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46 Year Old · Female · From Sergeant Bluff, IA · Joined on April 3, 2013 · Relationship status: Engaged · Born on October 22nd · 5 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone and 6 different people have a crush on me!

Tiffany is my name as alot know that already all the years ive been here i really didnt think id have to put something here well here it goes i have some college was going for physical therapyst assistant had to drop out real life happened so never did get to finish secondly i live at home with my parents my choice yes im 41 but if it wasnt for them id be on the streets somewhere or dead i have learning disability i dont learn as fast as others so if i ask whats that mean or this mean dont call me retarded its simply becuz i do not understand completely secondly i was born blind ive had many cornia transplants to correct my vision the best they can i help take care of my mom she has severe type 2 diabeties&in 2017 almost lost her so health isnt the greatest so if it says im on& i dont answer im usually away doing real life or have fallen asleep while being online &ill answer when i get back on im fun open minded on somethings have a huge heart alot have taken advantage of it i help people on here it makes me feel good when i do i dont work nor do i drive i ty for reading continue on fubaring one shouldnt pass judgement on others till they really get to know the other person get so tired of this but it goes on more then ya think on here

46 Year Old · Female · From Sergeant Bluff, IA · Joined on April 3, 2013 · Relationship status: Engaged · Born on October 22nd · 5 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone and 6 different people have a crush on me!
walks family movies fish swim camp play pool golf darts read sing color nything if it sounds fun really
im pretty much into anything that sounds good at the time or depends on the mood im in at that time
Video Games
really havent played any for very long time now i used to though

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