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Rush Who

He was a man who has worked at the radio station for many years.Today he was filthy rich.The man stood in front of the radio station inhaling one last drag from his expensive cuban cigar.So what if it was illegal.He was a radio god.The laws did not apply to him.He threw his cigar on the ground and a young woman in her twenties catches his eye.He waves at her and she smiles at him.A mail man stops by next to the woman and starts laughing at the man and the woman joins him.The man feels something eating through his shoe.His shoe is on fire.When he tries to look down at his feet his belly blocks his view.He remembered what one alway's did when they were on fire.The ground trembled as he dropped to the ground and rolled around.It took a janitor with a fire extinguisher to put out all the flames.An hour later a crew of medics tried to bandage the man's feet but he fought like a wild boar out of the ambulance when he found out that they supported the president and that they were Democrats.He was outraged that these Democrats had the audacity to put their hands on him.He despised Democrats.He hoped that the current president would fail and maybe if the US economy drowned then everyone would see things from his point of view.Some might call him un-american but this did not faze him one bit.This was a free country and so he would speak his mind no matter how vile some the things that came out of his mouth might be. They can try and demonize him but he would spit in their faces before he got into his fancy cars.He was afraid that while he was in the ambulance with them that they would poison him.As he stormed back into his studio room he fed off of the hate and anger in his ice cold heart.Who was he?He was Rush Limbaugh.Republican of Republicans.George W Bush was the greatest president to him.He had a small shrine dedicated to the ex-president in his studio.The moment he got his headphone on and the microphone near his lips he screamed into the mic with siliva flying all over the microphone.He looked like a rabid manatee as he continued to cake the microphone with his siliva.During every break the studio manager would have his staff replace the microphones due to the malfunction of the others when they are overwhelmed with a sea of siliva.While on his break Rush ordered five greasey pizza's and ten meatball subs.He nearly bit off the hands of both delivery guys when they arrived at the front door of the radio station.When the teenage pizza guy tried to asked for a tip Rush bit off his ear.The teenager ran out of the building crying as he held several pieces of his ear in his hands.Nobody interupted Rush while he was eating.Nobody.Just last week he fought with an elderly man who tried to steal his chicken while he was at Mighty Burgers.The media people tried to make him look like the bad guy when all he was doing was defending his food from that crazy old man.So what if he was an eighty year old man with a cane?Those media news people were obviously Democrats.They all hated Rush and wanted to silence him.He did not care about what they thought.He was untouchable.Even his own party were afraid to go up against him.They all knew better.Nobody messes with him.Though they try.They tried to make him out to be seen as a drug addict and even a crack dealer several years ago but he threatened to sue the news networks and just like that the story disappeared.Rush strolled back towards his office and had to stop momentarily when he felt a wet one about to come out.Then he released a loud and resounding fart that echoed throughout the building.The secetary threw up on the ground after inhaling the methane smelling gas that came from Rush behind.To Rush his fart smelled like a field of red roses.Most of the staff in the area of the fart doubled over in sickness.I still got it.Rush thought with a smile as he wiped a hand across his grease covered mouth and through his gray thinning hair.He felt like a teenager all over again.The ladies always fall for the rich guys and he was number one uno.He slithered into his office with his greasey white shirt.Life is good.He thought as he got himself fired up and reached deep down inside for the hate to fuel his rage against all of the

Rush Who?

He was a man who has worked at the radio station for many years.Today he was filthy rich.The man stood in front of the radio station inhaling one last drag from his expensive cuban cigar.So what if it was illegal.He was a radio god.The laws did not apply to him.He threw his cigar on the ground and a young woman in her twenties catches his eye.He waves at her and she smiles at him.A mail man stops by next to the woman and starts laughing at the man and the woman joins him.The man feels something eating through his shoe.His shoe is on fire.When he tries to look down at his feet his belly blocks his view.He remembered what one alway's did when they were on fire.The ground trembled as dropped on the ground and rolled around.It took a janitor with a fire extinguisher to put out all the flames.An hour later a crew of medics tried to bandage the man's feet but he fought like a wild boar out of the ambulance when he found out that they supported the president and that they were Democrats.He was outraged that these Democrats had the audacity to put their hands on him.He despised Democrats.He was afraid that while he was in the ambulance with them that they would poison him.As he stormed back into his studio room he fed off of the hate and anger in his ice cold heart.Who was he?He was Rush Limbaugh.Republican of Republicans.George W Bush was the greatest president to him.He had a small shrine dedicated to the ex-president in his studio.The moment he got his headphone on and the microphone near his lips he screamed into the mic with siliva flying all over the microphone.He looked like a rabid manatee as he continued to cake the microphone with his siliva.During every break the studio manager would have his staff replace the microphones due to the malfunction of the others when they are overwhelmed with a sea of siliva.While on his break Rush ordered five greasey pizza's and ten meatball subs.He nearly bit off the hands of both delivery guys when they arrived at the front door of the radio station.When the teenage pizza guy tried to asked for a tip Rush bit off his ear.The teenager ran out of the building crying as he held several pieces of his ear in his hands.Nobody interupted Rush while he was eating.Nobody.Just last week he fought with an elderly man who tried to steal his chicken while he was at Mighty Burgers.The media people tried to make him look like the bad guy when all he was doing was defending his food from that crazy old man.So what if he was an eighty year old man with a cane?Those media news people were obviously Democrats.They all hated Rush and wanted to silence him.He did not care about what they thought.He was untouchable.Even his own party were afraid to go up against him.They all knew better.Nobody messes with him.Though they try.They tried to make him out to be seen as a drug addict and even a crack dealer several years ago but he threatened to sue the news networks and just like that the story disappeared.Rush strolled back towards his office and had to stop momentarily when he felt a wet one about to come out.Then he released a loud and resounding fart that echoed throughout the building.The secetary threw up on the ground after inhaling the methane smelling gas that came from Rush behind.To Rush his fart smelled like a field of red roses.Most of the staff in the area of the fart doubled over in sickness.I still got it.Rush thought with a smile as he wiped a hand across his grease covered mouth and through his gray thinning hair.He felt like a teenager all over again.The ladies always fall for the rich guys and he was number one uno.He slithered into his office with his greasey white shirt.Life is good.He thought as he got himself fired up and reached deep down inside for the hate to fuel his rage against all of the Democrats.

