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The Sun is in Aquarius

One of the standout characteristics of those born under the Sun Sign of Aquarius is their unwillingness to follow the beaten track. With advancement and progress on their minds, there can be an irreverence to old and outdated ways of thinking and doing things. Many Aquarians aim to free themselves of personal and social conditioning. Although open to change in theory, Aquarians can be surprisingly stubborn. Their idealism runs strong, but they can be very fixed in their opinions.

Often a bit aloof and even standoffish, Aquarians nonetheless are usually well-liked. They are curious and observant, and tolerant in a broad sense. Prejudice and bias is offensive to the typical Aquarius. Aquarians are generally very clever, witty, and intellectual. They value progress and frankness. It's difficult to throw Aquarians for a loop--they're generally on top of things. There is a bit of reformer in Aquarius. They'll try to get you to see through superficiality, and encourage you to be open and forthright. "Be true to yourself" and "Don't follow the crowd" are mottos we easily associate with this sign. Aquarians need space and value personal freedom. Any attempt to box them in will likely fail. They'll happily return the favor; and they will treat people from all walks of life as equals. Equality and fairness are hallmarks of the sign. If you're quirky and "different", all the better.

Short description:

She is independent, autonomous, and has progressive ideas.

Weaknesses: an unusual, rebellious and revolutionary spirit.

Aquarius with ascendant Libra

She is bright, inspired, and much of the time, she lives in her mind! She has a brilliant and unusual and a bit zany viewpoint. Ideally, there are more grounding factors in the chart, or else there can be some problems with impracticality, boredom, and distraction. She is delightful company.

Sun in IV: The Sun is in the fourth house

You invest much of your pride and energy into your personal and private life, your home, and your family. Privacy is important to you. You are naturally protective of your family, including your heritage, and of your personal life. Avoid being defensive as you work to build a secure foundation for yourself and the people you love.

301 Conjunction between the Sun and Mars

You are enterprising and have powerful stores of energy that you can draw upon when needed. You respond to problems or challenges with a spirited and enthusiastic confidence that is admirable. You are naturally competitive, and this trait is generally well-received by others simply because it is unforced, unaffected, and sincere. You truly believe in fair play, and you seem to be in love with life. When you are expressing competitiveness and courage, it's easy for others to smile and accept these traits as positive ones rather than being rubbed the wrong way. You have good physical vitality. Although competitive, you are not naturally combative. You may enjoy sports or games that are competitive, but not violent. Breaking the rules of a competitive game is particularly upsetting to you. You are more able than most to control your desires, aggressions, and instincts. You know how to be fair, and you expect others to be fair. As such, sneaky behaviors, uncontrolled impulses, violence, and rage are offensive to you.

-144 Opposition beteween the Sun and Jupiter

Although your intentions are generally good, you are given to overdoing things. You can easily gloss over realistic details and get yourself into debt, overindulge in pleasures such as food and drink, and promise more than you can deliver. For the most part, you find help for your excesses. Somebody's there to bail you out, as plenty of people believe that your heart is in the right place. Generally, this is the case, but if excessive behavior becomes a pattern, and you continually face light consequences, there is the danger that you will not learn from your mistakes and abuse the "system", relying on your friends and family to help you out a little too often. Your reputation for being "good people", thus, can eventually be used to further your purposes--something that should, of course, be avoided.

However, many people with this aspect don't fall into the trap of losing their sincerity. You are generous, helpful, and charitable. Still, the tendency to live beyond your means is a real threat that you might struggle with much of your life. Another thing to watch for is depression. You tend to go through periods of intense highs when you are excessively optimistic. These periods are so marked that they seem to be unnatural and a fall seems to be inevitable. You can make promises you intend to keep, but have a problem with follow-through. Self-control can be a real problem. Try to avoid gambling altogether. Usually quite knowledgeable and generous with your time, you have many talents that you might take for granted.

