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So.... I have a very very special guest coming into town next weekend. I am very excited about her visit to my city. I am planning on doing alot of really cool stuff while she is in town to keep her busy and to make her fall madly in love.... with San Diego!!

So; something else I have been tossing around in my noggin is throwing some parties, social gatherings with a mild twist to them. I dont really know that many people in San Diego to invite so I thought I would throw this out there for some feedback.

If you are in San Diego, you are part of a couple, you are between the ages of 22 and 38 and would like to attend a party I am throwing; could you respond here on the comments section of this page? or send me a private message? Im working on headcount so that we can go VIP to a club at the Hard Rock or elsewhere for free and to know what size room to get there at the hotel.

Thank you for your time and attention to this because im super excited about the feedback and making this happen for my friend as well as on a regular basis in hopes she will come back.


I have this "fetish" for positive energy. Now, I have to say that this is more than positive thought. Energy in and of itself is what we imminate from our existance everyday that we inhabit the planet. We have positive energy and negative energy:

"We are all affected by positive and negative energy whether we realize it or not. You can learn how to raise the level of your vibration -- your frequency -- to benefit yourself and humankind in miraculous ways."-- Masaru Emoto, author of The Hidden Messages in Water"

"Many indicators tell us we are about to experience a rapid transition to a new world that will change the essential nature of who we are and how we understand reality. Transcending the coming chaos is possible with the toolset provided here. Frequency is an unprecedented gift for the person who is ready to evolve."-- John L. Petersen, founder of The Arlington Institute and author of A Vision for 2012

"Seeing ourselves as energy beings is the most important breakthrough of our times. In Frequency, Penney Peirce clarifies many of the energy principles that have previously been unacknowledged, but which we can now intentionally use to keep ourselves healthy and improve the realities we live in. I laughed out loud when I read this book, and enjoyed it immensely."-- Richard Bartlett, author of Matrix Energetics

About the book; Frequency
Because science has long taught us to rely on what we can see and touch, we often don't notice that our spirit, thoughts, emotions, and body are all made of energy. Everything is vibrating. In fact, each of us has a personal vibration that communicates who we are to the world and helps shape our reality.

In Frequency, Penney Peirce shows you how to feel your personal vibration and work intentionally with energy to transform your life. By learning to find your "home frequency" -- the highest, most natural personal vibration you can attain -- you can maximize clarity, minimize struggle, and discover new talents and capacities.

Awakening to the new reality that a higher frequency reveals can help you dramatically improve relationships, find upscale solutions to problems, and materialize a life that contains everything you need. Frequency shows you how to manage your energy "state" so you can stay on track with your destiny -- and reap the benefits of the life you're truly built for.

Ah, another Fubar rant for me this lovely yet partly cloudy day here in San Diego. Have you ever heard that saying about California being the "Land of Fruit and Nuts"? Well some of my friends have added the one about flakes as well cause of the mass amount of people who tend to "say" they want to meet offline (from here and other sites but I frequent this site more than others at this point) but never seem to make it to the meeting. This is something I have yet to figure out. Why even waste the energy saying that you want to meet, planning the meeting, knowing damn well you are a chickensh*t and you arent going to even move your a$$ from the chair in front of your computer desk muchless get ready, hop in your Mercedes and drive on down to the "meeting" place discussed. I guess it should be laughable at this point; given how many times this little situation has occured but more than anything at this point, it just pisses me off. I go and try to incorporate the time to meet with someone who fained interest, and what do I get? The rudeness of being stood up, the inconsideration for my time and the disrespect of not even getting a "go f*ck yourself - Im sure as hell not coming to meet you today". I messaged the participating party several times this past Saturday evening (4/10/2009) to no avail. I am sooooo very tempted at this point to post his profile name but honestly with the ability to change our "titles" here, he would just change his profile name and go unnoticed as the offending party. So... the most I will be doing at this point is just venting here, and burning it off later.

The particular party in question (had the balls) to actually speak to me today in the most nonchallant "what does it matter if I didn't show" tone that It just made me wanna barf. The disgusting arrogance of some people... Sigh... I guess I should have known from the fact that he lies on his profile and admittedly did so because he is sooo popular here in san diego he doesnt care to be saught out by some of the women he "knows" here. Im thinking there might be more to the story but Im not wasting the time to find out. Im just continuing to hone my skills as "Plan B" girl due to the lack of testicular fortitude that resides on this site.


