...: how's mr robinson? lol ->Mrs. Robinson: well you opened up the door to our conversation... you can close it any time you like My Coke Re...: what part of not wanting your opinion, didnt you understand? ->Mrs. Robinson: maybe a bath with lavender oils.. that always helps me to relax My Coke Re...: again if I wanted your opinion. id ask for it ->Mrs. Robinson: maybe you need to take some herbs... like some St Johns wart.. that should soothe you My Coke Re...: well you did the exact opposite. hope your happy ->Mrs. Robinson: i told ya i just want to make sure someone is happy today... you seemed like a good candidate My Coke Re...: whatever........you seem to be more interested in that than just going away. ->Mrs. Robinson: it's confrontational My Coke Re...: confritational* My Coke Re...: again all you had to say was nothing & i would have moved on, but AGAIN you want to be confatational. ->Mrs. Robinson: you learn quick My Coke Re...: you had a point??? ->Mrs. Robinson: if i wanted a link to your blog i would have asked for it ->Mrs. Robinson: and there is my point My Coke Re...: well again if i wanted your opinion, i would ask for it. ->Mrs. Robinson: you need to let things just roll off your back... i'm telling ya you'd be a happier person My Coke Re...: so??? who cares. ->Mrs. Robinson: see now we're getting off the subject of happiness My Coke Re...: and frankly if i wanted your opinion about happiness. I will certainly ask for it My Coke Re...: im not upset that you didnt want to read it, im upset with the rotten attitude you had to say about it....... ->Mrs. Robinson: you shouldn't get upset if someone doesn't wanna read you blog.. being happy makes you live longer My Coke Re...: well if dumbfuck wouldn't upset me, i wouldnt be this way......and maybe if you took 5 seconds to read my blog, you would know i drink pepsi.... ->Mrs. Robinson: you should really drink Pepsi... It's much better than Coke ->Mrs. Robinson: i care becuase you shouldn't be such an angry person My Coke Re...: why do you fucking care? ->Mrs. Robinson: maybe you need some sunshine in your life.. is it cloudy out by you My Coke Re...: talking typing, whatever ->Mrs. Robinson: I'm not really talking... I'm typing My Coke Re...: chit chat with someone who gives a flying fuck lady. My Coke Re...: winds calming down? you decided to stop talking? ll ->Mrs. Robinson: aww now my attitude isn't miserable I'm just trying to chit chat now that you got the name calling out of your system My Coke Re...: ask me if I care My Coke Re...: miserable, kinda like your attitude ->Mrs. Robinson: it's been a bit windy here but it's calming down ->Mrs. Robinson: I don't have much else to do either... so how's the weather? My Coke Re...: well im telling you, if you dont like it deal with it or block me......the thing is, all you had to say was nothing & I probably would have moved on, but it seems that you like to be confratational, so you go at it cunt, I've got all day to do this.....ROFL ->Mrs. Robinson: i am dealing with it by telling you not to put shitty links in my shoutbox My Coke Re...: Then you should have nothing to bitch about then.....you dont like with wha ti have to tell you, deal with it.... ->Mrs. Robinson: I don't block people... I let them block me My Coke Re...: sure thing bitch, why dont you just do us both a favor & just block me instead of being a little cunt. ->Mrs. Robinson: no this is just good blog material for me... hey I'll lnk ya when I'm done writing about you My Coke Re...: well your something other than bitch, but I wanted to be nice......you seem to be awfully interested in me if you keep replying back. lol ->Mrs. Robinson: awww why am i the bitch My Coke Re...: If you read or dont read it, i could care less, just getting the word out......The only on e being pissy is you....you dont like it, dont read it. Later bitch! ->Mrs. Robinson: well if you didn't care then why send the link... obviously you care that people read your blog My Coke Re...: I dont care what you do bitch. ->Mrs. Robinson: oh that was so original.. don't be all pissy cuz I didn't want to read your blog My Coke Re...: You got a better chance of you benidn over & me fucking you up the ass. ->Mrs. Robinson: well then maybe start a real conversation before throwing links out there My Coke Re...: It's called a blog....get over yourself! Later bitch! ->Mrs. Robinson: fuck you ! you assaulted my shoutbox with whatever crap that is My Coke Re...: Crap? Fuck you! ->Mrs. Robinson: don't send me that crap My Coke Re...: fubar.com... My Coke Rewards