The Moon

The Moon represents the emotional responses, unconscious pre-destination, and the self-image. The Moon represents the emotions, and the Moon sign shows how a person expresses themselves when at home, at ease, and comfortable.

The Moon is in Scorpio

While others may find security and comfort in material things, Moon in Scorpio people seek out emotional intensity. No matter what, there is something very intense about Lunar Scorpios. They are diggers when it comes to the world of emotion--they can see beyond facades and cut right to the core of a person. This ability to "see" what isn't obvious to the rest of the world can be intimidating to others or wildly attractive, depending on the audience.

Their deep-seated need for transformation and rebirth can manifest itself in the lives of Lunar Scorpios in different ways. Most have powerful, emotionally intense lives. Some feel like it is beyond their control -- these natives seem to attract emotional upheaval, and their lives appear to consist of plenty of dramatic ups and downs. However, when accepted as an emotional need, rebirth and change doesn't need to be so dramatic and overwhelming. In some way or the other, Moon in Scorpio natives seek out intense experiences. If their lives are regular in any way, there can be an unconscious need to test their own strength and stir up emotional excitement. Self-awareness and acceptance is probably the best way to handle this deep need for emotional drama.

Doing things halfway or having meaningless relationships simply doesn't fulfill them. Lunar Scorpios want all or nothing. Moon in Scorpio people often have a strong fear of betrayal. They seek out commitment, and feel the need for a partner to give up something for them. Some will put the people they love through a series of tests, and these are not always conscious. Their apparent suspicion can be trying for the people who love them. However, once committed, Moon in Scorpio people can be the most loyal and protective partners around. Even the shy ones have enormous presence. Their lives are emotion-driven, yet many Moon in Scorpio natives spend a lot of time controlling and mastering their emotions. Their intuition is enormous, although it is sometimes self-serving.

Moon in Scorpio people radiate strength. Even in the absence of experience, they seem to "just know" things. It would be difficult to shock or scare away Lunar Scorpios in the face of emotional honesty and power. Some people instinctively want to lean on them, and other less brave folk run a little scared. Lunar Scorpios have exceptional "radar" that allows them to size up a situation--and a person--quickly and expertly. This ability to understand human motivation and nature can be too close for comfort for some, and enormously comforting for others. Many Lunar Scorpios are intelligent and astute. Those that use their enormous powers for intimacy and honesty are the happiest, and they make the most interesting and rewarding friends and lovers.

Short description:

Courageous, brave, independent, not a fearful nature. A very sensual and progressive person.

Potential issues: excesses of pleasures, difficulty letting go.

Moon in I: The Moon is in the first house

Very sensitive. Fantasizes. She is easily touched, moved, and affected; she is sometimes shy, prudent, and emotional.

Your feelings are right out there for everyone to see, and you can come across as emotional and impatient, or nurturing and caring (or both). Your first reaction is emotional, especially if the Moon is in close proximity (within ten degrees) of the Ascendant degree. You need emotional stimulation, movement, and freedom to express yourself in order to feel happy and fulfilled. Your moods are very changeable, and this can be quite obvious to others. Because of your emotional sensitivity, you might often take things too personally, and react too quickly. Developing an awareness that others' emotions are just as important, even if they are not as overt and immediate as yours, will be important.

-3 Square between the Moon and Jupiter

She is sometimes indifferent to others, to those who surround her; she is sometimes careless, and perhaps a little negligent and indecisive. She may "feed" inner restlessness with excesses in gambling, shopping, or other comforts, and her honesty is sometimes a bit elastic. This aspect does not help professional success, especially as she tends to spend more than she earns, but this aspect doesn't deny success either. Making the most of success can be the challenge. Sometimes enthusiastic and gung-ho, and other times indifferent, it can be challenging for others to understand her. Changeable morals to suit the current situation. Should look for constructive avenues for her inner restlessness. Wonderful sense of humor and big hearted.