I certainly hope not, but in a few of my latest experiences it seems that some of us have forgotten how to communicate or communicate effectively. Now, I am certainly no expert here as far as communicating goes but I have a drive and desire to communicate, speak my truth , listen and be not merely heard but understood. It seems that those I have attempted to communicate with are truly dropping the ball as far as I have noticed. To tell me that you truly wish to communicate with me but you never respond to my emails, you don’t answer my calls, and "forget" to call me when you said you would is truly grounds for getting kicked off the friends list (plus it truly indicates disinterest and there is no point in being strung for your enjoyment). Sure, things come up and create situations that render communication impossible. But EVERYTIME that you told me that you would call? EVERYTIME I call you?  Surely you jest! (LOL) Who do you think you are kidding with this BS? A handful of times I will be open minded to, but consistent and epic failure to communicate is unacceptable and wont be tolerated. Pretty simple concept to communicating in my book; speak your truth without fear of ramifications.


Another point I would like to make would be to those who get with me for not understanding their particular specific situation but have not truly communicated what their specific situation is. What the hell? How can you possibly be mad at me for what I have no knowledge of? I don’t read minds and I know very few people who do. So it is essentially your responsibility to either communicate with me or stop getting frustrated with me (or whomever) for the lack of communication. A lot of DRAMA could easily be avoided by heeding this rule. And we all know how everyone seems to want to avoid any DRAMA they might incur in life (these would be the individuals who don’t care to experience anything in life, much less grow and be enlightened from the experiences).