@ fubar


Hmmm he blocked me?!?! What a douche! He rated me a bunch of 1s and then turned into a pussy when I confronted him. LOL slim: stfu nazi ->Mrs. Robinson: what's with all the 1s ->Mrs. Robinson: thanks for the points http://fubar.com/user/1214863
He decided to come back for more.... ->Mrs. Robin...: well maybe EVERYONE doesn't want you to call them that. have some fucking respect Crazy_Sexy...: who the fuck is hitting on, I say that to everyone. So I dont know where u get ur facts from ->Mrs. Robin...: so you think it's ok to just hit on random women on the net when you know NOTHING about them. if you would have read my profile you would have seen that I was married and wouldn't have wasted yours and my time. Crazy_Sexy...: by complanning over honey as u call it ->Mrs. Robin...: please tell me how I started this. I'd really like to know Crazy_Sexy...: U started shit bitch, get a life ->Mrs. Robin...: u need to fuck off becuase you came to me with shit i didn't seek you out Crazy_Sexy...: Then fuck off u bitch ->Mrs. Robin...: is that all you got. man that was weak. now if you don't mind i've got more important things to do than argue with a child Crazy_Sexy...: as u say hunny ->Mrs. Robin...: dear i was a bitch from the start because you decided it was ok to call me "hunny" Crazy_Sexy...: so u say, when the proof came my way when u started being a bitch ->Mrs. Robin...: i didn't send anyone your way. like i told you I handle my own business. and what the hell does all guys of tramp mean Crazy_Sexy...: no, u have many, u sent them my way to talk shit. All guys of tramp ->Mrs. Robin...: i only have one husband you cock bite. man you really are stupid Crazy_Sexy...: which one bitch ->Mrs. Robin...: and that's a bad thing? my husband enjoys it Crazy_Sexy...: u also know how to suck a dick ->Mrs. Robin...: um no because I don't spell bees as beez and I don't use ur I use you're. I know proper english Crazy_Sexy...: ur just pissed, cause I got u on the spelling error when u keep telling me I cant spell slut ->Mrs. Robin...: wow that was a big word for you did you have to look it up Crazy_Sexy...: I just said u didn't u spelled hunny useing the wrong termonolgy ->Mrs. Robin...: i'm a tramp beacuse I know how to spell properly Crazy_Sexy...: k bitch, it hunny, ur spelling the honey that beez use. Ur such a tramp ->Mrs. Robin...: you're the fucking child that got all bent cuz i didn't want you calling me "honey". grow the fuck up i'm sure there are other girls out there that will put up with your childish bullshit. quit wasting your time here cuz what you have to say doesn't affect me Crazy_Sexy...: tell that to the people u complained to like a child ->Mrs. Robin...: i take care of my own business. I don't need any man to fight my battles Crazy_Sexy...: ur bitch ass guys ur complaining too. so typical of a grl ->Mrs. Robin...: what guys??? Crazy_Sexy...: bitch, u just w hoe, look at all those guys messaging me. How many time did u fuck them ->Mrs. Robin...: I guess you have seen my pictues huh? I fight for your freedoms cock sucker Crazy_Sexy...: When u started hooking and think that makes more money then a real job ->Mrs. Robin...: i'm sorry but when did this become about money Crazy_Sexy...: bitch, I make more money then u. So go fuck a dog ->Mrs. Robin...: go back to school and learn to spell if you're gonna harass me Crazy_Sexy...: N, I will finish it bitch ->Mrs. Robin...: you wrote me first dear Crazy_Sexy...: stop being such a slut and move on to a guy that cares ->Mrs. Robin...: wow you're really angry. i guess i've accomplished my goal today Crazy_Sexy...: stop fucking messaging me u slut, n go fuck those many guys 4 more times, and get that dick out of ur ass ->Mrs. Robin...: i really don't care where you were go the fuck away Crazy_Sexy...: I was at the vet, if an whore can talkl shit, u can suck my dick bitch ->Mrs. Robin...: oh jesus you're back. get a damn life Crazy_Sexy...: No, I am just glad u admit it whore


->Mrs. Robin...: I never said I wasn't a bitch... I'm proud to be a bitch. Shit sometimes I'm even a cunt so anything you have to say doesn't affect me like you want it too Crazy_Sexy...: well, u just addmited ur a bitch, move on to the next bitch, which in terms is u were the first bitch. I couldn't have said it better myself. good job ->Mrs. Robin...: look i don't have time for little boys like you. Go rate me a 1 like the immature fuck you are and move on to the next bitch out there Crazy_Sexy...: HAHA, believe what u want to. Just get it out of ur ass and stop being an ass. I know to much pressure, but it's time to release it ->Mrs. Robin...: I think you have that backwards dear... Obviously you're taking this to heart or else you still wouldn't be here trying to cry on my shoulder Crazy_Sexy...: That's a typical remark from someone who found out she is wrong. If you didn't want to thats fine, just dont get pissy over nothing. Shit, are u having those moods when a female is pregnant ->Mrs. Robin...: awww don't be pissed that i didn't want to be your friend. I like my selective group thanks Crazy_Sexy...: bulshit, every guy says baby. U assume that people are after u and want u. Ur wrong, to be honest ur not very hott. I just like friends ->Mrs. Robin...: well maybe you should just start with HI and not come off like a jerk when women are sick of hearing it from every fucking guy that thinks he can just come in my SB uninvited Crazy_Sexy...: no, u assume like most grls. Get a life, ur not the center of attention. That's a word I use like always ->Mrs. Robin...: well obviously you wanted to try to get something from me so get over yourself Crazy_Sexy...: bitch, it is just a word, get over urself ->Mrs. Robin...: well i'm fucking married don't get pissed at me cuz I don't wanna be your "hunny" douche bag Crazy_Sexy...: go blow someone if your gonna be a bitch. damn ->Mrs. Robin...: i'm not your hunny don't come at me with that shit Crazy_Sexy...: hi hunny
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