49 Sextile between the Moon and Saturn

She controls her feelings. She has a strong sense of duty and self-esteem. Very prudent. She can concentrate on a long-term task, manual or intellectual, with success. She perseveres and is serious in most things she does, but is humorous, satirical, steadfast, and upright.

-37 Square between the Moon and Lilith

Love-at-first-sight is to be avoided, as it will make one forget all other duties and lead to problems. There can be obsessions. Emotions can take over the life at times.


Mercury represents communication, Cartesian and logical spirit.

Mercury is in Capricorn

Her mind compartmentalizes impressions, and she appreciates structure and order. The mind learns best when it can see practical uses for information. Resourceful, reflective, deep thinker; a fine and vivacious mind. May undertake lengthy studies or, if circumstances do not allow, will teach herself. A rational person. Can be pessimistic, skeptical, and sarcastic, possessing a very sharp sense of humor. Notices everything.

Mercury in III: Mercury is in the third house

Deep studies. Adaptable. She is attracted to the Arts/letters. She knows how to share ideas. May move around a lot professionally. Can easily keep many irons in the fire at the same time. A true multi-tasker.

This is an especially curious and inquisitive position for Mercury. You are generally very interested in reading, teaching, speaking, exchanging ideas, keeping current with the daily news, and perhaps gossiping. Your interests are many and varied, sometimes to the point that you barely skim the surface of any one topic. You are also very easily distracted and your attention span can be quite short. Quick to learn, you are also swift to share what you know with others. You can be very talkative when you have the chance. You can be a list maker, and often are quite involved in your community. Some of you can be quite nervous or fidgety.

20 Trine between Mercury - Saturn

She is precise or strives to be mentally organized. She is able to study, concentrate, and focus, and often has the patience to work towards a goal slowly but surely. She may take time to get communications "just so" and prefers step by step directions. Respects tradition and rules, preferring a sense of order.

194 Sextile between Mercury - Uranus

She is perspicacious, ingenious. She binds intelligence and originality together with genius. She likes literature, especially fiction. She is spontaneous in her friendships and knows how to turn situations around positively.

-80 Square between Mercury - Pluto

She may be impatient, often fearing or imagining the worst that could happen. She likes contradiction. Her arguments can be intense.

You can be very incisive and aggressive with your opinions. You have a tendency towards fanaticism and often want to impose your ideas on others, sometimes in a subtle manner and sometimes more imperatively. You are drawn to mysteries or investigations. There can be mental fixations or obsessiveness. It would be wise to think things over before speaking and to respect the weaknesses of others.

-69 Square between Mercury - Ascendant

She may criticize and gossip, arguing frequently and ofen nervous. Without even realizing it, she might look for or instigate a verbal battle, and can be provoking.

Communication is very important to you, and your mind is sharper and more creative when you have a partner you can bounce your thoughts and ideas off of. You are an excellent conversationalist and can fascinate your partners with your sharp mind. You love to debate issues just for the mental exercise, even if you don't feel strongly about the position you argue! You play devil's advocate often, and your ideal partner understands that your debates are, in fact, mental exercises--certainly not attacks! You are also prone to exaggerate or stretch the truth when trying to make your point, especially when it comes to your own background or experience.

In your close relationships, your partner serves as a mirror, reflecting your thoughts and ideas back to you from a different perspective. You are rather independent and will not allow anyone to restrict your freedom, but you love to talk things out before arriving at a decision. Truth is, you won't always take others' advice! However, you do enjoy looking at problems from all sorts of different perspectives. You may choose partners who are considerably younger than you, or who are not as academically smart as you. Conversations with you are always stimulating and lively. The ability to share your thoughts with a partner is vital to your sense of fulfillment in a close personal relationship.


Venus represents an interest in emotions and values, exchange, and sharing with others.