It is my feeling that maintaining a good relationship (be it online or face to face) is part of living healthy and happy. Our communication skills are important to maintaining these relationships that help us to be healthy and happy. How is it that YOU communicate? How often do you communicate? Do you initiate conversation? The people we interact with on a regular basis see us at our best and at our worst. (Online communications in most instances are seemingly one dimensional and leave lots of room for miscommunication). We would like a healthy overflow of those best moments. Communicating wisely and effectively can help us. No one likes to be offended and no one likes to be insulted/ignored. These are common sense statements, but it is amazing how often this is ignored. The lack of providing the same etiquette for online communications that would be extended face to face can cause the undesired effect of feeling insignificant or insulted by the abuse of one’s time. Always take into consideration the attention that the receiving party is giving to you and respect that no matter where the communication is taking place. Insults can come in two forms, words and/or gestures. We can avoid a lot of problems by thinking before we speak (I tend not to do this very readily but I’m working on it). Choosing our words before sharing them may be all we need to bring a smile to someone’s face rather than a frown. Think about how you communicate. Sometimes the way you say something can mean the exact opposite of what you intended. Think about the message your body communicates to others. When was the last time you called that “best friend?” Part of communicating is taking the time to say I care by starting conversation and initiating the contact whether it be by phone, email or in person. We tend to get so wrapped up in our desire for the other person to do the communicating that we isolate ourselves from being communicated with or bonding with that friend. Equal effort by both parties makes the most of communication and the relationship. Do you initiate contact with your friends and family? Do you call and share your thoughts and concerns? Sometimes it's up to you to make the contact and this is a healthy way of communicating to others that you care about them. Take the initiative to say that you care. Another key thing to remember is that you might be busy and not have the opportunity to make the effort of contacting those you care for, but if someone else is trying to communicate with you and you have been relatively unavailable, it would be courteous to return their call or email. Open channels of communication circumvent possible mis-communication and even resolve some rather intense situations in long distance relations. I rely heavily on open/honest communication in my interactions online and face to face. I demand that this level of communication take place. I also have been working to assert 100% of my attention to those I have chosen to let into my circle. I can only apologize for the lack of focus from before and communicate at this time that I want to put forth the effort to develop our connection. Thanks for sticking with me through the good, the bad and the attention deficit disorder (lol). I look forward to connecting with you more and more attentively in the future.
Just an article that I wanted to post for my own reference I suppose. It doesnt so much refer to Fu-Life cause its "almost" impossible to tell if someone here is lying to you.... but I think liars give themselves away in time. It takes way too much energy to lie, and they get tired at some point.... just mho! ********************************* Why people lie — and how to tell if they are There are liars, and then there are LIARS. Dr. Gail Saltz explains why they do it and how to spot one Contributor TODAY updated 11:58 a.m. PT, Sat., Jan. 31, 2004 Everybody lies. It may only be “white” lies, but everyone tells lies or “omits the truth” sometimes. We start lying at around age 4 to 5 when children gain an awareness of the use and power of language. This first lying is not malicious, but rather to find out, or test, what can manipulated in a child’s environment. Eventually children begin to use lying to get out of trouble or get something they want. White lies, those concocted to protect someone’s feelings, are not a big deal at all. The person, however, who seems to feel compelled to lie about both the small and large stuff has a problem. We often call these folks pathological liars (which is a description, not a diagnosis). They lie to protect themselves, look good, gain financially or socially and avoid punishment. Quite often the person who has been deceived knows that this type of liar has to a certain extent deluded him or herself and is therefore to be somewhat pitied. A much more troubling group is those who lie a lot — and knowingly — for personal gain. These people may have a diagnosis called antisocial personality disorder, also known as being a sociopath, and often get into scrapes with the law. Lying often gets worse with the passage of time. When you get away with a lie it often impels you to continue your deceptions. Also, liars often find themselves perpetrating more untruths to cover themselves. We hold different people to different standards when it comes to telling the truth. We expect, for example, less honesty from politicians than from scientists. We have a vision of purity about those who are doing research, while we imagine that politicians will at least shade the truth about themselves in order to get elected. Why do we dislike liars, especially sociopaths, so much? It’s a matter of trust. When a person lies, they have broken a bond – an unspoken agreement to treat others as we would like to be treated. Serious deception often makes it impossible for us to trust another person again. Because the issue of trust is on the line, coming clean about the lie as soon as possible is the best way to mend fences. If the truth only comes out once it is forced, repair of trust is far less likely. As a parent, the most important message you can send your children about lying is that you always — always — want them to come clean with you. No matter how big a whopper they have told, remind them that you would always rather hear the truth, no matter how bad it is, than be deceived. Tell them there is really nothing more sacred in your relationship than your trust of each other. Of course, all this presupposes that we have discovered an untruth — some people are so expert at deception that it often takes a long time to find out that we have been lied to.How, then, can we best detect whether we are being misled? There is no foolproof way, but there are often clues you can see in behavior that should make you suspicious: Avoidance of eye contact: Usually someone makes eye contact at least half the time they are talking to you. If you notice them avoiding eye contact or looking down during a specific part of a conversation, they may well be lying. Change of voice: A variation in pitch of voice or rate of speech can be a sign of lying. So can lots of umms and ahhs. Body language. Turning your body away, covering your face or mouth, a lot of fidgeting of hands or legs can indicate deception. Contradicting yourself:. Making statements that just don’t hold together should make you suspicious. If you lie all the time, even about unimportant things, you are likely to have a problem that will eventually -- if it hasn’t already -- cause you real relationship, financial or legal troubles. Figuring out what is driving you to lie in the first place will help heal this self-destructive behavior. This may mean going into treatment with a therapist to discover why you feel the need to deceive. Dr. Gail Saltz is a psychiatrist with New York Presbyterian Hospital and a regular contributor to “Today.” For more information, you can visit her Web site, www.drgailsaltz.com.