Immortal part 1

Three more days.Just three more days before graduation.I'm ready to get out of this place.Highschool.Can't say that I'm going to miss this place.As I walk down the hall a goth chick smiles at me.I hardly notice her.The jocks hate me because I'm stronger and faster than all of them.Yet at the same time they fear me because of my power.I sneer at one of the football jocks while giving him a cold look.He runs away from me.They are nothing but bullies and cowards.Around midnight I am standing above a very tall building in Apocalypse City.I'm wearing my sleek black trench coat and black boots.A red t-shirt underneath my coat.I gaze down at the lights below me.It's incredible up here.I am 17 years old and on the day of my graduation I will be 18.Finally an adult.For now I just want to have some fun.in front of me I see another building several feet away.The gap between me and that building is huge.This should prove very interesting.I love testing my super endurance limit.It gives me an idea of what I can and cannot do.I move far back then I run forward.Faster and faster I run intill I reach the roofs ledge then I jump forward.I am airborne.The lights below me are bright and beautiful.I am not afraid of not making it all the way across if that should happen.I've jumped off of the ledge of 400 hundred feet tall buildings in the past and survived.Somehow I do make it across cleanly.My foot hits the ground hard and broke off chunks of the roof as I land down.I continue moving forward several steps more before stopping.I look back at the building I had jump off of.It's an inch taller then this building.I can't help but smile at my accomplishment.I stop smiling when I realize that I am not alone.I smell a strong oder in the air behind me.It's an unusual scent.I think it's blood but not any type of blood I've smelled before."That was quite an impressive feat."I hear the deep voice of the stranger tell me.I turned around, ready for anything that came my way.I glared at the guy standing in the shadow."Who are you and what do you want?And I suggest you talk fast."I said to him in a cold tone.He puts up both of his arms."Hey look I'm not here to fight you.My name is Kaine.I'm here to offer you a job.I've been watching you for awhile now and after seeing what you can do I knew that I had found just the right person for the job."He said in a cool relaxed voice.I stared at him hard trying to figure out the guy.He was'nt lying to me that much I knew for sure.I listened to his the rhythm of his heartbeat as he spoke.I don't know what it was but for some reason I was curious about this job the guy wanted me for.I don't believe in fate,destiny or any of that crap.Though for the brief moment I felt something about this whole situation that felt familiar."What is this job you're talking about?"I asked him.He had a broad smile on his face now."It's a bounty hunting job but not any of the normal stuff.The bounty hunting I do involves well let's just say I hunt the unusual cases.I hope you won't laugh when I tell you this.I hunt demons and all kinds of supernatural creatures.I was wondering if you would be interested in the job.The pay is really good.The job is very dangerous.I hope that does'nt scare you away from the offer.So what do you say?"Kaine asked me.I answered him without hesitation."I'm interested.When do I start?"I asked.Kaine moved closer and stopped in front of me.Kaine was a massive guy.Really tall and built.He looked the part of the bounty hunter alright.He gave me a card with the business address on it."I've got a big job coming up with a partner of mine this Friday.If you want we could start on that day.This is a really big job.So are you in?"Friday is the day of my graduation.My parents would be disappointed if I did'nt make it.The graduation is in the morning."Is the job in the morning?"I asked."No it's at night."Kaine said."I'm in."I tell him."That's great.I'll see you on Friday."Kaine said.We shake hands and he disappears back in the shadow.I hear the sound of a car start and as I look down below the vehicle speeds off away from the alley.I leap off of the building.When my feet hits the pavement I absorb the impact.People around the area all look at me with a shock expression on their faces.I ignore them and walk home.I was now a bounty hunter.I would be hunting demons.This is just what I needed.Some excitment in my life.