Venus is in Sagittarius

When Venus in Sagittarius people are in love, they need to feel they can grow and expand their horizons through their relationship. They want to learn new things, and experience everything together. These are idealistic lovers who want you to appreciate their beliefs, visions, and ideals. They can be a confusing mix of the lighthearted and serious. They are roamers and seekers, and don't commit in their relationships as easily as others. Venus in Sagittarius people turn others on with their big smiles and laughs, their jokes, their grand schemes, their dreams, and their friendly, flirtatious behavior. They pride themselves on their open minds, but you may notice they can be judgmental too. They are threatened by inhibitions on the part of their lover, dullness, and emotional overkill. They are restless, and won't put up with lovers who dwell on any one thing. When the going gets tough in their relationship, they have an overwhelming need to run away. Usually this only means getting out and experiencing something new before they come back, but sometimes it can be for good. They are attracted to people in love with life. You don't need to be refined, polished, or graceful to win their favor.

Pleasing Venus in Sagittarius involves allowing them lots of room in the relationship to grow. Avoid getting stuck in a rut, and understand their need to move on. Learn to laugh, but take their rants and raves seriously. Avoid criticizing their beliefs, join them in debates, and philosophize along with them. When they feel the need for more experience, join them! Learn to look past their clumsiness with you and your feelings, and avoid cornering them or forcing them to commit.

Venus in II: Venus is in the second house

There is a link between her emotional life and money. She is helped by friends or by a person to whom she is emotionally linked. May take advantage of friendships for professional success. Activities connected with beauty, aesthetics, finery. Danger of big spending.

Tangible expressions of love and affection are important to you. Your tastes are usually "simply extravagant", well-defined, strong, and something you are proud of. Some might feel you have a talent for finding items of value and good taste. You are attracted to items of quality. You may use generosity for your own benefit--in other words, you might give gifts with expectation of reward. Some of you might be hedonistic and overly attached to winning admiration from a partner, at the expense of discovering true love. Your neck and upper chest are erogenous zones, and your voice is unusually attractive. You generally don't jump into a new relationship. If you do, your feelings grow gradually. A partner who makes you feel safe and secure is ideal for you. Once committed, your love is long lasting and sincere. You have strong values and others will find it hard to sway you in this area. Sensual, the world of touch and smell is most appealing to you. Complex or mysterious partners are not as intriguing to you as simple and genuine ones.

-82 Square between Venus - Saturn

She is hard or reserved at times, and doesn't always know how to express her emotions. She may be frightened of showing her love, and this can lead to disappointments, break-ups, lack of satisfaction. She has doubts, can be suspicious, worries too much, possibly jealous but more likely insecure. She will learn how to be happy in love, to be at ease with herself and to control her jealousy or gain more assurance and sense of self-worth in the second half of her life, possibly thanks to a mature person, who helps her learn to trust.

187 Conjunction between Venus - Neptune

Her professional life can be creative or inconstant. She has a taste for the Arts, can be a dreamer, and may be easily influenced and romantic. She is emotional and very sensitive.

Romantic, creative, gentle, and adaptable, you naturally express the finer qualities of mysterious and dreamy Neptune in your love relationships. Your imagination is rich and your fantasy world well-developed. You are turned off by rudeness and crudeness, and are drawn to beauty in its many forms. You are very giving and generous, but may be a little on the submissive side, or sometimes downright lazy, failing to take the initiative when situations call for it.

16 Sextile between Venus - Pluto

Her emotional and sex life can be powerful and rich. She lives out truly passionate love affairs. Extremely resourceful, she is also excellent at determining the worth or value of material things. She can help others to discover their own worth as well. She is naturally attracted to relationships that transform her, that are growing and evolving, and that are intense. She can use her strong intuition and understanding of others for good or for bad, and this depends largely on other aspects in the chart. She can be highly devoted and passionate to the things (and people) she loves. She can be quite persuasive.