So I told you that I wanted to tell you about my wknd. Friday night thankfully did not set the tone for the wknd and that's a good thing because I was suppose to meet up with someone I have been chatting with for a bit and well....... he stood me up (sort of- he kinda dropped the ball on the planning aspect of things and just didn’t get back in touch with me on the where and when although I slotted the time out to meet), we had a text message argument and I told him to go f*ck himself for wasting my time. I guess I just "knew" that he was probly not gonna follow through, but I do try to give folks the benefit of the doubt. Saturday morning around ten-ish I guess I got up and started to get things together for the day. I needed to run some errands to get ready for the evening. John and I's real wedding anniversary was Thursday of last wk (2/26; we had 2 weddings, courthouse and cruise ship for the family’s attendance). So Saturday night was the night we chose to celebrate. I got us a room at the Hard Rock Hotel downtown San Diego so we could play and not have to worry about who was going be DD. So we got our errands done during the day, including getting John something nice to wear out (he isnt much for that sorta thing) and I got some hot clothes myself. It was kinda funny; the whole shopping for clothes scenario. We went to several different stores. One I got jeans at and I thought that would be all I did. Then we ended up going to Fashion Valley mall and checking out the Guess store. The sales chic at the Guess store, Farrah is sporting this hot little number when we walk into the store (see green khaki-ish dress in the photos from the other day). Well she’s kinda hot herself (in a dark exotic long straight hair kinda way) so I went straight to the back and got my size in her outfit and tried it on. Loved it, added it to the stash. She comes over to talk to me and I was like... “Your outfit is hot, and I’m getting it cause it looks hot on you”. She was like... “well let me show you what else I got (giggles)”. I now have some hot ass black cargo pants, 2 shirts with the back out in them so you can see my tatt, a see through ed hardy looking shirt with rhinestones and stuff on the front and a unique cut to the back so you can see my tatt. and that cute ass dress I mentioned she was wearing. On a side note here; I am amazed nowadays how much chics seem to be into me. It’s so weird for me cause I don’t think I’m pushing out that vibe. But who knows.... I end up having a moment later with someone else but I’ll get to that. After the shopping, we ran home cause it was like 645ish and we needed to go ahead and get downtown. So packed the essentials and headed back out to downtown to the hotel. I effen love the Hard Rock. I had interviewed there about a month ago for a customer service gig to make some part time money but I didnt hear back from the interview. The Guest Services Manager, Ryan and I got along pretty well during the interview, but the whole 6 figure income thing from my previous gig was a red flag I think. Anyways, we valet parked which made things so much simpler as far as getting in and out. We went to check in and who else but Ryan the guest services manager is the one that gets us in. So he’s checking us in and stuff and I introduce him to the husband. Told him it was our wedding anniversary and he upgraded us to a suite. Schweet. We hurry upstairs, take some pics of the room (cause I dont wanna forget how it looked) then threw all our clothes off, jumped in the shower and proceeded to get ready. Man I loved these jeans I got Saturday, rhinestone crosses on the pockets, low rise. Wore that ed hardy looking shirt I got from the guess store I mentioned above and some boots. Decided we were going to do the casual thing cause we were going to be going to bars tonight and not dance clubs. The shirt though was a bit see through and John was a little worried that we might not get to go in some of the places we wanted to go into to party. So a trip to the Hustler store was probly going to be mandatory to get some pasties… but first, a few shots of tequila, a little something to get me rollin and off to Dinner we go. So on a side note; because this somewhat becomes important later on. I had started chatting with this guy I met off another website via text messages and yahoo I think it was Saturday morning. We had exchanged some emails and such and were just trying to get a feel for whether we were going to get along and wanna meet. So all day while I was out and about, I was text messaging him and exchanging a little info here and there. We were actually getting along pretty well in chat to the point that I really wanted him to just come out and maybe run into me at the bar that evening. It wasnt going to be anything real long and in detail because I didnt want to take too much time away from John, but there was something about this one that I needed to get face to face with him as soon as possible (plus I guess I kinda through it out there that I wanted hinm to show me he was down for everything I had going on with the husband, polyamory stuff, etc. and meeting me at the club with the hubby would be the ticket.) So, we kept texting while I was shopping, and getting ready and downtown in the room. He had told me that he had this party to go to with the guys from the Marine base. He had said that if it was a sausage fest or boring in any way he might make a trip downtown on his motorcycle. Then as we talked some more and I mentioned it was my anniversary he really thought better of trying to meet with me as he didn’t want to take time away from John either. I was kinda bummed by that because it was only going to be a “bump into each other” kind of scenario, but it is what it is… I was getting kinda stoked that he might make it down; but then after he decided he might not… well there would be another time right? I hoped. So back to dinner.... John and I went to our favorite italian restaurant downtown, de'medici. We were going to go to the Hustler store first to get some pasties to cover up my nipple rings cause the shirt I was wearing, although a busy print, was kinda see through (as I mentioned above). But john said that he had noticed on at least 7 different women that they were showing worse than mine was so he wasn’t going to stress it anymore. I was fitting in as far as he could tell so he wasn’t going to stress it for me any longer. By now, I’m rollin pretty good so Im just not hungry. Decide to split dinner with John, which we should be doing all the time cause I cant eat everything id like to eat. Im drinking some wine though and feeling oh so “revved” up when Jeremy (the guy I have been chatting with all day) messages me to ask me what we are doing. I told him we were at dinner. I then just threw it out there that I thought I was dressed pretty hot and was thinking he was going to miss out on this. He’s like… what are you wearing? I described my outfit to him and he responded with, that does sound hot. I wish I could see it. You should see it, I responded. Seems we were both getting pretty worked up over the conversation to the point that I was really hoping that he would ditch the party and come out to see me. Dinner was awesome. We wrapped it up and went over to the hustler store anyways and I got some panties, and some pasties and we got some videos at discount. Not a bad little adventure. Love going to that store. Its 3 floors and they give military discount. This would be the main reason we go. Meandered out of the store over a few blocks and down to Whiskey Girl where we had planned on being for the night and we stood in line to get in. Im mostly one to go downtown to go to the dance clubs. Whiskey girl has dancing and stuff but its very bar atmosphere versus the upscale stuff the other clubs I go to have. Some sailor friends of mine took me to Whiskey girl once and I figured it would be someplace that John wouldn’t mind or feel under dressed. This is all I had gotten down yet.... so more to come (giggles)