Lady in black

I can't believe that I'm here.I'm inside a night club called "The Pit".I'm surrounded by an orgy of bodies moving to the beat of the mind numbing music.The music is so loud that I think that I heard a couple of eardrums explode.I can smell the sweat,alcohol and the strong scent of the intimate encounters all around me.Why did I even come here?I ask myself.That's when I see her.The women I followed straight into this club.Before I came to this club I was on the rooftop of a business building.I figured I'd just wait there intill something interesting happened.That's when I noticed out of the corner of my eyes a lady in black leap off a buildings roof across the street from the one I stood on.It had to be a 50ft drop.I thought that she was a crazy lunatic commiting suicide.Would'nt be the first time someone ended their life from a drop off a buildings rooftop.To my surprise this lady landed gracefully on her feet,without breaking any bones in her body.What manner of creature was this women?Demon,Demi-god or some other entity all together?My curiosity was peaked.I stood on the egde of the roof watching her walk briskly away.Then I let myself fall off the ledge.It had to be about a 100ft drop.This was nothing to me.My feet hit the pavement with the force of a sledgehammer.Bit's of concrete break loose underneath my boots as I move to follow my target.I was careful to keep my distance from her.She entered The Pit and I followed her inside.It wasn't easy finding this women in the club through the throngs of bodies in the place.I was determined to find her but it seemed almost impossible.So many scents and the music.What these people considered music just sounded so primitive.When I spotted the women through the crowd her eyes briefly locked onto mine then a man grabbed her from behind in an intimate embrace.She did not fight this stranger off.Turning away from me she and the man started moving into the back.I pushed my way through the bodies hoping to catch up to them.There was no way I was going to lose her now.When I reached the back a stone faced bouncer stood in front of a door to an office.Which I immediatly knew had to be where the two went.The bouncer eyed me with suspicion.I backed away weighing my options.I really was not in the mood to be patient.I suddenly realized a scent that I had somehow missed from this place.Death.It was the scent of the undead.Now a new scent lingered in the air.Blood.The strong scent of fresh blood and it was coming from the office behind the bouncer.I reacted with the speed of a piston.I kicked the bouncer on the jaw with a head jarring kick.He went crashing right through the solid oak door.Splintered wood flew into the room.I leaped over his body into the room,my black trench coat billowing behind me.The room was empty but a back door was left open.I ran outside and came face to face with the women.She stood on a fire escape ladder smiling at me.There was a faint trace of blood on the corner of her lip.I pulled out my king sized slayer.That is what I called my high tech gun.This one was specially designed by me.Perfect for blowing demonic creatures up."It seems that I have a stalker."The women said in a seductive manner.She was beautiful there was no denying that fact.If I were a mere man I would probably be easily seduced by her.I wasn't.I was far from normal."Where is he?" I said in a calmed manner.She playfully played with her hair."If I don't tell you you're going to shoot me?Am I suppose to be afraid of your toy mortal?"She gave me a cold stare.The illusion was gone.She allowed me to see her ugly face.Her true face."Maybe if you tell me where you put him I'll spare your life."I told her.That was a lie."Spare my life?Hah!But since you want to know what happened to the worm why don't you look up."She moved up the ladder trying to get to the roof.I fired off a round at her which she easily dodged.I was about to chase her when it hit me that I wasn't alone.A huge weight crashed onto my back.My gun skidded across the ground.I turned around only to be punched across the face.I slammed into the side of the building.Bricks and other small debris fell on top of me.Didn't even feel the punch.That was one things about me that seperated me from every other man.I can't feel pain.Always been that way.Even as an infant.I don't know if it's a gift or a curse.Right now I'm greatful for being this way.Looking up I could see a massive form moving towards me.I stand up and face the man I saw earlier in the club with the women now a hybrid vampire.A super vampire.He runs at me fist raised,ready to pound me.I block the blow as he brings his fist down and I deliver a counter punch.This sends him sprawling backwards but does not slow him down.He quickly recovers.I try to grab my gun but he tackles me again into the building again.As I look up the vampire rips the fire escape steel ladder loose.He tries to bring the thing down on my head.I quickly dodge to the side as the ladder crashes with a thunderous force shattering more brick loose from the building.I catch him across the chest with a hard round house kick.It opens up the chance for me to end this battle now.I reach for my gun and in the same motion fire towards the vampire.He deflects the blast with the steel ladder.Now I'm dodging the shot that is deflected back at me.Bricks are flying behind me as the wall explodes.Before I can take another shot I feel a strong on my left arm.I see the women right next to me holding my arm.She has a grim look on her face."Tonight I will spare your life but the next time I will not be so gracious."She tells me before releasing my arm.I forget about the other vampire which cost me the battle.When I turn back around the steel ladder is slammed into my chest and I am sent right into the brick building.I black out.I don't know for how long.I'm on my back covered in tons debris.Pushing them off of me is more of a nuisance than a chore.It is still night.Probably 3am in the morning.I check my gun.It's totaled.No big loss for me.I can build a new version of the slayer.Stronger and better than this one.I walk the streets thinking about the women and her vampire companion.Both of them are vampires.I think about getting back at them.Sooner or later they will cross my path and when they do I will be ready.They are going to suffer big time.Damn.My trench coat is still covered with debris.Got to get it cleaned.Tonight two got away but that will never happen again.I've got their number.A light cool breeze blows across my face and I smile.
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