39 Trine between Venus - Lilith

This aspect suggests charm, beauty, attracting others by her magnetism. She is intense in love. Feelings are complicated. There can be brooding. However, she is inclined to embrace, accept, and understand the darker side of her nature.

19 Sextile between Venus - Ascendant

She likes everything beautiful, the Arts, balance, and harmony. She is amiable and sociable. She likes entertainment and has a loving nature.


Mars represents the desire for action and physical energy.

Mars is in Aquarius

It can be a little difficult to understand exactly what makes a Mars in Aquarius native tick. And that's absolutely fine with them--they enjoy surprising people. The tried-and-true methods of getting things done are far too boring for those born with Mars in this unique and original sign. Mars in Aquarius natives often have a rather original view of the world as well. These natives are generally quite proud of their independence. They are not easily pushed around with Mars in this fixed sign. Because Aquarius is progressive and open-minded when it comes to the world at large, it can be surprising that on a personal level, Mars in Aquarius natives can be quite obstinate. If they feel boxed in, they are quite likely to rebel. If you've discovered a pattern to their ways, they'll make sure they aren't so predictable the next time around. Being seen as "normal" simply won't do!

With Mars, the planet of energy and drive, in an Air sign, these individuals get off on mental and intellectual pursuits. Aquarius is a somewhat scattered sign, even though it's persevering in the long haul. If there's a method to their madness, it isn't always easy to see. Projects are taken on with a shotgun-style approach with this position of Mars. Mars in Air signs are generally quite clever at getting what they want; in Aquarius, they are particularly adept at getting their way. While this is not an overtly aggressive position of Mars (Aquarius has a manner that is far too detached to come across too forcefully), it is very willful. Combine willfulness with the cleverness of an Air sign, and you have a person who is quite creative about getting what they want--which generally is getting their way! Unlike with Mars in Aries or Leo natives, for example, you won't always know you're being dominated by a Mars in Aquarius native!

One of the most pleasant characteristics of Mars in Aquarius natives is their willingness to let others be. They place a lot of value in freedom and individuality--theirs and yours. They need space to be themselves and plenty of room to breathe. Generally not the touchy-feely types, these natives often laugh at sentimentality and tradition. In personal relationships, their approach to intimacy is definitely on the detached side, which can be baffling and frustrating to more personal and affectionate personalities. Of all the personal planets in the sign of Aquarius, Mars placed here can show the strongest "reformer" streak. The Aquarian ideal of equality works big time with this position, and the desire to push their agenda on others (usually in creative, rather than aggressive, ways) runs high. Obstinacy and a superiority complex are this position's least desirable traits; openness to new ways of doing things (as long as they're not forced upon them) is where they shine.

Mars in IV: Mars is in the fourth house

Quick decisions; she may have a lot of things on her plate and wants to succeed. She will succeed through a phenomenal work-rate. Stormy or simply active family life, where her leardership or aggressiveness shows itself.

You can be fiercely protective of your close friends and family with Mars in your solar fourth house. Anger may be deeply felt and possibly deeply buried, too! As a result, it can be difficult for others to pinpoint your true motives, and you can be considered a real enigma. You can be passive-aggressive in your approach to the outside world when younger, which could lead to resentments if you are not careful--or confident--enough to take a more direct approach to pursuing your desires and expressing your anger. With time and experience, as well as substantial work towards achieving a healthy balance between emotional self-control and expression, you're likely to deal with frustrations in a more empowering way.

-142 Opposition between Mars - Jupiter

She often refuses to accept any guidance. She can sometimes lack forethought, acting impulsively and sometimes imprudently, which can cause problems. She wants everything yesterday and might use whatever means necessary to achieve her objectives, even if questionable. Her emotional life can be fraught with quarrels and or conflicts due to quick, passionate reactions. She can be very enthusiastic and hopeful.


Jupiter represents expansion and grace.