I have a great deal of respect for time in general. Time is precious as we have such a short period here on this earth, in this life, to experience what it is that we are going to experience, to interact with the people we are going to connect with and interact with. Some of the experience/encounters/connections are good, some of the experience/encounters/connections are used as a learning experience as not to make the same mistakes again. I do not wish to waste one single moment of this short time I have been given. I want to experience as much as I can. I want to have the deepest most passionate and meaningful connections with individuals. I want to know that when the time comes for me to take my leave, I missed nothing that I truly wanted to do, see, be, etc. It is extremely heartbreaking to me to lose even a moment of time. A quote I found on the web states it very clearly: “Lost time is never found again.” The fact that I can not get it back is devastating to me. Being put into a situation where I am no longer in control of the time I have, and actually losing that valuable time due to someone elses' deliberate inconsideration makes me livid. Actually I sit stunned for a moment to try to figure out a way to maybe "make up" the lost time; an evening out, a chance to get to the end of the party, an alternative activity, etc. when I realize that I can not make it up, I just sit and fall apart. One more evening gone and at the expense of someone who just has no consideration for anyone other than themselves. Pathetic really. Some additional quotes I found regarding the significance of time (mostly to find that there are more ppl out there that value the gift of time as much as I do): “Time is free, but it's priceless. You can't own it, but you can use it. You can't keep it, but you can spend it. Once you've lost it you can never get it back.” “Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma - which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of other's opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.” “Don’t count every hour in the day, make every hour in the day count.” Time is precious, use it wisely. Dont squander it on meaningless - anything. *kttn*
Dedicated to "No More Drama Queens" who is the Drama queen himself..... Psychological Projection, as defined by Wikipedia, is commonly known as a defense mechanism in which one attributes to others one’s own unacceptable or unwanted thoughts, behaviors and/or emotions. Projection reduces anxiety by allowing the expression of the unwanted subconscious impulses/desires without letting the ego recognize them. The theory was developed by Sigmund Freud and further refined by his daughter Anna Freud. Additional Common Definitions for Psychological Projection are as follows: · "Projection is the opposite defence mechanism to identification. We project our own unpleasant feelings onto someone else and blame them for having thoughts that we really have." · "A defense mechanism in which the individual attributes to other people impulses and traits that he himself has but cannot accept. It is especially likely to occur when the person lacks insight into his own impulses and traits." · "Attributing one's own undesirable traits to other people or agencies." · "The individual perceives in others the motive he denies having himself.” · "People attribute their own undesirable traits onto others. An individual who unconsciously harbours his or her aggressive/sexual tendencies may then imagine other people acting in an excessively aggressive or sexual way." · "An individual who possesses malicious characteristics, but who is unwilling to perceive himself as an antagonist, convinces himself that his opponent feels and would act the same way." Projection is a commonly used defense mechanism in people with certain personality disorders; one of those being Narcissitic Personality Disorder. (I thought it would be interesting to add this and the definition for this in this blog as it relates imperically with the "subject" of the blog.) Though individuals with NPD are often ambitious and capable; the inability to tolerate setbacks, disagreements or criticism, along with lack of empathy, make it difficult for these individuals to work cooperatively with others or to maintain long-term professional achievements (lets just say that Joe bounces around from Job with Big Title to Job with Big Title, with ease... Hmmmmm). With NPD, the person's perceived fantastic grandiosity, often coupled with a hypomanic mood, is typically not proportionate with his/her real accomplishments. The interpersonal relationships of those with NPD are typically impaired due to the individual's lack of empathy, disregard for others, exploitativeness, sense of entitlement, and constant need for attention. They frequently select as mates, and engender in their children, "co-narcissism," which is a term coined to refer to a co-dependent personality style similar to co-alcoholism and co-dependency. Co-narcissists organize themselves around the needs of others. They feel responsible for others, accept blame readily, are eager to please, defer to other's opinions, and fear being considered selfish if they act assertively. Some time ago I had written a quote regarding projection and how I absolutely detest how people use this defensive mechanism (primarily via the internet) in order to attack others for either what they themselves are doing… or to detract from the wrongs that they themselves are guilty of. In researching this blog it seems that we as humans use defense mechanisms to make it quasi-unscathed through life with some sanity intact (“A healthy person will use many different defenses throughout life, including immature and/or pathological ones” – IMMATURE being the keyword in this phrase). Interestingly enough, in the defense of “insanity”-- What we call "mental illness" is actually a manifestation of an individual's continued pathological adaptive response to events in his/her life. So when someone projects onto someone else that they are “insane” or a "drama queen" out of some sort of defensiveness, the projected insane person is somewhat justified in that they are only responding to how people have treated them (Im thinking I got a little lost in writing this myself, so I digress LOL) I wrote this some time ago when I came across a very intensely degrading conversation with someone and thought I would post it here as a reminder to the person indicated above that he has a serious issue. If you dont want Drama queens in your life, stop being one. *kttn*

Miss Independent

I just wonder sometimes what guys are thinking when they date a woman that just doesnt have a life and is now planted up their butt 24/7 because they are so needy and clingy they need to know everything their man is doing when they are or arent around. I like my men- distant with a life and hobbies and interests outside of me and mine. Miss Independent Lyrics Yeah yeah, yeah yeah Yeah yeah, yeah yeah Yeah yeah, yeah yeah yeah ooh it's somethin' about Just somethin about the way she move I cant figure it out there's somethin about her said ooh its somethin about kinda woman that want you but dont need you hey i cant figure it out there's something about her cause she walk like a boss talk like a boss manicured nails to set the pedicure off shes fly effortlessly and she move like a boss do what a boss do she got me thinkin about getting involved thats the kinda girl i need oh she got her own thing thats why i love her miss independent wont you come and spend a little time? she got her own thing thats why i love her miss independent ooh the way we shine miss independent yeah Yeah yeah, yeah yeah Yeah yeah, yeah yeah Yeah yeah, yeah yeah yeah, oh ooh there's somethin about kinda woman that can do for herself i look at her and it makes me proud theres somethin about her theres somethin oh so sexy about kinda woman that dont even need my help she said she got it she got it no doubt there's something about her cause she work like a boss play like a boss car and a crib she bout to pay em both off and her bills are paid on time she made for a boss, only a boss anything less she tellin them to get lost thats the girl thats on my mind she got her own thing thats why i love her miss independent wont you come and spend a little time? she got her own thing thats why i love her miss independent ooh the way we shine miss independent yeah mmm her favorite thing to say dont worry i got it mmm and everything she got best believe she bought it mmm she gon' steal my heart aint no doubt about it girl you're everything i need said you're everything i need yeah yeah yeah yeah, yeah yeah yeah yeah, yeah yeah yeah, oh she got her own thing thats why i love her miss independent wont you come and spend a little time? she got her own thing thats why i love her miss independent ooh the way we shine miss independent yeah miss independent thats why i love her
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