Jupiter is in Leo

She attracts the most good fortune when she expresses magnanimity, is generous with others, inspires confidence in those around her, conducts herself with dignity and sincerity, while also avoiding the pitfall of excessive egotism. Prosperous areas are creative ones, entertainment, children, and recreation. Takes pride in everything she does. Generosity brings success.

Jupiter in X: Jupiter is in the tenth house

She has problems adapting to a humdrum or an uncertain life. She likes comfort. She can move toward a managerial position or position of prestige. Her success follows on from that of the parents or in her home town.

63 Conjunction between Jupiter - Lilith

She could meet a partner much wealthier than herself. Good sexual understanding.


Saturn represents contraction and effort.

Saturn is in Virgo

She likes order, harmony, method, and balance. She can undertake long-term medical or scientific studies.

Weaknesses: Can be intransigent, stubborn. Misuse of medicines, or asking for too much medicine.

Saturn in XI: Saturn is in the eleventh house

She may often appreciate the company of older people of intelligence and good counsel, and they will help with success in professional life. She may have few friends or difficulty in finding a partner. She is very reserved.


Uranus represents individual liberty, egoistic liberty.

Uranus in Scorpio

Intelligent and subtle. Usually she adores research, inquiry, investigation. Very sensual. May want to explore new ways to connect with others.

Uranus in II: Uranus is in the second house

She has a lot of flair. She can be unreliable, inconsistent, or erratic at work, always ready for change, although with some changes in routines and dedication, can do brilliant work. She may do best with an out-of-the-ordinary job, in which case all goes well: otherwise, she might often change jobs and or financial ups and downs.


Neptune represents transcendental liberty, non-egoistic liberty.

Neptune is in Sagittarius

May especially enjoy long voyages, things foreign, being close to water. Altruistic, broad spiritual vision, humane, spiritual.

Neptune in III: Neptune is in the third house

She has a lot of imagination, high ideals. She is nostalgic. Dry, cold facts are hard for her to absorb, so traditional academics might not appeal.

56 Sextile between Neptune - Pluto

She is perceptive and able to see layers to a situation. She is naturally drawn to learning what makes herself and others tick.

36 Sextile between Neptune - Ascendant

She can have unusual relationships. She is easily influenced, very sensitive and emotional.


Pluto represents transformations, mutations, and elimination.

Pluto is in Libra

May look for new ways to relate to others.

39 Conjunction between Pluto - Ascendant

She has willpower and ambition, and almost always prefer to have her own way.


Black Moon Lilith represents our darker, deeper natures that may be repressed or buried.

Lilith in Leo

She may have felt wrong for calling special attention to herself, for seeking the spotlight, or for seeking to be better than others in competitions. She may feel uncomfortable with people expressing these Leonine traits. She needs to find ways to accept the very natural and human need for applause. This can help put an end to extreme behaviors in these areas wherein there is a period of remorse after she seeks attention and perhaps goes to an extreme.

North Node-South Node

The South Node represents our overdeveloped character traits. We are talented here but if we overdo this area of life or hold onto these traits to feel secure, we may stagnate. The North Node points to the qualities that we need to work on and develop to achieve inner balance and fulfillment.

True North Node in Virgo

Her challenge is to live a more orderly, proactive, and practical life. Developing and following healthy and practical routines and schedules can be a challenge but highly rewarding. Procrastination leaves her more vulnerable to vague worries and guilt. Qualities to develop: Organization, promptness, attention to detail.

North Node in XI: North Node in the Eleventh House

Her path is to share and cooperate with others more often, as she seems to naturally fall back on a personal approach. While it is not instinctive to be a team player, as she develops this side of her, she grows and this growth brings more opportunities and fortune into her life. Qualities to develop: collaboration, participation, impartiality.

The Houses

House I is the area of self identity. The ascendant is a symbol of how one acts in life. It is the image of the personality as seen by others, and the attitude that one has towards life.

Aquarius with ascendant Libra

She is bright, inspired, and much of the time, she lives in her mind! She has a brilliant and unusual and a bit zany viewpoint. Ideally, there are more grounding factors in the chart, or else there can be some problems with impracticality, boredom, and distraction. She is delightful company.

Ascendant is Libra

Everybody seems to like Libra Ascendant natives. They just come across as nice, pleasant, and fair. Look a little closer at their lives, and these nice people may have had quite a few problems in their relationships. Some of them have had a string of relationships, and it can be hard to imagine why! These natives attract others to them effortlessly. Besides, they simply don't know what to do with themselves without a significant other. Libra rising generally appear to be smoothing everything over. They have charming smiles, a gentle approach with others, and an easygoing image. Even if they were not endowed with good looks, they are attractive. Most pay a lot of attention to their personal appearance -- the colors they wear, their hair, the way they walk.

Libra rising people can be enormously persuasive, although they will almost always use a "soft sell" approach when they want to win others over, which is all of the time! A tendency to pass the buck and keep up that "nice guy/gal" image are their worst qualities. However, they can make excellent mediators and will generally be the first to accommodate you. Libra rising natives are usually attracted to competent, active partners. Their relationships are often characterized by bickering or competitiveness until they learn to drop their sweet image once in a while and to stop blaming their partners for everything that goes wrong.

House II - the second house - is the area of material security and values. It rules money and personal finances, sense of self-worth and basic values, personal possessions.

Scorpio on House II

Financial success may come through handling other people's money and resources or thanks to an inheritance. Financial ups and downs are very possible, but in later life, finances can be substantial. Private about revealing her worth.

House III - the third house - is the area of social and intellectual learning.

Sagittarius on House III

She may study for a long time, can be erudite. Very intelligent, an open and independent spirit, will have a connection with foreign countries. Fertile intelligence.

House IV - the fourth house - is the area of home, family, roots, and deep emotions/sense of self-worth.

Capricorn on House IV

After working all her life to obtain her objectives and finally having reached that goal, she wants to retire in peace and quiet and to enjoy a retirement full of contemplation, with few tasks, close to nature. As she was very careful with money all her life, she is happy to administer the properties she has acquired.

House V - the fifth house - is the area of creative self-expression, romance, entertainment, children, and gambling.

Aquarius on House V

She doesn't like routine and the banal. She is romantic, full of fantasy and imagination. She is also a friend one can count on.

House VI - the sixth house - is the area of learning by material transaction.

Pisces on House VI

Job in commerce. Weak point: the kidneys, feet.

House VII - the seventh house - is the area of one-to-one relationships such as marriage and partnership, and of social and intellectual action.

Aries on House VII

Love-at-first-sight; may partner without thinking. She doesn't want to change her habits, perhaps leading to many arguments that are quick to start but also quick to resolve. She may not have much patience for the "clinging vine" kind of partner, preferring much activity and someone who can take charge. An active partnership.

House VIII - the eighth house - is the area of emotional security and of security of the soul.

Taurus on House VIII

Happy old age, natural death likely. Inheritance.

House IX - the ninth house - is the area of learning that shapes the identity.

Gemini on House IX

She enjoys studying, is open to anything new, accepting and recognizing her errors, always developing in a positive sense. She usually likes travel, discovery, and meeting new people and knows how to appreciate them.

House X - the tenth house - is the area of material action. The Midheaven represents the work one will do in one's life, the place one will take in the world of society. It becomes more important as one grows older.

Cancer on House X

She likes contact with the public, the crowd. Profession that involves meeting a lot of people. Professional success thanks to sense of duty and application to her work.

House XI - the eleventh house - is the area of search for social and intellectual security.

Leo on House XI

Friends are not always chosen by chance. Even if the feelings of friendship are sincere, friends often bring something - professional help for example.

House XII - the twelfth house - is the area of education and of emotion. This is where we meet our karma, deal with endings, and sometimes where we bury things.

Virgo on House XII

Work in a research lab.

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